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1、peak of luminous intensity (luminous flux) 发光强度(光通量)峰值Perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率Perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率Performance of plant 设备功能(效能)Period of flaming 火焰期PH Valuc PH值pH value 酸碱度Phosphate powder 磷酸盐干粉photoelectric effect 光电效应Photoluminescence 光致发光piezoe

2、lectric effect 压电效应Place of safety 安全区Plain water fire extinguisher 清水灭火器Planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度Plant accident 设备事故Plant ageing 设备老化Plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率Plant daily service fulfillment ratio 备日常保养完成率Plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化Plant in good

3、condition 设备完好Plant leasing 设备租赁Plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划Plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量Plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程Plant management systems 设备管理制度plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理Plant model selection 设备选型Plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造plant renewal 设备更新Plant re

4、newal management 设备更新管理制度Plant replacement 设备更换plate valve 平板闸阀Pneumatic extinguisher 风力灭火机Pneumatic extinguishers 风力灭火机polarized light 偏光portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器Portable fire extinguisher 手提式灭火器Portable fire pump with engine 手抬机动消防泵Post fire hydrant 地上消火栓Post responsibility of plant management

5、设备岗位责任Post standard of plant management 设备技术资料管理制度Potassium bicarbonate powder 碳酸氢钾干粉Powdef fire branch 干粉枪Powder extinguishing agent 干粉灭火剂Powder extinguishing system 干粉灭火系统Powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器Powder fire monitor干粉炮Powder fire truck 干粉消防车Powder suppressant 干粉抑爆剂Preaction system 预作用灭火系统pre-

6、alarm state 预报警状态precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备Prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付Pressure loss in bit 钻头泵压损失Pressure loss in drilling rod 钻杆泵压损失pressure-limiting valve 限压阀Pressurization 增压Prevention first 预防为主Primary short circuited melted mark 一次短路熔痕probability 概率(几率)Probe test 探头检测Productio

7、n equipment 生产设备Products of combustion 燃烧产物Prohibiting Sign 禁止标志proof test forfire-extinguishing systems 消防系统效用试验Propaganda fire vchicle 宣传消防车propaganda fire vehicle 宣传消防车Prophylactic test 预防性试验Protected area 保护区域Protected stairway 疏散楼梯protection by spraying aqueous preventives 喷淋防锈Protective Unit o

8、f Civil Air Defence 人防防护单元Protective valve 保护阀Protein foam concentrate 蛋白泡沫液public city fire facility 城镇公共消防设施Public-fire alarm address system 火警广播系统Pump 水泵Pump axis 泵轴Pump body 泵体Pump data 泵数据Pump output 水泵排量Pump pipe 泵管Pump pressure 泵压Pump pressure meter 泵压表Pump pressure of fracturing 压裂泵压Pump sus

9、pended in well 水井吊泵Pump type 泵分类pump wheel 泵轮Pump wheel shaft 泵轮轴Pump wheel(impeller)shaft 泵轮轴Pumper 泵浦消防车Pyrolysis 热解pyrophoric material 自燃物quadruple ladder truck 消四节云梯(消防)车quake 地震quake-proof 抗震的qualification 资格证明书,执照qualification test 资格证明书,执照qualified 合格的,有资格的qualified agency 有资格的机构qualitative a

10、nalysis 定量分析quality control 质量控制quality standard 质量标准quality supervision 质量监督quantity of heat 热量quarry dynamite 采石场用硝甘炸药,露天矿用硝甘炸药quarry power 采石用炸药quarters 美消防站,消防署quartzoid (bulb)sprinkler system 消玻璃球喷水灭火系统quartzoid bulb detector消玻璃球喷水灭火系统Quasi-safe area 准安全区quell a fire 灭火quenching diameter 消熄火直径使

11、火焰熄灭的孔道直径quenching distance 灭火距离quenching of explosive condition 爆炸状态的骤熄quick connect coupling 消快式接口quick line 消加压水带线quick match 速燃引信头,速燃导火索quick opening sprinkler system device 消快开喷水灭火系统装置quick response early suppression sprinkler 消加快反应早期灭火洒水喷头quick silver 汞,水银quick switch 快速开关,快动开关quick water 消滑溜水

12、quick-opening device 消快开装置喷水灭火系统的quick-response extended coverage sprinkler 消快速反应扩大覆盖面洒水喷头自动喷水灭火系统quick-response sprinkler 消快速反应洒水喷头自动喷水灭火系统quintuple lader truck 消五件套云梯(消防)车其消防装备有水箱、水带、泵浦、拉梯和机械云梯五种组成Q quality factor品质因素,质量因素rack-jack 齿条式千斤顶rad 拉德吸收辐射剂量单位,等于每一克组织吸收100尔格能量radial branch 消旋转式消防炮;导流式水枪射流

13、直径最大达51毫米,只需一名水枪手操作radial fire extinguisher 消辐射式灭火器radian 弧度角度单位radiance 辐射性能面辐射强度radianr 辐射的 发光的radiant energy 辐射能radiant energy flux 辐射能通量radiant energy sensing detector消感辐射能探测器radiant energy-sensing fire detector消感辐射能火灾探测器radiant flux 辐射通量radiant flux test 辐射通量试验radiant furnace test method 辐射能试验法

