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1、MBA英语短语22MBA英语短语:【mba加油站】snuff out扼杀;消灭同义词:extinguish,blow out,quench;extinguish。反义词:ignite,light。snuff out的英语解释:put out, as of fires, flames, or lightsput an end to; kill相关短语:snuff at v. 嗅,闻snuff bean 【医】 香豆, 香翅豆snuff beans 零陵香豆 黑香豆snuff bottle 鼻烟壶snuff box 鼻烟壶snuff color n. 黄褐色snuff colour n. 黄1褐色

2、snuff it 死,断气snuff out 扼杀;消灭snuff sth out 掐灭snuff out的例句:1.Kim jong il used his elaborate internal police network to snuff out rivals and dissenters.金正日利用复杂的内部警察网络扼杀对手和异见人士。2.As it inveighs against colonel qaddafi, its saudi allies have helped snuff out the flame of democracy in the gulf state of ba

3、hrain.正像是他们对卡扎菲猛烈抨击,其盟国沙特已经帮助熄灭了在海湾国家的民主的火焰。3.The level of volcanic ash produced isnt enough to snuff out jetliner engines and potentially cause an accident, as several volcanic eruptions in recent decades did.冰岛火山产生的火山灰浓度还不足以像近几十年来其它的几次火山爆发一样摧毁喷气式飞机的引擎并可能引发事故。4.And one day something will snuff out

4、earth.有一天,某些情况会扼杀地球。5.Just the idea of having a better camera than other people is enough to snuff out boring thoughts about usability.仅仅是比别人拥有一个更好相机就足以扼杀那些令人厌烦的关于功用的考量了。soul mate性情相投的人,心心相印的伙伴(尤指异性伙伴),灵魂伴侣soul mate的英语解释:someone for whom you have a deep affinity相关短语:soul and body 热心地soul blindness 【

5、医】 精神性盲, 视觉性失认soul brother n.黑人男子soul food n. 美国黑人的传统食品soul kiss n.(将舌头伸入对方嘴中的)深情接吻soul mate n.【口】性情相投的人,心心相印的伙伴(尤指异性伙伴),灵魂伴侣soul music 黑人音乐,爵士乐;魂乐soul pain 【医】 精神性痛soul sister (美国)黑人妇女(或姑娘)soul mate的例句:1.Id like to think people have more than one soul mate.我一直相信,每个人都不只有一位灵魂伴侣。2.Have faith, believe

6、in destiny and you shall meet your soul mate.要有信心,相信命运终会让你遇到你的心灵伴侣。3.Because you are my soul mate.因为你是我的知音。4.A soul mate is a goal mate, whos going the same direction you are.“精神伴侣是理想的伴侣”,是和你朝同一方向行走的人。5.Continue on your walk with god. and one day when the time is right your soul mate will walk right

7、 beside you.请继续与神同行当有一天,时候到了,你的伴侣会到身边与你同行。snack bar1.快餐柜,小吃店同义词:buffet,snack counter。snack bar的英语解释:usually inexpensive bar相关短语:snack bar n. 1.快餐柜,小吃店snack bar coach 设有快餐部客车snack bardepartment 快餐部snack counter 快餐部snack food 休闲食品,零食snack stand 快餐摊位snack table n. 单人小餐桌snack bar的例句:1.Lunch in a snack b

8、ar nearby.我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭。2.Is there also a snack bar?也有快餐店吗?3.Lets go the snack bar and see what they have.我们去小吃店看看他们有什么可吃的。4.He opened a snack bar.他开了一个快餐馆。5.Where did you have your lunch? I had my lunch in a snack bar nearby.你在哪儿吃的午饭?我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭。situation comedy 情景喜剧同义词:sitcom;sitcom。situation come

9、dy的英语解释:a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in day-to-day lifea humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life相关短语:situation action system 【计】 情况行动系统situation analysis 情况分析situation analyzer 势态分析器situation anxiety 新情况焦虑situation approach to manage

10、ment 情况管理原则situation board 气候情况测绘板situation comedy 情景喜剧situation control 势态控制situation display 【计】 状态显示, 状况显示situation display computer 情况显示计算机situation comedy的例句:1.The careers of many movie stars began in situation comedy.许多电影明星的职业生涯开始于情景喜剧。2.What do you think of the situation comedy?你认为那部情景喜剧怎样?3.

