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1、对话念两遍。(10分)听第1段对话,完成第11小题( )11.Does Li Lei have to see a doctor or a dentist? A. A dentist B. A doctor C. Yes, he does听第2段对话,完成第12小题( )12.How will they contact(联系) each other? A. Paying a visit. B. Sending e-mails. C. By telephone. 听第3段对话,完成第13小题( )13.Why is Kate moving? A. She needs a big house B.

2、She needs a beautiful house C. She needs a small house听第4段对话,完成第14小题( )14.Which one is cheaper?A. The dictionary. B. They cost the same. C. The story book.听第 5段对话,完成第15-17小题( )15. Where does Ann take people on tours?A. To South Asia B. To South Africa C. To South America( )16. What does the man do?A

3、. A cook B.A guide C. A student( )17.Where does the man work? A. In the Thomas Cook Travel B. In a fast-food restaurant. C. In a Science Museum听第6段对话完成第18-20小题( )18. Can Mary write French well?A. We dont know. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she cant.( )19.What does the man think of Japanese?A. Its easy B.

4、Its the same as German. C. Its difficult( )20.How many languages can Mary speak besides English?A. Three. B. Two. C. One. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。( 5分) ( )21. John lived in a _.A. big city B. village C. big town( )22.Johns motorbike was _.A. Yellow. B. Red. C. White( )23. One Saturday afternoon, John was_.

5、A. having a rest B. washing his motorbike C. watching TV( )24.When theres a basketball game, _used the motorbike. A. Rose B. John C. Mike( )25.There were _people in Johns familyA. five. B. four. C. threeV.听短文,完成下面表格,每空一词。Jim GreenUsed to NowReasonA 26 fanA basketball fanJim Greens 30 are changing al

6、l the time with his age.Like reading 27 booksListen to music, chat on the Internet and tell jokes in the 28 .Know little about sportsWatch all kinds of 29 games笔试部分(120分)语言知识运用(共25分). 选择填空 (15分)( )31 -Do you like the book I lent you yesterday? -Yes, I do. I like books about _ sun. A. a B. the C. / (

7、 )32 Miss Gao teaches _ English. We all like _lessons.A. our , her B. we , hers C. us, her( )33 -Can I help you?- Yes, Id like a cup of tea_ some sugar and milk. A. in B. to C. with( )34. Johnny, you _play with the knife. You_ hurt yourself. A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must ( )35. - Wh

8、ich film do you like _, Let The Bullet Fly or The Crazy Stone? - I prefer The Crazy Stone. A. most B. well C. better( )36.- Could you help me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet? -Sorry, my computer doesnt work.A. take out B. look out C find out( )37. The lowest price of the new iPad in t

9、he USA is _ dollars. A. four hundreds and ninety-nine B. four hundred and ninety-nine C. four hundred ninety-nine ( )38. The water smells terrible.-_must be done to protect the environment. A. anything useful B. something useful C. useful thing( )39. _ do you read English newspapers?I read China Dai

10、ly every day.A. How long B. How soon C. How often ( )40. How was your weekend?-Great! We _ a picnic by the lake.A. have B. are having C. had ( )41. It is said that potato chips _ by mistake about a hundred years ago.A. are invented B. invented C. were invented( )42 Few of the students passed the mat

11、h exam on Tuesday, _? A. did they B. dont they C. didnt they ( )43. How do you like this one? It is a nice digital camera, _ a little expensive. A. as B. since C. though ( )44-Do you know _the Capital Museum?- Next Friday. A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when they visited ( )45. D

12、o you think it will be cool tomorrow? _. It has been too hot for a week. A. So it is B. Im afraid so C. I hope so . 完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Everybody wants a new start for a new school year. So, students often go back-to-school 46_ They buy school things and shoes. But, the story is not

13、 so easy.Mum, I want this pair of shoes!Dear! Those are 900 yuan! That is too expensive!But all the boys in my class wear this brand!So the real story is: Kids want to 47_up with school fashion. Chinese students 48 uniforms at school. Parents think all the kids look the same, but kids know the diffe

14、rences. The rich kids wear amazing watches, ride good 49 and use cool pencil cases. They show off their expensive things to 50 kids. Then everyone else wants them too. For example, some kids use a pencil box that 51 1,000 yuan! It not only holds pencils, but also has a thermometer (温度计), a compass ,

15、 a music box and even games in it! But think about it. Do you really need 52 a special pencil box? What can you do with a compass or a thermometer in class? They only distract (分散注意) you. As for these kids, they are not rich at all. 53 parents buy them all their school things. They may have an advan

16、tage now, but it wont last forever. If you want to show off 54 money you have, you have to make it yourself first. So, study hard, you will get a great job in the future. Parents should also learn 55 to refuse their kids demands (要求). They should tell their kids: As students, what is really importan

17、t is not school fashion but good school grades.( )46. A. shopping B. shops C. shop ( )47. A. get B. make C. catch ( )48. A. dress B. put on C. wear( )49. A. cars B. bicycles C. MP3 ( )50. A. other B. the others C. another( )51. A. pays B. costs C. spends ( )52. A. so B. such C. as ( )53. A. His B. H

18、er C. Their ( )54 A. how many B. how much C. how long ( )55 A. how B. what C. why 阅读理解(35分)I. 根据短文内容判断句子正误(T/F):(每小题1分,共5分)When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important?

19、 How can it help you? Lets look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. Why is lifelong learning important?You go to school and learn. You take tests. But learning doesnt only happen in school. And learning doesnt stop when you graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the tim

20、e. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you get a job. You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip. Learning is life! We never stop learning. Every day, you can improve yourself by learning something new.Lifelong learning in JapanIn Japan, lif

21、e learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music calligraphy, flower arranging, and foreign languages are some of their favorite classes. The Japanese take classes to improve their skills and learn new things.ConclusionWhen we graduate from school, we can cont

22、inue to learn. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!56. When we graduate from school, learning is done.57. People in Japan take foreign language classes to get good grades 58. lifelong learning is important because it helps you improve yourself.59 You cant learn anything when you play a sport. 6

23、0Music, calligraphy, flower arranging and foreign languages are popular classes in Japan. II. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案:(每小题2分,共20分)(A)Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing, another man passed in the street. He stopped and said, “ Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that

24、 branch like that, you will fall down with it.” He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk of the tree. Nasreddin said nothing. He thought, “This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people wha

25、t to do and what not to do”. The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes. The branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it. My God!he cried. That man knows the future !and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live. But the man had gone.61.One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch

26、_ a tree in his garden. A. on B. down C. at D. off 62.While Nasreddin was sawing, another man_.A. told him to stop working B. told him he would fall down C. would borrow something from him D. would help him saw that branch63. After Nasreddin heard what the man said, he thought _.A. that was a silly

27、fellow B. that was a wise person C. that was a proud person D. that person knew the future64.What happened to Nasreddin after a few minutes?A. The branch fell B. Nasreddin fell down to the ground. C. Nasreddin hurt himself badly. D. Both A and B.65.This story is mainly about _. A. a foolish man B. a

28、 wise man C. cutting a tree D. the necessity of taking good advice (B)Thousands of years ago, people only ate food that was grown near their homes. Some kinds of food were only grown in one place, so people from other places didnt know about them. When Europeans first traveled to Central and South A

29、merica in the 1500s, they discovered strange kinds of food that they had never seen before. Today, these are grown in a lot of different countries and theyre sold in supermarkets all over the world. They dont seem strange any more!Potatoes were first grown in the Andes in South America. In 1586, they were taken t

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