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1、Fourth, have no regrets. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.要想保持年轻,过得幸福并取得成功只有四条秘诀:一,每天都要笑,每天都要找到幽默;二,一定要有梦想,失去了梦想,人就如同死了一般;三,变老和成熟是有巨大区别的。衰老是无法抗拒的,而成熟是可 以选择的;四,不要后悔,只有充满遗憾的人才惧怕死亡。生态环境话题1. 关于水资源Directions:Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should

2、 describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and give comments on this phenomenon.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)参考范文:It is widely believed that fresh water will never be used up due to its rich resources such as rain, rivers and wells. In fact, such b

3、elief is unfortunately wrong and possibly dangerous. As is depicted in the picture, we are facing serious shortage of fresh water, especially in the northern part of China. The land in some areas has become barren and there is no water coming from the pumps. Definitely, the picture reminds us of the

4、 serious situation we are confronting.Short as it is, people still waste it. With the growth of population and industry, the amount of fresh water in use is also growing rapidly. It is estimated that if not controlled, fresh water will be used up by the next century. Another dangerous factor is the

5、water pollution, which aggravates the seriousness of fresh water shortage.It is no use only being aware of the shortage of fresh water. It is never too late if we act right now. The first important measure is to protect our water resources form being polluted. Educating people to save water in daily

6、 life is of similar significance. Techniques such as recycling waste water and converting sea water into drinkable water are especially needed in dry areas. It is only when these measures are put into practice can the shortage of fresh water be solved.2. 关于空气污染第2篇Directions:Study the following carto

7、on carefully and write an essay in which you should describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and point out dangers from air pollution.Air pollution, which can be seen in many parts of the world, is one of the serious problems the worlds people are facing today. As is indicated from the p

8、icture, the poisonous gas coming from the factories, automobiles and houses pollute the air without which cannot live. There is no denying that many people as well as scientists have been aware of dangers air pollution brings to people.The first category of dangers it has brought is the harm to our

9、health. Nearly everyone knows that serious air pollution irritate our eyes, causes us to cough and makes us get more serious diseases. Air pollution is not only dangerous to people but also detrimental to our surroundings and our daily life. It corrodes our building, damages crops and forests and ca

10、uses both airplane and auto accidents because it cuts down visibility. Furthermore, the pollutants in the air may travel through the air with wind; as a result, air pollution can spread from city to city, even from country to county. So air pollution is really a global problem.As can be seen from th

11、e above dangers, air pollution cost our human beings a great deal of money. Therefore, it must be worthwhile to spend more money and efforts on air pollution control.3. 关于发展与环境第3篇Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing,2) analyze the aim of

12、 the painter of the drawing , and3) suggest counter-measures.You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20points)参考范文As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, people are striving for the tremendous increase of GDP (gross domestic product) at the cost of our environment. The bl

13、ue sky is being severely polluted and human life is being threatened, which is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being.The main purpose of the painter of the drawing above can be briefly stated as follows. To begin with, it is high time that we realize

14、d the fact that our living environment and some natural resources are being destroyed in the blind pursue of GDP increase. At present, the ecology of our planet can hardly support the continuous expansion of heavy-polluting, high-consuming and low-profit production pattern. Whats more, it is quite n

15、ecessary that we have an objective understanding of the relationship between GDP increase and the ecological environment. The GDP increase which is achieved at the cost of sacrificing human living environment and destroying our valuable natural resources (some of the resources are not renewable) is

16、meaningless at all. In sum, the blind craze for GDP increase must be stopped.In my view, counter-measures should be taken to reverse the grim situation. On the one hand, relevant laws and regulations must be set up by government to ensure a rational balance between GDP increase and our living enviro

17、nment. On the other hand, a public education campaign should be launched to make people have a good knowledge of green GDP. Only in these ways can we have a sustainable development and a harmonious society.4. 关于能源与环境第4篇Study the following picture carefully and write an essay. Your essay should cover

18、 these three points:1) explain the picture,2) give reasons for this phenomenon, and3) make your conclusion.You should write 160200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)The cartoon depicts a vivid scene in which two strong cyclists riding two similar bicycles labeled “ENERGY” and “ENVIRONMENT”

19、respectively, are furiously dashing head on against each other. The most striking features of the cartoon may be the dripping sweat of the cyclists and the single front wheel shared by the two bikes, which show the intensity and inevitability of their struggle.The main idea of the cartoon is apparen

20、t: the need to produce and consume energy comes into acute conflict with the need to preserve the environment. The rapid expansion of populations and their increasing demands for a better living lie at the root of deterioration of the natural environment.Can we find a way to get out of the awkward s

21、ituation? I presume it of vital importance for man to realize that he is an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of himself. I also have confidence in modern technology and genius which will enable man to change present energy patterns to avoid environmental pollutio

22、n. The appearances of ecological products promise a bright prospect of settling the energy-environment contradiction.Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) state your poi

23、nt of view./give your comments.The illustration depicts four hands holding together in the center of the map of china, with “United as the Great Wall, making anything rather small” on the both sides of the picture. Recently, people from all walks of life concern the victims in the Wenchuan Earthquak

24、e.It is conspicuously indicated that love combined all the Chinese together and assist the Wenchuan victims to overcome the difficulties. We are the brothers and exert our efforts to rebuild the homelands of the Wenchuan victims.In a increasingly harmonious society, the phenomenon to show love is su

25、fficient. A family or a single person in disasters can not accomplish the task without the help of the others. It is the love based on complementary advantages that will contribute to ultimate success of a person or a organization. Numerous examples can demonstrate the power of the love. In the Wenc

26、huan Earthquake, people from all over the world collect the fund for them to fly over the dilemmas. Were there no love, we will can not witness a harmonious society in all round way.Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay to1) describe the drawing,2) deduce the purpose of the painte

27、r of the drawing, and3) suggest counter-measures.You should write about 160200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)文章的象征含义是:企业社会责任 缺乏社会责任范文:When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public, what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction, ent

28、erprise, milk station, milk cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis, in my view point, thats nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard,defined not only as the courage to face ev

29、ery foreseeable risk, but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of responsibility or even conscience may be as follows. Firstly,inner cause ascribing probably to the destructive influence emanating from the decay of morality may r

30、esult in the over-materialism .Furthermore, outerly ,deficient supervisal gives rise to the fearless adventurer who is at the risk of anything ,not to say to deviate from his own liability ,to pursue as many as profits. A case in point is the Melamine-laced Milk Incident which almost destroyed the whole of Chinas milk industry.It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end this thorny situation, such as en

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