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1、AJoey was born with club feet(畸形足). The doctors convinced his parents that with treatment he would be able to walk normally but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were spent in surgery, casts and braces. By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he had a problem when you s

2、aw him walk.The children in his neighborhood ran around during play, and Joey would jump right in and run and play, too. His parents never told him he probably wouldnt be able to run as well as the other children. So he didnt know.In seventh grade he decided to go out for the cross-country team. Eve

3、ry day he trained with the team. He worked harder than others perhaps he sensed the abilities that seemed to come naturally to others did not come naturally to him. Although the entire team ran, only the top seven runners would be chosen. His parents didnt tell him he probably would never make the t

4、eam. So he didnt know.He continued to run four to five miles a day, every day even the day he had a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit. His mother was worried, so she went to look for him after school. She found him running all alone. The sweat ran down his face. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept r

5、unning. His parents never told him he couldnt run four miles with a high fever. So he didnt know.Two weeks later, the names of the team runners were posted. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team. His parents never told him he shouldnt expect to make the team. They never told him he

6、 couldnt do it. So he didnt know. He just did it.21.What can we know about Joey as a child?A. He couldnt walk normally at 8.B. He admired other kids for running.C. He received much medical treatment.D. The born disability made him anxious.22.Why didnt Joeys parents tell him the truth?A. For fear he

7、couldnt make the team.B. To avoid setting limits to his potential.C. To encourage him to run like other kids.D. In case he would be looked down upon.23.Why does the author repeat So he didnt know.?A. To draw a conclusion. B. To arouse readers interest.C. To help the story develop. D. To indicate the

8、 authors emotion.BIt must have been a very clever human who looked at a sheep walking past and thought of the use its wool might have!The oldest surviving textile (纺织品)made out of wool is around 3,500 years old. Wool was probably the first fiber to be woven into textiles. Because when humans stopped

9、 hunting and started raising animals, it was their first step from a wild life to a civilized one. Sheep became a convenience store for the new lifestyle of our ancestor during the Stone Age, a walking food supply that required little care. Sheep provided all meat and milk for food, skin and bones f

10、or clothing, shelters and tools.Some sheep were suitable to roast while others were to produce wool, as sheep fit for eating do not necessarily have high-quality wool. Early wild species of sheep had long outer hair protecting their short wool undercoats. It was this underlayer that was highly suita

11、ble for textile use, so they were selectively bred into modern sheep.Great empires were built on the backs of sheep and their wool. Around 1800 BC, the civilization of Babylonia was famous for its wool. After the Romans conquered Spain, they developed a new breed (品种)that would come to be known as S

12、panish Merino, with the whitest, finest wool ever known. Today, the Merino is the most highly regarded breed in the world.The Chinese held onto the secret of silk for thousands of years before Europeans even got an idea about how to put two threads together. With wool, they seem to have got their re

13、venge.24.What do we know about raising sheep in the Stone Age?A. People made great efforts to raise sheep.B. People exchanged sheep for what they needed.C. Sheep led to the boom of ancient society.D. Sheep met many basic needs of ancient people.25.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Economic val

14、ue of sheep. B. Features of sheep breeds.C. Choice of suitable sheep breeds. D. Development of the wool industry.26.What are Babylonia and the Romans mentioned to prove?A. The wisdom of ancient people.B. The aggression of ancient nations.C. The link between their rise and wool.D. The greatness of we

15、ll-organized ancient society.27.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?A. They lost their advantage of something.B. They won and got rid of the shame of failure.C. They did something harmful to their opponent.D. They were taking pains to catch up with others.CHave you ever been giv

16、en something you dont like or doesnt fit, but you dont want to hurt the feelings of the person who thinks about you? Youre not alone. Everyone has received an unwanted gift at least once in his or her life. That doesnt mean the item is bad or useless. It simply means that it doesnt work for you.If y

17、ou find yourself with something nice but that doesnt fit into your lifestyle, consider regifting it. Before you do that, make sure you understand the manners of this practice that is more and more common as people find it difficult to make ends meet to a great extent.There are specific things you sh

18、ould do to an item. Failure to do any of them may create an awkward situation. You never have to lie about what you are doing, but you dont want to be in the position of having to explain anything. For example, remove the original wrapping paper and rewrap it in your own; make sure the box is in goo

19、d condition so the item doesnt appear used; check the item and make sure there are no cards or names on the packaging; inspect the item and make sure it is in excellent condition.When you get ready for regifting, consider having a white elephant gift exchange for your next celebration. This removes

20、all the embarrassment of being caught regifting because thats the whole purpose of the event. In order to prevent hurting feelings, provide everyone with a guest list and ask them not to bring anything given by the people on that list.28.What most contributes to the growing regifting?A. Peoples lack

21、 of money.B. Peoples dislike of the gifts.C. Peoples reduced desire for gifts.D. Peoples understanding of its manners.29.Whats mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A. What to do before regifting.B. How to make use of unwanted gifts.C. What kind of gifts to be regifted.D. Why regifting can cause embarr

22、assment.30.What do people exchange at a white elephant party?A. Guest lists. B. Regifting experiences.C. Regifting ideas. D. Unwanted gifts.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Snacking is a popular American pastime. When done correctly, it can be a good thing, helping you p

23、revent overeating and keeping your blood sugar and energy level stable. But most snacks tend to be highly processed, low in nutrients and high in sugar. They can give you temporary energy, but very quickly youll feel hungry again.31Put it on a plate.32Weve all quickly eaten up a bag of chips after s

24、wearing wed just eat a handful or two. A couple of chips can quickly turn into more when you arent paying attention. Putting your snack on a plate will help you stick to one serving and paying attention to what youre eating will leave you feeling more satisfied.33The best snack is one that provides

25、carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbs provide a source of energy, while fat and protein help to slow digestion, stabilize blood sugar levels and sustain that energy longer. This nutrient combination keeps cravings(渴望) at bay and ensures youll feel full and satisfied until your next meal.Eat regular

26、meals.If youre unable to go more than an hour or two before reaching for a snack, its time to look at your meals. While its normal for some people to feel hungry between meals, your main meals should keep you full for at least two to three hours.34All of these can help to slow down the process of di

27、gesting food.Be prepared.Keep nutritious foods on hand in case a meeting runs late or youre out and about between meals.35Foods like dried beef, fresh fruit, nuts, cheese sticks and whole-grain biscuits all travel well.A. Make it balanced.B. Pay attention to your body.C. Follow these tips to snack r

28、esponsibly.D. So you dont end up empty-handed when you feel hungry.E. Before reaching for a snack, ask what youre really in the mood for.F. Eating food directly out of a bag or box encourages mindless eating.G. If you feel hungry sooner, make sure youre getting plenty of protein, fiber and fat.第三部分

29、语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。I was a lovely child with a loving family. I was not a(n)36, but a leader in school. But what made me special was not seen from the outside: I was37about life. My best trait(特点) was my personality. At

30、 age twelve, my life had a breakdown. It was then that I developed OCD(强迫症). I was no longer the38girl. I finally told my mother I was suffering from depression. I started taking medicine. 39, the medicine did help. But one thing didnt40: I still was overwhelmed with depression. I still was41sad and

31、 I started to believe that my life no longer42. Thinking my life no longer had43, I decided suicide was the solution. I wrote a note to all my friends and family, expressing I was44for leaving them. As I was folding the note, my eyes fell on a photograph. It was a little girl wearing a carefree smile. It took me a few minutes to45who the girl in the photo was. I46couldnt believe that smiling child was me! It seemed my younger self had sent me a47. Right then and there I knew I couldnt4

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