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1、中考英语总复习之九年级全册复习练习题Unit 1/ Grade 9A. Grammar Focus1. Learn how to learne.g. How do you study an English test?I study by making vocabulary lists.Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.2. Rev iew the use of “by”表示交通方式_通过做_3. Review the use of “how”问天气 表示进展情况 表喜欢的程度

2、以How开始的特殊疑问句 B. Words.出生地_ 记住_ 士兵_发音_ 不同地_令人沮丧的_口语的_ 慢地_ 错误_挑战_ 解决_ 认识到_害怕的_ 完整的_ 秘诀_学习者_ 学期_ 使印象深刻_困难_迅速地_ 软的_处理_ 如果不/除非_发展_解决_责任/义务_ 容易地_面对_影响_友谊_失去_分歧_ 成年人_ 不重要的_C. Phrases.练习对话_更具体的建议_看英语杂志_看演员说话_以而结束_做英语笔记_懂英语口语_造完整的句子_对生气_有不同意见_把问题视作挑战_后来_开始的时候_中断一份友谊_大声朗读英语练习语音 发音正确_提高说的技能 加入英语俱乐部_对兴奋_帮助很大_在语

3、法上出错_ 做大量的语法笔记 感觉不公平 持续很长_ 想更糟糕的事 嘲笑_ 尽力去做_ 用积极的方式 D. Sentences.1. 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一名好的语言学习者的秘密之一。2.除非我们处理好我们的问题,否则的话我们很容易不快乐。_3.时间过去,美好的友谊可能会失去。_4.作为年轻的成年人,在老师的帮助下尽全力处理我们教育过程中的每一个挑战使我们的职责。_5.通过把你自己和别人相比,你会发现你的问题并不严重。_ Extra exercises单项选择( )1. -Do you think _ is a good way to learn English? -I dont th

4、ink so.A. work with a group B. making flashcards C. practice conversations( )2. He is not good at writing. I think he needs to practice _ a dairy every day.A. keeps B. keeping C. making( )3. -My spoken English is very poor, what should I do? -_ join an English club?A. How about B. Why dont C. Why no

5、t( )4. We had a party last night, everybody had fun at the party, we_ singing a pop song together and left.A. ended up B. began with C. had trouble( )5. You cant understand these new words _ you look them up in a dictionary.A. unless B. or C. and( )6. Alice found _ difficult to memorize the words of

6、 English pop songs.A. it B.its C. that( )7. My good friend is not careful in exams, he always _ and can t get good grades.A. laughs at B. makes mistakes C. disagree( )8. How can we _ or problems? Have you found some _ to them?A. solve, solution B. solve, answer C. solve, solutions( )9.When they watc

7、hed this boring movie, all of them felt very _.A. frustrated B. frustrating C. excited( )10. My hometown _ a lot since 2002 and it is much more beautiful than before.A. changes B. has changed C. changed Unit 2/ Grade 9 A. Grammar focus.Talk about what you used to do:过去常常做某事:_例:我过去喜欢上体育课。I _ _ _ havi

8、ng PE class.否定句:I _ _ _ _ having PE class.一般疑问句及回答:- _ you _ _ _ having PE class?-Yes, I _. / No, I _.请注意与下面几种用法的区别:习惯做某事 被用来做某事 B.Words.使害怕_ 每日的_ 死亡n._ v._死的adj._ 造成_ 有耐心的adj._耐心n._ 注意n._ 浪费v._正,恰恰adv._ 校长_ 决定v._ n._C. Phrases.对感兴趣_ 开着灯入睡_害怕某物_ _过去常常做某事_ 与闲谈_花费时间做某事_ 再也不_在前几年_ 放弃做某事_支付钱做某事_ 陷入麻烦中_做

9、决定_ 令他惊讶的是_即使_ 自我感觉好_以自豪_ 对注意_最后,终于_ 浪费时间_D. Sentences.1. 在我开始上高中之前,我常常花很多时间和朋友玩电脑游戏, 但现在我再也没有时间了。(not any more)_2.他的妈妈支付不起他的学业费用。(afford)_3.令他惊讶的是,这个电话改变了他的一生。(change)_4. 她也告诉我尽管我爸再也不会和我们在一起了, 但他一直看着我们并总是为我做的每一件好事自豪。(take pride in)_5.我意识到自从我父亲去世以后,我一直害怕独处, 并努力让母亲多注意我。(since)_ Extra exercises单项选择。(

10、)1. Mr. Brown stopped drinking two months ago.A. no longer B. gave up C. didnt start( )2. He is _ dogs, so he never keeps any of them at home.A. interested in B. afraid of C. worried about( )3. My brother goes to the English corner every Saturday night.- Oh? But he _ learning English.A. used to have

11、 B. was used to have C. used to hate to( )4. - Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?-_. I would like _ QQ.A. Either, using B. Neither, to use C. Both, use( )5. We waited for a taxi for a long time. We gave up _ and walked home.A. in the end B. at first C. at least(

12、)6. When you go to sleep, dont keep your bedroom light_.A. open B. on C. off( )7. I went to visit him, but _, he left a minute ago.A. in my surprise B. to my surprise C. I was surprised( )8. -No.7 Yucai Middle School _ a lot in the past few years!- Yes. The school _ some new modern buildings about m

13、ore than one year ago.A. changed, built B. has changed, built C. has changed, has built( )9. The pet cats _ made Amy feel sad, she missed him very much.A. death B. dead C. died( )10. -I used to go out for a walk after supper. -_.A. So do I B. So did I C. So I did Unit3/ Grade 9A. Grammar Focus.The P

14、assive Voice (被动语态)结构(1)be (根据时态确定形式)+v.(ppt.) (+by sb.)e.g. He _(ask) to clean the house alone yesterday.(2) 情态动词+be+v.(ppt.) (+by sb.)e.g. Teenagers should _ (allow) to wear their own clothes.Those old rules must _(change) immediately. Old people must _(speak) to politely.B. Words.傻的adj._ 耳环n._ 机会n._自愿者n._ 体验v._ 回复v._赛跑n._ 简报n._ 会员n._经历v._现实的adj._ 重要性n._服从v._ 混乱n._ 困倦的adj._实现v._ 要点n._B. Phrases.和朋友外出_ 穿耳洞眼_

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