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1、A. Every 9 years. B. Every 7 years.C. Every 5 years. D. Every 3 years.7. What is (are) the nick name(s) of Britain?A. John Bull. B. The British Lion. C. The Sun-Never-Set Empire. D. All of the above8. Which of the following is NOT a building in Britain?A. Westminster Abbey. B. Crystal PalaceC. Tate

2、Gallery D. Radio City Music Hall.9. “ The great wen” refers to _.A. New York B. London C. Paris D. Sydney10. The chairman who presides over meetings and debates in the House of Commons is officially called the _.A. Chairman B. Chancellor C. Speaker D. President11. Edinburgh is the capital city of _.

3、 A. Wales B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland12. The longest river in Britain is _, which is 354 kilometers long.A. River Tay B. River Thames C. River Severn D. River Mersey13. The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is only _ kilometers.A. 33 B.

4、32 C.31 D.3014. The election of 1979 returned the _ Party to power in Britain.A. Liberal B. Free C. Labor D. Conservative15. The Industrial Revolution began _in Britain.A. first B. second C. third D. last16. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy” the head of State is _.A. president B. prim

5、e minister C. chairman D. king/ queen17. The law-making body the legislature in Britain is _.A. Congress B. National Peoples Congress C. Parliament D. Conference18. The British Crown Prince must be _.A. Prince Charming B. Prince of England C. Prince of Scotland D. Prince of Wales19. There are _ stat

6、e churches in Britain.A. two B. three C. four D. five20. The Queen or King of Britain is the defender of _. A. Christianity B. Roman Catholicism C. Islam D. Judaism美国部分21. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A?A. Uncle Sam. B. Brother Jonathan. C. Yankee. D. All of the above22. Name the largest

7、 freshwater lake in the world.A. Erie. B. Ontario. C. Superior. D. Michigan.23. America celebrates its National Day on _.A, July 4 B. June 4 C. July 14 D. June 1424. In which city was President John F. Kennedy assassinated in 1963?A. San Francisco, California. B. Washington, D. C.C. Seattle, Washing

8、ton. D. Dallas, Texas25. Give the names of the two American presidents who were assassinated during their presidency.A. John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. B. Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.C. Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. D. Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt.26. Which sport is supposed t

9、o be Americas national sport and used to be called “Americans favorable pastime”?A. Baseball. B. Basketball. C. Rugby D. Cricket.27. What was the name of the first man who walked on the moon?A. Neil Armstrong. B. Eugene ONeal. C. Louise Strong. D. Van Gau.28. Which city is called Motor city?A. Detro

10、it. B. Chicago C. Boston. D. Denver29. What is the American national anthem?30. Name the two major political parties of U.S.A.A. The National Party and the Free Party. B. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party.C. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party.D. The Peoples Party and the Union Pa

11、rty.31. How many branches of government are outlined in the U.S.A.?A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. D. One.32. Which two lakes dowse the Niagara Falls connect?A. Erie and Ontario. B. Michigan and Ontario.C. Superior and Huron. D. Erie and Superior33. In which university did the first computer come into be

12、ing?A. Stanford University. B. Princeton University.C. Pennsylvania University. D. Harvard University.34. When did China and the United States of America normalize their diplomatic relations?A. In 1972 B. In 1975 B. In 1977 D. In 197935. The smallest state in terms of size in the U.S.A. is _.A. Neva

13、da B. Rhode Island C. Hawaii D. Maine36. What is meant by CIA?A. Central Intelligence Agency. B. Communication Information Association.C. Cultural Institute of Australia. D. Concentration of Investigation Application.37. What city in the U.S.A. is considered the birthplace of jazz music?A. Salt Lake

14、 City. B. Boston. C. Seattle. D. New Orleans38. Name the river that flows by Washington D.C., on which the capital of the U.S.A. is located.A.Colorado. B. Potomac. C. Columbia. D. Missouri.39. The American Negro leader who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964 and assassinated in 1968 was _.

