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1、这里我就从个人角度适当分析一下。每篇文章都必然归属于某一种载体,但同一篇文章中并不排斥其他载体的表达方式,只是有主次之分。比如,记叙文在叙述一个故事的过程中,常常不可避免地穿插些描写;议论文也可有叙述、描写;说明文更离不开适当的描写甚至议论的配合。以下我以TWE练笔中的一篇范文举例。一. 载体的穿插使用QUOTE:TWE练笔专贴第十期Topic15.Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details

2、and examples in your answer. 作者: llneacoLiving in the neighborhood, we cannot avoid rubbing shoulders with people of all ages and all walks of life everyday; therefore, though not imperative, it is anyway preferable to have an inhabitant with agreeable qualities residing nearby. In terms of the qual

3、ities of a good neighbor, as I have observed, could be in the rough concluded as “law-consciousness”, “respectfulness” and “readiness to help”.开头表明了作者的立场:we cannot avoid rubbing shoulders with people of all ages and all walks of life everyday; therefore, though not imperative, it is anyway preferabl

4、e to have an inhabitant with agreeable qualities residing nearby.随后说明了具体的三个方面:In terms of the qualities of a good neighbor, as I have observed, could be in the rough concluded as “law-consciousness”, “respectfulness” and “readiness to help”. 而后面的3个段落,围绕the qualities of a good neighbor这一中心,开展说明。In th

5、e first place, a good neighbor should undoubtedly be well conscious about the law because no one is willing to get caught up in problems from someone elses illegal activities. Even though I might not have committed any crime, I could still be involved since the one who committed it lives around the

6、corner from my house. Still worse, I might feel quite insecure about my personal safety and property living in the vicinity with such a lawless person, which is like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl. In short, having a sound knowledge of law is the very prerequisite of being a good neighbor. “

7、Respectfulness” is another trait of a nice neighbor. By “respectfulness” I indicate not only the courteous behavior when neighbors greet one another, but the noninterference with each others privacy as well. Consider, a gossip keeps prying into her neighbors private life and spreading offensive rumo

8、rs around, which would result in a distortion of the truth or even worse, defamation to the person involved. An amicable neighbor, consequently, should be less curious but more respectful for others personal freedom.What is more, most people treasure extraordinarily their neighbors virtue of “readin

9、ess to help”, in particular while they are in need of assistance or support. For instance, once there was a gas explosion in an apartment near our house due to the hosts negligence, and both the host and the hostess were burnt so badly that they could hardly escape from the flaming room themselves.

10、Thanks to several neighbors including my father who fearlessly rushed into the apartment and rescued the injured in time, the couple was then sent to hospital and healed. Now several years have passed, the couple still mentions that accident often with great gratitude.这里作者就通过叙述一个曾经的故事支持了自己的一个观点,即nei

11、ghbors virtue of “readiness to help”To draw a conclusion, there are quite a few noteworthy characteristics of a good neighbor. As far as I am concerned, to be law-conscious, respectful for someone elses privacy and willing to help others anytime are the most essential ones. 首先,我觉得这篇文章在大方向上可以看成是一篇说明文

12、。说明的内容是: what are the qualities of a good neighbor? 接着作者从3个方面对the qualities of a good neighbor下了定义,即:“law-consciousness”, “respectfulness” and “readiness to help”。而我们又可以把3个理由段的头一句看成一个一个小论点,之后在每段中“摆事实,讲道理”阐述论点,使读者认同。哎! 又看一遍,还是由衷感叹llneaco写的太好了 佩服!佩服啊!说明文 顾名思义,目的就是在于进行说明或解释(explain)、分析,向读者传授有关特征、性质、成因、

13、过程等方面的知识,给读者以指导或启发。说明文是种应用范围很广的载体,教科书、说明书、解说词、内容提要等等都可见其影子。说明文以说明“什么”(WHAT)、“为何”(WHY)、“如何”(HOW)为主。写作过程中,应主题明确,中心突出,避免东拉西扯。尤其要提供例证、事实和细节,并按一定的逻辑顺序来写。二. 说明文下面我举例分析下,例如:TWE练笔专贴第六期Topic43.Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons a

14、nd examples to support your answer.感谢网友:MirrorwindMany people today seek for exciting activities, and the more dangerous they appear, the more highly they are regarded. Why do people hold such a preference doing these sports instead of enjoying themselves by other comfortable approaches? In my opini

15、on, there are two main reasons for the enthusiasm for dangerous sports and other dangerous activities. The chief motivation driving a myriad of people to risky sports is due the nature of human beings as searching for challenge and adventure. Consider, alpinists who try to climb mountains by a peril

16、ous route show particular interests not for this mountain tops but the challenge and difficulties they may meet on the course of climbing. Meanwhile, extreme activities are able to challenge people both physically as well as psychologically. Take my own experience as an example, last year I went to

