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1、1、班级人数:共 人。 2、学生基本情况分析:从整体来看,班级中学习气氛比较浓厚,学生对英语有浓厚的兴趣,非常喜欢上英语课,能非常快的学会所学内容,只是于低年级学生顺时记忆力较快,但是长时间记忆力较差,所以应及时,经常 3、个别生情况:于刚进入小学校门,学生没有自制的意识经常做小动作,不能专心听讲。4、工作目标:设计适合低年级学生的学习方法,利用多种形式的教学激发学生的兴趣,使他们喜欢英语愿意用英语。进度安排单元 内容 时间 备注 1-3 4-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 5周放假 期中考试 期末考试 Unit 1 Hello! Unit 2 About me Unit 3 At sc

2、hool Unit 4 Colors Unit 5 Numbers Unit 6 Happy birthday 17-18单元备课一Teaching aims能用英文做简单的自我介绍和问候Review 19-202能任读四个新单词3能长影文歌及韵律歌 二teaching aims important1 intruduce and say hello to somebody2 read the new words3 sing the English song一课时 一Teaching aims1、能认读本册中的主要人物及动物 2、能用英文做简单的自我介绍和问候 二Teaching importa

3、nt1能认读本册中的主要人物及动物 2、能用英文做简单的自我介绍和问候 三 Course1、 Hold up the puppet of Mocky and say :“this is mocky ,Hello Mocky 。” Mocku and incicatethat children are to listen only. Model twice then have children repeat after the teacher 2、 Show children the poster for this Unit,If possible pin it up on the board

4、where all the childrencan see it .point the Mocky and ask:“Whos this”Elicit “Mocky”3、 Point to Ken and say :“This is Ken Hi,Ken。” Model the name Ken at least twice havethe children repeat after the4、 Point to Ann and repeat the step above to Model the name Ann.5、 Review the names of the key characte

5、rs by pointing to each one and asking :“Whos this ”Elicit ,“Mocky,Ken,Ann。”6、 turn to page two and get childrens attention and have them watch you leave the yourselfand say clearly,:“Hello,Im7、 Hold up the puppet of Mocky and indicate that he is greeting and introducing himself to theclass。Say:Hi,Im

6、 Mocky. model the structure Hi, Im Mocky and indicate that childrenare to listen only. Model at least twice then have children repeat after the teacher 8、 Have children look at the picture and ask:Who can you see9、 Ask children to describe the picture ask :where the characters said :Play the tape ha

7、ve thechildren look at the picture as the tape is played10、 Play the tape again and encourage the children to say the words 四 Writing blackboard五、课后反思在这节课上,学生初次接触英语,我以为孩子会认为英语难学而对英语不感兴趣,但是学生在见到Mocky 时却是非常兴奋,对英语的兴趣极高。所以我决定在以后继续运用Mocky 布偶来吸引学生,调动课堂气氛。二课时1 能听懂stand up and sit down 的指令 2 能唱本课的英文歌并编一些简单的

8、动作 3 能试着用stand up and sit down 做口令 二 Teaching important1能唱本课的英文歌并编一些简单的动作 2 能试着用stand up and sit down 做口令 三 Course1 just listen to the song three times2 老师一说stand up sit down一边做动作让学生了解这两个口令的意思 老师边说边做学生跟着作动作 老师只说口令学生作动作3 找几名同学到前面听老师作动作比赛淘汰剩下的一名同学给小奖品4 找四名同学到前面一人说口令其他三名同学作分别带着Ann Kan Mocky的头饰做动,当听到Ann

9、 sang up 时 ,带着Ann 的头饰的同学站起来,依此类推,如有做错的其他同学代替。5 listen to the song two times6 四名同学到前面分别拿着Ann Kan Mocky Uncle Booky 的头饰,当歌曲中唱到谁的名字的时候哪位同学就高高举起自己的头饰,其他同学在下面边跟着唱边作动作。课后反思:学生这节课非常高兴,因为又能见到mocky了,学生对上次学习的歌谣也积极深刻,大多数都能跟唱,而且学生非常善于表演,学生也能通过老师的形体语言理解atand up 和sit down 的意思,有些学生已经能 模仿老师的语音语调来说这两个词组了,当老师给与及时地鼓励时

