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1、11. computer n. 电脑20. world n.世界21. classroom n.教室22. hotel n.旅馆II. Patterns 句型1. Whats this in English? Its a chair.III. Grammar 语法1. The plural forms of nouns. 名词单数变复数(1) 一般加 “s”(2) 以 x, s, ch, sh 结尾的加“es”, 如:sandwiches, boxes, buses(3) 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的变 “y”为“ies”, 如:countries, celebrities,cities(4) 特

2、殊的one man - two men one woman - two women one person - two people one child - two children one sportsman - two sportsmen1. cheap adj. 便宜的2. interesting adj. 有趣的3. famous adj. 著名的4. silver 银色;银色的Welcome section C5. brown 棕色;棕色的6. grey 灰色;灰色的7. pink 粉色;粉色的8. purple 紫色;紫色的II. Phrase and patterns.1. a b

3、ig TV 一个大电视2. an old man 一个老人3. a new book 一本新书4. a small hotel 一个小旅馆5. an interesting DVD 一部有趣的 DVD6. a bad cafe 一个糟糕的咖啡店7. a good hamburger 一个好的汉堡8. an expensive computer 一部贵的电脑9. an international airport 一个国际机场10. a small pizza 一个小披萨11. a famous person 一个名人12. What color is .? .是什么颜色? Its yellow.

4、 是黄色的。1. understand v.理解2. one num.一3. two num.二4. three num.三5. four num.四6. five num.五7. six num.六8. seven num.七9. eight num.八10. nine num.九11. ten num.十12. eleven num.十一13. twelve num.十二14. thirteen num.十三15. fourteen num.十四16. fifteen num.十五17. sixteen num.十六Section D Asking and Answering问与答18.

5、seventeen num.十七19. eighteen num.十八20. nineteen num.十九21. twenty num.二十22. thirty num.三十23. forty num.四十24. fifty num.五十25. sixty num.六十26. seventy num.七十27. eighty num.八十28. ninety num. 九十29. one hundred num.一百30. one thousand num.一千31. phone number n.电话号码32. phone v. 打电话33. know v. 知道34. message n

6、. 消息II. Phrases and patterns1. - What does this mean?- Sorry, I dont know.I know.2. I dont understand.3. Its OK. I can help you.4. -Excuse me. Can I help you?-Yes, please.5. -Thank you.-No problem.6. -Whats your phone number?-Its 7. Once more 再来一次8. Please leave a message.9. This is A with a message

7、 for B(打电话时说)我是 A, 这是我给 B 的留言,10. - Its Is there please? -No, sorry. Can I take a message(捎信)?- Yes, please.11. Thanks very much.12. Phone me, please. 请给我打电话。Unit 1 Hes a footballerPage12-13III. Words6. queue n. 队列7. celebrity n.名人8. film star n.电影明星9. winner n.胜利者10. sportsman n.运动员11. tennis playe

8、r n.网球选手12. footballer n.足球运动员13. clue n.线索14. blonde adj. 白肤金发碧眼的15. good looking adj. 外表好看的16. favourite adj.特别受喜爱的17. great adj.极好的18. bored adj.无聊的19. famous adj.著名的20. gorgeous adj.华丽的21. fun adj. 有趣的22. guess v. 猜23. friend n. 朋友IV. Patterns1. - Who is your favourite celebrity/singer/actor/spo

9、rtsman?- Lily Allen, shes my favourite.2. How old is your sister? My sisters 12.3. Hes the best.V. GrammarThe verb be (singular) 单数 be 动词缩略形式否定形式Y/N 疑问句开头简略回答(5) Im.Im not.Am I?Yes, I am./ No, Im not.(6) YoureYou arent.Are you?Yes, you are./ No, you arent.(7) HesHe isnt.Is he?Yes, he is./ No, he isn

10、t.(8) Shes.She isnt.Is she?Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.(9) Its.It isnt.Is it?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Page 14- 151. Spain n. 西班牙Spanish adj. 西班牙的 n. 西班牙人、西班牙语2. Belgium n. 比利时Belgian adj. 比利时的 n. 比利时人(没有比利时语,比利时说德语、法语、荷兰语)3. Britain n.英国British adj.英国的 n.英国人4. Poland n. 波兰Polish adj. 波兰的 n.波兰人、波兰语5.

