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1、第二空根据“it for 20 days.”可知该空是延续性动词,borrow是短暂性动词,因此排除B。3In China, all passengers _ wear protective masks while using public transport.Ashould Bneed Ccan Dmust【答案】D【分析】在中国,所有乘客在乘坐公共交通工具时必须佩戴防护口罩。should应该;need需要;can可以;must必须。根据“wear protective masks”和生活常识可知,是必须要佩戴防护口罩,因此must符合句意。故选D。4Will you go to Danie

2、ls house for his birthday party tomorrow?I _ go there, but Im not sure. I have to ask my mum.Acan Bmay Cshould Dmust【答案】B明天你会去丹尼尔家参加他的生日聚会吗?我可能去那儿,但我不确定。我得问问我妈妈。考查情态动词,can能,会;may可能;must一定,必须。根据“but Im not sure. I have to ask my mum.”,可知应该是不一定,故选B。5Its too late. Now that you are tired, youd better _

3、and have a good rest.Astop to study Bstop studying Cto stop to study Dto stop studying太晚了。既然你累了,你最好停止学习,好好休息一下。考查情态动词和非谓语动词。“youd better do sth.”表示“你最好做某事”,had better是情态动词,后接动词原形,排除CD选项;stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做另一件事”,stop doing sth.表示“停止正在做的事”,根据“Now that you are tired, youd better.and have a good res

4、t.”可知,此处表示停止学习,用stop studying。故选B。6Gina has the flu and she _ go to the doctor.Ashould Bcan Cmay Dmustnt【答案】AGina得了流感,她应该去看医生。can能;mustnt表禁止,根据前面的“Gina has the flu”和后面的“go to the doctor”可知,应该是她应该去看医生,故选A。7We_ breathe the same breath and share the same future as Chinese people.Amight Bshould Ccould D

5、would我们要同中国人民同呼吸、共命运。考查情态动词辨析。might可能;could能够;would将。根据“breathe the same breath and share the same future as Chinese people”可知,应该与中国人民共命运,故选B。8According to the traffic law, children under 12 _ ride bicycles on the road.Amustnt Bwouldnt Cneednt根据交通法规,12岁以下的儿童禁止在马路上骑自行车。mustnt禁止;neednt不需要。根据“According

6、 to the traffic law”可知,是禁止12岁以下的儿童在马路上骑自行车,因此mustnt符合句意。故选A。9Its sunny today. Do you want to go out or stay at home?Lets go outside. And remember we _ wear masks when going out to public placesAcan Bmust Cmay Dmight今天天气晴朗。你想出去还是呆在家里?我们出去吧。记住,当我们去公共场所时,必须戴口罩。can能,可以;must必须;may可以,可能;might可以,可能,may的过去式

7、。根据常识和防疫常识可知,去公共场所必须戴口罩;10We must _ Putonghua at school.Aspeak Bspeaking Cto speak我们在学校必须讲普通话。考查情态动词用法。must“必须”,情态动词,其后应用动词原形。11IthinkthegirlundertreemustbeAlice.No,itbeher.Sheisingymnow.Acant Bmustnt Cmay Dmaynot我觉得树下的那个女孩一定是爱丽丝。不,不可能是她。她现在在体育馆。cant不可能;不会;may not可能不。由答句“She is in the gym now.”可知说话人

8、很确定树下的女孩不可能是爱丽丝,表示“不可能是”用cant be。12Henry _ be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.Amustnt Bisnt able to Cmay Dcant亨利不可能在家,因为他刚才从农场打电话给我。mustnt不能,表禁止;isnt able to不能够,指没有能力;may可能,表示肯定推测,把握不大;cant不可能,表示否定推测,有把握;根据下文的原因“because he phoned me from the farm just now.”可知,因为他刚才从农场打电话给我。由此说明,亨

9、利不可能在家,此处表示否定推测。13Jeff cant come to the party, because hell _ help his sister with the housework.Amust to Bhave to Chas to Dneed to杰夫不能来参加聚会,因为他得帮他妹妹做家务。考查动词辨析。must必须,must to形式错误;have to不得不,动词原形;has to不得不,动词三单;need to需要去。根据“Jeff cant come to the party, because hellhelp his sister with the housework.

10、”可知,此处表示“必须”,排除D;must是情态动词,其后加动词原形,排除A;will do是一般将来时结构,排除C。14_ I borrow these magazines?Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed.AMust BWould CMay DNeed我可以借这些杂志吗?对不起,只有那边的杂志才能借出去。would会;may可以;need需要。根据“only the magazines over there can be borrowed.”可知,此处应用may,表示“我可以借这些杂志么”?may表示请求或许可,意为“

11、可以”。15In China, many parents complain that their children have to stay up late to do the homework. Dont worry. The government has realized the problem. Im sure there _ be good news soon.Acan Bshould Cneed Dmust在中国,许多家长抱怨他们的孩子不得不熬夜做家庭作业。别担心。政府已经意识到这个问题。我相信很快就会有好消息。can能、会;should应当;must必须、一定;根据空前“Im su

12、re”可推知,应是“there must be,一定有”,表示肯定的推测。16 _you go skating with me this Saturday, Mary? Im afraid I _. Ill help my old neighbor fix his washing machine that day.ACould; couldnt BCould; can CCan; cant DCan; could 玛丽,这个星期六你能和我一起去滑冰吗? 恐怕不行。那天我要帮我的老邻居修洗衣机。根据句意可知,上句表示委婉的请求,因此第一空用could来提问;对于“could表示委婉请求的时候”,

