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1、学年江苏省高邮市第一中学高一下学期期末考试模拟2英语试题解析版江苏省高邮市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试模拟(2)英语试题选择题部分第一部分 听力(共两节)第一节(共5小题)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. How will the speakers go to the city?A. By bus. B. By car. C. By train.2. What does the man want to do?A. Go to the beach. B. Take a sun bath. C. Put some cream.3. Why does the man exch

2、ange the shirt?A. Because of the color. B. Because of the size. C. Because of the style.4. What will the man do first?A. Sweep the floor. B. Read the novel. C. Mail the letter.5. What are the speakers probably talking about?A. An accident. B. A test. C. A course.第二节( 共15小题)请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段

3、材料,回答第6、7题。6. When will the speakers meet tomorrow?A. At 11:30. B. At 12:00. C. At 12:15.7. What will the man do tomorrow afternoon?A. Have a haircut. B. Have an interview. C. Take a language course.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How much does the woman suggest tipping the tour guide?A. $5. B. $15. C. $25.9. W

4、hat does the woman think is unnecessary to take?A. A camera. B. A raincoat. C. A water bottle.10. What will the woman send the man next?A. A map. B. A brochure. C. A guidebook.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why did the landlady leave the man a note?A. He made some noise.B. He left the front door open.C. He f

5、orgot to clean the bathroom.12. What relation is Peter to Ben?A. His flat mate. B. His classmate. C. His colleague.13. When does the man plan to move?A. On the 20th. B. On the 27th. C. On the 28th.请听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Where did the woman fail to go?A. Rio. B. Doha. C. London.15. What does the woman

6、 think of her mother?A. Patient. B. Determined. C. Creative.16. What does the womans father do?A. A coach. B. A teacher. C. A painter.17. What sport does the woman probably do?A. Running B. Weight lifting. C. Bike riding.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. When did the speaker decide to improve her English?A. Ri

7、ght after she came to the US.B. After she worked in a hospital.C. After her children went to school.19. How did the speaker hear about the ESL program?A. From her husband. B. From her children. C. From her friend.20. What will the woman dothis fall?A. Travel abroad. B. Attend a school. C. Join a pro

8、gram.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(共10小题)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIm standing in South Africa, just 15 metres from a rhino and her baby. “Theres nothing to fear,” I tried to tell myself. To be honest, I would be pretty fearful, but Im accompanied by two rhino experts, Divan Grobler and Hunter Mitchell.

9、Were at Aquila Private Game Reserve, a couple of hours from Cape Town, to learn from Divan and 12-year-old wildlife activist, Hunter, about the Saving Private Rhino program and the fight to protect the endangered species(物种), whose numbers have decreased from more than a million to less than 30,000

10、because of coaching(偷猎)and habitat loss. Ive been dreaming of visiting South Africa forever. And right now, in this moment, I think Im going mad. Luckily, we have people like Divan and Hunter to fight to save these creatures from poachers killing them to make medicines from their horns.While the wel

11、lbeing of the planet is important, so is the livelihood of the people that live in it. Sadly, almost half of South Africas population lives below the global poverty(贫穷) line. But there are some kind people trying to change that. The team at Uthando South Africa are among those. The team raise funds

12、for community development and they take us to visit some art and music projects in Khayelitsha. I am so excited by the singing and dancing at Isibane se Afrika that I have to join in. And the kids at the KASI RC-Shack Art School & Theatre blow my mind. Not only are they the best actors Ive be ever s

13、een, they also let us join their drama lesson.South Africa has stolen my heart, and this journey has made me believe that the time for talk has passed. It is time for action. And I am ready to fight for our future.21. How did the author feel when he saw the rhino at first?A. Sad. B. Shy. C. Relaxed.