11、The temptation is to continue running it as a situation comedy, giving pleasure to millions and millions of people across the world.我动心的原因是想让球队像情景喜剧一样运作下去,为世界上千千万万的人们提供笑料。4.The situation comedy is going to start soon, just switch to channel one.情景喜剧马上就要开播了,快调到一频道。5.Based on the narrative and the inn

12、ovation, tried to break traditional chinese situation comedy single mode.并将在叙事上采用创新的多线并进,试图打破传统中国情景喜剧单线式模式。spinal cord脊髓同义词:medulla spinalis。spinal cord的英语解释:a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain; a long tubelike structure ex

13、tending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region相关短语:spinal abscess 脊柱脓肿spinal akinesia 【医】 脊髓性运动不能spinal anemia 【医】 脊髓性贫血spinal anesthesia 脊椎麻醉spinal anesthetic needle 脊髓麻醉注射针spinal animal 脊髓动物spinal apoplexy 【医】 脊髓卒中spinal arachnoid 【医】 脊髓蛛网膜spinal arachnoi

14、ditis 脊髓蛛网膜炎spinal ataxia 【医】 脊髓性共济失调spinal cord的例句:1.Another fledgling firm is hoping to apply the technology to spinal cord injuries.另一家新公司希望能用这种技术治疗脊髓损伤。2.Our spinal cord is not merely a trunk line transmitting phone calls from the brain.我们的脊髓也不仅仅是个传导大脑“电话指令”的中继线。3.I bet his spinal cord is severe

15、d.我敢打赌,他的脊柱伤得很重。4.His spinal cord was damaged.他的脊椎受到了损伤。5.Diabetes insipidus and hyponatremia after severe cervical spinal cord injury in 4 cases.颈髓严重损伤伴尿崩症低钠血症4例。 send offsend off (for sth) | send away (to sb) (for sth)1. 邮购;函购;函索send sb off1.(体育比赛)罚某人下场send sth off1. 寄出;发出同义词:despatch,dispatch;pro

16、ject;get off,send。send off的英语解释:send away towards a designated goalthrow, send, or cast forwardtransfer相关短语:send a baby on an errand 干多半要失败的事send a cable 发海底电报send a floral tribute to 向献花send A for B B 派A 叫Bsend address 【计】 发送地址send after 打发人去找.send ahead of 提前运送, 派.走在前头send along 发送,赶送,急送,派遣send aw

17、ay v.发送,派遣,驱逐,解雇send away for 函购send off的例句:1.Got time before a meeting starts? Organize your to-do list, send off some emails, write some notes on a project youre working on.会议开始前的时间可以用来合理安排待办清单,发送一些邮件,或是写些与你工作项目相关的小便签。2.I sing a mountain song to send off the sun.唱一个山歌送日头。3.Ill give you time to not

18、e down where to send off for them.我会给你时间,让你把寄送给他们的地址记下来。4.Theyll probably book an appointment with you with the job center as well and theyll start to get that form completed which you can obviously then send off once it comes through.他们可能还会帮你和就业中心预约,然后让你填写好表格,一旦填写完成就可以寄出。5.We are gathered here toda

19、y to send off one of our managers, mr. liu, who has been appointed to his new post in new york.今天我们聚在这里为我们的一位经理刘先生送行,他被指派到纽约就任新职。put up 1.(put up sth)(在战斗 比赛等中)进行(抵抗 斗争等)2.(put sb up)向某人提供食宿;提名某人为候选人3.(put sth up)升起或举起某物;建造或设立某物;把某物固定或紧固于某处俾人注目,展示某物;提高或增加某事物;提供(资金),借给(款项);提出(意见等)供讨论或考虑4.put up (at.)

