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1、选择填空1. You can see some sweaters a good price at the store. A. on B. for C. at D. in 2. Can I help you, madam? .A. Yes, please. B. No, thanks. C. No, I can help myself. D. A and B3. tea do you want? Two cups.A. How many B. How much C. What D. Which4. My father often clothes that shop.A. sells, from

2、B. buys, from C. sells, of D. buys, to5. Many people say 10000 a lot of money. A. dollar is B. dollars are C. dollars is D. dollar are6. We have sweaters in red and black only 20 yuan. A. by B. in C. for D. sell7. Do you have hats? Id like to buy for my cousin. A. it B. one C. this D. that8. Can I h

3、ave a look at your new bag, please? . A. Sure, here you are. B. Dont mention it. C. I cant agree with you . D. Im sorry to hear that.9. Shops are not allowed to cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18. A. sale B. borrow C. sell D. offer10. ? I want a purple one. A. How much is it? B. What can I do

4、for you? C. What color do you like? D. What color is it?完形填空1 Mary likes nice clothes. She often goes to a small 1 store near her house. 2 very nice clothes. It 3 many nice clothes. The girl in the store is 4 and friendly(友好的). People can buy clothes at a good 5 in the store. But Mary doesnt have mu

5、ch money, so she can only buy clothes on 6 . One day, she sees a yellow 7 in the store. The price is 30 8 . Mary likes this skirt,9 she cant afford(支付) it. She is very 10 . ( )1.A. shoeB. videoC. clothes( )2.A. TheyreB. Its C. It ( )3.A. sellsB. buysC. wants( )4.A. boringB. niceC. long( )5.A. colorB

6、. priceC. dollar( )6.A. sellB. saleC. store( )7.A. skirtB. shirtC. sweater( )8.A. dollarB. yuanC. ( )9.A. soB. and C. but ( )10.A. happyB. interestingC. sorry完形填空2 Today is Saturday. Mr. Cooper goes to a shop to 1 a new TV set,2 his old TV set is broken (损坏的). When he 3 there, he finds the shop empt

7、y(空的). Only the shopkeeper(店主) is watching TV. Mr. Cooper 4 to him and ask him 5 and asks him 6 he is watching. The shopkeeper is very and says, “The soccer game 7 two greatest teams. Hey, go! Go!” Mr. Cooper 8 soccer very much, too. He sits down and watches the game.9 Two hours, Mr. Coopers favorit

8、e team wins(获胜). He is very happy and excited(兴奋的). He jumps into his car and drives(开车) home. On half way, he suddenly(突然) asks 10 , “Where is the new TV set?”( )1.A. buyB. buysC. buying( )2.A. whenB. becauseC. so( )3.A. getB. gettingC. gets( )4.A. walksB. walkC. walking( )5.A. whenB. whichC. what(

9、 )6.A. excitedB. excitingC. excite( )7.A. aboutB. amongC. between( )8.A. like B. likesC. liking( )9.A. WhenB. AfterC. Before( )10.A. himselfB. himC. he完形填空3 Mrs. Cooper is a teacher. Today she doesnt need to go to work, so he 1 to go to Mr. Whites Clothes Store 2 her daughter Jenny in the afternoon.

10、 She needs to 3 a new skirt for Jenny. Jenny is a schoolgirl. She is eight years old now. She likes nice 4 very much. Mrs. Green wants to buy her a red one ,5 Jenny likes the yellow skirt very much. Mrs. also (也) needs a pair of shoes 6 her son Jack, because his shoes are too 7 . Jacks favorite colo

11、r is blue, so Mrs. Green wants to buy him a pair of blue ones. 8 Mr. Green? Oh, he wants a hat. Mrs. Green thinks the black hat 9 very nice. All these things 10 about five hundred yuan. She doesnt have enough(足够的) money with her, so Mrs. Green has to go to the bank(银行) first. ( )1.A. takesB. hasC. g

12、ets( )2.A. in B. onC. with( )3.A. sellB. buyC. make( )4.A. skirtsB. hatsC. shorts( )5.A. thenB. andC. but( )6.A. forB. onC. of( )7.A. goodB. sameC. old( )8.A. HowB. What aboutC. How much( )9.A. seesB. watchesC. looks( )10.A. isB. beC. /完形填空4 One day, Lucy 1 shopping with her mother. When they get th

13、e supermarket(超市), Lucy is very 2 . There are many things and many people 3 it. Her mother tells Lucy 4 her. They walk here and there and they 5 some things. When they come to a shelf, Lucy 6 her. Lucy 7 some boxes of chocolates. She wants her mother to buy some 8 her.Her mother gives 9 a box of bro

14、wn chocolates. Lucy shakes her head and says, “I want a box of white chocolates.”“I cant bite my fingers when I eat them 10 night.” answers Lucy quickly.( )1.A. goesB. doC. to do D. to go( )2.A. atB. behindC. to D. with( )3.A. wellB. gladC. boringD. good( )4.A. fromB. toC. withD. in( )5.A. followsB.

