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本文(版高考英语大一轮单元增分译林版必修③ Unit 1 单元检测A语言基础扎根练+阅读理解提速练 含答案Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高考英语大一轮单元增分译林版必修③ Unit 1 单元检测A语言基础扎根练+阅读理解提速练 含答案Word格式.docx

1、7Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering (小声说) about Christmas plans.8He always stays with his mother wherever (无论哪里) his mother goes.9The manager thought his marketing plan was perfect, but on the contrary (相反), it failed finally.10The employee, Ishmael Gilbert, remaine

2、d calm (沉着的) and accommodating, helping the woman with whatever assistance she needed.11We firmly (firm) support the Asian, African and Latin American people in their struggle for liberation!12Anxiously (anxious), she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didnt fit.13She

3、 suggested that Dale join the debating team, believing that practice in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition (recognize) that he needed.14The old seaman narrowly (narrow) escaped death in the Persian Gulf.15The young mother is waiting for her sons returning with a growing sense of

4、anxiety (anxious).单句改错 1Her parents attach great importance to become rich and famous, so they hope she marries a boss or an actor.becomebecoming2At dawn we found us back to the place we left the night before.usourselves3The enlarged school campus is three times big than the old one.bigbigger4At the

5、 meeting they discussed three different approaches for the study of mathematics.forto5We also reach out to other countries when they are in need.tofor6Dont hesitate contact me if you need any more information.contact前加to7What is recognized by everyone that the strength of a country depends upon its

6、education.WhatIt或that前加is8Its uncertain that the experiment is worth doing.thatwhether/if.补全句子/翻译句子 1玩具的使用说明书附在盒子里。The instruction of the toy is_attached_to_the_box.2重要的是心意而不是花钱多少。It is the thought that counts rather_than_how_much_it_costs.3她正要跳,这时一只手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。She was about to jump when a_hand_reac

7、hed_out and caught her arm.4路面上覆盖着冰,因此你要小心注意脚下。The road is covered with ice, so you are supposed to watch_out_for your steps.5那个地区的人口是我们这个地区(人口)的两倍。(倍数原级比较)The_number_of_people_in_that_area_is_twice_as_many_as_that_in_ours.6梦中,她发觉自己站在一座荒芜的破庙前,笼罩在黑暗之中。(find sb. doing .)In_her_dream,_she_found_herself

8、_standing_in_front_of_a_deserted_temple,_covered_in_darkness.7很有可能火星上没有生命。(It is likely that .)It_is_very_likely_that_there_is_no_life_on_Mars.阅读理解提速练A(2018青岛质检)Years ago, my wife and I volunteered at a homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles, US., preparing meals for thousands of people. I got to

9、talk with one of the guys in line, Albert. He said he liked my socks. “Want to see mine?” he asked, lifting his leg. He was barefoot. He said he had been meaning to buy a pair but he hadnt got around to it. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.The next day, after work, I stopped at Ross and filled

10、 up a cart (运货马车) with socks. I stuffed my trunk with them. The next morning, I set my alarm for 5 am. and drove over to Santa Monicas Palisades Park, which is a common destination for homeless people.I took one of the bags from my trunk. It was still dark out. I headed for a group of three men arou

11、nd a tree, probably using it as a windbreaker. Two were asleep under heavy blankets, and the third was digging through his collection. As I walked toward him, he watched me, perhaps questioning my motives. “I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks,” I said, handing him a pair. He looked co

12、nfused at first but took them and said, “Thank you.” I gave him two more pairs for his friends.I moved on. An hour later, I had given out all the socks. Most people were sleeping, and I felt like Santa. I knew that when they woke up they would find a very meaningful present.That was nine years ago.

