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1、4、细胞增殖及其调控5、细胞分化及其调控6、细胞的衰老与凋亡7、细胞的起源与进化8、细胞工程1、细胞生物学研究的总趋势细胞生物学与分子生物学(包括分子遗传学与生物化学) 相互渗透与交融是总的发展趋势;当前细胞生物学研究中的三大基本问题:(1)、细胞内基因组是如何在时间和空间上有序表达的?(2)、基因表达产物-主要是结构蛋白、核酸、脂质、多糖及其复合物,他们如何逐级装备成能行使生命活动的基本结构体系及各种细胞器?(3)、基因表达产物-主要是大量活性因子与信号分子,他们是如何调节细胞最重要的生命活动过程的?2 、当前细胞基本生命活动研究中的重要领域:(1)、染色体DNA与蛋白质相互作用关系-主要是

2、非组蛋白对基因组的作用;(2)、细胞增值、分化、凋亡的相互关系及其调控;(3)、细胞信号转导的研究;(4)、细胞结构体系的装配。3、细胞重大生命活动的相互关系 第二节 细胞学与细胞生物学发展简史一、生物科学发展的三个阶段:1.形态描述生物学时期,19世纪以前;2.实验生物学时期,20世纪前半世纪;3.分子生物学时期,20世纪50-60年代至今。二、细胞生物学发展简史1.细胞的发现2.细胞学说的建立其意义 细胞学说内容:1) 认为细胞是有机体,一切动植物都是由细胞发育而来,并由细胞和细胞产物所构成; 2) 每个细胞作为一个相对独立的单位,既有它“自己的”生命,又对与其它细胞共同组成的整体的生命有

3、所助益;3) 新的细胞可以通过老的细胞繁殖产生。3. 细胞学的经典时期1)原生质理论的提出2)细胞分裂的研究3)重要细胞器的发现4.实验细胞学与细胞学的分支及其发展1)细胞遗传学的发展2)细胞生理学的研究3)细胞化学5. 细胞生物学学科的形成与发展三、细胞学说 Jean-Baptiste de Lamark (17441829),获得性遗传理论的创始人,法国退伍陆军中尉,50岁成为巴黎动物学教授,1809年他认为只有具有细胞的机体,才有生命。“It has been recognized for a long time that the membranes which form the env

4、elopes of the brain,of the nerves,of vessels,of all kinds of glands,of viscera(内脏),of muscles and their fibers,and even the skin of the body are in general the productions of cellular tissue。 But no one,so far as I know, has yet perceived that cellular tissue is the general matrix of all organizatio

5、n and that without this tissue no living body would be able to exist,nor could it have been formed。” Charles Brisseau Milbel(17761854),法国植物学家,1802年认为植物的每一部分都有细胞存在,“the plant is wholly formed of a continuous cellular membranous tissue。Plants are made up of cells,all parts of which are in continuity a

6、nd form one and the same membranous tissue”。Henri Dutrochet (17761847),法国生理学家,1824年进一步描述了细胞的原理,他认为 “All organic tissues are actually globular cells of exceeding smallness,which appear to be united only by simple adhesive forces; thus all tissues, all animal (and plant) organs, are actually only a ce

7、llular tissue variously modified。This uniformity of finer structure proves that organs actually differ among themselves merely in the nature of the substances contained in the vesicular cells of which they are composed” 。Matthias Jacob Schleiden(18041881),德国植物学教授,1838年发表“植物发生论”(Beitrge zur Phytogene

8、sis),认为无论怎样复杂的植物都有形形色色的细胞构成。Theodor Schwann(18101882),德国解剖学教授,一开始就研究Schleiden的细胞形成学说,并于1838年提出了“细胞学说”(Cell Theory)这个术语;1939年发表了“关于动植物结构和生长一致性的显微研究”Schwann提出:有机体是由细胞构成的;细胞是构成有机体的基本单位。1855 德国人R. Virchow 提出“一切细胞来源于细胞”(omnis cellula e cellula)的著名论断;进一步完善了细胞学说。把细胞作为生命的一般单位,以及作为动植物界生命现象的共同基础的这种概念立即受到了普遍的接

