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1、computertotheIntemet.Theremustbe_it. (wrong)我的计算机联不上网。它肯定是有什么毛病吧。5. Stop _, Jenny. You know, the baby is sleeping in the next room. (play)Jenny,别弹钢琴了。要知道,小宝宝在隔壁房间睡觉呢。6. Li Rong told me that she _ an English Speech Contest next month in the city hall. (part)李荣告诉我说,她下个月要参加在我们学校举行的一个英语演讲比赛。7. I likecar

2、toonbook_aMickeyMouseoncover.Would you please passit to me? (have)我喜欢那本封面上印有米老鼠的书。请把它递给我好吗?8. Mr. Li asks the students _ in the river, because its too deep and of course very dangerous. (swim)李老师要求学生不要在那条河里游泳,因为它很深,自然也很危险。第二组:1. Peter, there is something else I want to know about China. I am still w

3、ondering _the Spring Festival. (celebrate)Peter,关于中国,我还有一些事情想了解的。我还想知道中国人是如何过春节的。2. Although you may meet some difficulties in the research work to deal with this problem, you _(give)虽然在解决这个问题的研究工作中你会遇到一些困难,但你决不应该放弃。3. Though the girl is only mine, she _ her brother and cooks meals every day for the

4、 family of four people. (care)小女孩虽然只有九岁,但她却每天照料着她的小弟弟,为一家四口做饭。4. Many people have come to realized that we should try to save more energy and produce less pollution _a green life. (live)许多在现在已经认识到,我们应当努力节约更多的资源,制造更少的污染来过上一个绿色的生活。5. No, Li Ming _in the classroom. I saw him in the reading room just no

5、w. (be) 不,李明不可能在教室里。我刚才还在阅览室里看到过他的。6. _ go and see the film Papillon Le with us? I hear it is very interesting. (like) 你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?我听说它很有趣的。7. Theres little time left. _ or well be late. (hurry) 所剩时间太少了。请快点,不然我们要迟到了。8. _weather! The radio says it is 39 today, but I believe it is even higher. (what

6、)好热的天哪!电台里说今天有39摄氏度,可我认为还要更高。第三组:1. Dont worry, our son is still on the way, because he will give me a call as soon as he _. (arrive)别着急,我们的儿子还在路上。因为他一到伦敦就会给我打电话的。2. I think David is crazy about _music. Look, the earphones are in his ears all the time. (listen)我想David听音乐一定是发狂了。你看,他的耳朵里总是塞着耳麦的。3. I n

7、ever seem to lose any weight, _hard I try. (matter)看来不管我怎么努力我是减不了肥的。4. If you come to Hangzhou, you shouldnt miss the show Impression West Lake! The actors performance _ on the water of the West Lake. (show)如果你去杭州的话,一定不要错过西湖印象这个节目。演员的表演是在西湖水上展示的。5. As it is a rather long way from here to the library

8、, _take a taxi. (better)鉴于从这里到图书馆的路还相当远,你还是打的去为好。6. For all these years he has been working for others. Hes hoping he _his own business someday. (take)这么多年来,他一直是在给别人打工。他希望某一天他能开始自己的事业。7. Do you know _to Italy for her holiday this weekend? I hear she hates driving, doesnt she? (drive)你知道Cindy 是否开车去意大

9、利度假呢?我听说她不喜欢驾车,是吗?8. Im sorry I cant join you. I _ my homework. (finish)对不起,我不能参加你们的活动。我的作业还没有完成呢。第四组:1. The girls ordered three _and some chicken for their lunch, and it cost them 50 yuan. (cup)女孩们点了三杯咖啡和一些鸡肉,花了50元。2. The mother gave the crying child a toy Android and some candy to _. (cheer)妈妈给那个哭

10、着的小孩一个玩具机器人和一些糖果去逗乐他。3. Do you know_ from our school to the newly-built park? (far)你知道从我们学校到新建的公园有多远吗?4. According to the report, because of the new traffic rule, fewer accidents _ last month. (cause)根据报道,因为有了新的交通法规,上月发生的交通事故有所减少。5. What a heavy rain it was! And I love _ after it rains. It smells so

11、 fresh. (air) 好大的一场雨呀!我喜欢雨后的空气。那是一股清新的气味。6. Mr. Black is a teacher of _. She and her classmates like him very much. (sister)Black先生是我姐姐的一位老师。她和她的同学都很喜欢他。7. _ month of the year is May. It is usually the month when people begin to feel hot. (five)一年中的第五个月份是五月。通常这是人们开始感觉到炎热的时候。8. _ to some fish, Jeff.

12、Please free up. (you)请吃鱼,Jeff。 不要拘束。第五组:1. A Mr. Jack Smith from London _near our hospital, but now he doesnt. (use)有一位从伦敦来的Jack Smith先生以前住在我们医院附近,但现在不了。2. Do you know the reason why online shopping is getting _? (popular)你知道为什么网上购物越来越受到青睐的原因吗?3. My sister and her husband _Paris with my parents. The

13、y will be back in about a month. (go)我的姐姐和她的丈夫同我的爸妈一起去巴黎了。他们大约在一个月之后才回来。4. _ your coat, Jim. Its warm enough in the dining room. (take)Jim,把大衣脱了吧。餐厅里够暖和了。5. Bad luck! You didnt win the race. Well, you _every time. You know everyone wants to win. (win)糟糕,竞赛你没有赢。不过,你不可能次次都赢。要知道,人人都想赢的。6. Jim gave me a

14、 note while I _in the reading room. It said he didnt want to join us in the game. (read)我在阅览室看书的时候,Jim给我一个便条。上面说,他不想参加我们的活动了。7. At the time when the school first opened, he got to school at about 6:30 am every day and _ 9 pm. (come)开学之初,他每天早上都是约六点半到校,晚上直到9点才回家。8. As for me, I like to _football. Id l

