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1、 所有的订货必须随附现金。【09.1/36】陪伴,伴随vt. a【07.1066】上周末的音乐会上,那位歌唱家的演唱由她的学生担任钢琴伴奏。【04.4/36】伴随,陪同vt. aalone lun a. 1.单独地;独自;孤独地。2.用在名词或代词后,起限定的作用只,只有;仅仅。【09.10/7】Youd better leave things if you dont know how to deal with them.A.lonely B.onlyC.lone D.aloneacceptable kseptbl a. 可接受的;合意的,(礼物等)令人满意的。unacceptable a.

2、不可接受的;不合意的,令人不满意的。【08.10/62】We regard cheating in exams as totally (acceptable).accomplish v. 完成(某事物);做成功;实现【例句】 He is a man who will always accolplish his goal. 他是一个总能实现自己目标的人。【05.4/59】This project (accomplish) by the end of 2006 will greatly improve the basic 【08.7/44】active ktiv a. 1.活动的,有活动力的;2.

3、有生气的,活泼的,灵敏的,敏捷的;主动的,能动的,积极的;有力的,勤勉的;3.现行的,活动中的;【例句】an active demand 畅销。active measures 积极手段。【08.10/36】使活动,使起作用vt. a according k:rdi adv. 照,依,据,按。according as 照,依照,据,随。according to 照,依照,据,据所说【例句】from each according to his ability, to each according to his work 各尽所能,按劳分配)。accordingly rdili adv. 1.因此,

4、于是,所以。2.随着;相应地。【例句】You may arrange accordingly. 你可以权宜处理。【03.4/51】相应地 ad. a_accumulate kju:mj,leit vt./vi. 积累,存储,蓄积(财产等),堆积accumulated funds 积累的资金。【03.4/55】积累,积聚 v. a_additional dinl;dinl a. 附加的,追加的,另外的【例句】an additional tax 附加税。the additional regulation 补充规定。【02.4/54】附加的;另外的 a. a_adverse dv:s; d,v:s

5、a. 1.逆的L反对的,相反的。2.不利的,有害的,不幸的。3.对面的。the adverse page 对面的一页。adverse criticisms 恶评,非难。【07.4/37】相反的;不利的 a. a _ _ _ _ _ _address n. 地址 vt. 1.在上写姓名住址;称呼;向致意。2.给讲话;向演说,向求爱,向献殷勤。【07.4/59】He saw a letter lying on the table _(address)to him.向演说,向求Books and friends should be few but good. 读书如交友,应求少而精。爱,向献殷勤。

6、advance dvns vt. 1.进,推进;促进(生长),助长;拨进(时针),增进;提早,提前。2.使升级,提升。【03.10/61】Coffee delays the body clock in the morning, and _ (advance) it at night.advantage dntid n. 1.利益,裨益;好处。2.优点,长处,优越性,有利方面;优胜,优势。 vt. 有利于,有益于,有助于。【例句】personal advantages 美貌。be of great no advantage to 对大大有利毫无裨益。 gain get, have, win an

7、 advantage over of 胜过,优于。 have the advantage 有的利益;比强,胜过;占上风,较有利take advantage of 1. 乘,趁;利用。 2. 欺骗;引诱(女人)。adventure dven n. 1.冒险。2.奇遇。3.【商业】投机。4.冒险性格。vt. 1.以冒险。2.大胆提出,大胆进行。vi. 冒险。【例句】a singular adventure 怪事。go through strange adventures 遍历奇险。adventure ones life on it 拼着性命去干。adventure a proposal 大胆提出建

8、议。【09.1/37】冒险,奇遇n. a analyze nl,aiz vt.分析【例句】The job involves gathering and tried to analyse his feeling.这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。【03.10/36】分析v.a_ _ _ _ _ _alarm l m n. 警报,急报;警报器,警铃。a fire alarm 火警【01.4/46】警报n.a_alternative :lt :ntiv a. 1. 随便一个的,二中择一的,交替的。2.非传统正统的,另类的。Alternative conjunctions 选择连接词(如: or, nor)

