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1、I heard you are thinking of subscribing(订阅) to an English-language newspaper. I often read English newspapers myself, so I would like to recommend one to you. The English newspaper I like most is “the 21st Century”. The topics in this paper are very close to the life of university students. Also, it

2、 is a weekly paper. You can get the latest news from the paper. From my experience, “the 21st Century” is most suitable for us students. I hope you will also like it. Yours,Tom 集训1.Women Working Has Not Resulted in Juvenile DelinquencyIt is certainly true that the position of women in society has un

3、dergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years, but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period. First of all, the problems that young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, are the result of many causes of

4、factors. The incidence of school frustration and failure and the exposure to harmful websites contribute to the probability of a child committing a criminal act. Therefore, its sheer unfair to say care for their children. Second of all, it is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving

5、 home. They continue working since they face the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living. Last but not least, by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money, children can be better provided for than previously. Mothers can pay for pr

6、ofessionally-run child care facilities, day nurseries and holidays, therefore can provide a more secure family life to children.In conclusion, parental care is admittedly essential to the well-being of young children. But I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has result

7、ed in children being brought up less well than previously.分析:这篇作文时因果论说文。题目首先提出原因和结果,即由于更多的母亲外出工作,忽略了对孩子的照顾,才造成了青少年犯罪等问题。作文的要求指出考生首先要鲜明提出自己的观点:同意还是不同意,然后论述为什么持有这样的观点。不论考生赞成哪种观点,都应该在文中主要论述原因:即母亲外出工作如何造成或没有造成青少年犯罪增多。考生应在第一段提出自己的观点,在第二段提出论述观点的论据,也就是解释自己观点的理由。该文在第一段明确提出不同意母亲外出工作才噪声青少年犯罪增多的说法。在第二段列出了三个论点:

8、青少年犯罪原因很多,不能只认为母亲外出工作才造成青少年犯罪;当今人们普遍接受妇女外出工作,因为她们面临经济压力;母亲外出工作,可以为子女提供更多更好被照顾、接受教育的机会。最后,文中在结论中指出:父亲的关爱对于孩子的策划你盖章确实非常重要,但是认为越来越多的母亲外出工作,孩子们因此没有得到良好的照顾,进而犯罪,是没有道理的。在写作过程中,考生应该注意一旦选定了观点,就要集中论述这个观点,而不应该在论述过程中两方兼顾,似是而非,也就是说要做到观点统一,前后一致、呼应。再次,考生应该注意在第二段论述中,需要提供比较具有说服力、能够有效说明自己观点的论据。集训2. I Like Popular Mu

9、sicMusic is the source of wit. Good music can enlighten peoples heart. Due to the different comprehension of music, some people like classical music while others prefer popular. Like many young people, I like popular music more.There are many kinds of popular music, such as rock music, heavy metal m

10、usic, and light music and so on. Despite all the differences among them, they have many similar merits. Firstly, popular music comes from real life, and is closer to young peoples life. Listening to it, I feel relaxed. Secondly, compared with classical music, popular music is easier to understand. W

11、hile classical music is a bit far away from life and requires special knowledge to appreciate, a popular song, like “Let it be” and “One Hundred Miles”, is very simple. When I listen to popular songs, I can easily understand what the singer sings. Thirdly, popular music expresses strong feelings. Li

12、sten to popular music can help young expresses strong feelings. Listening to popular music can help young people express our strong feelings about the world. Some popular music, like rock music, can easily evoke the resonance among young people. Discouraged or excited, I listen to rock music to rele

13、ase my feelings. After that, I can go on to welcome anything ahead of me, refreshed.In a word, popular music can almost provide me with all that I want: close to my life, easier to understand, and expressive of my own feelings. If music is an indispensable part of peoples life, then I have to say I

14、cannot live without music.这篇作文时一篇典型的议论文。首先需要考生提出自己的见解,喜欢古典音乐还是流行音乐?然后在论述中提出原因,即为什么喜欢古典音乐或流行音乐。在写作过程中,考生应该注意在第一段陈述观点时就只能选择一种音乐,接着集中讨论为什么。不应该在论述过程中兼顾,说两者各有优势结尾处给出自己的喜好,还是更喜欢其中一个,也就是说要做到观点鲜明,前后一致、呼应。再次,考生应该注意在第二段陈述中,需要提供比较具有说服力、能够说明自己观点的论据。该文首先在第一段提出观点:更喜欢流行音乐。然后再第二段中列出了三个原因:流行音乐更贴近年轻人的生活,更容易听懂、更能帮助年轻人

