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人教版八年级英语下册Unit4Why dont you talk to your parents学生版.docx

1、人教版八年级英语下册Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents学生版Unit 4 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1. allow: 允许,许可allow doing/ allow sb to do2. look through(1)温习Look through your notes before the examination考试前把你的笔记从头至尾看一遍。(2)仔细查看I looked through my drawer,but I could not find my keys我仔细查过抽屉,但是找不到钥匙。Y

2、ou have to look through those reports before you attend the meeting开会前,你必须把那些报告看一遍。(3)not see sb or sth that is clearly visible;deliberately ignore sb one can plainly see故意视而不见I met him on the way home yesterday,but he just looked straight through me昨天我在回家的路上碰见了他,但他却故意不理睬我。You must be blind, I was s

3、tanding ten yards away, and you looked straight through me你一定瞎眼了,当时我站在离你只有10码远的地方,你竟看不到我。(4). survey or scan(a book, paper, etc.)often briefly粗略地检查、浏览或翻阅I usually look through newspapers after supper晚饭后我常常浏览一下报纸。3. deal(1).协议交易It is a deal! 成交(2) a good great deal (of):a great good deal of 之后通常接不可数名

4、词:He seems to have a good deal of money.他似乎有很多钱.He has done a great deal of traveling.他旅游了很多地方.Ive heard a great deal about him.关于他的情况我听说了很多.(3) deal with:“处理”、“对付”、“对待”、 “论述”、“做买卖”等:How shall we deal with this matter?这事我们怎么处理?I dont know how to deal with him.我不知怎样与他相处.This book deals with education

5、al problems.这本书论述教育问题.We often deal with that shop.我们经常在那家商店买东西4. work out1.根据推理或计算得出; 算出 (n./ wh-从句) 2.想出;制订出;产生 (n./ wh-从句) 3.锻炼;训练 (非正式用语) 4有好结果;进行情况良好 进行当主语是名词时, 放中间或out后都可以(比如:work out the problem);但主语是宾格时(比如:it 、them等)必须放在中间! 5. get on (well) with:和睦相处,关系良好=get along (well) with6. offeroffer作名

6、词的用法: (1). offer表示愿做某事或给予某物(后接of / to do sth) Thank you for your kind offer of helping me. = Thank you for your kind offer to help me. (2). offer有出价的意思。如: Ive had an offer of $8888 for that house. Ive got an offer of that big company(2) offer作动词的用法: offer有(主动)拿给,给予的意思,相当于give, 后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即of

7、fer sb sth =offer sth to sb, 如: The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus. Many people willingly offered their blood. 7. in ones opinion8. return=come back9. compare A with B10. explain sth to sb1. In opinion, health is more important than wealth(财富). A. IB. meC. myD. mine2. My mothe

8、r always compares me others. I am very annoyed. A. withB. toC. forD. about3My parents dont allow me _ TV at night. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch4. Dont worry! Things will sooner or later. A. work outB. give outC. take outD. look out5. He offered me to the station. A. driveB. drivesC. driv

9、ingD. to drive基础演练1. The parents never allow their daughter out alone at night. A. goB. goesC. to goD. going 2. - Did your brother go to the movies this morning?- No, he stayed at home and did his homework going to the movies. A. becauseB. because ofC. instead ofD. instead 3. - I dont know how to pl

10、ay this game.- Dont worry. Let me the roles of it to you first. A. explainB. suggestC. predictD. talk 4. Try to . Do not depend on your dictionary all the time. A. knowB. achieveC. helpD. guess 5. Last week she borrowed my English book and didnt it. A. returnB. return backC. giveD. give back6. Tom i

11、s about football and he watches football matches on TV every day. A. worriedB. happyC. crazyD. surprise 7. - What him to change his dream?- His fathers death. A. causedB. madeC. allowedD. suggested 8. They had a rest and then working on their problems. A. continuedB. mindedC. neededD. went9. Wild an

12、imals are losing their living areas because people trees and forests. A. cut offB. cut downC. cut outD. cut away10. - How are you with your new job?- Very well. A. turning onB. putting onC. getting onD. living on巩固提高1. 请浏览一下文章,弄清文章大意。Please the article and find out the main idea.2. 你怎么能与你的邻居相处好呢?How

13、 can you your neighbours?3. - 你能给那位老人让出座位吗? - 当然。- Can you that old man? - Certainly.4. 昨天鲍勃同他最好的朋友争吵了。Bob yesterday.5. 我们学习英语是为了能更好地跟外国人沟通。We learn English to better foreigners.6. 我们不应该只为了取得更好的成绩而和同学竞争。We our classmates just to get better grades.7. 我们不知道那些人在争夺什么。We dont know what those people are .