13、用can来回答。17You look tired. Youd better _ a good rest.Astop to have Bstop having Cto stop to have Dto stop having你看起来很累。你最好停下来好好休息一下。考查非谓语动词。stop doing sth.停止做某事(正在做的事情),stop to do sth.停下来去做某事(去做另一件事情),都是固定结构;had better最好,是情态动词,后面接动词原形,排除CD两项;根据“You look tired”,可知应该停下来去休息,故选A。18The biggest challenge w

14、e all face is to prevent further environmental disasters. We _ take action before it is too late.我们面临的最大挑战是防止进一步的环境灾难。我们必须采取行动,否则就太晚了。can能,会;might可能。根据“The biggest challenge we all face is to prevent further environmental disasters.”可知,问题比较严重,所以必须采取行动。19People _ talk on a mobile phone while they are

15、 driving.Ashouldnt Bneednt Cmust Dcan人们不应该在开车的时候打电话。shouldt不应该;neednt不必;can能够。根据“talk on a mobile phone while they are driving”及常识,可知,开车时不应该打电话,故选A。20According to the new traffic rules, people _ wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.Amight Bmay Ccan Dmust根据新的交通规则,人们骑电动车时必须戴头盔。can能够;根据“According to the

16、 new traffic rules”及语境可知,此处表达的是必须,指人们必须戴头盔,故选D。21We _ try our best to fight against pollution.Ashould Bmay Cmustnt Dneednt我们应该尽力与污染作斗争。may也许;分析“Wetry our best to fight against pollution.”可知,此处强调义务,“应该”符合语境,故选A。22 Excuse me, can I borrow this book?Sure, but you _ return it by the end of this term.Aca

17、n Bcant Cmust Dmustnt对不起,我能借这本书吗? 当然可以,但你必须在本学期结束前归还。cant不能,不可以;mustnt禁止。根据句中转折连词but可知,这里指必须学期结束前归还,故选C。23He _ be at home. Look! The door is locked.Amustnt Bcant Chas to Ddoesnt have to他不可能在家。看!门是锁着的。cant不能;has to不得不;doesnt have to不需要。根据“Look! The door is locked.”可知,此处表示否定推测,故选B。24The book report _

18、be Jacks. He hasnt read the book yet.Aneed Bmay Ccant Dwouldnt这份读书报告不可能是杰克的。他还没有读过这本书。need必须;wouldnt不会。根据“He hasnt read the book yet”可知,他还没读过这本书,推测不可能是他的,否定推测用cant,故选C。25Is that red schoolbag Marys?It _ be hers. She hates that color.Amay Bmustnt Ccant Dmight那个红色的书包是Mary的吗?不可能是她的,她讨厌那个颜色。cant不能,不可能;根

19、据“She hates that color.”可知,这里应表示否定的推测,故选C。26We have to _ school uniforms at school.Awears Bwear Cwearing Dwore我们必须在学校穿校服。考查动词。wears穿,动词第三人称单数形式;wear穿,动词原形;wearing穿,现在分词;wore穿,动词过去式。have to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“不得不做某事”,故选B。27_ I take the magazine away?No, you mustnt. You can read it only here.AMay BMust C

20、Need DShould我可以拿走这本杂志吗?不,你不能。你只能在这里阅读。May可以;Must必须;Need需要;Should应该。根据“.I take the magazine away?”以及“No, you mustnt”可知此处是表示委婉的请求,may符合语境,故选A。28The student works so hard that you _ praise him too much.Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dcant这个学生学习如此努力,你再怎么表扬他也不为过。must必须,一定;can可以,可能;cant不可以,不可能。根据“The student works so

21、 hard that you.praise him too much.”可知,cant do sth. too much 意为“再也不为过”,故选D。29You had better _ more time practising your spoken English in your free time.Aspend Bto pend Cspending Dspent你最好在业余时间多花些时间练习英语口语。had better表示“最好”,情态动词后接原形动词;结合选项,故选A。30Lucy has to do the same thing every day. She _ be very b

22、ored with her job.Acan Bmust Cmay Dneed露西每天都要做同样的事情。她一定对自己的工作很厌烦。根据“Lucy has to do the same thing every very bored with her job.”可知,这里表达的是一种推测,表示“一定很厌烦”,表示肯定推测的是must,故选B。31The temperature_ have dropped to below zero last night, because the water has all frozen(结冰)over.Acould Bmight Cmust Dcan

23、t昨晚气温一定降到了零度以下,因为水全结冰了。could能,可能,表示推测;might可能,表示推测可能性最小;must表示推测意为“一定”,表示可能性最大;cant不能,不会。根据题干中“because the water has all frozen(结冰)over.”可知昨晚水全部结冰了,那么气温一定降到了零度以下,表示对过去情况的肯定推测,应用must have done。32I need to have my glasses because I _ see the blackboard.我需要戴眼镜,因为我看不见黑板。mustnt表示禁止;cant不能。根据前句“I need to

24、have my glasses”可推知,应是因为不能看见黑板。33 _ I finish my work now? No, you _. You can do it later.AMay; neednt BMust; dont have to CCan; couldnt DNeed; mustnt 我必须现在完成我的工作吗? 不,你不必这么做。你可以以后再做。neednt不需要;dont have to没有必要;couldnt不可以;分析语境可知,第一空问是否必须现在完成工作,must意为“必须”,符合语境;再者根据“No”和“You can do it later.”可知,是否定回答,由must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答常用“No, you neednt.”或“No, you do

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