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1、Could you please tell me _?9Daniel 气喘吁吁地赶到了电影院。Daniel_at the cinema.10他被指控在去年一年里闯入数个电脑系统。He _computer systerms over the11他妹妹5岁的时候就把大部分时间花在学钢琴上了。At the age of 5, his sister_.12你不用担心没有足够的钱可以上学。You neednt _to go to school.13大雨使飞机无法准时起飞。The plane _ the heavy rain.14我真的发现很难和那个戴眼镜的男孩和睦相处。I really found it

2、 _ the boy with glasses.15似乎没多少希望赢这场比赛。There _of winning the match.16我认为看电视广告就是浪费时间。I think watching TV ads _.17我看见他们正手拿旗挥舞着。I saw them _.18我想知道他是否真的有表演天赋。I wonder _or not.19孩子受鼓励越多,表现越好。_, the better they will behave.20它之所以特别是因为它是以现代方式编曲的。It is special because its _.21爱迪,你为什么要穿成那样?Why are you_that,

3、 Eddie?22它们对人们,尤其是青少年们,有不良影响。They_on people, especially teenagers.23我家里电视总是开着。The TV_at my home.24我可以再吃些东西吗?Can I have_food?25十天后,赫本在睡梦中安详地去世了,享年63岁。Ten days later,_, Hepburn passed away peacefully in her sleep.26赫本取得的成就不仅仅是在电影业。Hepburns achievements_the film industry.27他和疾病进行了顽强的斗争。He_against his d

4、isease.28你每天花多长时间看电视?How much time do you_every day?29我怀疑这本书是否值得看。I doubt whether this book _.30我父亲宁愿开他那辆旧车也不愿买一辆新的。My father _his old car than buy a new one.31外面下着大雪,我们除了呆在家里别无选择。It was snowing heavily outside. We _stay at home.32他没有在学习上投入足够的精力,因此,这次考试他没有通过。He didnt put enough effort into his study

5、 and failed to pass the exam _.33很多人认为动作片中的打斗对青少年有不良影响。Many people think that fights in action films_teenagers.34这个话题根本不值得争论。The topic isnt _.35你介意为我留出点时间吗?我有些重要的事要说。Would you mind _? I have something important to say.36我们的英语老师要比其他人对我们更严格。Our English teacher _ others.37如果你决定这样做,你是否意识到你将面临多少危险?If you

6、 decide to do so, do you realize _?38很多老年人还是拒绝接受这种新的购物方式。Many old people still _ of shopping.39那个年轻人找工作没什么结果。The young man had _.40这部长达一小时的记录片近距离观察了印度虎的生活。This _ the life of tigers in India.41在英语方面他已经远远地超过了我。He has _ English.42工作太多休息太少常常导致疾病。Too much work _ illness.43那个病人太虚弱了,还不能走路。The patient _.44你

7、父母对你的学习满意吗?Are your _ your study?45他因导演了这个微电影而著名。He _ this micro film.46运气真的与成功有关吗?Does luck really _?47现在,一些年轻人认为互发短信是浪费时间。Now a number of young people think its a waste of time _ each other.48谭盾如此有创意,以至于他的音乐备受赞誉。Tan Dun is so creative _.49放学时,雨下得很大,他别无选择,只好放弃踢足球。After school, it was raining very h

8、ard. He_ playing football.50没有人知道他为什么跟任何人都相处不好。 No one knew _ anyone.51他提出的建议对我来说具有很大的价值,值得采纳。The advice he gave was of _that it was worth taking.52这部长达两小时的纪录片近距离观察了狼的生活。This two-hour documentary takes _ _ _ at the life of wolves.53姚明4岁拿到第一只篮球,但是12岁才对打篮球表现出感兴趣。Yao Ming got his first basketball at 4,

9、 but he _ _ an _ in playing basketball until he was 12.54斯巴德-韦伯坚持努力而且从不放弃, 结果他成功获得奖学金。Spud Web kept trying and he never gave up, as a result, he _ _ _ a scholarship.55天气越来越冷,我们应该懂得如何防范感冒,我们必须经常开窗通风。Its getting colder and colder, we should know how _ _ _ a cold. We must air the windows often.56人生就像一场

10、赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。Life is like a race. You _fall behind.57桂林位于漓江两岸。Guilin _ of the Lijiang River.58妈妈病了。你或你妹妹得留在家中照顾妈妈。Mum is ill. _ stay at home to look after her.59作为一个教师,他的工作远不仅仅是传授知识。他还教我们如何做人。As a teacher, his work_ us knowledge. He also teaches us how to be a real man.60斯皮尔伯格导演的那部电影近距离观察了当时的社会现实。T

