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1、什么是词素(morpheme)词素是语法的最小区别性单位,即最低一级的语法单位。词素的语音或拼写法的体现叫形素(morph)。词素是一种抽象形式的成分,在不同的环境中一个词素可以由若干个不同的形素体现,如英语中的复数词素可以表现为s,z,iz。某一词素在不同的环境中可以用不同的变体或词素变体(allomorph)表示。所谓词素变体是指词素的非区别性变体,几个不同的变体一起构成一个词素。词素又分为自由词素和粘附词素。自由词素(free morpheme)是指本身具有完整意义,可以独立使用的词素。它可以是简单的单词,如boy,girl,do,so等,也可以是派生词的词根,如im-polite,se

2、lf-ish等。自由词素具有较强的构词能力。粘附词素 (bound morpheme)是指没有完整意义不能独立使用的词素。粘附词素只表示一种附加意义或语法意义,这种词素不能单独存在和使用,只有粘附在其他词素(主要是自由词素)上才能表示出它的意义。粘附词素的主要功能是在构词中充当词缀,如unfriendliness中的un-,-ly,-ness等。3.Finite clauses and infinite clauses (限定性分句与非限定性分句,定义参见下面的简答题部分)注意这里分句的概念与传统语法的区别,特别是非限定性分句。Finite Clauses(1)名词性分句 What he sa

3、id was incredible.(2)关系分句 This is one of the best books Ive ever read. (3)状语分句 If I were in your shoes, I wouldnt quit.Non-finite clauses: (1) 非限定性名词性分句: She didnt know what to say (2)非限定性关系分句: The man standing by the window is her brother. (3) 非限定性状语分句: Published ten years ago,this is still the bes

4、t dictionary二、重要概念1.morpheme (参见第一部分测试题)2.parsing:Breaking a sentence into smaller components for analysis and then grouping them into various classes in a systematic way.把一个句子中的各种词按语法范畴给出名称一如主语、宾语、动词、性、数、格等一叫做句子成分分析(parsing)。3.Define the complex sentenceThe complex sentence is a sentence that conta

5、ins more than one clausethat are joined together by subordinating one to another复杂句是用从属连词(如if, when, though等)连接的一个以上分句的句子.三、典型考题 I. 选择题1. There are ( ) morphemes in “gunfighter”. A. two B. three C. four D. one2. In “He downed his beer and punched me on the nose. ” “downed” belongs to ( ) . (P13) A.

6、backformation B. clippingC. conversion D. blending3. Suffixes basically change ( ) . A. word meaning B. word classC. nothing D. word formation4. The prefix“uni-” means ( ) . A. without B. selfC. false D. oneKey: 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. DII. 简答题1.In terms of which three factors are words classified?The thr

7、ee factors are: the environment where words occur, their internal structure and their meaning.2.Define the finite clauses and the non-finite clauses. The finite clauses are the ones that have subjects and finite verbs as predicatesThe non-finite clauses are the ones that leave subjects unsaid and ve

8、rbs in non-finite forms(限定分句是主语加限定动词作谓语的分句。非限定分句是省略主语而动词以非限定形式出现(主语省略是因为其前面或后面已有主语。Chapter 2Sentence Types(第二章 句子类型)1英语句子四大类型为陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句;这四种句型分别表示提供信息,寻求信息,要求动作进行和表达说话者的情感.1.Explain the conditions in which we need to use non-assertive words in positive statements and assertive words in question

9、s. (解释在肯定句中使用非肯定词和在疑问句中使用肯定句的情况。When a positive answer is expected, assertive words can be used in questions, such as: Would you like some more coffee Is somebody waiting for me And in affirmative sentences in which there are negative import, if-clauses,putative should-clauses, and comparative claus

10、es, non-assertive words canbe used, such as:He is too young to take any job.If anyone calls me at this moment, it must be Xiao Zhang. Its odd that the hero should say anything like that. Hes better than anyone else in this company.疑问句中如期望肯定回答,可用肯定词,在含有带否定含义的词,If-分句,should推定分句,比较分句中也可用非肯定词.3Explain t

11、he difference between a tag question with a final rising tone and one with a final falling tone(解释附加疑问句结尾升调与降调的区别。With a rising tone,the question expresses the speakers neutralexpectation of the hearers response and invites the hearer to verify thetruth of the proposition in the statementWith a fall

12、ing tone,the speaker asks for the hearers confirmation of the statementIt can be regarded as similar to an exclamation(念升调,附加疑问句的说话者对对方的回答不是很确定;念降调,说话者期望对方证实他的陈述,有点类似于感叹句。Examples:Lovely weather, isnt it?(Seeing the students ID) You are a student, arent you?以上两句,都应该念降调。另外,在附加疑问句中,HAVE一词也是常考的重点:You h

13、ave heard me, havent you (Auxiliary have)Mary has to live on her own, doesnt she?Tom has coffee with milk, doesnt he?(In the sense of possess, own, etc.) You have a big house, dont / havent you?4Commands1)Be patient. (Command)2)You be patient. (Emphatic effect, or to light a contrast)3)Do be patient

14、. (To reinforce a command)4)Be patient, please! (To smooth away abruptness)5)You be patient, please! (This sentence is incorrect!So the following sentences are also commands:1)Someone take out the rubbish.2)Anybody help him!3)Everyone freeze!1.Alternative questions: Those questions that suggest two