11、 Brazil n. 巴西Brazilian adj. 巴西的 n. 巴西人 (没有巴西语,巴西说葡萄牙语)6. Switzerland n.瑞士Swiss adj. 瑞士的 n. 瑞士人(没有瑞士语,瑞士主要说德语、法语、意大利语)7. China n. 中国Chinese adj.中国的 n.中国人、中文、汉语8. Russia n. 俄罗斯Russian adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人、俄语9. Turkey n. 土耳其Turkish adj. 土耳其的 n. 土耳其人、土耳其语10. Japan n. 日本Japanese adj. 日本的 n. 日本人、日语11. Italy

12、n. 意大利Italian adj. 意大利的 n. 意大利人、意大利语12. Canada n. 加拿大Canadian adj. 加拿大的 n. 加拿大人(没有加拿大语、加拿大说英语和法语)13. Germany n. 德国German adj. 德国的 n. 德国人、德语14. Portugal n.葡萄牙Portuguese adj.葡萄牙的 n. 葡萄牙人、葡萄牙语15. flag 旗帜IIPatterns1. He is from China(国家). He is Chinese(国籍).2. I think number six is the Italian flag. 我认为六

13、号是意大利国旗。IIIGrammar (语法) Wh- question 疑问词1 What 什么2 Where 哪里3 Who 谁4 How 怎样 (How old.? 年纪多大?)Page 16-171. heroine n . 女主角,女英雄,女偶像2. hero n. 主角,英雄,偶像(男) heroes(复数)3. rap n. 说唱乐4. Argentina n. 阿根廷5. Argentinean adj./n 阿根廷(人)的(没有阿根廷语、阿根廷西班牙语)6. Mexico n. 墨西哥7. Mexican adj. 墨西哥(籍)的(没有墨西哥语、墨西哥说西班牙语)8. gol

14、fer n. 高尔夫选手9. golf n. 高尔夫球 play golf 打高尔夫球10. address n. 地址1. My hero is a footballer from Rosario in Argentina.2. What is your address?My address is 4 Brooklands Road, Sale, Manchester.3. What is your phone number? My phone number is Unit 2 Were a New BandPage 18- Page 19VI. Words24. great adj.伟大的

15、;(口语)好极了25. band n.乐队26. singer n.歌唱家,歌手27. guitar n.吉他 play the guitar28. drum n.鼓 play the drum29. question n.问题30. before prep. 在之前31. first adj. 第一的32. same adj. 相同的 the same city33. alone adj.孤独的34. Australian adj. 澳大利亚的 Australia n. 澳大利亚35. Swiss adj. /n. 瑞士的;瑞士人36. popular adj.流行的,受欢迎的37. com

16、pany adj. 公司VII. Phrases5. *lead guitar 主音吉他6. *bass guitar 低音吉他(贝斯)7. a pop group 流行音乐组合8. a theme park 主题公园III. Others*1. Kia 起亚(汽车集团名称)*2. Chessington World of Adventure 切斯顿冒险世界公园1. Chuck is from a city called Coventry(一个叫 Conventry 的城市).2. How many people are there in the band? There are four pe

17、ople in the band.V. Grammar:1. both 与 all 意思为“都”,但是区别是:both 指两个人或物,all 指三个或三个以上的人或物eg: Youre both very late this morning.The winners are all from Chengdu Experimental Foreign Languages School.2. be 动词复数肯定句缩略否定句缩略Y/N 疑问句Youre(You are).Were(We are).We arent.Are we?Yes, we are./ No, we arent.Theyre(The

18、y are)They arent.Are they?Yes, they are./ No, they arent.P20- P21IWords1) Positive adjectives 正面、积极形容词1. fantastic 极好的2. excellent 卓越的3. great 伟大的;极好的4. amazing 了不起的2) Negative adjs 负面、消极形容词5. awful 可怕的6. terrible 严重的3) others 其它7. female adj. 女性的8. really adv.非常9. band n. 乐队10. team n.队11. film n.电

19、影12. horse n.马13. sport n.运动14. jam n.果酱 un(不可数名词)15. coffee n.咖啡 un (不可数名词)16. volleyball n.排球 play 17. music 音乐(不可数名词)18. classical music 古典音乐19. rock music 摇滚乐20. pop music 流行乐21. car racing 赛车II. Phrases.Of course 当然III. Patterns.1. I dont like .any more. 我不再.了。He/She/It doesnt like. any more.2.

