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1、a book.mine.asleep.for you.where I work.There are variations with introductory there/it.There/It + BEsubject1. There was2. It was impossible3. It was a pitya large go further.the weather was so bad. VP 2A组: This pattern is for verbs which may be used without a complement. Such verbs are cal

2、led complete intransitive verbs. Adjuncts are possible but not essential.Subjectvi.1. We all2. The moon3. A period of political unrestbreathe, drink and eat.rose.followed.1. There followed2. It doesnt mattera long period of political unrest.whether we start now or later.That-clauses are possible aft

3、er seem, appear, happen, chance and follow.1. It seemed2. It so chanced/happened3. It doesnt follow(that) the day would never end.(that) we were out when she called.(that) they are husband and wife.B组: Verbs in this pattern are used with an adverbial adjunct of distance, duration, weight, cost, etc.

4、 For may occur before adverbials of distance and duration. An indirect object may occur after cost, last and take (meaning require).Subject + vi.(for) + adverbial adjunct1. We walked2. The meeting lasted3. The book cost (me)4. This box weighs(for) five miles.(for) two hours.five kilos.C组: Many intra

5、nsitive verbs are used with an adverbial adjunct (including an adverbial particle alone, or an adverbial particle followed by a preposition).adverbial adjunct1. Go2. Please come3. Ill soon catch4. Its getting5. It looksaway!in.up with you.on for rain/as if it were going to rain.D组: Ver

6、bs in this pattern are followed by an adjective, a noun or, in the case of a reflexive verb, a pronoun. Inchoative verbs (eg. become, come, get) and verbs of the senses (eg. smell, taste, feel) are among the many verbs used in this pattern.adjective/noun/pronoun1. Her dreams have come2. The fire has

7、 burnt3. She married4. He died5. Later he became6. Youre not lookingtrue.low.young.a acrobat.yourself.E组: In this pattern the predicative adjunct is a present participle.present participle1. She lay2. Do you like to go3. The children camesmiling at me.dancingrunning to meet us. VP3 Ve

8、rbs in this pattern are followed by a preposition and its object (which may be a noun, pronoun, gerund, phrase, or clause). The verb and preposition function as a unit.preposition + noun/pronoun1. You may rely2. Can I count3. What has happenedon that man/his discretion/his being discreet.on your hel

9、pto them An infinitive phrase may follow the noun/pronoun.1. Were waiting2. I rely3. She pleadedfor our new car to be delivered.on you to be discreet.with the judge to have mercy. The preposition is omitted before a that-clause, thus producing the same word order as in VP9 (for transitive verbs).He

10、insisted on his innocence. He insisted that he was innocent.Cf. He declared that he was innocent.VP3AVP3BVP9The preposition may be retained if its object is a dependent question, or if a preceding preposition + it construction is used.(preposition)clause1. I agree2. You must see3. I hesitated4. Have

11、 you decided5. Dont worry(to it)(about)(upon)that it was a mistake.that this sort of thing never occurs again.whether to accept your offer.where you will go for your holidayshow the money was lost. VP4 In this pattern the verb is followed by a to-infinitive of purpose, outcome, or

12、ve1. We stopped2. How did you come3. Will he live4. Someone has calledto rest/to have a know herto be ninetyto see you. The infinitive may be equivalent to a co-ordinate clause.1. He awoke2. The good old days have gone3. Electronic music has clearly come4. He looked roundto find the house on

13、 fire.never to see the door slowly opening. The infinitive adjunct is used after some verbs which, in VP3A, are used with prepositions.Dont trouble/bother about that.Dont trouble/bother to meet me.1. She hesitated2. She was longing3. He agreedto tell see her family again.

14、to come at once. The verbs seem and appear are used in this pattern. If the infinitive is be with an adjective or noun as complement, to be may be omitted (unless the adjective is one that is used only predicatively, as in VP4E).Subject + SEEM/APPEAR(to be) + adjective/noun1. He seemed2. This seems3

15、. I seem(to be) surprised at the news.(to be) a serious matter.(to be) unable to enjoy myself.There is a variation of this pattern with introductory it, when the subject is an infinitive or gerund, or a clause.It + SEEM/APPEARadjective/noun2. It seems3. It doesnt seem4. It appearsreasonablea pitymuc

16、h useunlikelyto try waste all that food.going on.that well arrive on time. If the adjective after seem/appear is used only predicatively (eg. awake, asleep, afraid), to be is obligatory. Happen and chance are also used in this pattern.Subject + SEEM/APPEAR/HAPPEN/CHANCE1. The baby seems2. M

17、y enquiries seem3. She happened4. We chanced5. There seemsto be asleep/to be have been be out when I meet in the have been some mistake.F组: The finites of be are used with a to-infinitive to convey a variety of meanings, 见be4(3)1. Were2. At what time am I3.

18、How am Ito be married in cometo pay my debts VP5In this pattern the auxiliary verbs or anomalous finites will/would, shall/should, can/could, must, dare, need are followed by a bare infinitive (ie. without to). The phrases had better, had/would rather and would sooner fit into this pattern.Subject + anomal

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