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1、新标准大学英语综合教程3unit2网课答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1.When was the last time you were in with your childhood frien ds?2.3.3.Mrs Jones did nt trust Jack, so she was very to let him cut her grass.4.B.perpetualC.perpetuity5.The problem n eeds to

2、 be looked at from a historical 6.Dr. Carter has writte n about the brain and its in flue nee on our emoti ons.7.8.I am easily by ice cream, so its probably the best if I dont look at the dessertmenu.B. tempts*D. tempted9.Would nt it be if we did nt n eed to worry about mon ey?J A. predictable*B. ma

3、rvellous*11.Its in credible to see how n ewbor n babies are completely on other people for12.everyth ing.A. i ntrin sic13.The court brought a aga inst the escaped pris oner.14.persecuti onJ D. prosecute15.Thank you for the offer to stay for dinner, but we dont want to 16.A. pose* D. impose17.Pedros

4、friends organized a friendly to help him deal with his alcohol abuse.A. con trave nti onB. inven ti onC. in terve nti onD.preve nti onE.Its impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal and at its beauty.18.We should hire an reviewer who isnt biased one way or the other.19.Im so excited for the ne

5、w movie that waiting all year for it has been like 20.Dylan likes to write during his free time on the weekend.A.poetryB.poetC. poeticD. poem20. The waterfall provided a source of sooth ing backgro und no ise.A. con ti nualB. con ti nueC. con ti nuingD. con ti nuitySection B: Complete each sentence

6、with a suitable word.21.Last weeke nd, I fell22.Phil willcomeoverYour an sweroverintois.Your an swer intoand broke my toe.Correct an sweroverhis own once his boss recognizes how valuable heCorrect an swer into23.Kevin has bee n riding a motorcyclea very young age.Your an swerCorrect an swerfromfrom2

7、4.Among the group members, there was a stro ng desirean after noonof shopp ing.Your an swerCorrect an swer25.I usually driftforforoff |to sleep while watchi ng televisi on.Your an swerCorrect an sweroffoffforfor talking in class again today.The teacher told me27.Do you believe28.29.30.Your an swer o

8、ffCorrect an swer offinfree will?Your an swer inCorrect an swer inJulie received an award in appreciationYour an swer ofDont try to reas onwitha childofher to the com mun ity.Correct an swer ofyou wont get very far.Your an swer withCorrect an swer withOnce aga in, Greg was leftoutof the decisi on.Yo

9、ur an swer outCorrect an swer outPart II: Ban ked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.When I was a child, my best friend Joseph and I would play a game called Super Secretsometimes we would reverse the roles. Make-believe games like this were my favourite, and ISecret Spy.Ever

10、y time we played, the story had to be differe nt. We played so much that, n eedless toSecret Spy!I thought of my escape pla n. Whe n Alie n Joseph came to check on me in the alie n pris on.around quickly and grabbed his alie n laser gun. Inalie n pris on!of laser fire, I ran past my captor and escap

11、ed theI was free! Super Secret Spy had won aga in!Just the n, Joseph and I both realized that it was late after noon, the sun was sett ing.and (40) twilight 二 was upon us. We were both hungry, so we were in credibly happywhe n my mother called us in side for dinner. Eve n Super Secret Spies and alie

12、 ns n eed to eat!Your an swerCorrect an swer(31)villainvilla in(32)largelylargely(33)bizarrebizarre(34)resembla neeresembla nee(35)barre nbarre n(36)giggledgiggled(37)helplesshelpless(38)whirledwhirled(39)blazeblaze(40)twilighttwilightPart III: Read ing Comprehe nsionQuesti ons 41 to 45 are based on

13、 the follow ing passage.When were young, we cant wait to grow up and get on with life. When were adults, we long for the carefree days of our youth when we could play all day without worry. This is one of the greatest ironies of life .In deed, the grass is always gree ner on the other side. It is a

14、harsh truth that huma ns always want what they cant have. Its our n ature.Thats why its good practice to in still in our childre n a healthy respect for childhood. Too many adults seem to be in a hurry for children to grow up. We always ask them, What do you want to be whe n you grow up? We repeated

15、ly tell them, You can do/have that whe n youre older. We continually encourage them, When you grow up, the world will be yours and you can make your dreams come true. Its no wonder, then, that children seem to be in such a rush to grow up, get older, and dema nd everyth ing that we tell them is comi

16、ng to them.Children should be free to play the day away. Weshould encourage them to use their imagination, create entire worlds in a cardboard box, and explore their backyard as if they were exploring an undiscovered country. You cannot put a price on an active and fertile imagination, nor can you o

17、verestimate the value of an inquisitive mind, a respect for the environment, and an urge to question why everyth ing is as it is. These traits are all developed and n urtured whe n were childre n and, without them, we would not be able to fun cti on as adults in the moder n world.Research has show n

18、 that childre n are happiest and healthiest whe n they have the freedom to actlike childre n. This may seem obvious, but its ofte n forgotte n as pare nts push their childre n to study harder, practice Ion ger, and esse ntially act like adults. Its importa nt to remember that childre n are con sta n

19、tly lear ning. Therefore, they are also lear ning as theyre play ing. Explori ng nature fosters a respect for the environment that may lead children to become biologists or n aturalists. Creati ng with paint and cray ons in stills a love of art that might help develop young artists or musicians. Pla

20、ying make-believe stimulates the imagination in a way that writers, filmmakers, and actors find most useful. Building with blocks helps the mind understand how things are con structed and might lead to an in terest i n engin eeri ng.Its true that play helps develop skills that will be used later in

21、life. However, this should not be the sole purpose of play. Childre n should play because theyre childre n. Its how they stay happy, healthy, and young. Why should we push them to be someth ing theyre not?41.Which of the follow ing sentences is the main idea of this passage?A.It is a harsh truth tha

22、t huma ns always want what they cant have.B.Too many adults seem to be in a hurry for children to grow up.C.Childre n should be free to play the day away.D.Its true that play helps develop skills that will be used later in life.42.Which of the following would the writer of this passage likely NOT ag

23、ree with?A.Adults should un dersta nd that childre n lear n while they play.B.It is importa nt for childre n to play and act young.C.Many games help childre n appreciate pote ntial careers.*D. Childre n should concen trate on their schoolwork above everythi ng else.43.The grass is always greener on

24、the other side means .*A. other situati ons always seem better tha n the ones we are inA.people always lack con fide nee in themselvesB.people prefer to live in a less barre n landC.people always want their children to grow up fast44.This passage is best described as A. a first-pers on memoirB. a dr

25、amatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. an entertaining story45.What does the writer mean by You cannot put a price on an active and fertile imagination?A. The ability to thi nk creatively is worthless.B. The ability to think creatively is in valuable.C.The ability to thi nk creatively helps childre n develop.D.The ability to thi nk creatively is a n atural part of childhood.

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