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1、A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By taxi.4. What does Mary invite Peter to do?A. See a film. B. Have lunch. C. Go to a party.5. What is the boy doing now?A. Washing dishes. B. Doing his homework. C. Watching news.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22 .5分) 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段

2、对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where is the camera made?A. In China. B. In Japan. C. In Germany.7. How will the woman get to the store?A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Who is the man?A. Judys brother. B. Judys father. C. Judys grandpa.9. W

3、hat will Susan and Judy do tomorrow?A. Go swimming. B. Play table tennis. C. Go shopping.10. What did Susan lend to Judy?A. A bike. B. A computer. C. A book. 听第8段材料,回答第11至l3题。11. What is Mr. White doing now?A. Having dinner. B. Having a meeting. C. Talking with clients.12. Who is in hospital now?A.

4、The womans husband. B. The mans wife. C. Mr. Whites wife.13. What will the man do next?A. Inform Mr. White. B. Go to the hospital. C. Have a drink. 听第9段材料,回答第14至l6题。14. Whywas the man late?A. Because he forgot the time. B. Because he waited for a telephone. C. Because he was caught in the traffic.15

5、. When will the mans goods arrive?A. Tomorrow. B. The day after tomorrow. C. Next week.16. Who passed away?A. The mans manager. B. The womans grandma. C. The managers wife.听第l0段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why does the man want to travel all over the world?A. To taste food. B. To study recipes. C. To take photo

6、s of food.18. What kind of food does the man like most?A. Chinese food. B. Italian food. C. Indian food.19. What does the man think is a kind of classic American food?A. Hot dogs. B. Fried chicken. C. Steak.20. What food is the American South famous for according to the man?A. Hamburgers. B. Potatoe

7、s. C. Desserts. 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。 AShanghai Disney Resort Now Open!Starting on June 16, 2016, Chinese Guests of all ages now have the chance to immerse themselves again and again within one of the most spectacular and i

8、nnovative Disney theme parks in history.Opening hoursJune & August: MondayThursday 09:0021:00Friday-Sunday 08:0022:September: MondayFriday 10:0019: Weekends 09:AttractionsAs the sixth in the world and the second in China (after Hong Kong Disneyland), Shanghai Disneyland creates many records among th

9、e existing Disney parks:the tallest theme Castlethe first garden-designed zone the first pirate-themed gardenIt also combines movie figures with Chinese culture, like the Chinese Zodiac Murals(生肖壁画)in the Gardens of Imagination. With inspiring music, the movie figures put on interesting performances

10、 on the street and give guests an unforgettable great time. Besides, visitors can enjoy classical musicals and stage plays, like Tarzan: Call of the Jungle, Frozen: A Sing-along Celebration, and the Lion King. TicketsOne-day Ticket:CNY 370 on ordinary days;CNY 499 on weekends, public holidays, July

11、and August.Two-day Ticket:A 5% discount on the basis of the original price.Note:Children below 3.3 feet (1 meter) can enter for free when accompanied by an adult.Children between 3.3 and 4.6 feet (1 - 1.4 meters) and seniors above 65 years old can enjoy a 25% discount.TransportationBy Subway:Take Su

12、bway Line 11 and get off at Disneyland Park Station. By Bus:Take bus line Pudong 50, Pudong 51 or Pudong 52 and get off at South Public Transit Hub. Visitors can book tickets on the official website of the park or by calling 400-180-0000 or 86-21-31580000. Let the magic begin!21. When did Shanghai D

13、isneyland Park open officially?A. On July 16th, 2016. B. On March 29th, 2016.C. On June 30th, 2016. D. On June 16th, 2016.22. What can we know about Shanghai Disneyland Park?A. You can take bus Line 11 there.B. It has the biggest theme Castle in China.C. You can enjoy classical films like Tarzan.D.

14、Many records are created in Shanghai Disneyland.23. If a couple want to visit Shanghai Disneyland on August 27-28, 2016, how much should they pay?A. About CNY 1900. B. About CNY 15000. C. About CNY 1400. D. About CNY 2200.24. What type of writing is this text?A. A travel journal. B. A news report.C.

