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1、审核:Reviewed by批准:Granted byKonka Research Institute版权所有 XXAll rights reserved修订记录Version Control日期Date修订版本Version描述Description作者Prepared by表目录Table of contents for the table表1 XX表 Table 1 XX6图目录 Table of contents for the figure 图1 XX图 Figure 1 XX 输入 文档名称Eenter name of the document关键词Key words:摘 要Abs

2、tract:缩略语清单List of abbreviations:.模板:设计规格Template: Design Specifications活动名:Activity id:文档控制CONTROL SECTION:Version版本日期Change and reason 修改及理由By 责任人 Project Manager 项目经理: _ Project项目: _ Project Phase / Decision Checkpoint: 项目阶段/决策评审点 _ Concept概念 _ Develop开发 _ Launch发布 _ Interim临时 Plan计划 _ Qualify验证

3、_ Life Cycle生命周期一、系统总体部分 High Level System1 产品概述 product Overview1.1 名称、型号、版本、保密代号 Name, Type, Version and Confidential code定义产品的名称、商标、型号和版本. 说明产品归属:属于哪个系列的,归属哪个产品线,是否是新的产品系列,是否需要申请新的商标。Define name, trade mark, model and version of product. For example, “ATM switch, Radium 8350, V1.0R001”.Describe w

4、hat category the product belong to: which family, which product line , whether it is a new product family and whether new trade mark need to be applied.1.2 版本描述 Version description1.2.1 V版本描述 Description of V version 描述本设计规格书对应的R版本所在的V版本的主要功能及特征Describe main functions and features of V version this

5、design specifications (equivalent to R version) belongs to1.2.2 V版本各R版本描述 Description of each R versions within V version描述同属一个V版本的各R版本的关系及主要特征和区别Describe relationships, main features and differences between different R versions within the same V version1.3 业务简述 Service Profile简述产品推出后能够提供的主要业务,如Inte

6、rnet接入、IP电话、VOD等Briefly describe major services the product can provide when it is launched, e.g. Internet access, IP phone and VOD, etc.1.4 组网与设备独立性 Networking and independence of equipment从网络角度看待系统,画出主要业务应用时的组网图,重点描述本产品在网络中的位置,简述与配套产品关系及设备独立性,说明与配套产品或系统其余部分的相互接口,比如上行接口的ATM交换机、GSR等,或下行接口的远端模块,以太网交换

7、机等Look at the system from the network point of view. Draw a networking map showing all main services are applied. Position of this product in the network should be described as an emphasis and relationship with auxiliary equipment and independence of this equipment should be briefly described. Inter

8、faces with auxiliary equipment and other parts of the systems should be described. E.g. Up interface ATM switch and GSR, etc. Or down interface remote module and ethernet switch, etc.2 产品功能、性能 product functions and performance2.1 功能特性 Functional features此部分内容可以和分解与分配模板中的功能项相关联,主要说明产品对外提供的功能特性及相应的性能指

9、标,功能特性的描述要求至少向下分解一级This section can associate with the function items in Template. Mainly Describe functional features and corresponding performance parameters the product can provide to external customers. Description of functional feature should be partitioned at least one level downward.2.2 系统对外接

10、口 External interfaces of the system说明系统对外接口(包含管理接口)类型、数量、遵循的规范及协议、实现的功能。Describe type and number of external interfaces of the system and the rules and protocols it follows as well as the realized functions2.3 整机性能指标 Whole set performance standards定义整个设备在提供业务时对外表现的性能指标;所有性能指标需注明出处,如是参照国际标准、国标、竞争对手、理

11、论计算等。 可以参照如下表格列出Describe performance parameters when the whole set is running to provide services; all the performance standards should give sources of quotation if it follows international standard, national standard, competitors and theoretic calculation, etc. The following table could be used as

12、reference1 XXX参数名国际标准国标主要竞争对手本产品(以BHCA举例)(无)40k50k60k(以误码率举例)1x10-61x10-75x10-61 Table 1 XXXParameterIntl StandardNational StandardMain CompetitorsThis productBHCA (example)(No)Bit Error Rate( example)2.4 整机技术参数 Whole set technical parameter定义整机功耗、电源参数、重量、尺寸等技术参数Define such technical parameters as w

13、hole set power consumption, power parameters, weight and size, etc.3 遵循的标准及主要通信协议 Standards and major Telecom protocols followed说明本产品所遵循的国际、国家或行业、企业标准,着重列出本产品需要符合的设备规范、业务或协议标准、接口规范及标准。该部分不作为产品规格的硬性要求,只是作为测试或鉴定时的参考。描述本产品中所有需遵循的通信协议,如RIP IEE802.3 包括自定义的主要协议Describe international, national or industria

14、l and enterprise standards this product followed. Equipment standards, service or protocol stands and interface rules and standards should be described as an emphasis. This part is not a must for product specifications and is used for reference at testing or verifications. Describe all telecom proto

