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1、考研英语词汇复习测试题六2004年考研英语词汇复习测试题(六) 1.He spoke so that even his opponents were won over by his arguments. (A) bluntly (B) convincingly (C) emphatically (D) determinedly2. Frances of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations.(A) assumption (B) con

2、sumption (C) presumption (D) resumption3. The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October, an outburst of interest.(A) flared (B) glittered (C) sparked (D) flashed4. His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties .(A) came off (B) came on (C) came round (D) came d

3、own5. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually it in a profitable direction.(A) adapt (B) control (C) install (D) steer6. The capital intended to broaden the export base and efficiency gains from international trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution.(A)

4、 secure (B) extend (C) defend (D) possess7. It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be at the managers office.(A) declared (B) obtained (C) reclaimed (D) recognized8. When I my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.(A) woke up (B) took

5、to (C) picked up (D) came to9. The American society is an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources, which is connected with the possibility of a worsening environment.(A) established on (B) affiliated to (C) originated from (D) incorporated with10. I am not with my roommate but I have to sh

6、are the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.(A) concerned (B) compatible (C) considerate (D) complied11. At first, the of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.(A) transaction (B) transmission (C)

7、 transformation (D) transition12. When the committee to details, the proposed plan seemed impractical.(A) got down (B) set about (C) went off (D) came up13._to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests.(A) Orientation (B) Acce

8、ss (C) Procession (D) Voyage14. Mr. Smith had an unusual : he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.(A) profession (B) occupation (C) position (D) career15. The mayor is a woman with great and therefore deserves our political and financial support.(A) intention (

9、B) instinct (C) integrity (D) intensity16. The English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest and to everyone.(A) speculation (B) attribution (C) utilization (D) proposition17. The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs it almost impossible to obtai

10、n the eggs or the young birds.(A) renders (B) reckons (C) regards (D) relates18. To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly, be , and display interest in the job.(A) swift (B) instant (C) timely (D) punctual19. You dont have to install this radio in your new car: its an extra .(A) excessi

11、ve (B) optional (C) additional (D) arbitrary20. We were pleased to note that the early morning delivery didnt to the traffic jam of the busy city.(A) aid (B) amount (C) add (D) attribute1.本题的答案是(B) (A)bluntly:直率地)。(B) convincingly:令人信服地。(C) emphatically:强调地。(D) determinedly:决心地。很显然(B)为正确答案,全句的意思为:他说

12、得如此令人信服甚至他的对手都被他的论据所折服。2.本题的答案是(D) (A)assumption:假定,设想)。(B) consumption:消费。(C) presumption:假定;推测。(D) resumption:恢复。根据上下文,很明显然应选(D)。全句的意思是:上月法国在南太平洋恢复核试验触发了政治辩论和群众示游行。3.本题的答案是(C) (A)flared:闪耀,闪光,主要指某物突然发出强光,尤指在黑夜中突然发出不稳定强光。(B) glittered:闪耀,主要指光滑表面如镜子、金属表面的反射光。如All that glitters is not gold.(闪光的并不都是金子

13、。) (C) sparked:发火花;引起,激起,这个词原为名词,意为火花,作动词时可引申为激起,引起,这符合题意,故应选(C)。全句意思为:去年 10月份在出版界流传的215页的手稿引起人们浓厚的兴趣。(D) flashed:发闪光,闪亮,主要指发出一种突然而又短暂的强光,如闪电等。4.本题的答案是(A)(A) came off:成功,奏效。(B) came on:请;开始。(C) came round:来访,前来;苏醒。(D) came down:下降,跌价。很显然,跟据题意(A)为正确答案。全句的意思为:他为实现双方和解所作的努力奏效了。5.本题的答案是(D) (A) adapt:使适应

