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1、新概念语法精讲精炼Plural of Nouns and Possessive Nouns(名词复数及名词所有格)语法及其规则 :一,名词:表示 人,于物,时间, 地点或抽象概念的词叫名词,名词是一种实词,在句子中可单独承担多种成分。二,名词的分类:(可数名词)和(不可数名词)名词分类一览表类别意义示例专有名词表示人,地方,机构或国家的名称Tracy, New York, China 表示某类人,某类事物,节日及对他人的称呼等Americans 美国人,Mum 妈妈Christmas 圣诞节, 普通名词可数名词个体名词表示个体的人或事物名称Boy, doctor, bird, night, b

2、ananaFootball.集体句词表示若干个人或物构成的集合体的名称Army军队, grade年级, group组 People人们 police警察 audience 群众 不可数名词物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物的名称Ink, tea, milk, butter, meat, rice ,water, air, oil , wine, soup bread, cheese 抽象名词表示动作状态,品质情感或其他抽象概念Death, business, health , freedom, friendship help, success表示类别用复数形式。Eg, drinks,饮料veget

3、ables,蔬菜 foods食物 fruits水果 类别及用法示例可数名词单数形式以辅音素开头的在名词前加”a ”a book, / a pen, / a university 以元音素开头的在名词前加”an ”An apple/ an hour/ an idea复数形式规则变化1,一般情况下在词尾加 “s”bookbooks penpens girlgirls 2,以s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的加-esbusbuses boxboxes watchwatches dishdishes 3, 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词把y 变成I 加 escitycities countrycount

4、ries babybabies 4,以f 或fe 结尾的 去掉f 或fe。变成v 加-esleafleaves knifeknives life- lives5, 以”o”结尾的词一般加 “s”,但Heroheroes, negronegroesPotatopotatoes tomato-tomatoesPiano-pianos, radioradiosPhotophotos, kilokilos 复数形式不规则变化1.元音字母发生变化Manmen womanwomen footfeet, toothteeth, mouse-mice2.词尾发生变化Childchildren3.单,复数同型F

5、ishfish, sheepsheep, Deerdeer, Chinese-Chinese4.某些集合名词,的单数形式具有复数意义People人们, police警察public公众 cattle 牛poultry家禽 5.有些以”s”结尾的名词通常被看作单数Politics政治 maths数学 news新闻 works工厂 physics物理 6.有些名词通常只有复数形式Clothes衣服 scissors 剪刀trousers/pants 裤子 ,glasses,眼镜 三,不可数名词:1. 定义:表示不可计数的物品或概念的名词.eg : tea beer2. 用法:A, 用some, m

6、ush, a little, little, a lot of, lots of , plenty of 等来表示量B, 借助单位词表示一定数量3. 不可数名词可以通过以下方式变成可数名词:数词+表示容积的单位词+of + 不可数名词Eg. a mug of beer 一杯啤酒 A bottle of mineral water一瓶矿泉水A packet of sugar 一包糖2.数词+以形状表示数量的单位词+of + 不可数名词Eg:a slice of bread 一片面包 A loaf of bread 一条面包A lump of sugar 一块方糖3.数词+表示度量单位的名词+of

7、 +不可数名词Eg:a pound of cheese 一磅奶酪 A gallon of oil 一加仑油4.数词+一般性表示数量的单位词+不可数名词Eg: a piece of cake / paper /bread/meat.表示数量的短语:a piece of,一张,一片,用在不可数名词前。表示数量,如:a pieceof bread 。复数加在量词piece的后面,如:three pieces of bread,三片面包。本课表示数量的短语还有:a can of 一罐头,一听;a slice of 一片;a glass of 一(玻璃)杯;a bowl of 一碗;a bunch of

8、 一串;a jar of 一罐;a cup of 一(茶)杯;a box of 一箱;a bag of 一袋:表示类别用复数形式。Eg, drinks,饮料vegetables,蔬菜 foods食物 fruits水果 五,名词的格:1, s所有格:表示人或有生命的东西的名词,单数名词和不以”s” 结尾的单数名词加s如以”s” 结尾的复数名词在词尾加Eg, the teachers book 教师的书 Childrens Day Boys footballLucy and lilys bedroom (表一样东西为两人或多人所共有加s )Toms and mikes bikes (表示每个人各自

9、所有在词尾加)2. Of 所有格,表示无生命的东西的名词所有格Eg. the end of the story.The name of the city.3.介词表示所有格:eg. the key to the door. the answer to the question Grammar Test (2)请用括号中名词的复数形式填空1 Look at those _. (child) 2 I can see a _ standing near the door. (policeman)3 Do you want some _ for dinner? (potato)4 In autumn,