14、radiant heat 辐射热radiant heat resistance 抗辐射热性能radiant heater 辐射式供暖器radiant heating 加热,辐射热供暖radiant heating system 辐射式供暖系统radiant intensity 辐射强度radiant panel 辐射板radiant panel furnace 辐射板加热炉radiant panel heating 辐射板供暖radiant panel test 辐射板试验(美国试验与材料学会的应用辐射热源材料表面易燃性的标准试验法E1radiant power 辐射功率radiant res

15、istance furnace 辐射电阻炉radiant surface 辐射面radianting capacity 辐射能力radiant-tube furnace 辐射管式炉(隔焰炉之一种)radiated heat 辐射热radiating 辐射的radiating chemistry 放射化学,辐射化学radiating element 辐射单元 放射性元素radiating fin 散热片radiating heat 辐射热radiating medium 放射性介质radiating principal 辐射主体radiating surface 辐射面radiation 辐射,

16、放射,反射线能,热radiation accident 放辐射事故radiation area 放射区,放射面积radiation burn (放)射线灼伤radiation calorimeter 辐射量热器radiation condition 辐射条件radiation damage 辐射伤害,射线伤害radiation detection 辐射探测器radiation detection instrument 辐射探测仪radiation detector辐射探测器radiation dosimetry 辐射剂量测定法,辐射剂量学radiation effects 辐射作用,辐射效应r

17、adiation exposure 辐射照射radiation feedback 辐射反馈radiation fire detector消光束火灾探测器radiation hazard 辐射危害 radiation illness 辐射病,射线病radiation injury 辐射损伤radiation intensity 辐射强度radiation loss (热)辐射损失radiation machine 辐射装置radiation measurement 辐射测量radiation monitoring 辐射检查radiation proof 防辐射radiation protecti

18、on 辐射防护radiation pvrometer 辐射高温计radiation resistance 耐辐射性radiation resistant 防辐射的radiation screen 辐射屏radiation shield 防辐射屏蔽,辐射射罩radiation shielding 辐射屏蔽,辐射防护radiation source 辐射源radiation standards 辐射标准radiation surface 辐射面radiation temperature 辐射温度radiation valve 辐射值,辐射系数Radiation warning assembly 辐

19、射报警装置radiation warning symbol 辐射警告符号radiation-convection temperture 辐射对流温度radiation-enhanced burning rate 辐射增强的燃烧速率radiative feedback 辐射热反馈radiator辐射源,暖气片box 散热器罩,暖气罩cooler 消(消防车散热器的)辅助冷却装置radical 化原子团 基,根radio 无线电 无线电通信radio- 词头放辐射,无线电,X射线Radio alarming 无线报警radio antenna 无线电天线radio beacon 无线电信标radi

20、o box 消无线电火灾报警箱radio cache 消无线电设备贮藏处radio channel 无线电波道radio circuit 无线电通信网络radio commications system 无线电通信系统radio communication 无线电通信radio contact 无线电联系radio dispatch system 无线电调度系统radio equipment 无线电没备radioactivation 辐射激活化radioactive 放射性的radioactive air 放射性气体radioactive cloud 放射性云radioactive conta

21、mination 放射性污染radioactive decay 放射性衰变radioactive disintegration 放射性衰变radioactive dynamite 放射性(硝甘)炸药radioactive fallout 放射性死灰,放射性微粒回降radioactive isotope 放射性同位素radioactive material 放射性物质,放射性材料radioactive metal 放射性金属radioactive metal fire 消放射性金属火灾radioactive neutralizer 放射性中和器radioactive source 辐射源radi

22、oactive standard 放射性标准radioactive tracer 放射性示踪剂radioactive waste 放射性废物radioactivity 放射性,放射现象radiobiology 放射性辐射生物学radiochemistry 放射化学radiodiagnosis 放射诊断,X射线诊断radioecology 放射生态学radioelement 放射(性)元素radio-equipped vehicle 配备无线电设备railroad fire 消铁路(沿线)火灾railroad fire signal 铁路(沿线)火警信号rake 1、消(用水枪射流)扫描(火)

23、2、消火耙Random event 随机事件range fire 消牧区火灾,草原火灾rate of residual extinguishing medium 喷射剩余率rated apparent power on valve side 额定阀侧视在功率rated current on valve side 额定阀侧电流rated voltage on valve side 额定阀侧电压Reaction to fire 对火反应Recconnaissance fire vehicle 勘察消防车reconnaissance fire vehicle 勘察消防车Recrystal 再结晶re

24、gion responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制Regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定Relative Density 相对密度releasing test forfixed foam fire-extinguishing systems 泡沫灭火系统喷射试验fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems 水雾灭火系统喷射试验Reliability reliability theory 设备的可

25、靠性与可靠度Repair 设备修理Repair cycle 修理周期Residual carbonized substance after fire 火场残留炭化物residual magnetism in conducting wire short circuit caused by fire burning 火烧导线短路剩磁residual value 残值response to fire call 受理火警Reverse circulation valve 反循环阀Rigid piston valve 固定式汽阀Riot gun 防暴枪Rnterval between inspections 检查间隔期Roof resisting to external fire exposure 防火屋面Roof screen 闷顶隔板Roof smoke screen 屋顶挡烟隔板Roof vent 屋顶通风Rotary pump 旋转真空泵rotary valve 球阀Running pump time 开泵时间Rabbit 核(放射性样品)兔式速移器铝或塑料制的小圆柱体,用气压通过输送设备移动

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