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1、Lesson Two (Sunglasses太阳镜)Lesson Three (Bulb灯光)Lesson Four (Rose玫瑰花)Lesson Five (Soap肥皂)Lesson Six(Necklace项链)Lesson Seven (Lipstick口红)Lesson Eight (Cell phone手机)Lesson Night (Washing machine洗衣机)Lesson Ten (Air conditioner空调)Appendix III(附录III)Useful wordsStationery(文具)Daily goods(日用品)Appliance(家电设备

2、)Flowers(花草)Cosmetics and Jewels(化妆品和珠宝)Furniture(家具)Unit 1 Something to eatLesson 1 Rice第一课 大米A: Whats the price of Dongbei rice? 东北大米价格是多少?B: 1.7 Yuan per catty. 1.7元一斤。 Give me 10 catties. Do you have salt? 给我10斤。有盐吗? Yes, one Yuan per catty. How mach do you want ? 有,一元一斤,你要多少? Two catties. How m

3、uch is one tin of canned sardine? 2斤,沙丁鱼罐头多少钱一听? 5 Yuan (Its priced at 5 Yuan) 标价5元 I want 3 tins.我要三听 Yes, Let me wrap these things up for you. 好的,让我帮你把这些东西方包起来。 Thank you! How much together? 谢谢!总共多少钱? Its 34 Yuan, including the rice and salt. 34元,包括大米和盐Words and expressions单词和短语something/ /pron. 一

4、些东西 eat/ / v.吃 price/ / n.价格what/ / pron. 什么 the/ / art这、那、这些、那些 of/ / prep.的 rice/ / n. 大米 per / /prep.每 do / /v. 做 give/ / v.给 me/ / pron.我 you/ /pron. 你、你们 salt/ / n. 盐 have/ / v.有 yes / /adv. 是的 how/ / adv. 如何 much/ / adj. 许多 want/ / v.想 one/ / num. 一 tin/ /n. 罐头 canned/ /adj. 罐装的 sardine/ /n. 沙

5、丁鱼 at/ /prep.在 Let/ /v. 让 me/ /porn. 我 wrap/ /v.包.包装 them/ /pron. 它们 up/ /adv.向上 for/ /prep. 为了 think/ /v.感谢 together/ /adv.一起 catty/ / n. 斤 include/ /v.包括 whats=what is 是什么 how much 多少 warp up 包起来 thank you 谢谢 what is the price of 价格是多少 how much together?总共是多少钱?Lesson 2 Vegetable第二课蔬菜 Good morning

6、,Mrs Yue .what do you want to buy ?早上好,岳太太,你要买些什么? Well, give me several tomatoes, some celery and two heads of lettuce.好,给我几个番茄,一些芹菜,两棵莴笋 All right .They are very fresh .some cucumbers ,Mrs. Yue?好的,这些菜都是新鲜的。岳太太,要些黄瓜吗? I do indeed,too.and also some potatoes我确实也需要,还要些土豆。 Ok, What else?好的,还要点别的吗? Noth

7、ing more just now. 暂时就要这些。Word and expressions单词和短语Vegetable/ /n. 蔬菜 good/ /adj 好的 morning/ /n.早上,上午 Mrs/ /n .夫人 buy/ /v买 well/ /adv.好的 give/ /v.给 Several/ /ad.几个,数个tomato/ /n.西红柿 some/ /ad.一些 head/ /n头 selery/ /n.芹菜 head/ /n.头 lettuce/ /n.莴笋 all/ /adj.全部的 right/ /adj正确的 they/ /pron.他们 are/ /v.是 ver

8、y/ /adv很,非常 fresh/ /adj.新鲜的 cucumber/ /n.黄瓜 too/ /adv.也indeed/ /adv真正地 .实际上 else/ /adj其它的 and/ /conj.和 also/ /adv.也 potato/ /n.土豆 nothing/ / pron. 没有什么事情 more/ /adj.更多 just/ /adv. 恰好,正好now/ /adv.现在 good morning!早上好 good afternoon/evening!下午好.晚上好two heads of 两棵 All right 好的.好吧 What else? 还要些其它的什么吗?No

9、thing more just now! 暂时不再要什么了Lesson 3 Pork第三课肉 Can I help you ? 你要买些什么? Yes ,I want some meat .this piece of pork looks nice and very fresh. How much is it ?是的,我想要一些肉。 这块猪肉看上去很好,非常新鲜 怎么买的 16 Yuan a kilo. 16元一公斤 Ill take it .我买了 Ok .Is that all?好的,就买这个吗? Yes.是的can/ /v.能,会 help/ /v.帮助 meat/ /n肉 pork/

