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1、英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/:/:/:/i:/U:/短元音/e/ 双元音/e/a/ / /e/a/辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/轻辅音/h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/r/dz/d/dr/鼻音/m/n/ 半元音/j/ w/边音/英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音:1) i:是个长音,靠口腔发出,发声处靠前,口型很扁,嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher tea

2、m mean speak clean pleasehe she me piece receive ceiling 2) 是个短音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略窄,发这个音时,要短促有力。发音字母 i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious Please say it again.This is a sheep.These are ships.3) 嘴要张开、张大,而且尽量放宽,刚开始练习

3、时可以夸张一点。发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) e舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距离宁可偏小。字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any He is very happy to receive a letter.Tom is planning

4、 to take the cake back home.He makes his bed before breakfast every day.5) : 舌侧触及牙齿,舌的中间部位向下靠近下颚。舌片及舌尖卷曲使得尾音r化。是由口腔发出来的字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) 由喉咙发出

5、,非常短促。字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer doctor actor mayor author tractor together tomorrow today lesson control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Japan china men listen Saturday My father works very hard.The mother asks the little girl to buy some s

6、ugar.My sister prefers a purple skirt to a blue one.7) a: 是个长音,发音时,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但不成圆形。这是音标中所需口型最大的开音节。发音是停顿稍长。字母组合 ar acar farm card arm garden class last glass plant aunt calm 8) 嘴巴稍张,嘴形比a:小,发音听起来短促、含糊发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother brother love above trouble roug

7、h blood Well begun is half done.You can drive a car to for lunch.He is telling a story about a dog.I buy a cup in this shop.9) : 双唇要收得更圆要小,并须用力向前突出。这个音是由嘴巴发出来的。字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn fou

8、r mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) 通过喉咙发出 发音字母 o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch 11) u: 要将舌根抬起并绷紧,舌尖离开下齿。嘴唇呈圆形,双唇收圆,稍向前突出字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) u 舌位比发长音的U:低,舌头放松,嘴唇略圆 字母组合 oo ou u olook

9、 good foot book wood should could put full bull pull push woman wolf Dont be rude; its made of wool.He put the cool picture into the pool.This is a very good book about rooms.13) ei 发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高。发音字母 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain

10、 they grey 14) ai 发音字母 i y bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye15) au 字母组合 ou ow house out ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) 发音字母 o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal17) 字母组合oy oiboy t

11、oy joy oil soil voice choice 18) 字母组合 eer ear beer deer ear near here fierce idea19) e 字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there where care20) 字母组合our ower hour tour flower showerThe boys are playing with snow outside the houses.Im sure she has long hair.How are you doing these years?Where is yo

12、ur home?二、辅音第一组:p与、t与d、k与g之所以把这六个音放在一组,是因为它们都是爆破音。(1)p与b发p音时,双唇紧闭,在口腔积气,然后快速张口,通过气息发出这个音。发b音时,口形与p音一样,只不过这个音是通过口腔发出来的。:These are some books and pens on the desk.Please wait a bit.(2)t与dt音是由舌头与上牙齿相撞,通过气息发出声音。d音的口形与t音一样,只不过d是由口腔发出来的。The dog runs very fast.I have much work to do.(3)k与g发k音时,将舌头平等于上下齿之间,

13、不要接触上下颚,也不要碰到牙齿,通过气息发出声音。g音的口形与k音一样,只不过g是由口腔发出来的。He is a good cook.They walk slowly toward the gate.第二组:f与v发f音时,用上牙齿接触下唇,通过气息发出声音。v音的口形与f音一样,只不过v是由口腔发出来的。Its a very sharp knife.Id invite you to visit, but I have a fever.第三组:s与z、/与/s和z都是平舌音,发s音时,用舌头接触下齿齿龈,通过气息发出声音。z音的口形与s音一样,不同的是,z音是通过口腔发出的。发/与/这两个音时

14、,最关键的是要把舌头稍稍伸出,并用上下齿轻咬舌头,然后发音。它们的区别是,练习这两个音时,学习者可以夸张一点,长长地伸出舌头,并用上下齿咬住舌头,试着发这两个音。Tom alwaysz goesz to school by bus.Something is better than nothing.A mouse hasz a mouth.第四组:r与l发r音时,口稍微张开,舌前部上卷(但不能碰到口腔的上部),舌后部放松,然后发音。注意,发这个音时,一定要卷舌。发l音时,将舌头放到上牙龈上,再向下轻拨,发音。Please read after the leader.They live in a

15、house near the river.Look at the light on your right.第五组:h与w发h音时,只要稍微张开嘴巴,通过气息向外呵气,就可以发出来了。发w音的口形与h音稍有不同,要嘴巴稍张,双唇向外翻,然后用口腔发出声音。What a nice hat!There is a hole in the wall.第六组:/,/与j发这两个音时,要把嘴噘成方形。发/音时,在噘嘴、上下齿稍稍张开的前提下,只要吹气就可以发出这个音了。请注意,舌头造成不要接触上下齿或者上下颚。/音的口形与/音一样,只不过/音是通过口腔发出来的。发j这个音时,嘴巴稍张,发出汉字“也”的声音。

16、Its a pleasure to share your past experiences.What measure would you take to handle this situation?第七组:ts与dz发ts音时,嘴巴稍张,用舌头抵住下牙齿齿根发dz音的口形与ts音一样 These students are my friends.There are lots of odds and ends in the huts.第八组:tr与dr发这两个音时,嘴巴稍张,嘴唇向外翻,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,然后发音I had a strange dream in the train.He prefe

17、rs strong drinks.第九组:/t/和/d/发这两个音时,嘴巴稍张,并往两边拉,而不是往外翻,就是它们与tr和dr之间的区别。John urges Jane to buy a digital watch.They reach the village in the end.第十组:m、n与/这三个音都是鼻音,初学者常常发不好。因此,要特别注意它们的发音方法。发m音时,双唇自然合闭,通过鼻前部发音。n有两种发音,一种是模糊音,一种是清晰音。发模糊音时,口微张,用鼻子发出“嗯”的音,这个音的发音方法与汉语中的前鼻音相似。发清晰音时,嘴巴稍张,舌尖用力抵住下牙齿齿要,然后发音。发/音时,双唇合闭,通过鼻子后部发出“嗯”的声音,发音方法与汉语中的后鼻音相似。Jim makes noises in my room.Your singing and dancing are charming.

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