9、。alternative courses (或死或降的)两条路。n. 二者之一,二中选一;交替;可采用的方法;替换物。【例句】Thats the only alternative. 那是唯一可取的办法。No alternative but 除外别无他法(无可奈何,只好)。amount maunt vt. 1.总计,共计,合计 (to)。2.相当于,等于。3.成为 (to)。eg. Their expenses amount to fifty dollars. 他们的消费共计五十元。His answer amounts to a threat. 他的回答等于恐吓。Amount to little

10、 not amount to much 没有什么了不起,有限得很,无多大道理。appreciate pri:i:,eit vt. 1.估价,评价,鉴别。2.体会;了解,意识到,懂得。3.欣赏,鉴赏,赏识。【例句】I appreciate your kindness. 多谢厚意。ambition mbin n. 1.抱负,志气,雄心。2.野心,奢望。3.俚语锐气,精力。vt. 热望,想望得到。【例句】Until all is over ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。burn with an ambition 野心勃勃。 the height of ones ambit

11、ion 最高志向。【09.4/3】If payment is not received, legal action will be our only .A.aggression B.advantage C.alternative D.ambitionamplify v. 扩大;详述【例句】He amplified (on) his remarks with a graph showing the latest sales figures. 他用一张标有最新销售数字的图表进一步阐述自己的意见。improvise v. 临时做(无准备的事情),临时凑成【例句】 I forgot to bring

12、the words of my speech, so I had to improvise. 我忘了带发言稿,所以我只得临时凑词。 We slept by the road in an improvised shelter. 我们睡在路边临时搭成的棚子里。appear pi:r vi. 1.出现,露出,显现。2.出庭,出场,演出,(在公开场合)露面。3.(书等)出版;发表。5.显得,好像。【例句】appear in public 露面。for reasons that do not appear 用含糊的理由。 He appears to have caught cold. 他似乎是受凉了。a

13、ppearance rns n. 1.出现;露面,出场,登台。2.出版,刊行。3.外貌,外观;pl. 表面的迹象征兆。【例句】Appearances are deceptive. 外表是靠不住的。 Never judge by appearance. 不要以貌取人。【07.4/61】She had an outward _(appear), but deep down she was really worried.approximate a.近似的;大约的;接近的。approximately prksmtli adv. 【例句】The journey took approximately se

14、ven hours. 旅行大约用了七小时。【08.48】They claim that150 million is to be spent on improvement.A. sufficiently B. approximatelyBusiness is the salt of life. 事业是人生的第一需要。C. considerably D.properlyapply plai vt. 1.运用,应用(原则),把运用于。2.专心,致力。 vi. 1.适合;适用。2.申请,请求。3.专心,努力。【例句】Weve applied to the council for a home impr

15、ovement grant. 我们已向市政府申请改善住房的拨款。appoint v. 任命;约定【例句】 Shes been appointed as sales director. 她被任命为销售部经理。 She wasnt there at the appointed time. 她没有在约定的时间到达。approval pru:vl n. 1.赞成,同意。2.批准;认可。eg.Do not lightly express your approval or disapproval. 不可轻易表示赞成或反对。meet with sb.s approval 得某人赞成。for (sb.s) a

16、pproval 提请(某人)批准承认;求(某人)指正。【09.7/36】批准;赞成n.a appoint pint vt. 委派,任命。【09.4/2】This is the first time that a woman has been to the post.【02.4/43】任命 v. a_A.granted B.praised C.pointed D.appointedappreciation ,pri:ein n. 1.评价,鉴别。2.知道,了解。3.鉴赏,欣赏。4.感谢;感激。更多优质自考资料尽在XX贴吧自考乐园俱乐部(【02.4/59】we would like to take