20、 I like . a lot. = I like very much.3. Do you like? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont.4. -I like/I really like, I think shes 5. - I dont likeVIII. 主格代词、宾格代词主格代词:用于动词前单数我 I你 you他/她/它 he/she/it复数我们 we你们 you他们的/她们的/它们的 they宾格代词:用于动词和介词后我 me他/她/它 him/her/it我们 us你们you他们/她们/它们 themPage 22- Page 231. concert n. 音乐会;

21、演唱会2. centre n. 中心 center(美式英语拼写) at the centre 在中心3. really adv.真正地;真实地4. cool adj. 很酷的 great5. when adv/pron. 什么时候6. Saturday n. 星期六 on在星期六7. want vi. 想要/需要做. want to do sth 想要做某事8. absolutely adv. 完全地;绝对地 of course9. little adj. 小的10. joke n. 玩笑;笑话11. guys n.(pl.) 朋友们12. weekend n. 周末 this weeken

22、d 这个周末13. birthday n.生日 on ones birthday 在某人生日时14. fantastic adj. 不可思议的 great/gorgeous/wonderful15. idea n. 主意、想法 an一个想法16. match n. 比赛 matches(pl.) football足球比赛17. together adv. 一起1. Thats right = Yes2. Whens the concert? (On) Saturday. (on 用于表示星期之前,表示时间)3. Do you want to go? Yes, of course!/Absolu

23、tely!/sure.4. He/She doesnt want to go.5. Its for you.6. Just a little joke7. Who is on the phone? . is on the phone (with/to .) .正在和.通话。8. Lets go together! OK/No problem.9. Its my mums birthday.10. Darren has got an idea. Darren 有个主意。III. Grammar2. Lets do eg: Lets go together! 让我们一起去吧。Let 后人称用宾格,

24、动词用原型。3. 在星期几用 on. eg: on Friday/Saturday4. 第三人称的否定式,助动词 does+not+动词。 He/She doesnt want to go/know.P23-24I Words1. throw v. 扔2. outside adv.在外面3. email n.电子邮件4. photo n.照片5. famous adj.著名的II Patterns:1. Whats your favourite band/animal/food/sport? 你最喜欢的乐队/动物/食物/运动是什么?2. We really like . 我们真的喜欢3. A

25、band of four men.4 人组成的乐队4. What about you? 那你呢?5. Take it outside. 拿出去6. Bring it inside. 带进来。Unit 3 She lives in WashingtonP26-27I. Words.1. wife n. 妻子2. president n. 总统(具体表示某国总统时,首字母 P 应大写)美国总统的 4 种说法:1) The US President2) The President of the US3) Americas President4) American President3. millio

26、ns 几百万的人 (虚数)millions ofa million / 2 million 一百万/两百万4. live v. 居住,生活5. daughter n. 女儿6. dead adj. 去世的7. important adj. 重要的8. grandmother n. 外婆,奶奶9. Washington n. 华盛顿(美国首都)1. the wife / grandmother of 2. on TV3. live in 4. come from = be from5. the Obamas= the Obama family6. live with 7. a present t

27、ofrom 10. room n. 房间11. bathroom n. 卫生间12. present n. 礼物13. water n. 水14. work v. / n. 工作15. project n. 计划,事业16. official adj. 官方的17. duty n. 职责18. alive adj. 活着的19. learn v. 学习20. watch v. 观看21. finish v. 完成24. cartoon n. 动画25. family n. 家庭26. husband n. 丈夫27. also adv. 也(用于 be 动词后,实义动词前)8. She works on important proje

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