9、受。恩格斯将细胞学说誉为19世纪的三大发现之一。 1、1839年,捷克人J. E. Pukinye 用protoplasm这一术语描述细胞物质,“Protoplast”为神学用语,指人类始祖亚当。2、1879年,德国人W. Flemming观察了蝾螈细胞的有丝分裂,于1882年提出了mitosis 这一术语。德国人E. Strasburger (187680)在植物细胞中发现有丝分裂。3、1883年,比利时人E. van Beneden 发现马蛔虫Ascaris megalocephala的减数分裂现象。7、1953年,美国人J. D. Watson 和英国人F. H. C. Crick提出D

10、NA双螺旋模型。13、1973年,美国人S. Cohen和H. Boyer将外源基因拼接在质粒中,在大肠杆菌中表达,揭开基因工程的序幕。14、1975年,英国人F.Sanger设计出DNA测序的双脱氧法,1980年获诺贝尔化学奖。此外Sanger还由于1953年测定了牛胰岛素的一级结构而获得1958年诺贝尔化学奖。15、1975年,德国人G.J.F.Kohler、阿根廷人C.Milstein和丹麦科学家N.K.Jerne发展了单克隆抗体技术,荣获1984年度诺贝尔生理医学奖。16、1981年,美国首次发现艾滋病,1983年,法国巴斯德研究所的Luc Montagbier 发现AIDS病毒。艾滋

11、病的全称为Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome ,由人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV引起。20年来全球共有约5800万人受到艾滋病病毒感染,2200万人死于艾滋病。我国于1985年发现。HIV有以下特点:1嗜T淋巴细胞;2整合宿主细胞终身难以消除;3多变性,基因变异是艾滋病病毒致病能力增强之原因;广泛存在于感染者的血液、精液、阴道分泌物以及唾液、尿液、脑脊液及有神经症状者的脑组织中;较乙肝病毒对外界的抵抗力低,5630分钟就可以使其灭活;感染者潜伏期长、病死率高;基因组比已知的任何逆转录酶病毒基因都复杂。17、1982年,美国人S.B.Prusiner 在患羊瘙痒病的羊体

12、内发现蛋白质感染因子(prion)。更新了医学感染的概念,获1997年诺贝尔生理医学奖。18、1983年,美国人K.B.Mullis发明PCR仪,于1993年获诺贝尔化学奖。1988年美国Cetus公司获PCR技术专利,1990年其诊断试剂盒和仪器的销售额达2600万美元。19、1990年,美国国会正式批准的“人类基因组计划” (Human Genome Project),计划在15年内投入30亿美元以上的资金进行人类基因组分析。我国于1993年加入该计划,承担其中1%的任务,即人类3号染色体短臂上约30Mb的测序任务。2000年6月28日人类基因组工作草图完成。20、1990年,美国国立卫生

13、研究院,给一名患有先天性重度联合免疫缺陷病的4岁女孩实施了首例基因治疗。这种疾病因腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)基因变异引起。1991年12月,复旦大学遗传所薛京伦主持对一例血友病患者进行了基因治疗试验,并获得成功。EMBRYO COLONING2002年,英国人悉尼布雷诺尔、美国人罗伯特霍维茨和英国人约翰苏尔斯顿,因在器官发育的遗传调控和细胞程序性死亡方面的研究获诺贝尔诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。Sydney Brenner2003年,美国科学家彼得阿格雷和罗德里克麦金农,分别因对细胞膜水通道,离子通道结构和机理研究而获诺贝尔化学奖。2004年10月4日,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院决定,把2004年的诺贝尔生理学

14、或医学奖授予两名美国科学家:现年58岁的理查德阿克塞尔和现年57岁的琳达巴克,以表彰两人在气味受体和嗅觉系统组织方式研究中作出的贡献。2005年10月3日,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行新闻发布会,宣布将2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予澳大利亚科学家巴里马歇尔和罗宾沃伦,以表彰他们发现了导致胃炎和胃溃疡的细菌。第二章细胞基本知识概要细胞的基本概念第二节非细胞形态的生命体 -病毒及其与细胞的关系第三节 原核细胞与古核细胞第四节 真核细胞基本知识概要What is a cell?Cells are structural units that make up plants and a

15、nimals, also there many single cell organisms. What cells all have in common is they are small sacks composed mostly of water. The are made from a phospholipid bilayer. The membrane is semi-permeable (allowing some things to pass in or out of the cell and blocking others), there are also other metho