17、 this opportunity to express our sincere _(appreciate) of your help.approve v vt. 1.批准,认可2.赞成,满意vl n.【例句】I quite approve of your plan. 我十分赞成你的计划。 He approved himself a good man. 他证实自己是好人。【05.4/65】If only the board (approve) proposal and put it into effect.【03.4/63】The author of the text expresses a

18、strong _(disapprove) of working on and off frequently.approach pru vt. 1.向接近,走近;使接近。2.探讨;看待,对待,处理。【例句】It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view. 用形而上学的观点来看待问题是错误的。【08.44】That proposal is essentially irrelevantthe issue at hand.A.with D.approachesastronomer strnmi

19、 n. 天文学家。【01.4/53】天文学家assignment sainmnt n. 分给,分配;任命;任务,工作;(课外)作业【例句】He left for his assignment in the Middle East. 他去中东赴任。【01.10/42】分配;任务 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _assureu:r vt. 1.保证,担保,确告,郑重宣告。2.使安心,让放心,包。3.使确信。4.给保险。【例句】I assure you of his honesty. (那人)包你老实可靠。 assure ones life 保人寿险。 assure oneself of

20、 弄清楚,查明 I must assure myself of the real situation. 我必须查明真实情况。I assure you that. 包你。assumesu:m vt. 1.执掌;接受;承担,担任。2. 假装,装作的样子,采取(态度)。3.假定,想像,设想;以为先决条件。【例句】 assume office 就职,上任。assume responsibility 负责。assume the reins of government 执政,掌握政权。assume the air of cheerfulness 假装高兴。assume a haughty mien 采取傲

21、然态度。attach t vt. 1.附上,加上(条件等)。2.贴上,系上,缚上。3.使附属,使隶属。【例句】The tourist attached labels to all his bags. 旅游者把他的行李都系上标签。【06.102】The government great importance to intellectual property B.attaches C.attributes D.approaches【01.4/44】附加,隶属v._attain v. 获得(某事物);达到;【例句】 He did everything

22、to attain a position of power. 他所做的一切都是为了获得权位。attainment teinmnt n. 1.达到,到达。 成就,造诣;学识,才能。By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。【例句】a man of varied attainments 多才多艺的人。a scholar of high attainments 博学之士。【07.1067】那些年轻人尽了全力才达到了他们的目标。【05.4/46】达到,造诣 n

23、. a attribute vt. 1.把(某事)归因于。2.认为系某人所为。【例句】attribute (ones success) to (hard work) 认为(成功)是(努力)的结果。be attributed to 被认为是所为 The play is attributed to Shakespeare. 这剧本被认为是莎士比亚写的。【06.10/2】The government great importance to intellectual property protection.A.associate B.attachesC.attributes D.approachesa

24、ggression gren n. 攻击;侵略,侵犯;cultural aggression 文化侵略。economic aggression 经济侵略。commit aggression against (对)进行侵略。【例句】 Such action will advantage our cause. 这样的行动有益于我们的事业。awardw:rd vt. 授与,给与;奖与 award a prize to sb. 授奖品给某人。【例句】award a damage of 1,000 dollars 判定赔偿损失一千美元。【01.4/40】授予;判给birthrate b:,reit n.

25、出生率 a declining birthrate 出生率正在下降【01.4/38】出生率bbarrier bri: n.障碍;壁垒;界线【01.4/45】障碍【01.4/60】boring b:ri a. 令人厌烦的,无聊的,无趣的。【08.10/37】令人厌烦的 a. b bring bri vt. 1.拿来,带来,携来,取来;引来;使(人)来到;方言陪,护送。2.劝导,劝诱;迫使。【例句】I have brought my umbrella with me. 我带伞来了。 Her scream brought the police. 她的叫声引来了警察。【06.4/59】You had better _ (bring) enough money with you.bias n. 偏见,成见 v. 使有偏见;使倾向一方【例句】 They complained of bias in the way the news media reported the story. 他们投诉新闻传播媒介在报道这一件事的方式上所表现出的偏见。 The judge was biased in favor of the second candidate, who was educated at the same

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