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1、M1-M6短语:1据某人看来_ 2超过_ 3大量的;数百万的_4穿过_ 5突然向下倾斜_ 6在上面;盖住_7从那以后_ 8各种各样的_ 9去度假_10玩得高兴_ 11一就_ 12摆放餐桌_13再一次_ 14放弃(努力) _ 15为而死_16照顾;护理_ 17那时候_ 18独自一人_19死于_ 20短信_ 21两个_22关闭(设备)_ 23担心_ 24出差_ 25醒来_ 26上交_ 27整天_28 违反规定_ 29遇上麻烦_ 30禁止入内_31不合适的_ 32难怪;不足为奇_ 33比较.与._34所有年龄段的_ 35养成.的习惯_ 36而不是_37最终决定_ 38拜访(某人的家)_ 39不再_4

2、0试用;试_ 41生某人的气_ 42零花钱_43 至少;起码_根据中文意思完成句子。1. 在我看来,这是最有名的喜剧之一。_ _ _, this is one of the most famous plays.2. 格林一家在这里住了十年多了。The Greens have lived here for _ _ ten years.3. 我确定在中国每天有数百万的人在收发电子邮件。Im sure _ _ people receive and send emails every day in China.4. 我下了轿车,穿过一道门,沿着一条昏暗的小路前行。I got out of the ca

3、r, _ _ a gate and walked along a dark path.5. 在山顶上有大量积雪。There is a lot of snow _ _ _ the mountain.6. 远远地,在我的脚下,地面突然向下倾斜,一直延伸到一条河里。Far below me, the ground _ _ and down to a river.7. 孩子们正玩得很开心。The children are _ _.8. 超市里有各种各样的水果。 There are _ _ _ fruit in the supermarket.9. 从那以后,我再也没有收到他的来信。I havent h

4、eard from him _ _.10. 明天他一完成作业就去拜访他的爷爷。He will visit his grandpa _ _ _ he finishes his homework.11. 完成这项工作以后我想休假。Id like to _ _ _ after finishing the work.12. 老师一进来,学生们就安静下来。 The students became quiet _ _ _ the teacher came in.13. 我妈妈想先摆好餐具,然后开始做饭。 My mother wanted to _ _ _ first, and then began to

5、cook.14. 我们不应该放弃希望。任何事情都会好起来的。We shouldnt _ _ hopes. Everything will be better.15. 这些孩子不仅学法语,而且还学英语。The children learn English _ _ _ French.16. 你不在家时,我会照顾孩子们。While you are not at home, Ill _ _ _ the children.17. 我会再一次告诉你如何做。Ill tell you how to do it _ _.18. 看!这个小男孩正在独自玩耍。Look! The little boy is play

6、ing _ _ _.19. 这个年轻人愿意为祖国而献身。The young man would like to _ _ his motherland.20. 当时我正在公园里踢足球。 I was playing football in the park _ _ _.21. 在那个寒冷的冬季,许多野生动物死于饥饿。In that cold winter, many wild animals _ _ hunger.22. 我妈妈已在伦敦待了两个月了。My mother has stayed in London for _ _ _ months.23. 吉姆,不要整天待在家里,你应该出去走走。Don

7、t stay at home _ _ _, Jim. You should go out and take a walk.24. 这位老妇人醒来时发现自己躺在医院里。 The old woman found herself lying in hospital when she _ _.25. 我爸爸要去北京出差。 My father will go to Beijing _ _.26. 天很晚了。你父母会担心你的。Its late. Your parents will _ _ _ you.27. 托尼今天早上没有交作业。Tony didnt _ _ his homework this morn

8、ing.28. 在你离开前确保关灯。Remember to _ _ the lights before you leave.29. 当我到那儿的时候我会给你发短信。Ill send you a _ _ when I get there.30. 凯特违反了规则,因此她输了比赛。Kate was _ _ _,so she lost the game.31. 如果你遇到麻烦,请立刻给我们打电话。If you are _ _, please call us at once.32. 难怪布朗先生在考虑换工作。_ _ Mr. Brown is thinking about changing his job