10、 you can see a lot of _ on the ground.(leaf)5 He has two _.One is blue , the other is yellow.( box)6 Two _ live in this building .( family )选择正确的词形1 How many (radioes, radios) can you see?2 There are 36 (boys, boies) in my class.3 Look at those (sheeps, sheep).4 I dont want (a, an) old cup.5 Give me

11、 that (box, boxes), please.将以下单复数句进行转换1 This is a knife. _2 That is a tomato. _3 That child is very good._4 These are mice. _5 Those are children. _Numbers: Cardinals and ordinals/Tilling time, Counting Money (基数词,序数词,时间表示法及数钱)语法及其规则 :1,数词:表示数目,数字和顺序的词叫数词(numeral)2,数词分类:基数词和序数词,在句中作主语,宾语,表语等3,基数词的构成

12、:A112是独立词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelveB. 1319 多在词尾加”teen”但13,15,18, 特殊,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen ,sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.C. 2090整十位数多数在词尾加”ty” 但20,30,40,50,80,特殊 Twenty,. Thirty, forty, fifty ,sixty, seventy, eighty ninety D.2199 由几十和几合成的,中间加连字符“ ”

13、 twentyone21 fortysix 46E. 101999三位数中,百位数和十位数或个位数之前加and . 102 one hundred and two 526 five hundred and twentysix4.序数词的构成:用来表示事物的位置与顺序A. First, second, third,为第一,第二,第三,其它序数词的构成是在基数词后加“th”但 fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 在拼写上有些变化。B. 在基数词几十几,变序数词时,只变个位数的基数词即可。第二十一,twentyfirstC.一百,一千,一百万,十亿,的序数词的构成是在基数词后

14、加”th如hundred-hundredth5.英语中的四则运算:“+”plus two plus three is five 2+3=5“-” minus Five minus four equals one 5-4=1“*” times two times eight is sixteen. 2*8=16“ ”divided by Twenty divided by two is ten. 20 2=106. 时间的表示法:A数字直读法7:10 seven ten B. 时间的表示法:“Oclock” 用于整点表示:几点整 3:00 Its 3 oclock.“Past” 用于小于30分钟

15、表示: “几点过几分” 5:16 Its five sixteen. / Its 16 past 5“half” 用于等于30分钟表示:几点半4:30 Its four thirty/ Its half past 4/ Its half to 5“to” 用于大于30分钟表示:“差几分到几点” 9:58 Its nine fifty-eight/ Its 2 to 107.钱的表示方式 Dollar美元 cent每分 penny便士 cent一美分 询问价钱:How much is it? / How much are they? Subject Pronouns , Present Tens

16、e To be affirmative/negative/questions(人称代词及一般现在时的To be 肯定句,疑问句,及否定句)语法及其规则 :1.代词是代替(名词)的一种词类,大多数代词具有(名词)和(形容词)的功能。可做主语,宾语,表语或定语。人称代词人称,数及格的变化一览表人 称代 词第一人称单数第 二人 称复数 第三人称单数第三人称复数第二人称复数主 格 I youhesheIt they we宾 格 me you himheritthem us形物代myyourhisheritstheirour名物代mineyourshishersitstheirsours2. 英语 中的

17、代词按其意义,特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词,物主代词,指示代词反身代词,相互代词,疑问代词,关系代词,和不定代词八种。类别例词示例人称代词I , he , she, it, we, you , they, I have two hands. 物主代词形容词性的:My , his, her, its, our, your, their This is my book.反身代词Myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves.Do homework by myself.指示代词This, that , these, thoseTha

18、t is a pencil.疑问代词Which, who, whom, whose, what Who is your teacher?不定代词Some, any, one , little, few, many, much ,other, every both I like doing some reading.相互代词Each other相互(指两者) one another指三者或三者以上) You can help each other. 关系代词用于从句之中That, who, whom, whose. Which 主从:I like the man who is wearing r

19、ed pants.宾从:This is the bag which Tom picked it up. 定从:This is the boy whose book is lost. 3. To Be 否定句的变化规则: A.先找Be 动词,B.在Be动词后面加“not”4.To Be 疑问句的变化规则:A,先找Be动词; B,将Be动词提前; C,开头字母大写,D,句号变成问号; E,语调变成升调。Grammar Test (2)一完成下列表格:人 称代 词第一人称单数第 二人 称复数 第三人称单数第三人称复数第二人称复数主 格 I yousheIt they宾 格 you him us形物代

