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1、一 现在进行时1) I am teaching English.2) She is learning to swim these days.定义:表示现在或现阶段(未必在说话时)正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态易错点1. 结构主语 + be(is/am/are) + (not) + 现在分词 + 其他。I am doing my homework now.They are not cooking in the kitchen.疑问句:be 提前Are you cooking now? Im hungry.What is she looking at? 易错点2. 现在分词1 一般情况下直接加i

2、ng study-studying speak-speaking say-saying carry-carrying2 以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ing come-coming make-making leave-leaving have-having 3 以重读闭音节(重读闭音节即两个辅音中间夹一个元音并且重读的音节)结尾,呈现 “辅,元,辅”结构的动词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing stop-stopping sit-sitting run-running forget-forgetting begin-beginning这类词还有:cut, get, hit, run

3、, set, sit, spit, stop, swim, beg, drop, fit, nod, dig, forget, regret, rid, 等。把ie改y再加ing4. die-dying tie-tying lie-lying易错点3. 时间状语时间类:now, at this moment, at present, in this month,these days情境类:Look! Listen! Be careful! Where is Tom? I cant find him. Is there raincoat yours?eg: At the (this) momen

4、t, he is only weeping.Look! My mother is running!Listen! They are reading.Be careful! The car is running at you.-Where is Tom? I cant find him. -He is playing games.-Is there raincoat yours?-Mine is hanging out here.易错点4.特殊用法与 always, constantly, forvever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩,讨厌,憎恨,惊讶,喜

5、欢等You are always changing your mind.He is often playing the guitar. I cant focus.现在进行时表将来, 马上,按计划将要发生的事情来来去去开始停止死come, arrive, go, leave, begin, start, stop, dieThe bus is coming.Im going home in half an hour.我一个半小时内要回家。练习:1. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing2. Its e

6、ight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is slee

7、ping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep6. - Hurry up! Were all waiting for you. - I _ for an important phone. Go without me.A. wait B. was waiting C. am waiting D. waited7. - Is this your hat? - No, mine _ there behind the door.A. has hung B. is hanging C. hung D. will hang8. When_he_back?Sorry,Id

8、ontknow.A.does,comeB.arecomingC.iscomeD.iscoming六、过去进行时1) She was reading a book at 8 a.m. this morning.2) They are shopping from 8 to 9 last night.定义: 表示过去某个时刻或过去某个阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态易错点1. 结构主语+ be ( was/were) + (not) + 动词现在分词 + 其他be 体现 过去时态,doing 表示 动作进行We were having a meeting this time yesterday.

9、What were you doing when I called you?疑问句:was/were 提前易错点2. 常用时间状语,特殊用法this morning , the whole morning, all day yesterday, this time last night, from 2 to 4 yesterday, when, whileMy brother fell and hurt himself while he was riding his bike.she was making cakes when her mother arrived at home.When,

10、while 都表示 “当时”的时候, while 后一般都是 进行时态, when 后可加任何时态,但考试时候,多考when 后加一般时态,while 后加进行时态的辨析。具体情况具体分析,还考情商1.She_applesinhergardenwhenI_toseeheryesterday. BA.picked,wentB.waspicking,wentC.picked,wasgoingD.waspicking,wasgoing2.I_anoldfriendofminewhenI_inthestreetyesterdayafternoon. AA.met.waswalkingB.wasmeet

11、ing.walkedC.wasmeeting.waswalkingD.met.walked3. Whileshe_TVinthesittingroom,thebell_.,ringsB.iswatching,rangC.waswatching,rangD.watched,wasringing4.Thelittlegirlwas_hercatwhilehermotherwas_thepiano.CA.playing,playingB.playing,playingwithC.playingwith,playingD.playingwith ,playingwith2. 宾语

12、从句,主过从过She said that she was sleeping at 8:00.练习:()1.What_yourgrandfather_thistimeyesterday?,butnobodyanswered.B:Oh,I_inmyofficeat

13、thattime.A.willworkB.wasworkingC.workedD.hadworked()4.Hisfamily_TVfromtentotwelvelastnight.A.watchedB.werewatchingC.hadwatchedD.waswatching()5.A:Hi,LinTao.Ididntseeyouattheparty.B:Oh,I_readyforthemathsexam.A.amgettingB.wasgettingC.gotD.havegot()6.A:Icalledyouyesterdayevening,buttherewasnoanswer. B:O


15、,it_difficulttoseetheroadclearlybecauseit_.A.was,,, israiningD.willbe,willrain()11.OnedaywhenI_thepostoffice,I_myuncle.A.pass.sayB.waspassing.sawC.passed.wasseeingD.ampassing.amseeing()12.Thestude

16、nt_tomovethebagofrice_heheardthesoundofamotorbike.A.wasrunning.whenB.wasrunning.whileC.runs.whenD.ran.while()13.Mark_whilehe_upanddown.A.falls.isjumpingB.fell.wasjumpingC.wasfalling.wasjumpingD.felt.wasjumping( )14.Hesaidhe_todrawaplaneontheblackboardatthattime.a.triesb.triedc.wastryingd.willtry( ) 15. Hisparentswantedtoknowhowhe_onwithhisnewclassmates.a.wasgettingb.getsc.isgettingd.willget( )16. Heasked_outside.A.whoaresingingB.whowassingingC.whosingingwasD.whoissinging

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