11、he film directed by Steven Spielberg _ the social reality.61警察警告我们要对我们周边的任何可能的危险提高警惕。The police warned us _ around us.62突然,那个陌生人危险的举止吸引了一位十一岁女孩的注意。她立刻报了警。Suddenly, the strangers dangerous behaviour _. She called 110 immediately.63我曾怀疑那位作曲家写的乐曲是否值得听。I once doubted whether the music written by the com

12、poser _.64这个年轻人是被刀刺中并因失血过多而死亡的。This young man _ and bled to death _ .65他们不确定凶杀案是否发生在昨晚九点到今晨五点之间。They _ if the murder _ between 9 yesterday evening and 5 this morning.参考答案1How cold it is!2not to give up easily3had been away for 5 minutes 4no choice but to 5of great value to me6important for us to han

13、d in our homework on time. 7choice but to study8how to achieve a balance between my study and my hobbies?9arrived out of breath10was charged with breaking into several11spent most of her time playing the piano12worry about not having enough money 13was stopped/ prevented/ kept from taking off becaus

14、e of 14very difficult to get along/on well with15seems to be little hope 16is just a waste of time 17waving with flags in their hands18whether he has a real gift for acting19The more the children are encouraged20made up in a modern way21dressed like 22have a bad effect23is on24some more 25at the age

15、 of 6326went beyond 27put up a good fight28spend watching TV29is worth reading30would rather drive 31had no choice but to32as a result 33have a bad effect on34worth arguing about at all35sparing some time for me36is stricter with us than37how much danger you will face38refuse to accept the new way39

16、little success in finding a job40one-hour document takes a close look at41gone far beyond me in 42and too little rest often leads to43is too weak to walk.44parents satisfied / happy with 45is famous/known/well-known for directing 46have anything to do with success 47to send( text )/(short)messages t

17、o48that his music is praised highly/thought highly of /highly /well thought of49he had no choice but to give up50why he didnt/couldnt get on/along (well) with/he got on/along badly with 51such great value to me52 a close look 53 didnt show interest 54 succeeded in achieving 55 to guard against 56eit

18、her take the lead or57lies on the two sides 58Either you or your sister has to (You or your sister has to)59is/goes far beyond teaching 60takes/took a close at 61to guard against any possible danger62caught an 11-year-old girls attention63was worth listening to64 was attacked with a knife as a resul

19、t 65 are not sure took place 【分析】1感叹句的结构How+形容词+主谓语!故How cold it is!表示“多么冷的天气啊!”,故为cold it is!2give up放弃,根据句型It is very important (not ) to do sth“(不)做某事是非常重要的”,故为not to give up easily。3be away离开,for 5 minutes长达5分钟,此处表示在到达之前飞机已经离开了,故用过去的过去,即过去完成时,故为had been away for 5 minutes 。4have no choice but to

20、 do sth“除了做某事,没有任何其他选择”,故为no choice but to。5be of great value to sb对某人有很大的价值,故为of great value to me 。6hand in上交,on time按时,根据句型Its important for sb to do sth“做某事对于某人来说是很重要的”,故为important for us to hand in our homework on time. 7have no choice but to do sth“除了做某事,没有任何其他选择”,故为choice but to study。8achiev

21、e a balance活动平衡,betweenand“和之间”,故为how to achieve a balance between my study and my hobbies?9out of breath“气喘吁吁”,故为arrived out of breath。10be charged with doing sth被指控做了某事,break into闯入,故为was charged with breaking into several 。11spend time doing sth花费时间做某事,play the piano弹钢琴,故为spent most of her time p

22、laying the piano 。12worry about (not) doing sth担心(没有)做某事,故此处为worry about not having enough money 。13be stopped/prevented/kept from doing sth被阻止做某事,take off起飞,because of+名词/代词“因为”,故为was stopped/ prevented/ kept from taking off because of。14get along/on well with“和相处得好”,根据句型find it very difficult to do sth“认为做某事是困难的”,故为very difficult to get along/on well with 15There seems to be sth似乎有某物,故为seems to be little hope 。16a waste of“的浪费”,故为is just a waste of time。17see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,with flags in ones hands“某人正手拿着旗”,故为waving with flags in their hands 。18whether.

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