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九年级英语unit 5 基础知识巩固练习题Word下载.docx

1、 26、日常用品:27、他希望将来,中国也将能更擅长制造人们在世界各地都能买到的高新技产品。28、变得更擅长: 29、他的购物经历之后:30、你的衬衫是棉花制成的吗?32、这个飞机模型是由什么制成的?它由木头和玻璃制成的。33、茶是在中国的哪里生产的?它在许多不同的地区生产的。34、茶是怎样生产的?茶树被种植在山的两侧。当叶子长好时,它们被手工打包然后送去加工。35、十八岁以下的孩子: 36、被允许做某事:37、在每个月最后一个星期五 38、大多数地球表面被水覆盖。39、农民在山的两侧种植茶叶。 40、茶叶被农民种植在山的两侧。41、粗心驾驶导致很多交通事故。 42、找出: 43、一个风筝节:

2、44、学习放风筝: 45、国际风筝节:46去度假:47、平凡事物的美丽 48、中国的每个地方都有它自己特殊的传统艺术形式49、在生命中 50、比如爱和美,以及家庭51、根据中国的历史:52、孔明灯 53、寻求帮助 54、当有困难时他把它们放飞出去寻求帮助。55、它们由竹子制成并用纸包住。 58、剪纸56、当孔明灯被点燃时,它们像小小的热汽球慢慢地升入空中供所有人观看。57、它们被看作是幸福和好运的象征。 63、中国陶瓷: 64、陶艺制品: 59、剪纸听起来很容易,但做起来很难。 60、最普通的图画61、在春节期间: 62、作为一个希望好运和幸福一年的象征63、中国陶瓷: 65、一个中国童话故事

3、和历史故事:66、经过风干后,它们被以高温烧制。67、完成每道工序要花数周时间。68、这些小的艺术作品展现了所有中国人对生活和美的热爱。69、例如: 70、把-转变成- 71、放飞: 72、用-覆盖住:73、升入-中去 74、被做成-形状: 75、由-而著名: 76、被用作- 77、关于-的许多研究基础知识专项训练:完成句子第一部分根据所给汉语将下列句子补充完整,每空一词。1. 我经常请教音乐老师怎样才能弹好钢琴。I often ask my music teacher _ _ the piano well.2. 这轻音乐使你想起了什么?What does the soft music _ _

4、 _?3. 飞机起飞的时候天正下着大雨。It _ _ heavily when the plane _ _4. 海伦经常晚上开着灯就睡着了,因为她怕黑。Helen often _ _ _ with the bedroom light _ because shes terrified of the dark.5. 我们不应该逃避问题,而应勇敢面对并解决它们。We shouldnt _ _ _ the problems. We must face and solve them bravely.6. 如果这个星期天不下雨,他们将去长城。They_ _to the Great Wall if it _

5、 _ this Sunday.7. 目前,我们中国人都在唱红歌来歌颂我们伟大的祖国,我们非常的自豪。_ _we Chinese people are singing red songs to praise our great country. We are quite _ it.8. 昨天晚上那个女孩的妈妈回来的时候,她正在玩电脑游戏。The girl _ computer games _ her mother came home last night.9. 你的小妹妹曾经去过游乐园吗?从来没有。不过她希望有一天能去。_ your little sister ever _ to the amu

6、sement park?No, never. But she _ to go there some day.10. 你认为泉城广场和新建的泉城路怎么样?_ do you_ _ the Quancheng Square and the new Quancheng Road?11. 嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。Its not polite to _ _ those people in trouble.12. 交警告诉这位司机不要再犯同样的错误。The traffic policeman told the driver not to _ _ _ _ again.13. 学英语最好的方法是尽可能地多

7、说。The best way to learn English is to speak it_ _ _ _。14. 在二十一世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。In the 21st century, those people _ old ideas will be left behind the times.15. 入世后,中国的发展开始与世界同步。The development of China was finally _ _ _ with the rest of the world after China joined the WTO.16. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。Thank y

8、ou _ asking me to your birthday _.17. 瞧!农民们正忙着在田间干农活。Look! The _ are _ doing farm work in the fields.18. 医生告诉我这种药一天服三次。The doctor told me _ take this medicine _ _ a day19. 如果明天不下雨,我将和父母一起去动物园。Ill _ to the zoo with my parents _ it doesnt rain tomorrow.20. 这些机器是中国制造的,他们在世界上很受欢迎。These machines are _ in

9、 China.They are very _ throughout the world.21. 如果你晚上早些睡,早上就不会感到疲惫。_ you go to bed earlier at night, you wont _ _ in the morning.22. 从你家到学校有多远?How far is it _ your home _ school?23. 我当一名演员的梦想将会实现。My dream of becoming an actor will _ _.24. 如果你能自己做你的作业就好多了。It is _ better if you can do your homework by

10、 _.25. 今年夏天我想去海南度假。I _ _ to spend my vacation in Hainan this summer.26. 日本生产的新款面包机可以将大米变成可口的面包。A new bread-making machine made in Japan can _ rice _ delicious bread.27. 威廉王子和凯特4月29日的婚礼如此引人注目,致使大量游客前去观看。The wedding of Prince William and Kate on April 29 was _ striking _ a lot of tourists went there t