10、学生非常高兴。三课时 一teaching aims1 能初步认读apple and banana 2 能唱有关apple 和 banana 的韵律诗 3 能自编有关韵律诗的动作 二 teaching important1能初步认读apple and banana 2 能唱有关apple 和 banana 的韵律诗 三 Coutrse1 show the Mocky and say hello to student2 draw a big tree on the blackboard and show the Mocky up in the tree3 show the apple pictur

11、e and listen to the tape three times and put the picture on the tree4 show the banana on the tree as same as the apple 5 listen to the chant and teacher do let students try to say6 students stand up and do after teacher some times4 play a game出示四个单词卡片的一部分学生猜把单词卡片贴在黑板上,再出示单词部分让学生找到相应的图片6 listen the s

12、ong again四课时 一 teaching aims1 初步认读新单词 egg elephant fish frog 2 能准确读出 an eggan elephant 二 teaching important1 初步认读新单词 egg elephant fish frog 2 能准确读出 an eggan elephant 三course1 listen a song and try to follow the teacher 2 look at the TV and learn the new words 3 listen and follow4 read the new words

13、one by one 5 listen and take out the cards 6 Whats this ItsAsk one by one 7 play a game老师做示范拉大车游戏,两个人分别把四张卡片被面朝上按顺序出牌并说出图片上的内容Its 但第二名同学所出的牌与第一名同学所出的相同那么两张牌就都属于第二名同学,并赢得一分。五课时 一 teaching aims1 能认读认读单词 book elephantfish pencil chair2 能把单词和图片连线 二 teaching important能认读认读单词 book elephantfish pencil chai

14、r 三 course1 sing an English song and take out 2 look at the picture and say 3 play a game : guessing game 4 listen and find out 5 read and find out 6 play a game 7 match and color 四 教学反思这节课学生的积极性很高,单词的认读很准确,但是连线时对单词 pencil 混了应该在以后教学中不断练习六课时一 teaching aims 1 复习所学的八个单词2能认读单词并能用身边的物品问答 二 teaching impor

15、tat能认读单词并能用身边的物品问答 三 course1 sing an English song 2 look at the picture and say 3 play a game 4 ask in pairs5 make a dialogue one by one 6 find and color 四课后反思chair 有的学生 这节课学生能认读新单词并能运用Whats this问答 ,只是有学生对 a / an 的读法还是不太熟练,在图颜色是部分学生观察的不够仔细,经常图少,要在今后加强学生的观察能力Unit four colors一课时 一 teaching aims1 能初步认读

16、有关颜色的单词 red blue yellow 2 能初步运用 What color 问答 二 teaching important 能初步运用 What color 问答 三 course1 show a glass orange juice and lets students taste and guess : whats this 2 Show a yellow duck and say: this is a duck , this a yellow duck 3 look at the picture and listen to the tape and follow4 look at

17、 the orange juice and answer question: what color If your right you can taste 5 learn the other words ( blue red) 6 ask one by one 四课后反思这节课学生积极性非常高尤其是说颜色喝果汁的环节学生学习效果非常好,所学的三个新单词掌握的很好一 teaching aims1 复习上节课所学三个新单词 2 学习两个新单词 green brown 二 teaching importat两个新单词 green brown 的读音 三course 1 revision2 liste

18、n and take out the cards3 put yellow and blue in a glass and learn the new word- green 4 listen to the tape some and follow 5 read it one by one6 find out the green in our classroom and say 7 ask it one by one8 show the Mocky and learn brown 9 listen and follow10 find out the brown and say 11 play a

19、 game 四课后反思这节课所学的两个单词都比较难读所以有不少学生读音不准确应该在以后教学中逐步纠正读音并读准确三课时1 能根据老师指令画出所要求的图画并能按要求图上正确的颜色 2 能询问物体的颜色 二 teaching important 1 问物体的颜色2 能正确听出老师所要求画的画并图颜色 三 course 1 revision2 teacher do a modle and class ask in pairs 3 play a game4 put out a picture and draw 5 act out 四课后反思学生非常愿意画画也能正确按照老师所要求的图上正确的颜色,以后应