16、ds of transport that we will get into later. So what is in a cell? The cell as we mentioned is a fluid like membrane that surrounds the contents of the cell. Each component will be discussed in more detail later. 一、细胞是生命活动的基本单位1、一切有机体都由细胞构成,细胞是构成有机体的基本单位;2、细胞具有独立的、有序的自控代谢体系,细胞是代谢与功能的基本单位3、细胞是有机体生长与发

17、育的基础4、细胞是遗传的基本单位,细胞具有遗传的全能性5、没有细胞就没有完整的生命二、细胞的基本共性1.所有的细胞表面均有由磷脂双分子层与镶嵌蛋白质构成的生物膜,即细胞膜。2.所有的细胞都含有两种核酸:即DNA与RNA作为遗传信息复制与转录的载体。3.作为蛋白质合成的机器核糖体,毫无例外地存在于一切细胞内。4.所有细胞的增殖都以一分为二的方式进行分裂。第二节 非细胞形态的生命体 病毒及其与细胞的关系一、Basic characteristics of viruses Simply stated, viruses are merely genetic information surrounded

18、 by a protein coat. They may contain external structures and a membrane. Viruses are obligate(专性的) intracellular parasites-meaning that they require host cells to reproduce. In the viral life cycle, a virus infects a cell, allowing the viral genetic information to direct the synthesis of new virus p

19、articles by the cell. There are many kinds of viruses. Those infecting humans include polio(脊髓灰质炎), influenza, herpes(疱疹), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causing AIDS.二、viral reproduction(i.e. the course of viral infection, e.g. HIV infection) 1、Attachment(getting in)On the surface membrane

20、of all living cells are complex protein structures called receptors. A receptor is often compared toa lock into which a specific key or ligand will fit. There are at least two receptors on T-lymphocytes to which the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) sticks. The primary receptor, called CD4, is show

21、n on the right in the diagram. But a second receptor that loops through the cell membrane 7 times is critical for infection to occur.HIV infection of a lymphocyte requires attachment of the virus to the cell membrane through both of these ligand-receptor links. In cells whose 7-transmembrane recepto

22、r is different, the HIV key no longer matches the lymphocyte lock and attachment is incomplete. Those cells may avoid infection by HIV.Tight attachment of the viral particle to receptors on the lymphocyte membrane enables fusion with the cell membrane. The viral contents, including viral RNA (shown

23、in yellow) then empty into the cells cytoplasm. Like other viruses that infect human cells, HIV commandeers the hosts machinery to make multiple copies of itself. 2、Reverse Transcription: Converting viral RNA into DNA An enzyme (protein) thats part of the human immunodeficiency virus reads the seque

24、nce of viral RNA nucleic acids that have entered the host cell and transcribes the sequence into a complementary DNA sequence. That enzyme is called reverse transcriptase . Without reverse transcriptase, the viral genome couldnt become incorporated into the host cell, and couldnt reproduce.Reverse t

25、ranscriptase sometimes makes mistakes reading the RNA sequence. The result is that not all viruses produced in a single infected cell are alike. 3、Integration of Viral DNA Once the viral RNA has been reverse-transcribed into a strand of DNA, the DNA can then be integrated (inserted) into the DNA of

26、the lymphocyte. The virus has its own enzyme called integrase that facilitates incorporation of the viral DNA into the host cells DNA. The integrated DNA is called a provirus.4、Transcription: Back to RNA As long as the lymphocyte is not activated or turned-on, nothing happens to the viral DNA. But i

27、f the lymphocyte is activated, transcription of the viral DNA begins, resulting in the production of multiple copies of viral RNA. This RNA codes for the production of the viral proteins and enzymes (translation) and will also be packaged later as new viruses.5、Translation: RNA - ProteinsThere are o

28、nly 9 genes in the HIV RNA. Those genes have the code necessary to produce structural proteins such as the viral envelope and core plus enzymes like reverse transcriptase, integrase, and a crucial enzyme called a protease.6、Viral ProteaseWhen viral RNA is translated into a polypeptide sequence, that

29、 sequence is assembled in a long chain that includes several individual proteins (reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase). Before these enzymes become functional, they must be cut from the longer polypeptide chain. Viral protease cuts the long chain into its individual enzyme components which then facilitate the production of new viruses.7、Assembly and Budding (release)Finally, viral RNA and associated proteins are packaged and released from the lymphocyte surface, taking with them a swatch(样品, 样本 )of lymphocyte membrane containing viral surface proteins. These pr

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