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1、个人手工制作新牛津高中英语模块78期末知识点回顾与复习题新牛津高中英语模块7-8期末知识点回顾及复习题期末知识点回顾一、词汇大集合模块七重点高频单词:1. delay vt.&vi. (使)耽搁, (使)推迟n. 延误,延迟3. distribute vt.使分布,分散;分配,分发;分销4. rid vt.摆脱;去除; 丢弃5. load n负荷,负载;大量,许多vt.装载,装上,装入6. reject vt.拒绝,抵制;排斥;摒弃n被拒收者7. oppose vt.反对;与竞争8. sacrifice vt.牺牲,献出n. 牺牲,丢弃;祭品9. undertake vt.&vi.承担,从事;

2、承诺,答应10. astonish vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊11. relate vt.&vi.联系,把联系起来;讲述12. subscribe vi.预订;订购,订阅 13. beneficial adj.有益的,有用的14. command n命令;控制;掌握vt. 命令;指挥;控制15. claim vt.宣称,断言;索取,认领n. 声明,断言; 索赔16. address n地址;演说vt.探讨;处理, 解决;向说话;称呼(某人)17. correspond vi.通信;相一致,符合;相当于18. abandon vt.遗弃,抛弃; 放弃n放任;放纵19. acknowledge vt

3、.承认,认可;感谢20. withdraw vi.&vt.撤回;取(款);脱离(社会), 不与人交往21. convey vt.运送,输送;表达,传递22. postpone vt.延迟,延期23. choke vi.&vt. (使)窒息;塞满,堵塞;(使)哽咽24. arise vi.出现,产生25. via prep.经由,经过(某一地方);通过,凭借1用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. I suppose we should delay _(decide) about this until next year.2. There is a new problem _(involve)in

4、the popularity of private car that road conditions need to be improved.【答案】 1. deciding2. involved重点高频短语:1. rid. of.使免除,使摆脱2. wind up上发条;缠绕,卷绕;结束3. keep in touch with与保持联系4. make up编造,杜撰;组成;化妆;和好5. let out放出;泄露;(把衣服)放宽6. wear out磨损;耗尽;穿破;使筋疲力尽7. turn to转向;求助于;开始使用8. split up分组,分解;分离9. link up连接,联合10

5、. put through给某人接通(电话);使经历11. speed up (使)加速12. try out测试,试验;参加选拔13. block. from 阻止14. keep. in mind记住,牢记15. drop out退学,辍学;退出,脱离16. decide on/upon决定,选定17. turn up出现,到来;把开大点;(机会等)到来;改短18. be cautious about对小心谨慎19. in large quantities大量地20. be addicted to对上瘾,成瘾;沉迷于2单项填空:1. With one leg broken in that

6、car accident, he cannot even walk, _ run.A. let alone B. thats to sayC. not to speak D. not to mention2. Would you please _ us on Sunday for a chat?A. drop off B. drop in onC. drop out D. drop in at【答案】 1. A2. B佳句读背:1. But _its_up_to_you_to_choose good programmes.但是是由你来决定选择好的节目。2. If you open up any

7、 medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world, _it_is_likely_that_ you will find aspirin and penicillin.如果你打开任何一个药柜或是去世界上的任何一个药品柜台, 你很有可能会发现阿司匹林和青霉素。3. What_do_you_think_it_was_like travelling on subway 100 years ago?你认为100年前坐地铁旅行会是什么样?4. So, why_not_take_a_trip_ on the oldest underg

8、round system today?因此,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观光一番呢?模块八重点高频单词:1. desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需要2. resist vi.&vt.反抗,抵制,抵挡3. rescue n&vt.&vi.救援,营救4. reputation n名誉, 名声5. adore vt.热爱,喜爱;爱慕6. intend vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要7. seek (soughtsought) vt.&vi.试图,设法;寻找,寻求8. demand vt.强烈要求;需要n. 需求;要求9. decline n衰落;减少;下降vt.&vi

9、. 衰落;下降;婉言谢绝10. commit vt.&vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证11. reward vt.给以报酬,奖励n. 回报,报酬,奖励12. disgusting adj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的13. expose vt.使接触;暴露,显露14. resemble vt.看起来像,类似15. disappoint vt.使失望,使扫兴16. attraction n吸引,吸引力;吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方17. dip vt.&vi.浸,蘸18. calculate vt.&vi.计算;推测19. trend n趋势,动向20. dare vt.&vi.

10、&aux.敢于,胆敢1用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. The holiday _(disappoint) them because the weather was bad.2. _(expose) to unacceptable high levels of radiation makes workers health worse and worse. 【答案】 1. disappointed2. Being exposed重点高频短语:1. bent on (doing) sth.决心做某事(通常指坏事)2. on the run躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波3. live up to达到,符合

11、(期望)4. touch on/upon谈及,涉及5. at first sight初次见面;乍一看6. spring up突然兴起,迅速出现7. break up解散;拆开;击碎;分开;结束8. have a go (at) 尝试,试一试9. lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开10. be made out of由制成,用制成11. in defense of为辩护;防卫12. give thought to认真考虑,思考13. show off炫耀,卖弄;显得好看;表现(能力等)14. be devoted to把(时间,精力等)用于,献身于佳句读背:1. I think this is

12、 more_ to show off the special effect than to help the films plot.我认为,与其说这是有助于表现电影情节,倒不如说是为了突出电影特技。2. Hardly_had we left the dormitory the next morning when_we realized we had left our map in the room.第二天早晨,我们刚离开宿舍,就意识到把地图忘在房间里了。3. So_crowded_was_the_art_gallery_that I could hardly move about. 美术馆如此

