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1、八年级上英语第三单元导学案课题: Lesson 13:I Love Autumn 课型 : 新授课一、学习目标: 1.会运用本课词汇:celebrate,mid-,lunar,round,celebration,however,thanksgiving,wonder,Mid-Autumn Festival,lunar calendar,National Day, Thank sb.for. 2.掌握加“s”和“”名词所有格和由when 引导的时间状语从句。 3. 学会感恩。 重点:名词所有格和when 引导的时间状语从句。 难点:过去分词(短语)作定语。二、预习指导一单词探究:_ v.庆祝,过

2、去式和过去分词为_ _ eg. We _ (庆祝)National Day every year._n. 庆祝,庆贺_ 居中,中间Mid-Autumn Festival_ adj, 月球的;阴历的;农历的 eg. the lunar calendar 阴历,农历 the lunar new year 阴历新年;春节 _ adj. 圆的 eg. The moon is round and bright on the August 15. adv. 周而复始地_(和动词搭配)eg. The whees went round and round._ adv. 然而,不过表示转折,与but 同义。但在

3、句中的位置不同:eg.() owever ,my father did not agree. ()My room is small, however ,its comfortable.(3)We tried our best ,we lost the game,however.从例句中,可看出however放在句_(首/中/末),用_和其它句子成分隔开;用于正式场合,而but 常用于口语,_ 感恩节(美国和加拿大共有的节日,由美国人独创,愿意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成,感谢印第安人的帮助)_v好奇,想知道后跟由if 或wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句。eg. Li Ming wondered why

4、 he had left. I wonder if he will come tomorrow. I wonder who he is.I wonder what your job is.二【慧眼识珠】聪明的同学们,能通过读课文完成下面的问题吗?并且把与每个问题相关的句子在课文中划出来、读出来,我相信你一定能行,加油呀!【1】 Read the lesson and answer the questions.1. What will Li Mings family do on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival? _.2. Where will Jenny

5、 go on Thanksgiving Day? _.3. When is Canadian Thanksgiving? _.4. Why do Li Ming and Jenny like autumn? _.三、小组合作交流.解决问题。【真实呈现,准确感知】找出下列句子或根据句意,讨论分析知识点: 1.In the lunar calendar ,its on August 15. 农历_2.We will celebrate Mid -Autunm Festival this week.句意为:_中秋节_3.We will watch the moon that night and lo

6、ok for Change.句意为_。赏月_4. When I was a little boy,my grandma told me the story of Change.句意为:_.本句由两个简单句构成。为主从复合句。主句为:_从句为:_“when”意为“_”引导_状语从句。当从句在前时,主句和从句用_隔开。 eg. She was playing games when I saw him just now. eg. Remember me when you wear the cap. eg. I couldnt help laughing when I saw it.5. In the

7、 story , a beautiful lady named Change lives on the moon . 一个叫嫦娥的美丽女子named Change是过去分词短语作_ 语,修饰lady.因为named Change和所修饰的词lady是_(主动/被动)关系,所以用过去分词作定语(过去分词可表示被动)。eg. A girl named Mary is my good friend.6.We will have a seven-day holiday. seven -day 个_形容词,意为_其中的名词(能/不能)用复数形式。eg. That ten-year-old boy can

8、 speak three languages.7. 谢谢你的电子邮件。因. 感谢某人感谢某人的. _8.I will go to my grandparents home.其中home 与grandparents为关系,表达这种关系时用所有有格,以“s”结尾的名词所有格在其后加_.9.加拿大的感恩节在月的第二个星期一。_10.在美国,他们在十一月的第四个星期四庆祝感恩节。_四、当堂检测【巩固基础,反馈提升】基础知识巩固题-把简单的事做好就叫不简单!【1】英汉互译:中秋节_国庆节_感恩节_lunar calendar_赏月_ a seven-day National Day _grandpare

9、ntshome_the second Monday of October_五、课后反思 课题: Lesson 14: Happy Memories 课型 : 新授课 一、学习目标: 1.掌握的单词和短语:memory , past, album ,choose , collection , slide, Record, view , lively ,birth , attend , touch , such as, get together,, add .to., face to face, stay in touch with 2.Enable Ss to describe

10、their happy memories. Key points and difficult points(重、难点)的用法 4.such asfor example的区别 5.Enjoy的用法 6.Forget to do doing二、自主预习1、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(1). I can help you save your memories ( 记忆) .(2). Cameras are ( be) useful for recording ( 记录) videos.(3). Choose ( 选择) some photos from your coll

11、ections ( 收藏品) .(4). People always enjoy l ooking at old pictures.2、用下列单词的适当形式,补全对话 Hobby attend lively collect record A: Did you bring your photo album? B: Sorry, I didnt. But I brought some photos from my collections . A: OK. Let me look at them. This one is lively.Were you at a sports meeting? B:

12、 Yes, my father took the picture for me. Hishobby is taking photos. He always attends my school events.A: Great. Taking photos is a good way to record life.三、语言点链接 do sth.太。而不能做。,此句型可以与not.enough to do.以及so .that.进行同义句转换(延伸)Eg:He is too young to go to school. =He isnt old enough to go to sch