15、A. Martin Luther B. Toni Morrison C. Martin Luther King D. Nelson Mandela40. What is the name of the American national flag?A. The Star-Spangled Banner. B. The Stars and Stripes.C. The Old Glory D. All of the above.41. The Great Plain along the Mississippi River is known as the _.A. American Wine Ja

16、r B. American Granary C. American Garden D. American Fishing Center42. One of the most famous national parks in the US is the _.A, Yellowstone National Park B. Hyde Park C. Kakadu National Park D. Rose Garden43. Which of the following is NOT a place in the USA?A. Empire State Building. B. Fifth Aven

17、ue. C. Trafalgar Square D. United Nations Plaza.加拿大部分44. What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?A. United States of America.B. United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.C. New Zealand. D. Canada.45. The national anthem of Canada is _.A. Canada The Beautiful B. O Canada C. God Defe

18、nd Canada D. Advance Canada Fair46. The capital city of Canada is _.A. Montreal B. Toronto C. Albert D. Ottawa47. According to the Official Language Act of Canada, there are two official languages in this country: they are _.A. English and Spanish B. English and PortugueseC. English and French D. En

19、glish and Celtic48. Canada is a world _ producer of nickel, zinc, and asbestosA. primary B. second C. third D. fourth49. The highest peak in Canada is _, which is in the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada.A. Mount Lawrence B. Mount Superior C. Mount Logan D. Mount Huron50. Apart from Paris, France,

20、 Montreal is regarded as the largest _ city in the world, known as “Paris the Second”.A. Spanish-speaking B. Portuguese-speaking C. German-speaking D. French-speaking51. _, the third largest city in Canada, is well known as Ice-Free Harbor.A. Montreal B. Quebec C. Toronto D. Vancouver52. Canada is t

21、he worlds _country in terms of land area.A. largest B. second largest C. third largest D. fourth largest53. In Canada, nearly _ of the land has no permanent population.A. 90% B. 89% C. 88% D.87%54. The Canadian federal state was established in _.A. 1847 B. 1857 C. 1867 D. 187755. The Queen is repres

22、ented in Canada by the Governor-General, who is appointed on the recommendation of the _.A. President B. Speaker C. Prime Minister D. Chancellor56. It was _ who established the settlement in Canada in 1608.A. John Cabot B. Champlain C. Jacques Cartier D. Henry Hudson57. Canada ranks thirty-_ in popu

23、lation in the world.A. fourth B. third C. second D. first58. The largest university in Canada is _ University.A. Laval B. Quebec C. Toronto D. Montreal59. The largest university in Canada is _ University.A. Laval B. Quebec C. Toronto D. Montreal60. A survey of Canadian leisure activities showed that

24、 _ was the most popular form of recreation in the summer.A. tennis B. swimming C. golf D. baseball澳大利亚部分61. What are the two animals that Australia is most famous for?A. Emu and possum. B. Echidna and platypus.C. Possum and wombat. D. Kangaroo and koala.62. The modern bay Sydney used to be known as

25、_.A. Port Jackson. B. Sydney Harbor C. Argentia Bay D. Wharf Peters63. The native people of Australia who probably came from somewhere in Asia at least 30,000 years ago are known as _.A. Gypsies B. Aborigines C. Maoris D. Pygmies64. Australia is the _ largest country in the world.A. forth B. fifth C

26、. sixth D. seventh65. Australia is made up of _ states and two territories.A. four B. five C. six D. seven66. The national plant of Australia is _.A. mulberry tree B. wattle C. eucalyptus D. sequoia67. _, is the national anthem of Australia since 1984.A. Fair Australia, Advance B. Australia Fair, Ad

27、vanceC. Advance Australia Fair D. Advance Fair Australia68. There are_ stars on the Australian National Flag.A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 669. The capital city of Australia is _.A. Canberra B. Sydney C. Melbourne D. Darwin70. Koala in the Aboriginal language means _.A. “I cant see” B. “I dont drink”C. “I dont

28、want to tell you” D. “I dont know”71. The Australian population is still mainly of _ descent.A. German B. French C. American D. British72. It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australias shores were the _.A. Portuguese B. German C. French D. British73. It was _, an English navigator and explorer, who finally put Australia on the map.A. William Dampier B. James Cook C. Dirk Hartog D. Abel T

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