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1、SAT语法强化讲义SAT语法强化讲义宏观原则1. After having read numerous diet books, Charles decided that the simplest plan would be the best: eat fewer calories and A B Cexercise more. No error D E2. Not having traveled abroad before, John was both apprehensive and excited about his upcoming trip to the Galapago A B C

2、DIsland. No error E 3. The woman whom the board picked to design the new building is a renowned architect and has received many awards. A B C DNo error E4. After the somber butler strode to the door and asked, “Who is it ? ” the mysterious vagrant replied, “It is me.” No error A B C D E主谓一致(倒装) 5. T

3、here is many benefits to biking; it is both a rigorous form of extensive and an environmentally sustainable, conscious A B C Dmode of transportation. No error E6. Despite the decline in media attention, there still are, above the western Pacific Ocean, a growing ozone hole. No error A B C D E7. Ofte

4、n citied by the media is the right to freedom of speech and the claim that the public wants to know what celebrities do A B C in their off-time. No error D E8. Deleted from the play during the editing process was a scene which the author felt could offend many people and a A B Cpotentially controver

5、sial reference to the recent civil strife in his history. No error D E主谓一致(A prep B) 9. Some words in the English language has several meanings which are unrelated except through their origins: testudinate, for A B example, can mean either curved and vault-shaped, or extremely slow moving, since the

6、 word derives from the Latin word C Dfor turtle. No error E10. The field of consumer electronics have never been fixed: DVD replaces VHS tapes today, just as CDs replaced cassette A B Ctapes in the past. No error D E11. Either of the two plans are acceptable as both will work equally well. No error

7、A B C D E12. The book Living with Flowers have fabulous picture of how to decorate ones home with flowers as well as examples of A B Chow flowers, and nurturing them, can contribute to ones well being and serenity. No error D E13. The existence of consistent rules are important if a teacher wants to

8、 run a classroom efficiently. No error A B C D E 14. When evaluating the impact of a painting, one of the most intriguing aspects are how the viewer perceives it: can the viewer A B C be induced to consider a perspective distinct her own? No error D E15. By order of the Board of Education, the weari

9、ng of tank tops by students in all the city schools A B C have been completely banned. No error D E16. Some scholars argue that Shakespeares collection of sonnets were actually written for his patron. No error A B C D E17. There is so much contradictory evidence that the police are reviewing all of

10、the alibis, verifying that each of the suspects A B have a reliable witness or credible story to account for his whereabouts on the night of the crime. No error C D E18. Neither of the players on the course today have any hope of reaching the final round. No error A B C D E19. When he confronted the

11、 teacher, as he did after almost every year, the student was adamant that neither the question nor the A B Canswers was fair. No error D E20. Neither the rebel group nor the government are poised to strike a decisive blow in the civil war which has been ranging for A B C Dover a year. No error E主谓一致

12、 (陷阱题) 21. Many singers in fields such as rhythm and blues, soul, and even rock who achieves success actually began their careers by A Bsinging in a church choir, developing their voices and vocal techniques on some of the worlds most beloved music. C DNo error E22. The success of the womens rights

13、movement can, ironically, be measured by the steady rise in the number of women who A B suffers from historically male diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. No error C D E23. “Somebody have done somebody wrong somehow” has to be one of the most insightful and universal lyrics ever written; A

14、B Cthe popularity of this country song lends credence to that conclusions. No error D E24. Politicians habitually promise to implement many profound changes if they are elected; unfortunately or fortunately, A Bdepending on ones perspective only some of these promises is ever actually kept. No error

15、 C D E25. Dentists agree that brushing your teeth three times a day promote good dental health and a more attractive smile. No error A B C D E26. If the chef at the restaurant we visit most frequently overcook my fathers burger one more time, my father will speak to the A B C Dmanager. No error E27.