15、ike to play table tennis. (neither)至于我嘛,我既不想打篮球,也不想踢足球。我想打乒乓球。第六组:1. Im not free these three to five days. But I think I will have _holiday soon. (day)对不起,近三到五天我没有空。不过,我想我很快就可以有一次三天的假期。 2. When I asked Joe for some orange juice, she said there _. (little)我向Joe要点橘子汁喝的时候,她说基本没有剩下什么了。3. Her house is ne

16、ar the railway station, so I think it _very noisy. (be)她的家在火车站附近,所以我想一定很嘈杂。4. Tom is out? If he _, do call me. I want to discuss something with him. (come)Tom不在家吗?如果他回家了,一定给我打个电话。我要跟他讨论点事情。5. Well, youve never heard of Pleasant and Gig Gig Wolf before, _?噢,你以前从来没有听说过喜羊羊和大灰狼,是吗?6. I didnt catch the t

17、eachers words because I _my QQ friend while he was speaking. (talk)老师讲的话我没有听到,因为他讲话时,我在跟我的QQ朋友聊天呢。7. _the music is! I dare say it is the best piece Ive ever heard. (beautiful)多么美妙的音乐啊!我敢说这是我所听到的音乐中最好的一曲了。8. John, youll find it very easy _your goal if you put your heart into it. (achieve)John,如果你用心的话

18、,你的目标实现起来就很容易了。第七组:1. Could you tell me _for the meeting this morning? (come)请你告诉我你为什么今天上午到会迟到了。2. When you meet a new word in reading, try to guess its meaning. _ your dictionary all the time. (depend)阅读时遇到生词,要尽量去猜测它的意义,不要总是依赖词典。3. Bruce, _the film you saw yesterday evening? Joe said it was quite b

19、oring. (like)Bruce, 昨天晚上看的那电影你觉得怎样?Joe说,它很让你乏劲。4. Go to Betty for help. She _ her brother, who never helps others. (different)去找Betty帮忙吧。她与她的兄弟不同,那个人是从不帮助别人的。5. I havent seen you all these days. I guess you _for the coming English test. (study)这么些天我没有看到过你。我猜想,你是在为马上到来的英语测试用功吧。6. _ the Internet, we c

20、an get a lot of information from all over the world. (help)有了互联网的帮助,我们能从世界各地获取信息。7. These two buildings _each other in many ways. Do they have the same function? (similar)这两个建筑物在许多方面是一样的。它们有同一功能吗?8. Now, things get much better than before. _of the land in that country is covered with trees and grass

21、. (two, five)那个国家的情况现在大有好转了。的树木和青草覆盖了国土的五分之二。第八组:1. It seems that its going to rain. You _ the windows open when you leave the house. (leave)天气看来要下雨了。你离开房间的时候最好不要让窗户打开着。2. Remember, boys and girls. _you work, _result you will get. (hard, good)孩子们!记住,你们越是努力学习,就越能取得好的成绩。3. My friend says she has bough

22、t the camera _on . (sell)我的朋友说,她已经买到了在网站上出售的相机。4. Well have to wait some time because Carl hasnt finished_the computer. (mend)我们还得等会儿,因为Carl还没有修好电脑。5. _your kind help. Youve saved my husband and also my family. (thank)谢谢你们的好心帮助。你们救了我的丈夫和我一家人的命。6. Of the two sisters, Ann is _, and she is also the one

23、 who likes singing. (young)姐妹两个中,Ann是较小的那个。她也是爱唱歌的那个。7. Yes, this idea sounds great to all of us. I wonder who _it. (come)好,这个主意让我们大家听起来都不错。不知是谁提出的。8. Mary was heard _loudly in outside just now. Did something bad happen to her? (cry)刚才听到Mary在外面大哭。她是不是发生了什么不好的事?第九组:1. My parents will be out this even

24、ing.How about_in my house?(do)我爸妈今天晚上外出,我们到我家做作业怎么样?2. The supermarket _ten years ago, but it still looks new. (set)这家超市虽然是十年前建的,但现在看上去还很新。3. Could you please tell me _it so well? With your parents help? (did)你能告诉我你是把它怎么做得如此之好?是你爸妈帮助吗?4. The company decided to spend about _building a school for the

25、children in that small town. (million)公司决定投资五百万元在那个小镇为孩子们兴建一的学校。5. Brough _receiving a baseball from his uncle on his eighteenth birthday. (look)Brough盼望着在他18岁生日那天能收到他叔叔给他的一个棒球。6. Mike looks very excited because _a tennis match this evening. (be)Mike看上去很兴奋,因为今晚有一场网球赛。7. Do you still remember the tea

26、cher _ P.E in primary school? Hes become a famous badminton star. (teach)你还记得小学时教我们体育的那位老师吗?他现在成了羽毛球明星了。8. Mr. Zhang was ill in the hospital, so we decided _our trip to Huangshan that weekend. (put)由于张老师生病住院了,所以我们决定推迟我们那个周末去黄山的旅游。第十组:1. Mr. Yoshioka is not _math teacher. He only teaches Mary and Ann

27、 has another teacher. (Mary, Ann)Yoshioka先生不是Mary和Ann的数学老师。他只教Mary,Ann的老师是另外一个人。2. The dish _, dont eat it any more. (smell)这菜变味了,再不要吃了。3. Yes, everybody says it is a nice tie. My aunt _ me for my last birthday. (send)是的,谁都说这条领带很漂亮。这是我上次过生日时我姑姑寄给我的。4. I didnt know _the same book as his, so I called him for the address of the bookstore. (buy)因为我不知道我在哪里可以买到跟他一样的书,所以我就打电话问他那个书店的地址。5. Your drea

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