15、(or more) alternatives and usually imply that one of them could be true.2.How-exclamations: Exclamations that are led by the adverb how. It highlights the adjective, adverb, or verb in exclamations. I.选择题1. You have to wait a moment, _A. havent you B. do you C. dont you D. shouldnt you 2. Mary wasnt

16、 in the reading - room, was she _.A. Yes, she wasnt B. No, she was C. Yes, she was D. She wasnt 1. c 2. cII.简答题1.What are the verbs which transferred negation often occurs with What is their shared semantic feature(2.转移否定经常与哪些动词同现它们有什么共同的语义特征)The verbs which transferred negation often occurs with ar

17、e:think,believe,suppose,imagine and expectThey are the verbs that express “opinion”(转移否定经常与think,believe,suppose,imagine和expect等动词连用。这些动词都是表示“意见”的语义。3.What are the two major types of exclamations(感叹句的两大类型是什么)The two major types of exclamations are WHATexclamations andHOW-exclamationsThe former is fo

18、llowed by a noun phrase;thelatter is followed by an adjective or adverb感叹句分为WHAT-感叹句和HOW-感叹句。前一种后接名词词组,后者接形容词或副词III完成下列句子1.Youd rather we didnt go there,_2.I dont think he will come,_3.4.They must have lost their way,_5.Lets talk about it later,_6.7.Everyone is here,_ 1.hadnt you 2. will he 3. mustn

19、t/ didnt they 4. shall we 5.isnt here/arent theyChapter 3Noun and Noun Phrase (1):Noun and Number(第三章 名词和名词词组(1):名词和名词的数)1.The functions of noun phrases: In function, a noun phrase can play such grammatical roles as subject, object, complement, modifier and even adverbial. 名词词组的功能,可以作主语、宾语、补语、修饰语(a

20、tea table),有些的甚至可以作状语(yesterday, last week)。2.Noun classes名词可以以多种方法分类,如具体名词(table, water)与抽象名词(happiness, hatred),可数名词(table, girl)与不可数名词(water, money),有生物名词(boy, monkey)与无生物名词(table, water)等.但名词通常按以下方式分类:名词-|专有名词Proper nouns (nouns) |可数名词-|普通名词(common nouns) (c. nouns) |物质名词(mass nouns)我们在可数名词和物质名词

21、中还可以再划分具体名词和抽象名词:名词-|专有名词 |普通名词-|可数名词-|具体名词(concrete nouns) (common n.)| |抽象名词(abstract nouns |物质名词-|具体名词(concrete nouns) |抽象名词(abstract nouns)3.缩略词:加-s,-s,双写或零形式复数,首字母缩略词, 加-s或-s: MP(议员) MPsMPs POW(战犯) POWsPOWs VIP(要人) VIPsVIPs laser lasers缩略词加-s,双写或用零形式复数:缩略词加-s Dr(医生) Drs hr(小时) hrs(或hr) yd(码) yd

22、s Yr. (年) yrs 双写:ex(例子) exx gal(加仑) gall 1. (行) ll p(页) pp或用零形式复数ft(英尺) ftkg(公斤) kg km(公里) km min(分) min sec(秒) Sec4.熟记教材(P65)单位名称表1.Proper noun: Proper nouns are nouns referring to specific person, place or thing,such as Smith, Mark (persons), Washington D.C., London (places), NATO, United Nations

23、(things)(专有名称是特指人,地方或事物的名词)2.Mass noun: Those that can not take plural are mass nouns, such as butter, cheese, homework music, etc. (没有复数形式的名词叫物质名词)3.Unit noun: It is also called partitive, is a very special class of words that is used to specify the quantities measures and shapes of the modified no

24、un such as: piece, batch, bunch, item, etc. (单位名词亦称 “部分词”用于说明所修饰名词的量、大小和形状等)4.Foreign plurals:They are words borrowed from some other languages which still take their original forms of plural,Most often,they are from-Latin,French,Greek:alumna-alumnae,index-indices,plateau-plateaux,analysisanalyses,e

25、tc(外来词复数是指从外语中借来尚保持原来复数形式的复数名词,多是拉丁语、法语和希腊语等)II.1. _ plastics are made in this chemical plant. III.A. Many kind of IV.B. Many kinds of V.C. Many kinds VI.D. Many kind VII.VIII.IX.2. Jack has just moved into a new house.X.Did he have to buy _for itXI. XII.A. many new furniture XIII.B. much new furnit

26、ures XIV.C. much new furniture XV.D. many new furnitures XVI.XVII.3. Michael took _ as to what he should do. XVIII.A. his friends advise XIX.B. his friends advises XX.C. his friend advice XXI.D. his friends advice 1. B 2. C 3. DXXII.简答题1.Collective noun: These are generally countable nouns, but even

27、 in the singular they refer to groups of people, animals or things, such as family, class, team, government, committee, etc. (集体名词一般是可数名词,但就是单数,也指人, 动物或事物的群体)2.singular invariables: They are proper nouns like country names, personal names and mass nouns like those denoting sciences, subjects, diseas

28、es, and games. For example: the United States,the United Nations,Black,Jones,classics,physics,bronchitis,bowls,et。(单数名词指的是某些国家名称,人名和表示学科、疾病和运动项目等形式上有以s结尾的名词,一般用作单数)3.plural invariables:They are 1)names of tools and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts:binoculars,compasses,jeans,shorts,etc2)some collective nouns:cattle,people,police,etc3)geographical names of mountain ranges,waterfalls,groups of islands:the Rockies,the Balkans,Niagara Falls,etc4)other nouns ending in-s:archiv

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