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1、成都大熊猫基地导游词文档4篇成都大熊猫基地导游词文档4篇Guide words of Chengdu Giant Panda Base编订:JinTai College成都大熊猫基地导游词文档4篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是四川的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:成都大熊猫基地导游词文档

2、2、篇章2:成都大熊猫基地英文导游词文档 3、篇章3:四川都江堰英语导游词文档 4、篇章4:四川都江堰英语导游词文档篇章1:成都大熊猫基地导游词文档 成都大熊猫繁育基地建于1987年,现占地560亩,拥有大熊猫繁育所需的各种设施,是世界上最大的大熊猫繁育科研机构。下面是带来的成都大熊猫基地的导游词,仅供参考。成都大熊猫基地导游词一: 各位老师,早上/下午/晚上好!我是来自xxx大学的,我的考号是。 今天,我的景点讲解的题目是:成都大熊猫繁育基地。 请问,老师,现在我可以开始了吗? 亲爱的游客们,下午好!欢迎来到成都大熊猫繁育基地,它位于距市区10公里的成都市北郊斧头山。今天我们的游览路线是:大

3、熊猫博物馆,成年大熊猫别墅,大熊猫太阳产房,天鹅湖。全程三小时,请大家下午五点在景区门口集合。我们的车牌号是:川A在参观过程中请大家注意安全,保管好自身贵重物品,不要随意投喂熊猫食物。谢谢合作! 下面,让我来简单的为大家介绍一下熊猫基地吧。 成都大熊猫繁育基地建于1987年,现占地560亩,拥有大熊猫繁育所需的各种设施,是世界上最大的大熊猫繁育科研机构。它倚山而建,以造园手法模拟大熊猫野外生态环境,集自然山野风光和优美人工景观为一体。在20xx年7月12日被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产。德国前施罗德第二次来成都首站便直奔熊猫基地,并与熊猫亲密合影,声称与熊猫的合影将是送给女儿最好的礼物。成

4、都大熊猫 大熊猫体型肥硕似熊,全身毛色黑白分明。那么,大家知道为什么熊猫是黑白色的吗?传说,从前熊猫全身都是白色,但为了哀悼一位从豹口中救出它们同伴而牺牲的牧羊女,它们痛哭流涕,眼圈和身体就被黑色臂章染黑了。大熊猫自古以来就被称为中国的“友好大使”。早在中国唐代(公元685年),武则天就赠送了两只大熊猫给日本的天武天皇,加深了两国之间的友谊。 现在,在我们面前的就是成年大熊猫别墅了。接下来,让我重点为大家介绍一下熊猫的生活习性吧! 大熊猫很有个性,喜欢独来独往,过独居生活。可是它们性情却很温顺,样子憨态可掬,行动逗人喜爱,初次见到人的时候,常常用前掌遮面,就像是深闺淑女,故有“熊猫小姐”的称号

5、。可是一旦它当上妈妈之后,就会不顾“淑女”的形象,拼命的保护自己的孩子。 瞧,我们眼前的这位小美女正津津有味的吃着竹子呢。竹是大熊猫的最爱,在野外,除了睡眠或短距离活动,大熊猫每天要花长达14个小时的时间来进食,一只成年大熊猫一天可吃掉40公斤的食物噢。而我们基地的熊猫可就幸福得多了,他们的每日三餐由营养师配给牛奶,鸡蛋,时鲜水果,满足基本要求,再投放鲜竹,任其选食,真是玩够熊猫的格了。而且熊猫还有嗜饮的习性,一旦找到水源便没命的畅饮,因此有“熊猫醉水”之说。 大家可别看大熊猫平时是那么的慵懒,可是,她们还有许多我们意想不到的本领呢! 她们喜欢爬树,可别看她们个体肥胖,爬树对她们来说却是小菜一

6、碟呢,她们喜欢爬到树上沐浴阳光、嬉戏玩耍、甚至求偶追逐也上树。其次由于她们不惧严寒,也从不冬眠,并且能够涉水泅渡,顺利的度过了第四纪冰川时期,所以被科学家们称作是“第四纪冰川走出来的勇士”。 怎么样,在了解了熊猫的生活习性后,大家一定很好奇我们的科技人员是通过什么手段让大熊猫增子添孙的吧?接下来,让我们走进熊猫的阳光产房,探索熊猫繁殖的奥秘吧! 各位老师,我的景点讲解完毕。谢谢!成都大熊猫基地导游词二: 现在您来到的是大熊猫馆。我们都知道大熊猫可是国宝,您还记得吗?在第九届亚运会上熊猫盼盼被选为吉祥物,它可爱的形象已经深深的印在人们心中。 我们都喜欢大熊猫,又经常在电视上看到它,可您能说出大熊