9、.33. 所有年龄段的人都可以加入这个运动俱乐部。People _ _ _ can join the sports club.34. 把这两幅图比较一下,你就会发现许多不同之处。_ this picture _ that one, and youll find many differences.35. 我觉得我们不能进这座楼。看这个标志“禁止入内”。I dont think we can go into the building. Look at the sign “_ _”.36. 在博物馆里大声喊叫不合适。Shouting in the museum is _ _.37. 吉娜,你应该养成

10、做家务的习惯。Gina, you should _ _ _ _ _ doing housework.38. 不要说了!那是我的最终决定。Stop talking! Thats my _ _.39. 彼得上周日去钓鱼了,没去游泳。Last Sunday, Peter went fishing _ _ going swimming.40. 我可以去你家拜访吗?Can I _ _ to your house?41. 简想用她的零花钱为奶奶买一副眼镜。Jane wants to use her _ _ to buy a pair of glasses for her grandma.42. 他正在生托

11、尼的气,因为托尼上学迟到了。He _ _ _ Tony for his being late for school.43. 我不再玩电脑游戏了。I _ _ play computer games.44. 你至少花20分钟才能到达那里。Itll take you _ _ 20 minutes to get there.45. 他总是尝试新想法直到成功。 He kept _ _ the new ideas until he succeeded.46. 我们决定要尝试一下大卫的游戏。 We decided to _ _ Davids games.47. 当地震发生时,他能感觉到地面突然下沉。When

12、 the earthquake happened, he could feel the ground _ _.M7-M12短语:1.合情理;有意义_ 2.顺便提一下_ 3.遇上麻烦_4.逃走;逃跑_ 5.一小段时间;一度_ 6.为.付出代价_7.是的缩写;代表_ 8.决不;不可能_ 9.跳高_10.受.折磨 _ 11.第一名_ 12.阻止某人做某事_13.感到自豪_ 14.张贴;公布_ 15.好几千;成千上万_16.每次;一次_ 17.把.比作._ 18.用手;靠手做_19.快速阅读;浏览_ 20.在某种程度上_ 21.等着瞧_22.我们这就看看_ 23.根据 _ 24.帆船_25.写日记_

13、26.把.从.上剪掉_ 27.对.感到惊奇_28.把.从.上刷掉_ 29.那时;在那段时间_ 30.(使)避开_31.的确;当然_ 32.答案是;问题是_ 33.有机会_34.朗读;宣读_ 35.(与.)相比_ 36.即使;尽管_37.保护.;使.不受_ 38.扔掉;丢弃_ 39.许多;很多_根据中文意思完成句子。1. 顺便问一下,邮局在哪里? _ _ _, Where is the post office?2. 这样做是有意义的。 It would _ _ to do so.3. 不要跟陌生人见面,否则你会遇上麻烦的。Dont meet the strangers, or youll _ _

14、 _.4. 那个年轻人一看到警察就跑了。That young man _ _ as soon as he saw the police.5. 我爷爷在上海住过一段时间。 My grandpa has been in Shanghai _ _ _.6. 你应该为你的错误付出代价。 You should _ _ your mistake.7. 妈妈,我可以先看电视吗? 不可能! Mum, may I watch TV first? _ _!8. CBA是中国篮球协会的缩写。 CBA _ _ the Chinese Basketball Association.9. 刘翔起初被鼓励参加跳高训练。 L

15、iu Xiang was encouraged at first to train for the _ _.10. 托尼受牙痛折磨一周了。 Tony has _ _ a toothache for a week.11. 当中国女排在比赛中获得第一名时,每一个中国人都为她们喝彩。 Every Chinese cheered for them when Chinese Women Volleyball Team won _ _ in the competition.12. 他父亲对他所做的事感到十分自豪。His father _ great _ _ what he has done.13. 没有什