15、 followC. to followD. following( )6.A. buyB. cat C. carryD. find( )7.A. looksB. watchesC. readsD. sees( )8.A. to B. for C. with D. at( )9.A. herB. she C. himD. it( )10.A. inB. onC. atD. when阅读理解1Welcome to Mr. Wangs StoreFruitsKindsPriceapplesred5/kggreen3/kgbananaslong6/kgshort7/kgstrawberriesbig10

16、/kgsmall7/kg( )1. are the dearest fruit.A. Red apples B. Long bananas C. Big strawberries D. Small strawberries( )2. Five kilos of big strawberries and two kilos of short bananas are dollars. A. 70 B. 58 C. 41 D. 28( )3. Mr. Wang sells in his store.A. fruits B. vegetable C. clothes D. balls( )4. You

17、 cant buy in Mr. Wang Store.A. bananas B. apples C. pears D. strawberries( )5. You have 8 dollars and you can buy 2 kilos of .A. big or small strawberries B. green apples or long bananas C. red apples or small strawberries D. green apples or short bananas 阅读理解2 Come and buy your clothes at our great

18、 sale on National Day! We sell all our clothes at 1/2 price. Do you want womens trousers? We have black, green, yellow and white trousers for women. They are only 15. Do you need T-shirt for your boy? We have T-shirts in all colors for boys (under 5). Its only 5 for one. For girls, we have nice skir

19、ts. How much are they? Well, you only need to pay 9 for one. And we also have shorts for men. They are in black, brown, yellow and white for 7. Come to Yangchun Clothes Store and find your clothes!( )1. When does Yangchun Clothes Store sell its clothes at 1/2 price?A. On New Years Day B. On National

20、 Day C. On Teachers Day D. On Womens Day( )2. What color of shorts doesnt Yangchun Clothes Store have?A. Blue B. Black C. Brown D. White( )3. Whats the trousers original price?A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30( )4. Who can have a T-shirt in Yangchun Clothes Store?A. Tom, a four-year-old boy B. Kate, a four-ye

21、ar- old girl C. Mike, a ten-year-old boy D. Lucy, a ten-year-old girl( )5. If Mrs. Smith has thirteen dollars, she can buy in the store.A. a pair of trousers and a T-shirt B. a T-shirt and a skirt C. a T-shirt and a pair of shorts D. a skirt and a pair of shorts阅读理解4 It is Sunday morning. Mrs. Green

22、 and her son Tom go to the bookshop near their house. Mrs. Green wants to buy some picture books for her daughter. Tom wants to buy some storybooks. In the bookshop, Tom meets his old classmate Bill. They are very good friends. They talk and talk for a long time and forget to buy the books. At twelv

23、e o clock, Mrs. Green finds them and asks Bill to go to have lunch in their house. Bill says, “Yes.” The two boys are very happy.( )1. The bookshop is .A. near the school B. behind the school C. behind their classroom D. near their house( )2. Mrs. Green and her son go shopping .A. on Sunday evening

24、B. on Sunday morning C. in the afternoon D. at twelve( )3. The two good friends meet .A. at the door of the bookshop B. in the bookshop C. in the school D. at the Blacks ( )4. Tom buys .A. a lot of books B. much food C. a picture book D. nothing( )5. The two boys go to have lunch .A. at twelve B. in

25、 the morning C. in Bills house D. in the afternoon阅读理解5 Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room dont look at him. They dont ask him to sit at the table. Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Ever

26、yone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat. Mr. King takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and says, “Eat, clothes!” The other people ask, “What are you doing?” He answers, “Im asking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You dont look at

27、 me. You dont ask me to sit down. Now I am in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give food to my clothes, not to me!”( )1. Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room dont look at him, because .A. he doesnt come by car B. he is young C. he is wearing his old

28、clothes D. he is old( )2. Mr. King goes home to .A. put on his old clothes B. put on his good clothes C. take off good clothes D. change his good clothes( )3. Mr. King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at him because . A. he is wearing his old clothes B. he comes by a very good car C. he is wearing his good clothes

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