20、多作这样的活动四课时 一 teaching aims 1 能认读颜色的单词 2 能根据单词填充颜色 二 teaching important 能根据单词填充颜色 三 course 1 revision 2 play a game3 listen a song and follow 4color and sing 四课后反思这节课上学生积极性很高很愿意图颜色只是有个别学生把 green brown两种颜色混淆,还应该加强练习1 2复习巩固颜色单词 能根据单词填充颜色二 teaching important 1能根据单词填充颜色 三 course 1 revision2 look at the p

21、icture and guess : what color 3 play a game 拉大车 4 read and find and color1 继续巩固询问颜色的句型 2 巩固练习 green brown 二 teaching important 1 green brown 发音2 询问颜色的句型: what color 三 course 1 revision 2 look and say 3 ask in pairs 4 ask one by one 5 play a game6 ask in pairs and play game七课时1 能初步认读四个新单词 gift girl h

22、at hammer 2能分清发音相似的gift girl 二 teaching important1 能初步认读四个新单词 gift girl hat hammer 2能分清发音相似的gift girl 三 course1 look a gift and listen to the tape 2 listen to the tape and follow3 4 5 6 7 8read the word one by onelet the girl stand up and learn the words : girl show a cat and learn :catshow a hammer

23、 and learn :hammer teacher say and students show the cards play a game : who is lostpassing game四 教学反思这节课上学生的积极性很高, 其是传帽子的游戏学生在游戏中学到了知识。但是有些学生对单词 gift girl 两个单词的发音经常混淆,应在下节课加强练习八课时一 teaching aims 1 can say the rhyme 2 can read the new words 二 teaching important 1 can say the rhyme 三 course1 listen t

24、o the rhyme and find the new words 2 revision the new words 3 play a game4 listen to the tape and show the cards 5 listen to the tape and follow 6 listen and do九课时一 teaching aims 1 能熟读四个新单词2 能认读新单词并能根据单词找图片 二 teaching important能认读新单词并能根据单词找图片 三 course1 listen to the rhyme and show the cards 2 revisi

25、on new words 3 play a game :4 look the word and find the picture5 look at the picture and find the word 6 find and color 7match and color 四教学反思通过加强练习学生基本能熟读四个新单词,并能认读单词。Unit five单元备课 一 teaching aims1 能认读15 英文数字 2 能用how much 询问物体数量 3 能认读九个新单词一课时能基本认读五个新单词 能初步听懂 how many 句型二 teaching important 能基本认读五个

26、新单词 三 course1 draw a train on the blackboard and learn the new word : train listen to tape and follow read it one by one 2 sing an song about train3 draw a car doll ball and learn the words 4 play game : listen to the tape and show the cards 5 show a bear and learn : teddy bear 6 listen to the tape

27、and follow 7 passing game8 show two trains and ask : how many trains And answer: two trains一 Teaching aims 1 能认读1-5 数字2 能初步运用 how many 询问数量 3 复习学过的动物 二 Teaching important1能初步运用 how many 询问数量 2 three 和 five 的发音3 How many 的发音 三 Course1 sing an English song2 T: draw a cat on the blackboard and ask:“ Wh

28、ats this”?S: Its a catT:“one cat”3 T: draw another cat on the blackboard and say: “two cats.”S: listen and followT: How many cats and writing blackboardLearn three to five4 show the cards and listen to the tape and follow 5 play a game6 T:draw a monkey and ask: Whats thisT:Ask: How many monkeysone student xxe front and ask:How many monkeys answer question together put another monkey and ask: How monkeys 7 play a guessing game 四 Writing blackboardHow many cats 四教学反思学生很愿意参加活动,在活动中复习了以前学过的知识也学到了新的句型。一 teaching aims 1 can sing the song 2 can say

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