14、8. 许多父母总是把自己的孩子与别的孩子作比较。Many parents are always their own children other children.9. 在我看来, 他是学校中最好的学生之一。 , hes one of the best students in our school.10. 或许你可以把你的课外辅导班减少一些。Maybe you should a few of your after-school classes.一、单项选择 1. it is snowing, they are still working hard in the factory. A. Alth

15、ough; butB. Although; /C. But; /D. But; although 2. Ma Lin stop training he was too tired. A. doesnt; untilB. wont; until C. dont; untilD. didnt; until 3. Hurry up, Jack. We have to go to the station before 11:45 we can catch the 12:00 train. A. sinceB. afterC. as soon asD. so that 4. I the newspape

16、r and didnt find anything interesting. A. looked afterB. looked up C. looked throughD. looked out 5. We also learn how to well with others at school. A. get toB. get onC. get downD. get up 6. Tom was kind. He his seat to the old man on the bus. A. passedB. liftedC. threwD. offered 7. Compare this ca

17、r that one, and youll find the differences between them. A. ofB. withC. toD. at 8. There is no need to argue her these problems. A. about; withB. with; aboutC. to; forD. with; for 9. - I cant stand my parents. They always ask me to learn this and practice that.- Why dont you sit down and them? A. co

18、mpete withB. instead of C. get on withD. communicate with10. - The weather is very good. Lets go to the seaside.- . Why not? A. Have funB. Not reallyC. Sounds goodD. Not at all二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 11. This painting is fairly (典型的) of his early work.12. No one answered the phone. (可能), he is not at hom

19、e now.13. I didnt have bread for breakfast; I had a bowl of porridge (代替).14. You look sick. You cant (继续) working any more.15. Eating junk food can (导致) the risk of cancer.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 16. 我的父母允许我周末看电视。My parents me TV on weekends.17. 我们不希望和这么优秀的一个队竞争。We dont hope to such an excellent team.18.

20、我算不出来这道数学题, 它对我来说太难了。I cant this math problem; its too hard for me.19. 尽管她有错,但不是大问题。 shes wrong, its not a .20. 太多的压力对孩子成长没有好处。 isnt good for a childs .四、完形填空Dear Knowledgeable, This year, I tried to join the school basketball team. Luckily, I 21 the team. But to my surprise, I didnt know any of the

21、 other players on the team. I felt sad because Im really shy and I dont know 22 to get along with strangers. I often get 23 before I talk with a stranger. What if I say something wrong? I always think 24 that. Weve been playing together since March, 25 I still dont know any of them very well. Im so

22、quiet around them, and I dont know how to express(表达) 26 well. I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to fit in (适应), but that isnt 27 . Im not confident at all. So one day, when some girls asked me why I was so quiet, I didnt 28 what to say. In fact, I really want to get to know them, so I

23、 can 29 well with them, and become a great player like them. But I cant 30 my shyness. What would you do if you were me? Could you give me some advice? I need your help! Thanks so much! A shy girl21.A. refusedB. madeC. leftD. started22.A. whyB. whenC. whereD. how23.A. excitedB. angryC. nervousD. hap

24、py24.A. likeB. fromC. withD. against25.A. becauseB. soC. althoughD. but26.A. yourselfB. myselfC. ourselvesD. themselves27.A. interestingB. frustratingC. helpfulD. awful28.A. knowB. understandC. replyD. answer29.A. dealB. talkC. workD. eat30.A. laugh atB. concentrate on C. care aboutD. get over_1. Hi

25、s parents wont allow him . A. comeB. comingC. to comeD. came2. He offered me to the station. A. driveB. drivesC. drivingD. to drive3. The family had to stay at hotel, it was raining hard. A. becauseB. althoughC. untilD. unless4. - How can I well with my classmates, Dad?- You should be friendly to th

26、em. A. work onB. hold onC. get onD. keep on5. - How is Helen in the new school?- She is doing very well. There is to worry about. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything6. She likes reading. She usually some books from the library. A. buysB. lendsC. borrowsD. steals7. We turned on the light we could see what had made a big noise. A. howB. so thatC. in order to

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