16、 The ease and speed with which a computer connected to the Internet can transmit a lengthy document is so much A B C Dconvenient than a fax machine. No error E28. Scientists exploring Australias Great Barrier Reef has discovered a type of coral with the same characteristics as human A Bbone; its qua

17、lities render it ideal for hip replacements and other orthopedic endeavors. No error C D E29. John Wayne, long considered a hero by his fans from across the country, were very patriotic. No error A B C D E30. The frog, as a species, are among the best harbingers of environmental pollution, as it is

18、extremely sensitive to change A B Cin both water and soil. No error D E31. Rosie the Riveter, who was characterized in the World War II posters as an attractive, dark-haired, muscular woman and A clearly different from the beautiful blonds languishing by the home fires, are finding new popularity wi

19、th todays womens B C Dadvocates. No error E32. Legal cases today cover increasingly sophisticated technological and medical issues, while the number of parties, especially A B Cin class action suits, are ballooning. No error D E 33. The continual improvements in athletic training methods has made pe

20、rformances that would have been considered A B Cimpossible a generation ago everyday occurrences. No error D E34. The news that no weapons of mass destruction have been found are fueling the opposition to the war and eroding the A B Cpresidents credibility. No error D E35. Dieting and exercise is no

21、t the answer to all weight problems, but they should do the trick for most waistlines. No error A B C D E动词(平行对称) 36. Despite having had no formal training, Jackie was nonetheless able to master the piano by listening to recordings, reading A B Cinstructional books, and she practiced on her own. No

22、error D E37. Two current television trends, the home improvement show that craze and the “hot rod” automobile fad, seem to show a Adissatisfaction with our domestic spaces and indicating a desire for something riskier and more exciting. No error B C D E38. In the authors latest novel, the hero trave

23、led to Montana where she finds a mysteriously deserted house and, through A Ba series of misunderstandings, becomes embroiled in an international smuggling ring. No error C D E39. After Wayne Gretzky began playing hockey, he stayed focused on the sport and holds 61 records when he retired. No error

24、A B C D E40. By 2076, the United States will have been a nation for three years, while, by the same year, China has been a nation A B Cfor almost four thousand years. No error D E41. The goals of the scientists, whose training had afforded them extensive experience with cutting-edge methodologies, w

25、ere A Bto change the genetic components of the virus and setting up a new set of criteria for analyzing the results. No error C D E42. Recently completed, the new maglev train links Shanghai to the Pudong Airport and eliminating a major source of A B C congestion between the two destinations. No err

26、or D E43. The little girl was not only content to allow her mother to do all the dishes, but also believes that her mother actually A B Cenjoyed doing housework. No error D E44. Upon his return, Bob noticed that the milk had spoiled and had went bad while he was away. No error A B C D E45. At first,

27、 Funny Cide, a horse co-owned by three racing amateurs, was thought to have a chance at the Triple Crown, but a A Bwet, sloppy track at Belmont made a difficult third race and thus ends his chances. No error C D E46. Students in the literature course will explore ways in which medieval authors repre

28、sented themes of their time, and A Bwill be reading Augustines Confessions, Boccaccios Decameron, and Heloise and Abelards Letters. No error C D E47. Several fundamental principles lay behind the development of the Constitution: first, the idea that citizens have unassailable A B rights, second, cit

29、izens having the right to disagree with the government. No error C D E48. Revered as one of the worlds most versatile geniuses, Leonardo da Vinci excelled in every endeavor he attempted and A Bserving as a prototype for the Renaissance man. No error C D E49. When Ms. Ruiz arrived at the holiday sale

30、, she realized that she had left her wallet at home and must go back to get it. A B C D No error E50. My art history professors prefer Michelangelos painting to viewing his sculpture, although Michelangelo himself was more A B Cproud of the latter. No error D E动词的时态 51. Before handing in her assignm

31、ent, Michelle checked all her sources twice: her greater fear being receiving any grade lower A B C Da B. No error E52. Returning to school in September, Linnea told us in minute detail how she had rode her bike from our town in coastal New A B C Jersey to Eugene, Oregon, entirely on her own. No error D E53. During the presidential campaign of 1917, the womens party, which was steadily gaining acceptance, accused President AWilson of hypocrisy; he had entered the war in Europe

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