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Module 1 Section ⅢWord文件下载.docx

1、6pay for 为付款;偿还7put.into. 将投入8become ill 生病.经典句式1. Go_to_bed_now_or youll be really tired tomorrow.现在就去睡觉否则明天你真的会感到很疲劳的。2That couldnt be better那再好不过了。3Britain was the_first_country_in_the_world_to_have a free health care system paid for by the government.英国是世界上第一个由政府负担经费,有免费医疗的国家。原文呈现The health care

2、 system of a country is very important and different countries have different ways of paying for it.Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the governmentHealth care is free for everyone living in BritainMost doctors and nurses work for the government

3、 and most hospitals are owned by the government.Until recently this system was very successful but recently there have been problemsThis is because the government has not put enough money into the health serviceAs a result,more people are using private health insurance.They see doctors who work for

4、themselves and pay the doctors through the health insurance company.In America the system is very different.Most people have private health insurance.Doctors work for themselves and hospitals are privately owned.The health insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals.The problem with this sy

5、stem is that poorer people dont have the money to pay for private health insuranceAs a result,they often have both health and money problems.Canada has a different system again.Health care is free.Doctors work privately and hospitals are privately owned.When you become ill,medical fees are paid for

6、by the government.阅读清障the way of doing sth做某事的方式/方法way后也接to do作后置定语。pay for支付,为付款pay off付清,还清动词不定式短语作定语,修饰the first country;其中过去分词短语paid for.作后置定语,修饰a free health care system。free adj.免费的be free for对免费现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰everyone,可转化为who lives in Britain。be owned by被拥有recently adv.近来,最近recent adj.最近的,近来的此

7、为there be句型的现在完成时形式。put.into.将投入service n服务(其动词形式为serve)serve in the army服兵役serve the people为人民服务This is because.这是因为,because引导表语从句。as a result结果,因此as a result of由于insurance/Inrns/ n保险health insurance健康保险through prep.通过(某种方式)the health insurance company健康保险公司privately adv.私下地;私立地the problem with(关于)

8、的问题have the money to do.有钱做该句为表语从句,that引导表语从句时一般不可省略。become ill生病medical fees医疗费用Choose the best answer for each question according to the text.1Which of the following countries hasnt free health care system?ABritain. BAmerica.CCanada. DNone of the above.2Whats the difference in health care system b

9、etween Britain and Canada?ABritish hospitals are owned privately while Canadian ones are not.BPatients pay for medical fees through health insurance in Canada while its not the case in Britain.CDoctors and nurses work for the government in Britain.DHospitals in Canada are owned privately.3What are t

10、he problems brought about by the health care system in America?APatients can not pay for their medical fees in time.BPatients have to turn to the health insurance company for help.CPoorer people often can not enjoy health services.DDoctors and nurses can not get full salaries.4The general idea of th

11、is passage is to _Aintroduce the health care systems of Britain,America and Canada Banalyze the advantages and disadvantages of a health care system Ctell us which country has the best health care system Dtell us health insurance helps a lot in paying for medical fees5The writers attitude towards Am

12、erican health care system is _Aobjective BfavorableCcritical Dindifferent答案1.B2.D3.C4.A5.A1breathe vi.呼吸When we breathe,the air goes into our lung.(教材P5)我们呼吸时,空气进入我们的肺。breath n呼吸,气息out of breath 气喘吁吁地,上气不接下气地hold ones breath 屏住呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来take a deep breath 深吸一口气She was soon out of breat

13、h,but went on running.她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续跑。We all held_our_breath when the teacher announced the results of the election.当老师宣布选举结果时,我们都屏住呼吸。2awful adj.可怕的;吓人的;很坏的;极讨厌的In fact,I feel awful.(教材P6)事实上,我感到非常难受。awfully adv.非常,极其We had an awful experience in the street just now.刚才我们在街上有一次可怕的经历。Im awfully (awfu

14、l)sorry about the problem the other day.我对前几天的那个问题感到非常抱歉。1pick up(用车)接My wifes going to pick me up in half an hour.(教材P6)我妻子将在半个小时后来接我。pick up常见意义:一词多义写出下列句子中pick up的汉语意思She picked up the telephone on her desk and began to dial.拿起This old man is beginning to pick up now.恢复(健康)My husband will pick yo

15、u up in his car.开车来接I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.收听Heres a tip I picked up from my mother.学会The economy is finally beginning to pick up again.好转2lie down 躺下Can you lie down,please,and Ill examine you?(教材P7)请躺下,我给你检查一下好吗?lie in(问题等)在于;存在tell a lie/lies 说谎The problem lies in decidin

16、g when to begin the project.问题在于决定何时开始这个项目。He tried to tell_me_a_lie about losing his wallet.他试图告诉我关于他丢失钱夹的谎言。温馨提示下列三个词的词义、词性、过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别如下:lie躺 vi.laylainlying lie撒谎 vi.liedliedlying lay放,搁;产卵 vt.laidlaidlaying3begin with(start with)以开头Begin with some information about yourself.(教材P9)以你自己的一些信息开