10、/n . 猪肉 look/ /v.看上去,看起来 kilo/ /n公斤 that/ /pron. 那 piece/ /张,块Ill take it .我买了Can I help you? 你要买东西吗?Is that all? 就这些吗?(还要买什么吗?)Lesson 4 watermelon第四课西瓜 I wonder if I could get some watermelons? 不知道你们有没有西瓜买? Oh,madam, How lucky you are ! 噢,夫人,你真幸运! We have wonderful watermelons. 我们有顶好的西瓜. Are they r

11、ipe?熟吗? Yes ,sweet and can try a bite. 是的,又甜又脆,你可以尝 一下. All rightyes ,not bad.please select 3 for me . 好吧!是的,不错 请帮我选三个. How about these three?Im sure they are wonderful. 这三个怎么样?我敢肯定它们是最好的. I hope so .Thank you. 但愿如此,谢谢你.Watermelon/ / n.西瓜 wonder / /v.想知道 if/ / conj.如果,是否 Could/ / v.能会 get/

12、 / v.获得 madam/ / n.夫人 lucky / /a.幸运的 ripe/ / a. 熟的 crisp / /a.脆的 have / /v.有 wonderful / /a.漂亮的,精彩的 select/ / v.选择sweet/ / a. 甜的 try / /v.试一下,尝 一下bite/ / n.一口 v.咬 bad/ / a.坏的 sure/ / a.一定的,肯定的 hope / /v.希望 so / /ad.这样sweet and crisp 又甜又脆 how about =what about 如何,怎么样?Try a bite 尝一口 Im sure 我肯定,我确信I h

13、ope so 我希望如此 Lesson 5 Egg第五课鸡蛋How do you sell your eggs ? 鸡蛋怎么买?40 fen each.四毛一个。What?Terrible!什么?太可怕了吧!Dont make such a fuss!its very reasonable. 别大惊小怪的,这价格很恰当了.Reasonable? I dont think so . 恰当?我可不这样认为.Buy it or not! The price is the same throughout the market.买不买随你,整个市场都是通价.I cant give you more th

14、an 35 fen sell it or not?我出三毛五分,你买不买?No,38 fen.不买,三毛八吧!Oh,I think I have to go .噢!我觉得我得走了.36 fen,Ok?三毛六,怎么样?The price is just so-so .这价格一般.Oh,my god.Im practically giving them away.噢,天哪,我简直是白送.Ok,Ill take some.好吧,我买一些.egg/ / n.蛋,鸡蛋 sell / /v.卖 each / /pron.每个,每一 terrible/ / a.可怕的 make / /v.制造,使 such

15、/ / pron.这样fuss/ / n.大惊小怪 buy/ / v.买 reasonable/ / a.适当的,合情合理的,公道的,不贵的or / /conj.或,或者 same/ / a.相同的 throughout/ / prep.遍及 market/ / n.市场 go/ / v.走,去 so-so/ / a.一般的 god / /n.上帝 practically / /ad. 事实上,实际上40 fen each.四毛一个 Dont make such a fuss=Dont make a fuss.别大惊小怪的I dont think so 我可不这样认为 buy is or no

16、t 买不买随你sell it or not 卖不卖随你 more than 比多,多少less than 比少,少于have to 不得不,必须 give away 白送某物,送掉某 Lesson 6 Pastry第六课 糕点A:What can I do for you, madam?夫人,你要买什么? Id like to buy some cooking.我想买些饼干。 All right, which do you want?好的。你要哪种? Soda.苏打饼。 Ok. Anything else? 好的,还要别的吗? Let me see. Ah, yes. I want some

17、cakes. 让我想想,啊,对了,我还要些蛋糕. Good, they are very fresh. 好的,他们都很新鲜. 一共多少钱? Ten Yuan for the cookies and seven Yuan for the cakes. Thatll be 17 Yuan in all. 饼干10元,蛋糕7元。总共17元。 Here are 20 Yuan. Keep he change. 给你20元,不用找了. For me? Oh, no. We dont accept tips. But thank you all the same. 给我?噢,不,我们不收小费。不过,还是要

18、感谢你. Ok. Goodbye! 好的,再见. Goodbye! Please step in again. 再见. 欢迎下次再来.Pastry/ /n. 糕点 cookie/ / n. 饼干 =cooky 小甜饼 soda/ / n. 苏打 cake/ /n.蛋糕 together/ / ad.一起总共 keep/ /v.保持change/ /v. 变化n.零钱 accept/ /v.接受、收到 tip/ /n.小费 step/ /v.步行 n. 台阶、一步 again/ /ad. 又、再 would like 想要would like to do sth 想要做某事 Let me see