16、么能阻止他去上海。 Nothing can _ him _ _ to Shanghai.14.人们常把眼睛比作心灵的窗户。People often _ eyes _ the window of the mind.15.请每次进来一个人。 Please come in one _ _ _.16.杨柳青年画是用手工制作的。Yangliuqing New Year Pictures are made _ _.17.从某种程度上来说,互联网的引入可以和造纸术、印刷术相媲美。 _ _ _, the introduction of the Internet can be compared to the i

17、nvention of paper and printing.18.妈妈每天晚上在家浏览杂志。Every evening, my mother _ _ magazines at home.19.你们的优秀作文将会被挂在学校的网页上。 Your great compositions will be _ _ on the school website.20. 学生在学校附近的山上种了几千棵树。Students planted _ _ trees on the hill near my school.21. 那将是一个大惊喜。我们等着瞧好了。It will be a big surprise. Le

18、ts _ _ _.22. 我有一些昨天我在公园拍的照片。我们这就看看。 I have some photos that I took in the park yesterday. _ we _.23. 为了驱赶苍蝇,他们必须戴着特殊的帽子。 They must wear special hats to _ the flies _.24. 这种剪刀是用来剪羊毛的。 This kind of scissors is used to _ the wool _ the sheep.25. 写日记是一种非常好的习惯。_ _ _ is a very good habit.26. 他那时没意识到自己的错误。

19、He didnt realize his mistake _ _ _.27. 根据天气预报,明天将有大风。_ _ the weather report, itll be windy tomorrow.28. 我对我在非洲的所见感到吃惊。I _ _ _ what I saw in Africa.29. 悉尼歌剧院看起来像一艘巨大的帆船。 The Sydney Opera House looks like a huge _ _.30. 我不得不把他们从我的衣服上刷掉。 I had to _ them _ my clothes.31. 问题是我们没有足够的时间。_ _ _, we dont have

20、 enough time.32. 你的诗很好。请朗读出来。Your poem is great. Please _ it _.33. 注意不要让阳光伤害你的眼睛。Pay attention to _ your eyes _ the sun.34. 和去年相比,今天我们取得了更大的成就。 _ _ last year, we have had more success this year.35. 尽管这是一项艰苦的工作,他们却乐在其中。 _ _ it was hard work, they enjoyed it.36. 我确定你有机会! Im sure youre _ _ _ _.37. 你会来我

21、的生日聚会吗? 当然! Are you coming to my birthday party? _ _.38. 去年这个工厂使用了数吨煤。 The factory used _ _ coal last year.39. 记得别把车票扔掉了。 Remember not to _ _ the tickets.40. 与往年相比,我们今年收到了更多的照片。 _ _ other years, we received many more photos this year.41. 汤姆想离家出走。 Tom wants to _ _ from home.42. 他总是陷入麻烦。 He always _ _

22、 _.43. 多年前我就把那些裤子扔掉了。 I _ those trousers _ years ago.1. 他说的话不合情理。 His words didnt _ _.2. 顺便问一下,你以前见过比尔吗? _ _ _, have you met Bill before?3. 这个男孩如此淘气以至于他总是让自己遇上麻烦。 The boy is so naughty that he always makes himself _ _ _.4. 昨天晚上有3名罪犯从监狱逃跑了。 Last night three criminals _ _ from the prison.5. 当老师告诉她的父母她

23、的成绩时,她一度藏了起来。 She hid _ _ _ when her teacher told her parents about her grades.6. 这个故事告诉我们坏人是如何为他们的行为付出代价的。 The story tells us how bad people _ _ their actions.她将为她愚蠢的行为付出代价。 She will have to _ _ her foolish behavior.如果你已经支付了机票和家庭寄宿的费用,这就应该够了。 If youve already _ _ the plane tickets and for home stay, it should be OK.他一句话也没说就跑开了。He _ _ without saying any words.莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也仍然很有意义。 Shakespeares plays also _ a lot of _ to us today.他总是陷入麻烦。He always _ _ _.她将为她愚蠢的行为付出代价。 She will have to _ _ her foolish behavior.你应该为你的错误付出代价。 You should _ _ you

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