13、ool =He is so young that he cant go to school.2.enjoy +doing enjoy+oneself(延伸)finishenjoypractisegive upmind be busyfeel like+doing sth.3.such a.sfor example的区别such as加多例,与后面的例子之间不用逗号,=likefor example加一例,与后面的例子之间用逗号隔开。Eg;He, for example, is a good student. Boys such as John and James are very friend

14、ly.4.forget to do sth忘记还没有做某事 forget doing sth忘记做过了某事四、合作与探究A)根据句意和首字母完成下列句子1.When family members get t_ ,they talk and laugh.2.You can ask family members to c_some photos from their collections.3.Cameras are useful for r_ videos of the family.4.Videos are l_ and they help you remember happy times.B

15、)用所给词的适当形式填空1.Happy _(birth) to you .2.Its fun _(make) a family tree.3.People always enjoy_(look )at old pictures.4.Family_(celebrate),such as holidays and birthday parties, are always a lot of fun.5.Its never too late _(learn)C)句型转换1.The girl likes many sports, like basketballs,running.(同义句)The gir

16、l likes many sports, _ _ basketballs,running.2.Mr. Wangs lesson is lively (划线提问)_ _ Mr. Wangs lesson?3.People always enjoy looking at old pictures(划线提问)_ _ people always _ _?五、当堂达标练习A.单项选择1.-Dont forget _ your history book tomorrow morning.-Thanks, I wont.(A.bring bring C.bringing)2.Lily isnt o

17、ld enough to carry the so young that she can B.isnt young enough too young to so young to3.The child is _young_ go to school.A. so ;that B.too; to C.enough;to ;too4.He can speak some foreign languages,_English, Japanese and French.A. For example B.example for C.such as

18、 such5.If you add ten_ five, you can get fifteen.A. to B.on D.with6.Please stay in touch _us.A. To B.on C.and D.withB.短语翻译1. 例如 2.出席家庭庆祝3.聚会 4.从。中选择5.放映幻灯片 6.和。保持联系 7.面对面 8.把。加到。 9.对。有用 10.从某人自己的角度六、课后反思:-课题: Lesson 15 :A Present for Li Ming 课型 : 新授课一、学习目标: 1.掌握的单词和短语:the same size as, try on,

19、any other 2.Enable Ss to talk about the size colour style. Key points and difficult points(重、难点) 3.Try on的用法 sb sth=buy sth for sb 5.think 否定前移的用法 6.anyway(无论如何、不管怎样)可放在句首或句末二、自主预习1、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(1). What size ( 尺寸) do you like?(2). I like the style ( 款式) , but I dont like the color.(3). Li wo

20、uld like that jacket anyway ( 无论如何) .(4). I think this jacket fits ( 适合) me.2、根据对话情境,补全对话S: 1. CC: I want to buy a jacket.S: 2. EC: I would like a green one.S: Here you are. Have a try, please.C: 3. AS: Would you like that one?C: 4. B I like the different things.S: 5. DC: Let me try it on. Great! Th

21、ank you.A. It doesnt fit me. Its too long.B. Its the same as my friends.C. What can I do for you?D. Maybe you would like the new one.E. What color do you like?三、语言点连接Read the text and find the emphasis ,do exercise 1.write down thedifficulties they dont understand.1. try on(试穿)如果宾语为名词,放在两词之间或后面都行,若宾

22、语是代词必须放在两词之间。(延伸)take off put on用法一样2. think否定前移 I dont think +宾语从句,这一句型意为“我认为。不。”(否定放在think前,翻译时,放在从句中)(延伸)用法类似的词还有believe相信guess猜想suppose假设Eg:I dont think he is right.3. anyway=anyhow“无论如何、不管怎样”,可放在句首或句末。Eg:1)Anyway, lets forget about that for the moment. 不管怎样,让我们暂时忘记那件事吧。 2)He is ill, but he says

23、 he wont miss his lessons anyway.4.(延伸)1)bright:明亮的、鲜明的。反义词:darkbright:聪明的、伶俐的。 反义词:clever2)fit (动词)合适、合身。(形容词)健康的、合适的fitwell3)style in style=in fashion Out of style=out of fashion四、合作与探究A)根据句意和汉语完成下列句子1.It will rain ,but we will go _|(无论如何)2.Does the yellow jacket _|(适合)you?3.Which_(款式)of shoes do

24、you want to buy?4.What _(尺码)is your friends coat?5.Its a nice dress.Can I _(试穿它)?B)用所给词适当形式填空1.Would Li Ming like _(buy) this coat?2.Li Meis new dress is the same colour as_(she)3.Is there_(something)I can do for you?4.That morning the sun was shining_(bright)C)句型转换1.I think Li Ming would like that jacket(否定句)2. Dannys pante are brown. Tims pants are brown, too.= Dannys pante are_ _ _ _Tims.五、当堂达标练习A)用所给词的适

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