14、,适合。(B) control:控制。(C) install:安置,安装。(D) steer:驾驶,沿着(某一航道)前进,根据上下文(D)为正确答案。全句的意思为:重新设计这系统旨在进入网络并最终使它沿着有利可图的方向前进。6.本题的答案是(A) (A)secure:固定;获得;保护。(B) extend:延长,展开。(C) defend:保卫。(D) possess:拥有,占有。(A) secure可后接from,与上下文意思吻合,故应选(A)。7.本题的答案是(C)(A) declared:宣布。(B) obtained:获得。(C ) reclaimed:要求归还,领回。(D) reco

15、gnized:认识。根据上上文,(C)为正确答案。8.本题的答案是(D) (A) woke up:醒来。(B)took to:喜欢,亲近。(C)picked up:拾起;增加。(D)came to:恢复知觉。根据题意,(D)为正确答案。9.本题的答案是(A) (A)established on:建立在.(基础)上。(B)affiliated to:使隶属于.。(C)originated from:起源于.;源自。(D)incorporated with:与.合并。根据题意,(A)为正确答案。10.本题的答案是(B) (A)concerned:关心.的,挂念.的。(B) compatible:能

16、和睦相处的,合得来的。(C)considerate:体谅的,考虑周到的。(D)complied:遵照.做的 。根据本文后半句,但我不得不与她同住一间房,因为我没别的地方可住来判断,两位女士显然相处不甚融洽,故应选(B)。11.本题的答案是(B) (A)transaction:交易。(B)transmission:传送,传输。(C)transformation:转化;改革。(D)transition:转变,过渡。远距离的彩色图像显然与传送,传输有关,故应选(B)。12.本题的答案是(A) (A)got down (to):开始,着手。(B)set about:开始,着手,后面不接to。(C)we

17、nt off:爆炸;动身,后面不接to。(D)came up (to):达到,符合。(D)后面虽可接to,但与上下文说不通,故(D)也应排除,正确答案应为(A)。13.本题的答案是(B) (A)Orientation:方向,适应。(B)Access (to):进入,接近,这与上下文吻合,故应选(B)。(C)Procession:队列,行列。(D)Voyage:航海,航程。14.本题的答案是(D) (A)profession:职业。主要指需经高等专业教育后才能获得的职业。 (B)occupation:职业,工作;占领,主要指较为中性的职业,它既可指受过高等教育后获取的职业,亦可指无需经过高等教育

18、而从事的一般性职业,如从事一般商业和服务行业等的职业。(C)position:位置,职位,主要指领取年薪和工资所从事的任何具体的职业。 (D)career:生涯,经历。由于Mr. Smith多次变换工作,显然他经历很不寻常,根据上下文,(D)为正确答案。15.本题的答案是(C) (A)intention:意图。(B)instinct:本能,天性。 (C)integrity:正直,诚实。(D)intensity:强烈,强度。由于这位女市长非常正直,所以值得我们在政治上和经济上支持她 。(C)与上下文的意思吻合,故应选(C)。16.本题的答案是(A) (A)speculation:推测。(B)at

19、tribution:归因,归属。(C)utilization:利用。(D)proposition:主张,建议。根据上下文,(A)为正确答案。17.本题的答案是(A) (A)renders:致使;归还;汇报。(B)reckons:测算,指望。(C)regards:把.看作;考虑。(D)relates:叙述,讲述。(A)与上下文意思吻合,故应选(A)。18.本题的答案是(D) (A)swift:迅速的,常指平稳快速的运动。(B)instant:立即的;速溶的。(C)timely:及时的。(D)punctual:准时的,指在约定的时间内准时到达,这与题意吻合,故应选(D)。19.本题的答案是(B)

20、(A)excessive:过多的,过分的。(B)optional:可任选的,非强制性的。(C)additional:额外的,附加的。(D)arbitrary:任意的,专横的。根据上下文,(B)为正确答案。20.本题的答案是(C) (A)aid:帮助,援助。(B)amount:达到,到.之多。(C)add:增加。(D)attribute:把.归于。根据上下文,(C)为正确答案。【 资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资料精选,适合职场人士使用借鉴参考。资




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