14、 D. Frightened.22. What does the author think of what Divan and Hunter have done?A. He thinks highly of it. B. He doesnt agree with it.C. He doesnt think it is helpful. D. He believes it will lead to success.23. What is the main purpose of the team at Uthando South Africa?A. To save wildlife. B. To

15、improve the poor life.C. To prevent kids from dropping out. D. To provide art - related lessons for children.BThe silver-backed chevrotain(鼷鹿) is a small animal. It is also called the Vietnamese mouse-deer. Experts feared the silver-backed chevrotain had died out. Then they saw one in a forest in Vi

16、etnam.The last time experts saw a silver-backed chevrotain was almost 30 years ago. In 1990, a hunter killed one. Now there is hope for the tiny mammals(哺乳动物). Global Wildlife Conservation is a group based in Texas. It keeps a list of the 25 most-wanted lost species. The chevrotain was the first mam

17、mal on the list to be found. Silver-backed chevrotains live in the tropical forests of Vietnam. Four of them were collected in 1910, leading to the first description of the animals. There are 10 known kinds of chevrotains. Most of them live in Asia. They weigh less than 10 pounds each. They are the

18、worlds smallest hoofed(有蹄的) mammals. Chevrotains live alone. They eat fruit, grass, and leaves. Chevrotains have been targeted by poachers.Experts set up three cameras to take pictures of the forest. In five months, they got 275 photos of the silver-backed chevrotain. Another 29 cameras were set up

19、for five more months. They took 1,881 more pictures. Learning that the chevrotain is still out there “is the first step in ensuring we dont lose it again,” said expert An. Nguyen.Experts still have a lot to learn about chevrotains. The new find will push them to learn more. They will also try to pro

20、tect the animals. Experts plan to put cameras in two more places. They want to learn how many chevrotains are living in the area. High levels of hunting have led to an “empty forest syndrome” in Vietnam. That is when healthy forests have few animals because of humans. A few species are close to dyin

21、g out because of it.24. Why did experts worry about silver-backed chevrotains?A. They had disappeared for many years. B. They failed to get used to the forest.C. They would be endangered soon. D. They did harm to local people.25. What do we know about silver-backed chevrotains?A. They like to live i

22、n groups.B. They can be easily found in Vietnam.C. They are the smallest existing mammals.D. They were recorded in 1910 for the first time.26. What is the point of the new find for experts according to the last paragraph?A. It pushes them to introduce some laws.B. It helps them to fight against coac

23、hing.C. It gives them a chance to work with local people.D. It encouraged them to learn more about the chevrotain.CI think a lot of fans believe that parks strong love to intellectual property (IP) (知识产权) is something new. But parks have relied on outside media for inspiration ever since Disneyland

24、opened in 1955. Remember, “Disneyland” was a TV show before it was a theme park. Walt himself used his show to introduce fans across the country to many of the original IP that he would feature in the park. And the parks Fantasy land always has provided a collection of Disney Animation IP.When movie

25、s, TV shows, and theme parks all share the same franchise (特许权), they help create and strengthen a popular need that allows the studios that produce the franchise to spend many millions of dollars on it than the studio could afford if that work existed in a single medium. Basing a franchise on outsi

26、de IP gives designers a “head start,” allowing them to tap into relationships and emotional(情感的) states that fans bring to an IP ride or show, and to build on those from there, deepening the experience for visitors.Of course, this only works for people who know a franchise. Thats not much of an obst

27、acle for Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Marvel.But it can be for less popular franchises. I saw a lot of people last month walk out of Motion gate Dubais Hotel Transylvania ride with blank looks. If you didnt know the movie, you had no idea what was happening on that ride.Still, popular IP comes with r

28、isk to theme parks. A great IP raise the expectation for a theme park attraction, putting the pressure on designers. Millions of fans would have booked trips to see The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, no matter what Universal did with that franchise. But if Universal hadnt delivered the immersive(沉

29、浸式的) experience, the blow back from disappointed fans could have sunk the theme park.27. What has Disneyland depended on since 1955?A. Outside media. B. Popular movies.C. Walts suggestions. D. Fans requirements.28. What is the advantage of using the same IP in movies, TV shows, and theme parks?A. Gi

30、ving designers more inspiration.B. Putting more money on the franchise.C. Attracting more attention with lower costs.D. Making a closer connection with film - bakers.29. What does the underlined word “obstacle”in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Doubt. B. Difficulty. C. Excitement. D. Satisfaction.30. What probl

31、em may using a popular IP cause for theme parks?A. Failing to meet fans expectations. B. Being unable to attract enough visitors.C. The difficulty of building the same settings. D. The very high costs of building theme parks.第二节(共5小题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A new study suggests that the UKs future athlete might not reach their full potential(潜力) because of air pollution. It says that more than a quarter of childrens sports grounds in five big UK cities have poor air quality. Scientists point out that the pollution may be affecting the development of youn

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