7、猫身上哪部分是黑色的,哪部分是白色的吗?别看这个问题简单,猛的一问您还真不见得回答上来。那我们进去看看吧。 大熊猫不仅是中国人民的宝贵财富,在国际上的名望也非常高,世界自然基金会把大熊猫作为会徽、会旗的图案,是保护和拯救全世界所有珍贵、濒危物种的标志。目前大熊猫的数量非常少,据最新的调查统计数字表明,目前全球野外大熊猫1596只,圈养的有68只,总共加起来还不到20xx只。它们生活在我国四川、甘肃、陕西三个省份的交界处,是中国的特产动物,国外展出的大熊猫全部是来自中国赠送和借展的。 在300多万年前,大熊猫是一个相当繁盛的家族,过着“丰餐足食”的生活。后来,地球经历了冰河期,气候变得越来越冷,

8、很多动物因为适应不了气候的变化被淘汰,只有少数大熊猫躲在高山深谷中生存了下来,成为动物界的“遗老”和“活化石”。难怪现在大熊猫的数量这么少。 现在我们已经看到大熊猫了,刚才的问题能回答了吧。原来大熊猫的四肢、眼睛、和耳朵是黑色的,其它全部是白色的。你看它们成天懒洋洋的,在野外遇到敌人可怎么办呢? 其实,你别看大熊猫身体笨拙,据说在野外觅食的时候,它一天可以走40公里路呢。大熊猫的主要天敌是凶残的豺,遇上豺后,它就选择一棵大树作后盾,一屁股坐在树根上,防止敌人从后面袭击,然后用它的大肉掌面对豺的脑门猛击一掌,打得豺晕头转向,趁这个时候大熊猫用前脚抱住头缩成一团,向山坡滚下去。这下豺也拿它没办法了

9、。 我们看,这个馆的四周种的全是竹子,那它们除了竹子还吃其它的东西吗? 其实远古时期的大熊猫是食肉动物,后来随着生活环境的改变才改吃竹子的,直到现在我们的饲养员每天还要喂它们一些像蛋、奶、肉之类的动物性食物,大熊猫每天除了吃15-20公斤竹子外,饲养员还给加喂了大米、窝头、牛奶、蔬菜、水果以及蜂蜜等等。我们的饲养员对待大熊猫就像对待自己的孩子似的,无微不至的关怀和照顾着它们。在这里它们一天当中有一半时间都在吃,其余的时间不是玩就是睡觉,生活的无忧无虑。如果您上午10点到下午3点之间来看大熊猫,它们可能正在熟睡,请您谅解它们,这是它们多年来的生活习惯。 1955年3月,北京动物园开始对外展出大熊

10、猫。1978年在全世界首次采用人工授精的方法繁殖大熊猫并成活;1992年又成功地采用全人工育幼的方法饲养成活大熊猫幼子。现在这里一共有8只大熊猫,它们和人一样有着不同的性格,有的温驯,有的急躁,有的内向,有的外向。但总的来说大熊猫这种动物非常聪明,记性也好。每天快到吃饭的时候,它们就会坐立不安的走来走去,稍微晚点开饭,它们就会敲打铁门催促饲养员喂食。 好了,大熊猫馆就给您介绍到这儿,我们继续观赏其它动物篇章2:成都大熊猫基地英文导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chengdu Research

11、 Base of Giant Panda Breeding. You know, The base is the best destination to know the giant pandas. Here we can closely observe pandas ,how they rest, eat and play with each other, also, we can learn how to feed them, even we can watch female pandas nursing their cubs . And more importantly, we can

12、further our understanding of how to protect these beautiful but endangered creatures. Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the Adult Panda Enclosure. Look, there are two giant pandas just coming out from their house. The bigger one is Huanhuan, a male panda. And the smaller one is Xixi, a female pand

13、a. Both of them are 4 years old. You know we are very lucky today, because usually at this time they were still in they are walking towards the fresh bamboo ,it seems that they are going to have their breakfast. Now while we watch them eat, let me introduce their eating habit to you. We all know tha