15、 An advertisement. D. An exhibition reviewBOlav Brutolsen was the most terrible of all the Vikings . With just his bare hands he could defeat a bull in a matter of seconds . To make sure people knew just who he was , his helmet and cloak(斗篷)were decorated with his victory souvenirs . On his helmet w

16、ere over a hundred horns , and on his cloak were a thousand precious stones ; one stone for each enemy he had defeated .In his city everyone would make way for him as he went by , but one day a young man who was absent-mindedly reading as he walked , bumped into Olav . Olav was furious. He scolded t

17、he young man and challenged him to a fight to the death. The skinny young man had no choice; all he could do was accept on one condition:“I cant see very well, and I dont know you, so Ill need you keep your helmet and cloak on during the fight so I can make you out.”Olav laughed a hearty laugh and a

18、ccepted the young mans stupid condition, before launching himself at the youth. The boy was swift, and he only just managed to slip through Olavs hands. The same happened each time Olav attacked , and as the fight went on it became easier for the young man to evade the attacks . Although no one coul

19、d believe how the boy did it, they all expected him to fall down dead as soon as Olav landed the first blow.But that blow never came. Olav had been attacking for more than five minutes, and after ten minutes he fell to the ground , as if dead .Many onlookers thought the young man must be some kind o

20、f wizard, but the boy, who was a medical student by the name of Virtensen, had demonstrated to everyone how Olavs pride had been enough to make him fall under the weight of his helmet and cloak . When Olav came to , like a good warrior he accepted his defeat . From that day he got rid of the useless

21、 souvenirs on his helmet and cloak, and returned to simple clothing. Now wherever he walked he was just like anyone else. Everywhere, that is , except for when he walked on the battlefield , where he came to be recognized not for his many horns or his bejeweled cloak , but for his unparalleled force

22、 .25. Olav put souvenirs on his helmets and cloaks in order to _ . A. scare off all his opponentsB. demonstrate his great achievements C. stick to his different dressing style D. show his unparalleled fighting skills26. Why did the young man win the fight? A. He took advantage of Olavs pride. B. He

23、was a stronger warrior than Olav. C. He used wizard magic against Olav in the fight . D. He was experienced in fighting men of bigger size.27. What does the underlined word “evade ” in paragraph 4 probably mean ? A. launch B. avoid C. block D. beat28. What do we know about Olav? A. The young man too

24、k all of Olavs souvenirs. B. Olav fell to the ground out of embarrassment. C. People always got in Olavs way after the fight. D. No enemy can match Olavs strength in battles.CTiny monitoring devices have become an increasingly common way forscientists to study elusive(难以捉摸的) animals that are difficu

25、lt to track on a day-to-day basis. However, now it seems that smart seals have caught on to the trick and are using it to their advantage to catch fish!To find out if that is true, a team of researchers from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland selected a group of ten young grey seals that had

26、neither encountered the ocean nor been exposed to any kind of acoustic(声音的) tags. The researchers then placed the seals one at a time, inside a pool that contained 20 foraging(觅食) boxes, only two of which housed fish - one with tags and the other without.Each seal was allowed to explore the boxes tw

27、enty separate times. In order to ensure that mammal was not depending on its memory, the fish were moved to different boxes each time. At first, there was no difference in the amount of time it took the seals to discover the tagged and untagged fish. However, after they had been in the pool a few ti

28、mes, they started locating the tagged fish much faster.To confirm that this indeed was the case, the researchers conducted a second experiment using two boxes - one with pieces of fish and the other with just acoustic tags. Sure enough, the seals were all attracted to the one that was sending out si

29、gnals.While this experiment involved only seals, the researchers believe that other marine mammals may also be using the information to catch prey. Sadly, predators like sharks that have been tagged by scientists may be negatively affected, as pings they emit(发出) could warn their prey of their prese

30、nce. Besides potentially messing up natures food chain, the “dinner bell” effect of the acoustic tags could also mean that the conclusions reached by previous fish studies may not be correct. Now that the secret is out, scientists will have to come up with another way to conduct their studies - one that is not detectable by the crafty marine animals.29. What does the underlined part “the trick” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Looking for ways to catch fish. B. Following the sound that

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