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1、G: Who the fuck are you, man?Ryan:Excellent question. Who the fuck am I? Poor Steve has worked here for seven years. Hes never had a meeting with me before or passed me in the hall or told me a story in the break room. And thats because I dont work here. I work for another company that lends me out

2、to pussies like Steves boss who dont have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason. Because people do crazy shit when they get fired.Steve:Did I do something wrong? I mean, is there something I could do differently here?This is not an assessment of your productivity.

3、 You gotta try not to take this personally.Dont take it personally.Steven, I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think youre gonna find a lot of good answers in here。Im sure this is gonna be very helpful, a packet. Thank you. A packet. Well, anybody who ever built an empire or chang

4、ed the world sat where you are right now. And its because they sat there they were able to do it. Thats the truth. Im gonna need your keycard. Great. Okay. Now, I want you to take the day, go get together your personal things, and then tomorrow, you get yourself some exercise. You go out for a jog,

5、you give yourself some routines, and pretty soon you find your legs. How do I get in touch with you? Dont worry; well be in touch with you soon. This is just the beginning. Ill never see Steve again.Thank you. To know me is to fly with me. This is where I live. When I run my card, the system automat

6、ically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement. 想了解我,就跟我一起飞行。我就住在这里。我刷卡的时候,系统会自动让柜员,用这一句话跟我问好。Woman:Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bingham.很高兴又见到你,宾汉先生。 Its these kinds of systemized, friendly touches that keep my world in orbit. ll the things you probably hate about traveling,

7、the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi, are warm reminders that Im home. 就是这些系统化友好的行为让我的世界正常运行。旅行中你可能不喜欢的所有事物。循环空气、人工照明、果汁贩卖机、廉价寿司都给我带来家的温暖。-Do you want the cancer?- The what?- Do you want the cancer?-The cancer?- The can, sir?-No. Im fine, thank you

8、.-您需要癌症吗?- 什么?- 您需要癌症吗?-癌症?-听装饮料,先生-不,我不要,谢谢你How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that youre carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, the

9、things on shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stu

10、ff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether its a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house. I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. Its kind of hard, isnt it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we cant even mov

11、e. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, Im gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who cant remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. Its kind of exh

12、ilarating, isn你的背包里装了什么?你的人生有多重?想象一下,你背着一个背包。我要你们感受肩膀上的肩带。感觉到了吗?所有东西都装进去从小东西开始装,书架上和抽屉里的东西,小摆设、小收藏。感觉一下增加的重量,然后你装上大一点的东西,衣服、桌上电器、灯、床单,你的电视机。现在背包应该已经很重了。接着再装更大的东西,你的沙发、床、餐桌,全塞进去,你的汽车,也塞进去。你的家,小公寓也好,双卧室的房子也好我要你把这些全塞进背包里。现在走走路看。有点难,是吗?我们平时就是这样对自己的。我们承载了太多东西,多到不能动,不能犯错,能动就是活着。现在,我要把这背包付之一炬。你想把什么拿出来?照片吗?

13、照片是给没有记性的人。喝点银杏酒,把照片烧掉。把所有东西都烧了,想象早上醒来一身轻松的感觉。感觉挺兴奋的,是吧?Welcome back, Mr. Bingham. 欢迎您回来,宾汉先生(Ryan Binghams office.)(瑞恩宾汉办公室)You put me in a Dodge Stratus in Kansas City. 你怎么让我在堪萨斯城坐道奇层云轿车Man:They were completely out of all full-size sedans.大型的豪华车都被订走了 Did you try.? 你有没有试着- Yes. I reminded them of y

14、our remarkable No.1 Gold Club status and years in the program. They are literally moving mountains to see you in a Sebring. 有啊。我提醒他们你是非凡的一号金卡会员,拥有很长的会员年资。他们真的是动了一切脑筋,想让你坐上克莱斯勒的赛百灵。Fair enough. Any other messages? 那好吧,有留言吗?Your sister Kara called. Needs to speak urgently about your sisters wedding. I

15、 told her you were mid-air and not even I knew your final destination. 你姐姐凯拉打过电话,急着跟你谈你妹妹婚礼的事。我跟她说你在天上飞,我也不知道你最后要去哪里。Well done. 干得好And you got an invitation to speak at Goalquest in Vegas.有人邀请你去拉斯维加斯为“实现目标”演讲。Goal quest 20? “实现目标”?(Ryan:Every once in a while, I do speaking engagements, motivational

16、kind of stuff. But Goal quest? Were talking Major Tony Robbins shit. s. 偶尔我去做一些演讲,有关励志的东西。可是“实现目标”?他们讲的东西跟托尼罗宾斯差不多。)Its got a hologram on it. Theyre calling it Dos Equi邀请卡上还有个图标,他们称之为双X。All right, Ill check in. 好吧,我要登机了Hold on. Ive got Gregory for you. 先别挂,克雷格格里高利找你Wait. Fuck. 等等妈的Craig:How is my li