13、Every week Ill hand out as many socks as I can. If Im on vacation or on a business trip for more than a week, I bring a bag of socks with me and hand them out to the homeless on the streets in other states and countries.Its extremely satisfying to operate “under the radar” to help make some peoples

14、lives a little bit easier. Part of me hopes to see Albert out there one of these days, but even if I dont, I like to think one of the pairs will find him.语篇解读:作者与妻子曾在一家收容所做志愿者,一次与艾伯特的对话使作者意识到很多无家可归者可能需要一双袜子。自那以后,作者一直坚持给无家可归者送袜子,希望他们可以活得更容易些。1What caused the author to hand out socks to the homeless?A

15、Alberts desire to get free socks.BThe approach of Christmas Day.CHis hard work at a homeless shelter.DThe conversation between him and Albert.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段中作者和艾伯特的对话,尤其是第一段最后一句“I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.”可知,作者得知艾伯特没有袜子穿,内心感到失落与同情,第二天便去买了袜子分给无家可归的人。故选D项。2Which of the following is TRUE

16、 about the author according the passage?AHe believed it felt good to help the homeless.BHe went to Ross to buy a pair of socks for Albert.CHe handed out socks to the homeless as Christmas gifts.DHe was often questioned about why he was giving out socks.选A细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Its extremely satisfying to o

17、perate under the radar to help make some peoples lives a little bit easier.”可知,作者觉得帮助别人很有意义,内心觉得满足。故选A项。3What could be the best title for the passage?ASanta Claus Brings Christmas GiftsBKindness Is Rewarded With KindnessCEvery Sock Helps Make Somebodys DayDSocks Are Passed on From Hand to Hand选C标题归纳

18、题。通读全文可知,作者一直在给无家可归的人分发袜子,给他们的生活带来开心和幸福。故C项作为文章标题最为恰当。BPicture the scene. Youre on your way home when you remember the fridge is empty but you dont have a pound for the trolley (手推车) and parking is a nightmare. Or you promised to pick up a sixpack of beer on the way to a friends party but its pourin

19、g with rain and parking is still a nightmare.Wouldnt it be great if you could pick up what you need without getting out of your car?Russian inventor Dahir Kurmanbievich has thought of a drivethrough supermarket that would make all that possible.A customer would drive up to an available bay, much lik

20、e in a petrol station, and while remaining in the car select the goods by operating with a button. These goods are placed immediately onto a conveyor (传输) belt, where they travel a few feet to the checkout. When it is finished, the customer drives forward, pays for the goods and drives off with them

21、.Mr Kurmanbievich said the invention is directed at “solving the technical problem of improving the quality of customer service while providing probable convenience and choice of products, reducing time to service customers, cutting the queue time and lowering the costs of the supermarket”. Socalled

22、 drivethrough supermarkets have already been tried by some big supermarkets, but these operate more like clickandcollect services as customers have to order their goods online between two hours and three weeks in advance.While the drivethrough supermarket would need a lot of space and infrastructure

23、 (基础设施) investment to get off the ground, it would combine the consumers convenience and speed of buying goods online with the sales opportunities that come with product discovery on store shelves.s great while fuel prices are low. The question is: will driverless cars be able to do the shopping? 俄罗

24、斯发明家设计出了未来的免下车超市,顾客驾车就可以购买到所需要的商品。4What can you do in a drivethrough supermarket?AYou can park your car wherever you like.BYou can buy what you want in your car.CYou can use the trolley free of charge.DYou can protect yourself from heavy rain.选B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话可知,免下车超市里你可以不用下车就能买到你需要的商品。故选B项。5When s

25、hopping in a drivethrough supermarket_.Acustomers will first drive into a petrol stationBcustomers will operate their cars with a buttonCcustomers will put the goods onto a conveyor beltDcustomers will drive their cars to the checkout根据第三段可知,顾客在车里点击按钮操作,商品会立即到传输带上,然后驱车去结账带着东西离开,一切都在车里进行。6Which of th

26、e following is probably the main benefit for sellers?AProviding probable convenience.BHaving more products to choose from.CCutting the queue time.DReducing service time and costs.选D推理判断题。根据第四段中的“reducing time to service customers”和“lowering the costs of the supermarket”可知,对于商家来说,免下车超市减少了服务顾客的时间并降低了成

27、本。其他三个选项都是对购物者的好处。7According to the writer, what will be necessary for a drivethrough supermarket?AA lot of space for cars.BThe customers convenience.CSpeed of buying goods online.DProduct discovery on store shelves.根据倒数第二段中的“the drivethrough supermarket would need a lot of space and infrastructure (基础设施) investment to get off the ground”可知,作者认为免下车超市需要为购物的汽车提供更大的空间。语言基础扎根练6Attached (使连在一起) to the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during his s

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