11、o watch it.28. 由于中国政府的快速行动,在利比亚的中国公民很快就回到了家。All the Chinese living in Libya _ home soon _ _ the quick action from the government.29. 近来,人们谈论最多的话题是食品安全问题。The hot topic that people are _ _ these days is the safety of food these days.30. 我们在伦敦期间,他们想尽办法使我们感到像到了家一样。They _ _ _ their _ to make us feel at h

12、ome when we were in London.第二部分根据汉语提示用英语完成句子,词数不限。1. Amy擅长游泳。Amy is _.2. 为什么不尽你最大的努力去帮助需要帮助的人?_ try your best to help people _?3. 这些医生们几乎没有空闲时间与家人团聚。These doctors _ have any _ to get together with their families.4. 因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。I guess more and more people will _ smoking because its not

13、allowed_5. 最近,北京已经成功地举办了两场为贫困儿童筹款的慈善演出。Recently two charity shows _ successfully in Beijing to raise money for_6. 请不要把小车停在商店前面!Dont park the cars_ the shop, please!7. 昨天这个时候,这个年轻人正在等他的朋友。The young man _ his friend at this time yesterday.8. 上星期六,汤姆和玛丽都没有和我们一起去看电影。_ went to see the film with us last S

14、aturday.9. 当李娜获得网球比赛冠军时,我们都忍不住欢呼起来。All of us _ when Li Na became the world champion in the tennis competition.10. 校长在会上说的话对她影响极大。What the headmaster said at the meeting _ on her.11. 你给我这么多帮助,你真好。_ to give me so much help.12. 大部分时间我们都在一起;因此我们从不觉得寂寞。We are together most of the time, so we _.13. 珍爱自己,远

15、离不健康的书。Take good care of yourself and_ bad books14. 近五年来在西昌已发射了几颗人造卫星。Several man-made satellites _ in Xichang in the past five years.15. 我认为自己想办法比仿照别人的样子要好。I think its better to find our own way than_.第三部分请将下列句子译成英语。1. 语文老师经常鼓励我多读点书。_2. 他说等她一回来就把礼物送给她。_3. 您住的地方离公共汽车站有多远? _4. 您介意把灯关掉吗?_5. 对年轻人来说学会团队

16、精神很重要。 _6. 我们新来的英语老师年轻、漂亮和耐心。 _7. 她课上得好,课后经常给我们很多帮助。8. 她要求我们每天至少花一小时学习英语。_9. 水太脏了,我们不能饮用。_10. 我希望将来当一名像她一样的老师。 _11. 这个电视剧是根据一个真实的故事改编的。_12. 天山是如此的美丽,每年都吸引了大量的游客。13. 上周五汤姆病了,因此他没有去上学_14. 我们班长擅长数学,但是他从不炫耀_15. 你认为新的火车站什么时候能建成_第一部分1. how to play 2. remind you of 3. was raining, took off 4. goes to sleep

17、, on 5. run away from6. will go, doesnt rain 7. At present, proud of 8. was playing, when 9. Has, been, hopes10.What, think of 11. laugh at 12. make the same mistake 13. as much as possible 14. with15. neck and neck 16. for, party17. farmers, busy 18. to, three times 19. go, if20. made, popular 21.

18、If, feel tired 22. from, to23. come true 24. much, yourself25. would like 26. change, into 27. so, that 28. returned, because of29. talking about 30. went out of, way第二部分1. good at swimming 2. Why not, in need 3. hardly, spare time4. give up, public5. have been held, poor children 6. in front of 7.

19、was waiting for8. Neither Tom nor Mary9. couldnt help cheering 10. had a great effect/influence 11. Its very nice/kind of you12. never feel lonely 13. keep yourself away from 14. have been sent follow/copy others examples第三部分1. My Chinese teacher often encourages me to read more books.2. He

20、said that he would give her the present as soon as she came back.3. How far do you live from the bus station?4. Would you mind turning off the lights?5. Its very important for young people to learn team spirit.6. Our new English teacher is young, beautiful and patient.7. She teaches well and often g

21、ives us a lot of help after class.8. She asks us to spend at least an hour a day learning English.9. The water is too dirty to drink.10. I hope to be a teacher like her in the future.11. The TV series is based on a true story.12. Tianshan is so beautiful that it attracts large numbers of visitors ev

22、ery year.13. Tom didnt go to school last Friday because he was ill.14. Our monitor is good at math, but he never shows off.15. When do you think the new train station will/can be finished?词汇第一部分 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。1. Its reported that a(n) _ (飞机场) will be built in Shiyan soon.2. Its raining

23、 heavily and you should drive _ (更加小心), or it may be dangerous.3. In the past two years, the bad living environment they were used to _ (改善) a lot. They have bigger and brighter houses.4. It is cold outside. We must keep all the windows _ (关).5. The weather today is good for _ (钓鱼).6. You must come

24、to school _ (按时).7. Dont _ (嘲笑) people when they are in trouble.8. On holidays, tourists like to go to Dinghu Mountain because of the _ (新鲜的) air.9. My sister _ (花费) more than four thousand yuan for her iPhone 4.10. The roads are becoming more and more _ (拥挤的) because of too much traffic.11. Id love

25、 to join you in the camping, but I _ (允诺) to go cycling with John yesterday.12. Uncle Wang usually goes _(游泳) in the river nearby on Sundays.13. He cant see the blackboard clearly, so he needs a pair of _ (眼镜).14. Sorry, I cant follow you. Would you please speak more _ (缓慢地)?15. We had to stay _ (在) home last Sunday, for it was raining all day.16. He _ (做) his homework late last night.17. Both of the two

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