17、ttle road warrior?我的小公路勇士怎么样啊?Hey, 20 minutes from boarding into a world of bliss.嘿,再过20分钟就能登上极乐世界。Real good numbers out of Phoenix, Ry guy. Hey, you know that Big Auto is about to cut another 10K before the end of the month? 在凤凰城干得不错啊,瑞恩同志。嘿,你知道大汽车集团要在月底前再裁掉1万员工吗?- No kidding. 不是吧- Yeah. Christmas

18、came early. I wish I could have you in about five places at once, but I do need you back here in Omaha by the end of week. All right? 对,圣诞节提前啰。真希望能让你同时在五个地方,不过我需要你这周回奥马哈一趟。好吗?- I thought you needed me everywhere. 我还以为你希望我一直在外面跑呢Well, you know, we got something real big here, a real game changer. 公司有

19、大事,要做重大改变What are we talking about here? 你在说什么?Youll see. Today I took my first crap in two weeks, hallelujah. 到时候你就知道了,我便秘了两周。今天终于拉了第一泡屎,哈利路亚。- Thats me hanging up on you. 我要挂了- Great, love that sound. 太好了,我喜欢挂电话的声音达拉斯Are you satisfied with Maestro? 你对梅斯彻租车公司满意吗?Alex:Yeah, I am. 满意啊A little stingy

20、with their miles. I like Hertz. 他们在里程方面有点小气。我喜欢赫兹租车。No, Hertz keeps its vehicles too long. If a car has over 20,000 miles, I wont drive it. 不,赫兹的车太旧了里程数超过两万的,我就不开了。Maestro doesnt instant checkout. I like to park and go. 梅斯彻还车很麻烦,我喜欢停车就能走人Hertz doesnt guarantee navigation.赫兹的车不能保证导航s funny. You dont

21、seem like a girl who needs directions. 有意思,你不像是没有方向感的女孩子I hate asking for directions. Thats why I get a nav.我不喜欢问路,所以我需要导航That new outfit, Colonial, isnt bad.那家新公司,克罗尼公司不错Is that a joke? 你开玩笑呢吧?Yes. 是They never have available upgrades. 他们从来不升级Basically, its a fleet of shit-boxes. I dont know how the

22、yre still in business.基本上就是一些屎盒子,不知道他们为什么还没倒闭。- Im Ryan. 我叫瑞恩m Alex. 我叫艾莉克斯Maplewood card. How dare you bring that into this palace? 枫木卡你怎么好意思把它跟这些卡放一起?Hilton offers equal value and better food, but the Maplewood gives out warm cookies at check-in. 希尔顿酒店提供同等服务和美食,可有了枫木卡,入住时他们会奉送热乎乎的曲奇饼干。They got you

23、 with the cookies, did they? 他们送你曲奇饼,是吗?Yeah. Im a sucker for simulated hospitality. 对,我就是偏好这种非主动的友好You know, theres an industry term for that. Its a mixture of faux and homey. Faumey. 这有个行业术语的,是“人造”和“舒适”的结合,简称“人舒”。Oh, my God. I wasnt sure this actually existed. This is the American Airlines. 我的天啊,原

24、来真有这种卡。这是美国航空公司的s a Concierge Key, yeah. 对,是礼宾钥匙- What is that, carbon fiber? 什么做的?碳纤维吗?- Graphite. 石墨Oh, God, I love the weight. 天哪,我喜欢这个重量I was pretty excited the day that bad boy came in. 我刚拿到这卡的时候,很是兴奋ll say. I put up pretty pedestrian numbers. Sixty thou a year, domestic. 是啊,肯定的。我的里程数挺多的,一年国内飞行

25、六万。s not bad. 还可以- Dont patronize me. Whats your total? 要摆出这种高人一等的样子。你里程多少?- Its a personal question. 这是个私人问题- Oh, please. 说吧- And we hardly know each other. 我们还不怎么认识呢Come on. Show some hubris. Come on, impress me. I bet its huge. 快说吧,炫耀一下,快点啊,说来听听。我想肯定很多。- You have no idea. 你想都想不到How big? What is i

26、t, this big? - This big? 有多少?多少,这么多?这么多?- I dont want to brag. 我不想自吹自擂Come on! Come on. 快说啊!快说Lets just say I have a number in mind. I havent hit it yet. 这么说吧,我心里有个目标数。现在还没有达到。This is pretty fucking sexy. 这真是太性感了Hope it doesnt cheapen our relationship. 希望不要因为这个让我们的关系变得低廉Were two people who get turne

27、d on by elite status. I think cheap is our starting point. 我们是两个为对方的社会地位着迷的人我想低廉是我们的起点Theres nothing cheap about loyalty. 忠实永远都不会是低廉的So, we came up with this master plan, which was for me to put gauze, to put bandages on both my hands. Then we got on the plane, transatlantic, flying to Zurich. Walked up. Waited till it was dark, and walked up to the bathroom with her. Everybody was watching the movie, and I was like. Opened up, went inside. She opened the door for me, and came in like she was gonna help me. And then,

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