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高二英语下学期期末模拟试 题及答案Word格式.docx

1、4. The place he suggested to us _ the meeting is a five-star hotel.A. holding B. to hold C. hold D. should hold5. _ is no doubt that Wilt Chamberlain deserves the title “ outstanding player of his generation”.A. It B. There C. What D. Which6. If you want to do the experiment again, you had better be

2、 more careful_ you made a mistake.A. when B. why C. where D. that7. Spelling mistakes in your composition, if _, should be corrected.A. necessary B. possible C. any D. ever8. They have to pay $350 to _ the house every month.A. hire B. let C. employ D. rent9. - John, why just stand there with your mo

3、uth closed? You are expected to air your opinion.-_. You have another supporter in me.A. Im with you on that B. Im throughC. Nonsense D. Hold your tongue10. _ big surprise of the evening was when I was elected _ prom queen.A. A; the B. The; the C. A; a D. The; /第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握

4、其大意,然后从36-55所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Two kids went to their grandfathers hometown for their holidays. The backyard of his home wound its way into a 11_ where tigers, bears, and lions roamed(漫步) around.One afternoon, they decided to go into the backyard. Their grandfather 12_ them not to go deep into

5、 the forest and to return home before 13_ . The spirit of 14_ knows no time limit and before they realized it, it was completely dark. They could hear the sounds of wild animals. They were very 15_ and they hurried back as quickly as possible.When in (a) 16_ , you often do what you dont want to do.

6、This was 17_ what happened to these kids. They didnt find their way back home. 18_ , they walked into the thick of the forest. Their strength had almost 19_ when they finally reached a deserted house. Luckily, they saw a 20_ with a lever (控制杆) on top and two buckets(桶) beside it one was full of wate

7、r and the other was empty.Just when they were 21_ to drink the water, they saw something written in bold letters “Please do not drink the water. If you want to drink, please 22_ the other bucket first. Pour the water into the well and pull the lever 23_ to pump water.” They were 24_ whether water wo

8、uld come out of the well. 25_ all the water in this bucket was poured into the well and 26_ came out? Finally, they decided to follow the 27_ . They poured the water into the well and pumped the 28_ . To their joy, after a while water ran out of the well. They filled up both the buckets with water a

9、nd then drank 29_ . Before leaving, they added this sentence “ 30_ you give, you cant get.” At last they reached their grandfathers home safely.11. A. zoo B. mountain C. forest D. park12. A. begged B. warned C. allowed D. persuaded13. A. bedtime B. midnight C. dawn D. sunset14. A. search B. adventur

10、e C. learning D. exploration15. A. excited B. delighted C. concerned D. frightened16. A. panic B. trouble C. sudden D. disappointment17. A. nearly B. naturally C. exactly D. unfortunately18. A. However B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Instead19. A. given up B. given out C. given in D. given off20. A. we

11、ll B. pool C. hole D. tunnel21. A. likely B. willing C. able D. about22. A. pick up B. set aside C. fill up D. check out23. A. side by side B. step by step C. up and down D. back and forth24. A. doubtful B. certain C. happy D. trustful25. A. If only B. Even if C. What if D. How come26. A. anything B

12、. something C. everything D. nothing27. A. explanation B. expression C. instruction D. description28. A. house B. lever C. well D. bucket29. A. anxiously B. doubtfully C. happily D. worriedly30. A. Unless B. If C. But D. When第三部分: 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AWELCOMEWelcome to Windsor Castle, the oldest

13、 and largest occupied castle in the world. Windsor is one of the official residences (住所)of the Queen, who sometimes stays here.Audio toursFree audio tours are available on leaving the Admission Centre at the start of your visit. There is a descriptive audio tour for blind and poor-sighted visitors.

14、Guided toursVisitors can explore the history of the Castle through a tour of the Precincts with an expert guide. Tours depart at regular intervals throughout the day from the Courtyard and finish at the entrance to the State Apartments.Visitors with childrenFor those visiting with children, a specia

15、l family tour and various activities are offered during school holidays and at weekends. Please note that, for safety reasons, pushchairs are not permitted in the State Apartments. However, baby carriers are available to borrow.St Georges ChapelVisitors arriving at the Castle after 15:00 from March

16、to October are advised to visit St Georges Chapel first before it closes.ShoppingShops offer a wide range of souvenirs designed for the Royal Collection, including books, postcards, china, jewellery, and childrens toys. please ask at the Middle Ward shop about our home delivery service.RefreshmentsB

17、ottled water can be purchased from the Courtyard and Middle Ward shops. From April to September ice cream is also available. Visitors wishing to leave the Castle for refreshments in the town may obtain re-entry permits from the castle shops. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the State Apartme

18、nts or St Georges Chapel.Photography and mobile phonesNon-commercial photography and filming are welcomed in the Castle. Photography, video recording and filming are not permitted inside the State Apartments or St Georges Chapel. Mobile phone must be switched off inside the State Apartments and St G

19、eorges Chapel in consideration of other visitors.SecurityAs Windsor Castle is a working royal palace, visitors and their belongings should get through airport style security checks. For safety and security reasons a one-way system operates alone the visitor route.31. A visitor can apply for a free a

20、udio tour_.A. in the Courtyard B. in the State ApartmentsC. at the Admission Center D. at St Georges Chapel32. What is specially offered to visitors with kids?A. A security guard. B. A pushchair. C. A free toy. D. A baby carrier.33. Why are visitors required to turn off their mobile phones?A. To ens

21、ure the safety of others.B. To ensure the security of the Castle.C. To prevent them from disturbing others.D. To prevent the use of the built-in cameras.34 . In the last part, a “working royal palace” refers to one _.A. still being constructed B. still used by the royal familyC. where the Queen usua

22、lly works D. where works of art are on showThere were smiling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. Often whole families

23、 stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved.I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long t

24、rain journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, s

25、o I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight. Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave back.From then on my journey became interes

26、ting. I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my l

27、unch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug (拥抱). I had never done

28、 this before. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car.I looked forward to the return journey.35. The author expected the train trip to be _.A. adventurous B. pleasant C. exciting D. dull36. What did the author remember most fo

29、ndly of her train trip?A. The friendly country people. B. The mountains along the way.C. The crowds of people in the streets. D. The simple lunch served on the train.37. Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “relish” in the second paragraph?A. choose B. enjoy C. prepare fo

30、r D. carry on38. What can we learn from the story?A. Comfort in traveling by train. B. Pleasure of living in the country.C. Reading gives people delight. D. Smiles brighten people up.CBatteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices th

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