20、(在某处)获得食宿安排,暂住5.put (oneself) up for sth自荐为某事物候选人,参加竞选6.put sb up (for sth)推荐或提名某人就任某职务7.put sb up to sth/doing sth 【口】 怂恿或唆使某人做坏事或干非法勾当8.put up with sb/sth忍受或容忍某人/某事物同义词:nominate,put forward;erect,raise,rear,set up;abide,digest,endure,bear,brook,stand,stick out,stomach,suffer,support,tolerate;domic

21、iliate,house;contribute;offer,provide;post;can,tin。反义词:dismantle,level,pull down,rase,raze,take down,tear down。put up的英语解释:propose as a candidate for some honorconstruct, build, or erectput up with something or somebody unpleasantprovide housing forprovidemake available for sale at an auctionmount o

22、r put upput uppreserve in a can or tin相关短语:put (债券) 看跌期权put . in adventure 使冒风险,拿投机put . in jeopardy 使处于危险中put . in order 把整理好put . into . 将译成put . on . 把贴在put . on rations 对实行配给供应制put . on the defensive 使处于守势put . on the tenterhooks 歪曲,违背,滥用put . right v. 使恢复正常,纠正错误put up的例句:1.Cic put up most of th

23、e money, they added.他们还表示,大部分资金是由中投提供的。2.Hamas has put up a fight, claiming israeli casualties.哈马斯已经进行了抵抗,宣称也造成了以色列人的伤亡。3.Regulators also put up bureaucratic hurdles before individuals setting up websites.监管机构还对个人建站设置了制度性障碍。4.The crisis was triggered when some turkish journalists had torn down a gre

24、ek flag and put up a turkish one.危机是由于某些土耳其记者扯下了一面希腊国旗,然后挂上了一面土耳其国旗引发的。5.Our campaign workers had put up flyers around town, but we didnt know how many people would show up.我们的竞选工作人员在大学城里到处张贴了海报,但是我们拿不准会有多少人来参加大会。put on 1.穿上,戴上;把放在上2.上演,演出;展览3.假装,装出,夸大4.增加;增加(费用)5.打开6.做饭菜7.装(船、火车、飞机)8.押赌注9.强使承担(责任等)

25、10.分配任务同义词:gain;apply;mount;turn in;false,fictitious,fictive,assumed,pretended,sham;cod,dupe,fool,gull,befoole acrosse over,slang,take in;don,get into,assume,wear。反义词:lose weight,melt off,reduce,slenderize,slim,slim down,thin。put on的英语解释:increase (ones body weight)put on the stove or ready for cooki

26、ngapply to a surfaceprepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performancecarry out (performances)add to the odometeradopted in order to deceiveadd to something existingfool or hoaxput clothing on ones body相关短语:put (债券) 看跌期权put . in adventure 使冒风险,拿投机put . in jeopardy 使处于危险中put

27、 . in order 把整理好put . into . 将译成put . on . 把贴在put . on rations 对实行配给供应制put . on the defensive 使处于守势put . on the tenterhooks 歪曲,违背,滥用put . right v. 使恢复正常,纠正错误put on的例句:1.During breaks, you should put on your robe.在课间休息时间,应该穿上外衣。2.She asked if I could help put on her socks.她问我是否可以帮她把袜子穿上。3.As the pilo

28、t began our descent into tehran, rich and elegant persian women put on their scarves.飞行员开始在德黑兰降低高度,富有而美貌的波斯女人戴上了她们的头巾。4.Kim had been suffering from pneumonia and had been rushed to intensive care and put on artificial respirators.金大中一直患有肺炎,并一度被转入加护病房,戴上了人工呼吸机。5.When you are stressed, take time to pu

29、t on a smile.当你感到压力,你该抽出时间装个微笑。put offput sb off or put off sb1.取消,撤销(与某人的会晤或安排)2.使反感,使疏远,使不信任3.搅扰;使分神4.【英】(车辆或司机)停车卸客;让.下车5.使失去兴趣(或热情)put sth off or put off sth 推迟,延迟同义词:defer,hold over,postpone,prorogue,put over,remit,set back,shelve,table;dodge,duck,elude,evade,fudge,hedge,parry,sidestep,skirt,circumvent;confuse,disconcert,flurry;turn off;dishearten。反义词:embolden,hearten,recreate,cheer。put off的英语解释:hold back to a later timeavoid o

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