19、.让我想一想,让我看一看in all. 总共、总计 keep the change. 零钱不用找了。all the same .仍然 Thank you all the same.仍然感谢你。step in 步入 please step in again.欢迎再次光临。Lessson 7 Fast food第七课 快餐 Can I do anything for you?我可以帮你什么吗? I want a fried chicken. 我要一只炸鸡. Would you like some drink? 你要喝点什么吗? Yes, Id like a medium coke. 是,我想要一个

20、中可乐. Is that for here or to go? 在这儿吃还是拿走? To go. 拿走. Here you are, sir. Thats 16 Yuan. 给你,先生.16元。 Thanks a lot.多谢.seven/ /num. 七 fried/ /a.炸的anything/ /prop.一些东西、一些事情 chicken/ /n. 鸡肉、小鸡 drink/ /n.饮料喝的东西 v.喝 medium/ /a.中等的 n.中间 coke/ /n. 可乐 Can I do anything for you? = Is there anything I can do for

21、you? = Anything I can do for you? 我可以帮你什么吗?A fried chicken 一只炸鸡 a medium coke 一杯中可乐Is that for here or to go?Lesson 8 Medicine第八课 买药 Whats the matter? 你怎么啦? Ive got a stomachache and Ive got the runs. 我肚子痛,拉肚子. Hows your appetite?胃口如何? Not bad. 不错. How long have you been going on? 持续多久了? About two h

22、ours. 大约两个小时. I see我明白了. How much? 多少钱? Twelve Yuan. Take the medicine , three times a day, after meal, have two days.十二元.每天吃三次,饭后吃,吃两天.Go home and have a good rest. Wish you a speedy recovery. Goodbye.回家去好好休息.祝你早日康复. Thanks. Bye! 谢谢.再见.Words and expressions 单词和短语eight/ / num 8,八 medicine/ / n. 药,药物

23、matter / /n. 事情,麻烦事 stomachache/ / n.胃痛,肚子痛appetite/ / n. 胃口 been/ / v . 是 about / / prep.大约 hour/ / n. 小时 see/ / v. 看见,明白 twelve/ / num. 十二take/ / v.吃 time / /n. 次,时间 day/ / n.天 after / /prep.在之后 meal/ / n.一餐 home/ / n/adv.家rest/ / n.休息 wish/ / v.希望speedy / /a.快的,迅速的 recovery/ / n.痊愈,康复 whats the m

24、atter?=whats wrong with you?你怎么了?have got=have有 have got the runs拉肚子How is your appetite? 你的食欲如何? Go on继续,持续three times a day 一日一次 after meal 饭后go home回家 have a rest 休息Have a good rest 好好休息Wish you speedy recovery! 祝你早日康复!Appendix I 附录IUseful words有用词汇Fruit/ /水果apple/ /苹果 apricot/ /杏 banana/ / 香蕉 be

25、tel nut / /摈榔 cantaloupe/ /甜瓜 cherry / /樱桃 cherry apple / /海堂果 coconut / /椰子 cumquat / /金桔 date / /枣 dried plum / /酸梅 dried date / / 红枣 grape / / 葡萄 gingko / /白果,银杏 hemi melon / /哈密瓜 hawthorn / /山楂 honey peach / /水蜜桃kiwi / /猕猴桃 lemon / /柠檬 litchi / /荔枝 loquat / /枇杷 long an / /桂圆 chestnut / /栗子mandar

26、in/ /=Chinese orange/ /柑桔 mango/ /芒果 melon/ / 瓜.瓜子 orange/ /橙子 peach/ /桃子 persimmon/ / 柿子 persimmon cake/ / 柿饼 pineapple / /菠萝 plum/ / 李子 pomegranate/ /石榴 pommel / / 柚子 strawberry/ / 草莓 walnut/ / 核桃 watermelon/ / 西瓜 mulberry/ /搡葚 pear/ /梨 Vegetable/ /蔬菜bamboo root/ / 竹笋 bean/ /豆子 beanpole/ /豆荚 bean

27、paste / /豆酱 bean sprout/ / 豆芽 balsam pear/ /苦瓜black fungus/ / 黑木耳 broad bean/ / 胡豆broccoli/ /花椰菜 cabbage / /卷心菜 carrot/ /胡萝卜 bean curd / /豆腐celery/ /芹菜 Chinese cabbage/ / 大白菜 coriander/ / 香菜 cucumber/ /黄瓜 eggplant / /茄子 ferm / /蕨菜garlic/ /大蒜 garlic stem/ /蒜苗greens / /青菜 green onion/ /大葱 green pepper/ / 青椒 kidney bean / /四季豆leak/ / 韭菜 lettuce/ / 生菜 莴苣lotus root/ / 藕

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