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1、B . stayingC . to stayD . stayed6. (2分)Shanghai _ the first China International Import Expo from November 5, 2018 to November 10, 2008. A . will holdB . holdsC . has heldD . held7. (2分)Oh, my god! I really dont know next.Whats wrong ? Can I help you?A . what to doB . how to doC . how do itD . so tha

2、t8. (2分)_ the pandas are shy, _ please be very quiet. A . Because, soB . So, becauseC . Because, /D . So, /9. (2分)_ woman is Daniels mother?The one in the red coat.A . WhatB . WhereC . WhoD . Which10. (2分)Its almost eight years _we saw each other last time. A . beforeB . sinceC . afterD . when11. (2

3、分)She didnt _ me about it. A . toldB . tellC . tellingD . tells12. (2分)I _ to bed until my granny came back home.A . didnt goB . wentC . had goneD . have gone13. (2分)Driving less, walking more is good for our health. So Id rather _ an hours walk to work than _ driving a car.A . take; considerB . tak

4、e; to considerC . to take;D . taking; considering14. (2分)I go to school at .A . a half to sevenB . seven a quarterC . seven and fifteenD . a quarter past seven15. (2分)Bob is a football fan. He often asks me _ football matches with him.A . watchingB . watchedC . to watchD . watch16. (2分) Which colour

5、 do you prefer? _ blue _ white is OK. They are both my favourites.A . Both; andB . Neither; norC . Not; butD . Either; or17. (2分)Its common _ us to use cell phones and computers. A . inB . withC . forD . of18. (2分)To _ raise is to bring or collect something together.A . holdB . raiseC . offer19. (2分

6、)Most students enjoytelevision in the evening.A . watchB . to watchC . watchesD . watching20. (2分)Did Kate _ your birthday party yesterday?No, she didnt. But she _ us for dinner.A . join; took part inB . join; joinedC . take part in; joined inD . take part in;二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)完形填空 It snowe

7、d again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb(炸弹). There is no Father Christmas.I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth.Grandmother was at home. I told1everything. No Father Chri

8、stmas? she was a little 2Dont believe it. Put on your coat, and lets go. Go? Where, Grandma? I asked.Kerbys Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me the dollars and said, Take the 3and buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car. Then she turned and walked out

9、of the Kerbys.For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering 4to buy, and who to buy it for.I thought of 5I knew, my family, my friends, my neighbours. I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decbar, a 6with bad breath and messy hair. He sat right behind me7Mrs. Polacks class.Bobbie 8went t

10、o any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, 9we all knew that he didnt have a cough, and he didnt have a coat. I decided to buy Bobble a red warm coat10he would like.That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbo

11、ns, and 11To Bobbie, from Father Christmas on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he 12them. Then she drove me over to Bobbies home, telling that I was helping Father Christmas 13the presents.Grandma parked the car along the street, and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie

12、s home. Then Grandma said to me, All right, Father Christmas get going.I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down14the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the 15and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did and

13、 there stood Bobbie.That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.(1)A . him B . herC . themD . you(2)A . angryB . happyC . tiredD . afraid(3)A . bookB . coatC . presentD . money(4)A . whatB . whenC . whereD . how(5)A . everybodyB . nobodyC . somebodyD . an

14、ybody(6)A . girlB . boyC . manD . woman(7)A . forB . onC . inD . with(8)A . alwaysB . oftenC . sometimesD . never(9)A . soB . ifC . butD . and(10)A . whereB . thatC . whoD . why(11)A . readB . sayC . writeD . spell(12)A . helpedB . believedC . taughtD . made(13)A . give upB . give awayC . put upD .

15、put off(14)A . onB . behindC . outsideD . over(15)A . shopB . carsC . doorD . trees三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)22. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, sometimes we need to be alone. We dont alw

16、ays want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are the same. Sometimes friends dont get on well. That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up(和解) and become friends again.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel ve

17、ry sad. We miss them very much, but we can call them and write to them. It could be that we could even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have friends. They live longer th

18、an people who dont. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be that they just know that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you should also take good care of yourself.(1)From the first paragraph(段落)we can know that A . we should make more and more

19、friendsB . nobody needs friendsC . we should have friendsD . when we have new friends, we dont need old friends(2)How do you feel when your friends move away?A . Happy.B . Sad.C . Angry.D . Excited(3)People who have friends will _ than those who dont have friends.A . play more gamesB . run fasterC .

20、 live longerD . eat more(4)What can we do if we miss our friends who have moved away?A . We can ring them up.B . We can shout to them.C . We can write to them.D . Both A and C(5)Which is the best title of the passage?A . My FriendB . How to Make FriendsC . We Need FriendsD . Friendship23. (10分)阅读判断:

21、根据短文内容,判断小题句子的正误。The American writer Sally Seaman tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed (种子) and take care of it to make it grow.First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not beca

22、use a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend could listen to your complaints (抱怨) and do his or her best to help you. To make a friend, you cant be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.But

23、things can not always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. If he or she doesnt want to talk, you can write a letter.There are three steps to be friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling, say wh

24、at your friend has done wrong and explain(解释) why you did this or that.Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life.(1)Friendship is like a tree. (2)To make a friend, you should make each other happy and share your lives. (3)A good friend should have money and good looks

25、. (4)Friendship is one of the most important things in your life. (5)You dont talk to him or her when you have a fight with your friend. 四、 翻译 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)将中文句子翻译成英文(1)到了上飞机的时间了。(its time to)_(2)听到这个坏消息后,西蒙忍不住哭了。(Simon,cant help)_(3)我认为李磊今天晚上不会来听音乐会了。(not think)(4)继续努力学习,你将会提高你的英语水平。(keep doing

26、)(5)我们应该互相学习、互相帮助。(learn from;each other)五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。Do you like running? Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see _ (American) runningmen and women, young and old. People run everywherealong the beaches of California, through the

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