14、t giant pandas are famous for their love of bamboo. But do you know how much bamboo a giant panda eats a day? 5kg, 8, 10? Actually, for an adult panda, it eats about 17kg of bamboo stems a day or 14kg of bamboo leaves, or about 40kg of bamboo shoots. Thats quite a huge amount, right? So giant pandas

15、 almost spend 12-16 hours eating bamboo each day. And now you may ask why they need to eat so much bamboo? Thats because bamboo has very little nutritional value, so pandas must eat a lot to meet their energy needs.Besides, to reduce their energy consumption, pandas spend about 10 hours on sleeping

16、everyday. Thats why the time left for them to play is very little. Everybody, here comes a confusing question, are giant pandas herbivores? No, there are not herbivores. Although they depend so much on bamboo and only about 1% of their diet is made up of other foods., Giant pandas are members of the

17、 bear family; they have the same digestive structure of carnivores. In some ways, they are anomalies of evolution. They are descended from meat-loving carnivores. In other words, their digestive tract is built to break down meat and is inadequate to break down bamboo. So pandas can only get small am

18、ount of nutrition from bamboo. Thats another reason why giant pandas have to eat lots of bamboo . The fact is startling, right? Pandas still eat meat occasionally when its available. But maybe because bamboo is easy to get year-round so evolution favored pandas that rely on bamboo. For whatever reas

19、on, after thousands of years of eating bamboo, they like it more and more, so much so that they prefer it than any other food. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have learned why giant pandas need to eat a lot of bamboo every day. Next I am now going to show you how female pandas feed their cubs. Please

20、follow me. We are going to the next site, the giant panda nursing facilities. Thanks篇章3:四川都江堰英语导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Dujiangyan is located in the west of dujiangyan city, sichuan province, is located in the minjiang river in the west of the chengdu plain. Dujiangyan water conservancy project was buil

21、t in 256 BC, is so far, all over the world s most long, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy projects. Is a national key cultural relics protection units. Near dujiangyan, beautiful scenery and numerous cultural relics, there are mainly FuLong view, the two

22、Kings temple, peaceful bridge, which, from the pile of park, which mountain park and lingyan temple, etc. The dujiangyan irrigation project by the creation of yuzui water-dividing dike, fly sand dam spillway, BaoPingKou irrigating gate three main engineering and baizhang dike, herringbone dam and ot

23、her accessory works. Scientifically solved the automatic water distributary and desilting, control the water flow, flood, eliminates the make western sichuan plain severe from the mans land of abundance. More than two thousand years, has played a flood control and irrigation. By 1998, dujiangyan irr

24、igation area has reached more than 40 counties, irrigated area of 668700 hectares. Fish mouth is built in jiangxin water dam, the minjiang river surge is divided into outer and neijiang, jiang outside having, jiang baopingkou water diversion irrigation. Fly sand dam up xie hong, desilting and adjust

25、 the action of water. BaoPingKou control water flow, the shape of the mouth for such as bottlenecks, therefore calls BaoPingKou. In the river after BaoPingKou into the western sichuan plain irrigation farmland. From the hills hill part of truncation, which is called from the heap. Dujiangyan water c

26、onservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence

27、, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. After the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, province.with from people, do not know famine, when no famine, tianfu . Culture has a gre

28、at development of the economy in sichuan province. Its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for pro

29、fit, make the person, the land, water three highly harmonious and unified. Dujiangyan project remain, so far still plays a job. With the enlargement of the scope of the development of science and technology and irrigation area, begin from 1936, gradually switch to slurry concrete build by laying bri

30、cks or stones pebble technology of ancient project for repair, reinforcement, add some of the water conservancy facilities, the engineering layout and ancient weir are crowded deep, low weir tao beach, return pattern, since the, cutting Angle, every heart is pumping in bay and other valuable hasnt c

31、hanged, dujiangyan water conservancy project to become the worlds best model of water resource utilization. Water conservancy experts, after carefully watched the whole project design of its height more than the scientific level of marvel. Such as sand weir design is a good use of the theory of swir

32、ling flow. The weir, at ordinary times can be irrigated, flooding can drain into the river, but also the role of sand and gravel, sometimes big stones can roll away from the weir. There were no cement, for such a big engineering is use local materials, using bamboo cages packed pebble as weir, expenses in province, effect is remarkable. Dujiangyan scenic in this area, there are many places of interest, it is an ideal tourist attraction. Dujiangyan one with two Kings temple, FuLong view, peaceful bridge such as places of historic interest. Two Kings te

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