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1、例:.authentic Italian food.正宗的意大利食品。2.authenticity N-UNCOUNT 真实性There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statues authenticity.然而,有些因素已经让人们对这座雕像的真实性产生了怀疑。3.ADJ If you describe something as authentic , you mean that it is such a good imitation that it is almost the same as or as good as

2、the original. 逼真的 表赞许.patterns for making authentic frontier-style clothing.制作地道的边疆风格服装的图样。4.ADJ An authentic piece of information or account of something is reliable and accurate. 可靠的I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.我已经弄到了有关该组织成立的可靠的详细资料。Bible英 bab()l 美 babln

3、. 圣经Bible Belt:圣经地带;圣经带;福至心灵;唱片名Bible Black:黑魔术学园;黑暗圣经;暗黑圣经Wicked Bible:邪恶圣经Pastoral Bible:牧灵圣经BIBLE PROPHECY:圣经预言Fire Bible:街拍天书;火火时尚街拍Bible school:圣经学校;圣经学校部;圣经学习Holly Bible:圣经与圣经诗歌;圣经;圣经新约;最爱书籍Bible Society:圣经公会;圣经协会1.N-PROPER The Bible is the holy book on which the Jewish and Christian religions

4、 are based. 圣经2.N-COUNT A bible is a copy of the Bible. (一本) 圣经.a publisher of bibles and hymn books.一家圣经册本和圣歌集出版商。motivate英 mtvet 美 motvet附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 过去式 motivated 过去分词 motivated 现在分词 motivating v. 刺激,使有动机,激发的积极性;

5、成为的动机;给出理由;申请Motivate Desktop:壁纸自动换motivate permeate:扩散;渗透;的扩散Motivate others:激励他人;激励同事和上司motivate e:激励;促进;激发;激发的积极性motivate enterprise:推进企业;激活企业motivate training:诱导训练motivate vt:作为motivate factor:激励因素1.V-T If you are motivated by something, especially an emotion, it causes you to behave in a partic

6、ular way. 激发的积极性They are motivated by a need to achieve.他们被成功的需要激励着。2.motivated ADJ 有积极性的.highly motivated employees.积极性很高的员工。3.V-T If someone motivates you to do something, they make you feel determined to do it. 激起 (某行动)How do you motivate people to work hard and efficiently?你是如何激励人们努力而高效地工作的?

7、tivation N-UNCOUNT 激起行动Given parental motivation, we are optimistic about the ability of people to change.有了父母的激励,我们对于人们改变的能力很乐观。antique英 ntik 美 ntik 过去式 antiqued 过去分词 antiqued 现在分词 antiquing adj. 古老的,年代久远的;过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格vi. 觅购古玩Antique Bakery:西洋古董洋菓子店;西洋古董洋果子店Antique Rose:古典

8、玫瑰;玫瑰红;古董月季;玫瑰粉Antique Cowboy:过时的牛仔;陈旧牛仔antique reproduction:仿古玩;仿古产品;仿古制品antique replica:Thatre Antique:古罗马剧院Antique Blocks:玛雅崩溃较量antique racket:古董拍Antique Lamp:仿古灯;古典灯;古式灯图片1.N-COUNT An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture that is valuable because of its beauty or rarity.

9、 古董.a genuine antique.一件真古董。on behalf of代表;为了on in behalf of:代表;on continually behalf of:代表on the behalf of:On and behalf of:关于和代表;在和代表on n behalf of:on behalf of master:代表船长On behalf of our:代表我们On behalf of speech:代表发言On behalf of awareness:代表意识behalf英 bhf 美 bhfn. 代表;利益behalf attribute:利益性accrued b

10、ehalf:应累算利益behalf f:利益;方面;为behalf n:on behalf:Our Behalf:我们代表lawful behalf:合法权益common behalf:公共利益behalf conflict:利益冲突1.PHRASE If you do something on someones behalf , you do it for that person as their representative. 代表She made an emotional public appeal on her sons behalf.她代表儿子作了感动人心的公开呼吁。2.PHRASE

11、 If you feel, for example, embarrassed or angry on someones behalf , you feel embarrassed or angry for them. 替某人 (感到害羞、愤怒等)What do you mean? I asked, offended on Liddies behalf.“你什么意思?”我问道,很为莉迪生气。polyphonyn. 复调;复调音乐;多音Polyphony Theory:复调理论Initial Polyphony:复调音乐基础polyphony charm:复调美linguistic polypho

12、ny:语言多声性monophonic polyphony:单声复调full polyphony:升到全发声数polyphony modernism:复调现代主义simple polyphony:简单音程;简单的复调;简单的复调音乐maximum polyphony:最大复音数1.N polyphonic style of composition or a piece of music utilizing it 复调音乐overnight英 vnat 美 ovnatadv. 通宵;突然;昨晚adj. 晚上的;通宵的;前夜的n. 头天晚上;一夜的逗留vt. 连夜快递vi. 过一夜overnight

13、 ad:一夜;突然;在头一天晚上;忽然overnight repo:隔夜回购Overnight Grids:隔夜栅格overnight millionaire:暴发户camping overnight:通宵露营Overnight deposits:过夜存款Overnight fame:一夜成名Overnight Rating:最新的隔夜收视率overnight RA:隔夜回购协议1.ADV If something happens overnight , it happens throughout the night or at some point during the night. 通宵地

14、; 在夜间 ADV after vThe decision was reached overnight.这个决定是夜间做出的。2.ADJ Overnight is also an adjective. 通宵的; 夜间的 ADJ nTravel and overnight accommodation are included.旅行及夜间住宿是包含在内的。3.ADV You can say that something happens overnight when it happens very quickly and unexpectedly. 突然地 ADV after vThe rules

15、are not going to change overnight.这些规则是不会突然改变的。4.ADJ Overnight is also an adjective. 突然的 ADJ nIn 1970 he became an overnight success in America.1970年他在美国一夜之间成了成功人士。5.ADJ Overnight bags or clothes are ones that you take when you go and stay somewhere for one or two nights. 外出住宿一两晚的 (包或衣服) ADJ nHe rea

16、lized hed left his overnight bag at Marys house.他意识到他把自己的短途旅行包落在玛丽家里了。parachute英 prut 美 prt 复数 parachutes 过去式 parachuted 过去分词 parachuted 现在分词 parachuting n. 降落伞vi. 跳伞空投golden parachute:金色降落伞;金降落伞;黄金降落伞;金降落tin parachute:锡降落;锡降落伞parachute tower:跳伞塔;伞塔parachute pack:伞包;跳伞包;降落伞包parachute jumping:跳伞;跳伞运动

17、;跳降落伞extraction parachute:拖曳伞;parachute canopy:牵引伞;空投伞Parachute Free:伞衣;降落伞伞衣escape parachute:重力感应降落伞免费版;降落伞;降落伞免费版1.N-COUNT A parachute is a device that enables a person to jump from an aircraft and float safely to the ground. It consists of a large piece of thin cloth attached to your body by stri

18、ngs. 降落伞They fell 41,000 ft. before opening their parachutes.他们下落了41000英尺才打开他们的降落伞。2.V-T/V-I If a person parachutes or someone parachutes them somewhere, they jump from an aircraft using a parachute. 使空降; 跳伞He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.他是波兰地下组织的信使,被空降到了华沙。3.V-T To parachute something somewhere means to drop it somewhere by parachute. 空投Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine, and water into the rugged mountainous border region.飞机把食物、衣服、毯子、药和水空投到

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