13、拥挤以至于我寸步难行。4. Wherever_the_Beatles_went,_there was a phenomenon called “Beatlemania”thousands of fans would surround them, screaming and going crazy trying to see them.无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿,总有一种被称为“披头士狂”的现象成千上万的粉丝总围绕着他们,尖叫着,疯狂地试图看见他们。2单项填空:1. Complete facilities and professional policies should be made full us

14、e _ talents returning home after having studied abroad.A. to attract B. of attractingC. of to attract D. to attracting2. Have the peace talk broken down? Yes. Armed conflict is _ to break out between the two countries.A. likely B. possibly C. probably D. gradually【答案】 1. C2. A二、复习题.单项填空1Here _ and t

15、here _.Acomes the bus;he goesBthe bus comes;goes heCis coming the bus;he is comingDthe bus is coming;is going he2Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.Ahas this city been Bthis city has beenCwas this city Dthis city was3_ you eat the correct foods _ be able to ke

16、ep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if;will you BOnly if;you willCUnless;will you DUnless;you will 4What is the cost of your shirts here,sir?It depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices _ from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.Adiffer BrangeCalter Dseparate 5If you leave the college,you will not be

17、 _ back in.Areceived BadmittedCturned Dmoved6I _ that we would arrive there at 6:00 pm.Acounted BfiguredCcalculated Devaluated7What do you think of the project put forward by the Blacks?Considering its real_,it will be well worth putting into practice.I suppose.Areward Bprize Ccost Dvalue8_ I could

18、say anything more,Holmes had rushed off to the station.ABefore BUntil CWhen DAfter9They stood staring at the happy _ of children playing in the park.Aview Bscene Cscenery Dlandscape10After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families.Aaccommodati

19、on Boccupation Cequipment Dfurniture.11It rained heavily in the south,_ serious flooding in several provinces.Acaused Bhaving causedCcausing Dto cause 12The architect has committed herself _ the design within a month.Afor finishing Bto finishCto finishing Dat finishing13In order to discover the crop

20、s most suited to the soil,Dr.Johnson as well as his assistants _ various kinds of grain.Aare experimenting with Bis experimenting withCis experimented with Dis experimenting on14Never _ forget the days when _ together with you.Ashall I;I lived Bshall I;did I live CI shall;I lived DI shall;did I live

21、 15 When will you leave for Paris for a visit? _ next month.AUntil BAfter CAt DIn.完形填空Vincent Van Gogh is often remembered as the painter who cut off his ear in a fit of passion.He was a lonely man who often _16_ without food in order to buy paints,a man with few friends and a _17_ temper.Van Goghs

22、strong emotions not only _18_ his life,but his paintings as well.Many of Van Goghs paintings were _19_ by warm,yellow sunlight because he loved how it could _20_ the world in different ways.His painting Sunflowers,for example,is _21_ yellows and browns.These colors give the painting a _22_ of warmth

23、.However,the sunflowers are _23_ dead and dying.The result is a painting that _24_ the warmth of life that Van Gogh loved with the feelings of _25_ that were all around him.It is a painting that is warm,beautiful and sad,all at the same time.Van Goghs most famous paintingThe Starry Night,_26_ this m

24、ixture of joy and sadness one step _27_.It is a landscape full of deep _28_ and shadows which represent the sadness Van Gogh was feeling as he was painting,_29_ what he was actually seeing.This is why Van Goghs _30_ in his painting look more imagined than real.The stars and moon in The Starry Night

25、are _31_ bright,their light swirling above the darkening hills.A tree that looks like black fire cuts through the _32_ of the night,interrupting its beauty.Because of his wild emotions,Van Gogh was not _33_ during his life.He sold only one painting and never found true love.However,people today who

26、stand in front of Sunflowers or The Starry Night can _34_ the same joy and sadness Van Gogh once did,_35_ he painted those deep blues and sunny yellows.16A.went BcameCcarried D. sent17A.gentle BtenderCstormy D. short18A.developed BaffectedCimproved D. reduced19A.inspired BtaughtCfollowed D. moved20A

27、.show up Bturn upCcut up D. light up21A.full in Bfilled withCfilled of D. full out22A. state BlookCfeeling D. touch23A. actually BsimplyCentirely D. finally24A.compares BincludesCcommunicates D. mixes25A.happiness BexcitementCsadness D. worry26A.takes BstandsCraises D. continues27A.further BdeeperCl

28、onger D. closer28A.reds BblacksCblues D. greens29A.other than Brather thanCas well as D. in addition30A.voices BpicturesCcolors D. images31A. seldom BunusuallyCaccordingly D. properly32A.surroundings BenvironmentCview D. sight33A. understood BnoticedCrewarded D. trusted34A. experience BrecognizeCacc

29、ept D. determine35A. though BhoweverCif D. as.阅读理解Abandoned by a breeder(饲者) at only eight weeks old because she was deaf,Alice had a tough start in life.But less than a month after being saved,the springer spaniel(斯伯林格斯班尼犬) is learning to recognize sign language commands with her new family and now she has already learned the signs for several basic commands.Marie Williams,41,and her partner Mark Morgan,43,who are themselves both deaf,adopted the puppy from the animal charity The Blue Cross.The couple and their three sons Liam,16,Lewis,13,and Owen,five,who have normal hearing,ar

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