15、cols needs to be followed in this product. E.g. RIP IEE802.3 and including self defined major protocols4 系统总体结构 System high level structure4.1系统方框图(重点写作内容)System block diagram ( key point to be described)此部分内容可以和系统架构模板中的内容相关联。系统方框图应能规定出系统的整体架构,说明组成系统的各部分是如何搭配成一个完整系统的。系统方框图应画成二种:This section can asso

16、ciate with the contents in Template. System block diagram should be able to stipulate the whole architecture for the system and describe how different parts of the system work together to form a whole system. There should be system block diagrams:一种是功能性的,说明系统有哪些功能?应由哪些功能模块来实现?画出这些功能模块之间、本系统与其它接口系统之间

17、的逻辑关系; 描述它们间的接口方式, 遵循的协议规范等。 如果是升级类产品, 在原有功能方框框图上增加、删除、修改。One is functional, describing what functions the system has and what modules are used to realize these functions. Logical relationships between these modules and between this system and other system interfaces should be mapped; interface meth

18、od and protocols followed should be described. If this is a upgraded product, simply add, remove and modify in the original functional block diagram.另一种是物理性的,说明系统由具体的哪些软件模块和硬件模块来实现。这是设计硬件实现方案和软件实现方案的基础。The other is physical, describing what specific software modules and hardware modules form the sys

19、tem. This is the basis to develop hardware and software realization plan.最后给出上述二种方框图之间的对应关系,明确哪个物理框实现哪个功能框的功能Finally matching between these two block diagrams should be described identifying which physical block realize which function in functional block可测性设计的整体结构描述,功能实现原理概述也应在这里给出。说明整体系统可测性方面的层次结构,

20、之间的逻辑关系,主要的功能接口定义,子系统、模块、单板应具有的主要可测性规格与设计描述。Describe the overall structure of testability design and the overview of the function implementation principle . Present the hierarchical structure of the overall system testability and its internal logical relationship, the definitions of the main functio

21、n interfaces, and the main testability specifications and design descriptions of the subsystems, modules and boards.4.2功能实现原理 Principles to realize the functions描述系统是如何运作以实现系统需求的。包括:各功能模块的功能描述;之间的控制关系、接口关系、信息流向;系统需求中所有功能如何通过这些模块及他们之间的互相关系来实现。逐项描述主要功能特性、业务的实现原理对于可测性性设计的功能,如果有单独的功能模块则在下面用单独的小节进行功能实现原理

22、描述,如果只是某些功能模块中的一部分功能,则在相应的功能模块中进行说明。Describe how the system works to meet system requirements. including:Description of functions of each functional module; controlling relationship、interface relationship and information flow direction between these modules; how all functions in system requirements

23、to be realized through these modules and internal relationships between these modules. Main functional features and principle to realize the service should be described one by one.As to the measurability design functions, for individual function modules, their function implementation principles shou

24、ld be described in separate sections, and for partial functions of above function modules, they should be described in these function modules.4.2.1 功能、业务1实现原理 Principle to realize function, service 1描述主要功能1的实现原理 Describe principle to realize main function 14.2.2功能、业务N实现原理 Principle to realize functi

25、on, service N描述主要功能N的实现原理 Describe principle to realize main function N4.3产品数据结构描述 Description of product data structure确立产品清单在MRPII中的组织(如果是综合类产品,还需提请公司级领导审批),确立新产品的大类分类编码(如0103)、产品系列代号及版本(如SSA);画出包含清单主要模块的清单结构树,并对每个模块进行说明Identify where product list is in MRPII ( product in comprehensive category ne

26、eds approval from corporate level management) , identify big category coding of the new product ( e.g. 0103), product family code and version ( e.g. SSA); draw structure tree of the list including main modules and describe each module.5系统配置 System configuration给出系统的配置描述表格。 Provide system configurati

27、on description table.5.1硬件配置 Hardware configuration描述主要应用中系统机柜单板配置,需附图说明Describe main applied system cabinet/card configuration, need to be illustrated with a diagram5.2软件配置 Software configuration描述软件配置,包括OMC/主控软件/单板软件等配置情况,要说明编号及简要功能Describe software configuration, including configurations of OMC/

28、main control software/ card software. Coding and main functions should be describe.6外包、外购子系统规格 Specifications of outsourced subsystem全面定义产品开发需要外包、外购的各子系统(如HFC的变频器等)规格,包括结构造型、功能、性能指标、技术参数、接口、标准等方面。此部分将来需要作为外包、外购子系统验收的标准;描述外包方的概况及实现方式Define overall specifications of outsourced subsystem ( e.g. general

29、 inverter of HFC) , including structure, function, performance standards, technical parameters, interface and standards, etc. This part would be used as check and acceptance criteria for outsourced subsystem; vendors profile and the approach should be described.7系统升级与扩容 System upgrade and capacity expansion7.1新系统的功能丢失 Function loss of new system描述新开发系统相对于现有网上设备中先前开发的产品哪些功能不再提供Describe what functions are no longer provided in the new system compared with those systems running in the network.7.2版本升级规格 Version Upgrade Spec.版本保存能力;升级安全性规格(防止错误加载、

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