20、myhisitstheir名物代yourshersours二填空:代词是代替( )的一种词类,大多数代词具有( )和( )的功能。可做主语,( ),( )或表语。英语中的代词按其意义,特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词,( ),指示代词( )代词,( )代词,( )代词,关系代词,和( )代词八种。Fill in the blanks with the pronouns in the words bank. I You he she it we they 1) are English doctor. 2) is a very nice doll. 3) are a new student.4)

21、am in Class 1,Grade 55) Look at the photo, is my old sister. 6) There is a man over there. is Jacks father.7) Sandy and Sue brother and sister. all like sports me you him her it us them 1) Please pass the juice.2) Tom and Jack are good at English. The English teacher likes very much.3) Ben is ill. W

22、e can go to see in the afternoon.4) Hi, Lily, Nice to see again.5) School is over. Let go home together.6) The dog is hungry. Give some bones. his us my we our he him This is father. is a good cook. We help every day. He loves , and love . Fill in the blank with proper pronoun.Lets meet twins. _ nam

23、es are Liz and Lilly.-Is this your schoolbag?-No, it isnt. _ schoolbag is brown.-Hello, which class are you in?-I am in L11108. How about you?-Me too. Lets go to _classroom.Look at that dog. _ tail is broken.-Whats _ name?-My name is Sue.Questions and Answers /The Indefinite Article A or An(冠词与不定冠词,

24、提问与回答,)语法及其规则 :冠词定义:冠词是英语所特有的,是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,只能用在名词前,帮助说明名词的含义。分类:冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a, an)两种形式。不定冠词(a, an)只用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念,只表示名词为不特定者。”An” 用于以元音音素开头的词前,eg. an egg/office/envelope/airplane/umbrella/earring/orange/eye/arm/elephant/ear/ an hour , an old man , “A” 用于以辅音音素开头的词前 eg. a book. a

25、dog 定冠词则表示名词为特定者,表示” 这,那,这些,那些”的意思冠词的种类在大家讲故事的过程中,常常会用到a , the 这两个单词,它们在剧中可能没有很具体的意思,但却是一定不能少的。我们称这两个单词为冠词。那么,冠词又分为哪几类呢?让我们来看下面的介绍吧!在英语中的冠词有两个,一个是定冠词,另一个是不定冠词the,不定冠词则有a和an两种形式它们本身不能独立使用,只能附着在一个名词上帮助说明这个名词的含义。不定冠词a或an的基本用法不定冠词a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前面,an用在以元音音素开头的单词前面如:a book an old book a teacher an hour不定冠词

26、与第一次提到的或泛指单数可数名词连用。如:There is a book on my desk. My father is an actor.定冠词的基本用法:定冠词在以辅音音素开头的单词前面发【】,在元音音素开头的单词前面发【】用在表示独一无二的事物的名词前,如:the sky the earth the moon用在表示某个特定的人或事物的名词前,如:Who is the man under the tree?Give me the pen on the left.用在由于第二次提到而变为特定的东西的名词前如:You can see an old man in this picture.

27、The old man is smoking.the + 形容词表示一类人或东西,如: the poor the old此外,序数词,形容词最高级,乐器的名称等词前面和一些惯用词组中一般都用定冠词the: the first 第一 the best student 最好的学生 the piano 钢琴4.3零冠词在某些情况下,名词的前面可以不用任何冠词,我们把它叫做零冠词。 (1) 当用复数可数名词或不可数名词来表示一般意义,而不是特指具体的人或事物时。如:Cats are lovely. Orange juice is orange. (2) 当名词前面已经有了起作用的定语作用的限定词(如:

28、my,your,some,any,this,that,等)时。如:I cant find my socks. I think this key is Toms.在表示三餐的名词前面。如:The Greens are having breakfast.My parents dont have lunch at home.We have supper at six every day.在表示称呼的名词前面。如:Mr. Wang is a friendly man.We all like our English teacher Miss King.在表示体育运动的名词前面如:play footbal

29、l play volleyball play basketball在表示节日,星期,月份,季节的名词前面。如:Beijing is very hot this summer. Today is Tuesday.December is the last month of a year.在某些习惯用法中出现如:at school at home on duty go to school go to class go to bed Grammar Test (1)一,选择适当的不定冠词进行填空:_orange _umbrella _egg _hour _computer _dress _dog _toy _apple _university_ arm _eye _ inch _ office _elephant_chair _skirt _coat _earring _so

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