17、the Tiger Jumping Gorge, which is considered to be a dramatic spot for extreme activities as its hard nature conditions. Spending more than ten hours totally going through that gorge, I found that experience of testing my body and courage was extremely impressive as the first time my instinct of per

18、severance appeared, encouraging me not to give up.Moreover, people who pursuit dangerous activates can meet their psychological needs of today's world of solving mental problems such as high depression, isolation of people, and so on. For instance, in China nowadays many white collars in cosmop

19、olitan cities hold passion for hiking in wild lands. During their trips, they often face with troubles , even danger while having coarse foods and uncomfortable accommodation. Yet, they still believe such an approach indicates good way for relaxing and escaping from daily work. Many of such young pe

20、ople have specific clubs to organize those sports regularly, thus there the group members can gain their beings (belongings)and communicate with each other, which seems to be an effective antidote to loneliness in big cities.To sum up, dangerous activities and other forms of courting excitement stem

21、 from the nature of humankind as many people are always looking for something new and exciting. In addition, by taking part in dangerous activities, people may find a way to fight against problems such as stress and loneliness brought by modern life styles .(371words)文章围绕为什么一些人喜欢从事危险的运动或活动展开,作者通过分析,

22、道出了两点理由,告诉大家其中的原因。即:the nature of human beings as searching for challenge and adventure 和 meet their psychological needs of today&s world of solving mental problems。当然,文章中作者提供了诸多例证与事实,这样使得文章更具客观性。最后,例如:Topic52. What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reas

23、ons and examples to support your opinion.Topic36.Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people&s lives.o automobiles o bicycles o airplanesUse specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Topic7. How do movies or television influence peop

24、le&s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.这样的标题都能用 exposition 的载体进行熟练的操作。其实在最初阶段,我一直认为TWE应该就是用argumentation的形式来写,走了不少弯路。直至发现使用exposition载体对某些TOPIC更为适用后,才整理出了今日的观点。以上就说明文已有了大致的了解,这里仅对议论文进行些微薄的阐述吧。议论文 的主要目的是让别人信服作者对某一个问题的看法。在写作过程中,虽然也有说明或解释自己的立场或观点,但其基本特征是说服性的,也就是通过充分的论证来

25、说服别人,或让别人改变观点,转而接受作者的立场观点,或至少使别人对有关问题给予重新思考。三. 议论文议论文主要依靠“摆事实、讲道理”来说服别人,具有论点、论据、论证三大要素。论点:是作者对某一问题的立场、观点或主张,是全文的核心所在,所以在写作时应做到立论正确,否则全文便会“不攻自破”。论据:是作者证明论点的理由和根据,应该做到论据充足有力。为此,应借助事实、理论等来支持论点。论证:本身就是一个“摆事实,讲道理”的过程,应该力争论证严密,可采取一定的推理方法来揭示论点与论据之间的内在联系。比如:归纳法、演绎法、类比、反证等。根据托福作文的考试特点,我们通常可以将一篇文章分为3大部分:开始段、正

26、文和结尾段。我总结的具体写法为:因是应试短文,我们易在“开始段”中,首先提出论点(作者的立场、观点和主张),且最好只有一个,这样可把文章写得更集中、透彻,保证“统一性”。在“正文”部分,我们应安排充分的论据来证明论点,利用事实、例证、数据、权威性的理论来进行论证。在此过程中,我们应特别注意表述的逻辑性。根据多位牛人的经验,采取三段式很有益处。“结尾段”实际上是下结论或作概括的段落,作者在此重申自己的论点,以加深读者的印象。Topic71. Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you

27、little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.感谢:llneacoComparing a high-paying job with long hours that would give one little time with his family and friend

28、s to a lower-paying profession with a shorter span that would cater to his desire for plenty of leisure getting together with his parents and buddies, the former “offer” might anyway be more tempting since the modern world, though it may be a bit too cruel to be admitted, has for some time (while) b

29、ecome a “profit-oriented” one. However, were I standing at such a nonplus, I would nevertheless prefer a less profitable occupation rather than its alternative, not only for the welfare of my family, my friends, but for my own sustaining healthiness as well.First of all, a light job may grant people

30、 abundant time seeking and enjoying the pleasures of family love and comfort. For our beloved parents, if there was a single person to whom they have always been and would forever be attached, then it must be each and every one of us, their own flesh and blood.(the apple in their eyes) Growing up ac

31、companied with their profound love and care, we might more or less have neglected that years have wrinkled the skin(face) of our affectionate parents, who are always feeling solitary and unattended. Therefore, spending more time together with our father and mother, in comparison with a phone call or a piece of expensive gift from a remote city, would be necessarily more urgent and pleasing for a filial son or daughter.In addition, an intimate and frequent connection (communication) with o

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