17、头。(1)to begin/start with首先,第一点,常作插入语(2)end up with以结束,侧重指最后的事情end up as作为而结束,其后常跟身份、职位等名词,侧重指“最终成为”end up in结果,最终,侧重指最终的结果Our English teacher often begins his class with an English song.我们英语老师常以一首英语歌曲开始上课。 To_begin/start_with,John is too young for that kind of job.首先,约翰做那种工作太年轻了。The dinner began/sta

18、rted with fish soup and ended (up) with coffee and fruit.晚餐以鱼汤开始,以咖啡和水果结束。4pay for支付;为付出代价,遭受惩罚The health care system of a country is very important and different countries have different ways of paying for it.(教材P9)国家医疗保健系统非常重要,不同的国家有不同的支付方式。pay back偿还;报复pay off 还清(借款);得到回报pay sb for sth 为某事/某物给某人报

19、酬pay a visit to 参观,拜访pay attention to 注意They made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.他们解雇了他,从而使他因自己的过错而受到了惩罚。The investor believes that his investment will pay off handsomely soon.这个投资者相信他的投资不久会有相当大的收益。I am sure that he will pay back every cent he owes you.我敢肯定他会分文不差地把欠款还给你。1Go to bed no

20、w or youll be really tired tomorrow.(教材P4)现在就去睡觉否则明天你真的会感到很疲劳的。“祈使句and/or陈述句”句型中,祈使句表示条件,陈述句表示结果,当前后两部分之间为承接关系时,用and,译成“那么”;前后意思为相反关系时,用or,译成“否则,要不然”。Dont jump the queue,or other people will not be pleased.别插队,否则别人会不高兴的。Just be more patient,and the experiment will be successful.再耐心一点,实验会成功的。Work har

21、d, or you will fall behind.你要努力学习,否则会落后。温馨提示该句型中陈述句常用一般将来时。“祈使句and/or陈述句”的变化形式(1)祈使句破折号陈述句Try some of this juiceperhaps youll like it.尝尝这种果汁,也许你会喜欢的。(2)名词词组and陈述句(名词词组中通常含有more,another,further,earlier等词)Another 500, and I could buy a car.假如我再有500英镑,就能买辆小汽车了。 One_more_word and Ill get you out of my r

22、oom.你再说一个字我就让你滚。2That couldnt be better.(教材P10)那再好不过了。(1)cant/couldnt与形容词或副词比较级连用,常用来表示对已发生的事情的评价或判断,可译作“再不过了,最不过了”。这一结构是用比较级形式表示最高级的含义。What do you think of the TV play last night?It couldnt be worse.你觉得昨晚的电视剧怎么样?再糟糕不过了。What was his performance like?Oh,it couldnt have been more_wonderful(wonderful)他

23、的演出怎么样?噢,他的演出再好不过了。We couldnt have found a better (good)place for a picnic.我们再也找不到比这更好的地方进行野餐了。(2)cant/couldnt 与 too 或 enough 连用,表示“无论都不过分”。You cant praise him enough.你如何表扬他都不过分。You couldnt work too_hard to be a pop star.想成为一位明星你怎么努力都不过分。.单词拼写1We gave them some questionnaires (问卷) for collecting dat

24、a.2If something awful (可怕的) happens to you at least you can write about it.3Fever is one of the symptoms (症状) of an illness.4Smoking is harmful to ones health,especially lungs (肺)5He cleared his throat (喉咙) and spoke in low,polite tones.6My luggage was overweight (超重的)by five kilos,so I was asked to

25、 pay more money.7PICC is short for Peoples Insurance (保险)Company of China.8When we breathe(呼吸),we draw air into our lungs.选词填空lie down,begin with,pick up,pay for,put.into,be off work1He lay_down to have a rest for a while.2He picked_up the book in a most unlikely bookstore.3A road of a thousand mile

26、s begins_with one step.4Jack broke his arm while he was playing basketball and had to be_off_work for a month.5The government should put more money into teaching for our children.6She paid_for her own education by working her way through college.完成句子1Follow the advice of the doctor,and_youll_be_well

27、 very soon.听从医生的建议,那么你很快就会好的。2I am looked after very well.It couldnt_be_better我被照顾得很好,我现在好得不能再好了。3Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer to_win_the_Nobel_Prize莫言是第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国作家。4The_problem_with video games is that theyre addictive.电子游戏的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。5I saw him heading_towards_the_front_door without his c

28、oat on.我看见他没穿外套就向前门走去了。.单句语法填空1The movie last night couldnt be better (good)I want to see it a second time.2Mike is the most suitable person to_finish (finish) the task.3. As a result of her hard work and much practice,Joan won the first place in the English speaking contest.4It wont work; to begin

29、with,it would take too long,and secondly it would cost too much.5It would be awful (awfully) if he found the truth that I had cheated in the exam.6Help others whenever you can and you will make the world a nicer place to live in.7Although Tom was well out of breath (breathe) when he got to the classroom,he thought it was well worth the effort.8Its surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there ve

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