15、表达内心的感受。最后,该文在结论中对以上三点加以总结,并提出如果说音乐是人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,那么自己简直可以说是离不开流行音乐了。全文结构完整,观点明确,论据清晰、有力、头尾呼应。集训3 Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Place?Presently, many governments have carried out campaigns to eliminate smoking by banning it in public places. Although the elimination of smoking in public places

16、is an attack on smokers freedom, it is a reasonable action to protect non-smokers right to be away from passive smoking.First of all, everyone knows that smoking is a health hazard, which affects not only the smoker himself, but also all the people around him. In fact, researchers tell us that many

17、diseases, such as lung cancer and heart disease, are related to breathing “second hand” smoke. Smokers should bear in mind that the smoke is detrimental to the health of those around them, although they do not intend this. For the second reason, it is widely accepted that the hallmark of a civilized

18、 society is the willingness of citizens to give up their freedom for the common good. We all give up our freedom to walk in the roads which cars use, and the freedom to listen to loud music at night, and so on. No smoking in pubic is a sign of civilization, and therefore it is very sensible to give

19、up the freedom to pollute the air we must all breathe.In conclusion, the limitation of smoking is beneficial both to smokers and non-smokers. Therefore, banning smoking in public places is an applaudable practice.这篇作文是一篇典型的论说文,题目只以问题的形势给出,因此,首先需要考生在第一段回答问题,应该还是不应该?政府到底应不应该在公共场所禁烟?或者说支持不支持政府在公共场所禁烟?虽

20、然在样文中作者并没有直接使用support 或者think 这样的词汇,但还是给出了自己的观点,即禁烟是 reasonable action.接着,在主题段落中,作者给出了两个只要原因:一是吸烟不仅对吸烟者有害,更为严重的是他对被动吸烟者造成损害,导致疾病等,二是公共场所不吸烟室文明社会的象征,不应该为了所谓的自由而污染所有人赖以生存的空气!在结尾处,作者总结上文,指出禁烟对于吸烟者和周围人都有益处。因此,该样文紧扣主题:在公共场所禁烟是值得提倡的。集训4 Pop Stars Should Not Have a High SalaryNowadays, pop stars earn a lot

21、 more money than people in other professions. The income of some pop stars can reach high beyond our imagination. In my opinion, this is unfair and pop stars should not be given such a high salary.First of all, salaries should reflect a persons contribution to society. Compared with people in other

22、important professions such as doctors, teachers and scientists, pop stars do not contribute as much and therefore so not deserve to a higher salary. In other words, we should value the talents who promote the welfare of the society rather than pop stars. Secondly, with the quick-earned money, pop st

23、ars vanity may quickly expand. Gradually, they get used to living luxuriously and indulge themselves in material enjoyment, which is deadly harmful to their professional development. More importantly, exorbitant salaries of pop stars and their extravagant life style may set a bad example for their y

24、oung fans. This will definitely impose an adverse influence on the development of the next generation, which may easily become money-oriented.Based on the analysis above, we can draw the conclusion that pop stars should not have a high salary. The unfairness in income distribution is a sign of our s

25、ocietys misplaced values, which therefore has to be eliminated.分析;这篇作文提出问题,需要考生首先回答问题。一旦考生选定了自己的答案,就应该在题目中体现出来,并在论述中集中阐述。本篇在第一段简要介绍了问题之后,就明确提出了作者的观点:明星不应该赚取高工资。接着,在第二段中,作者给出三个理由:工资分配应该体现个人对社会所做贡献的多少及重要程度;高工资容易助长明星故偶追求物质享受,不利于其长久的职业发展;社会分配不公影响下一代的价值取向。结尾处重复论点的同时,更加有力地说明应该杜绝明星赚取高工资。本文论点鲜明,论据有力;句式多变,词汇

26、多样,是一篇成功的作文。集训5 Television Has Not Destroyed CommunicationSome people believe the television has destroyed communication among friends and family. I think this is an exaggeration. In my opinion, whether or not television hurts communication depends on the type of viewer.There are all kinds of progra

27、ms on TV to suit the needs of different people. However, we cannot view all the programs. Without distinguishing what is really wanted by us or what will good to us. Here, the type of viewer plays the decisive role. Generally speaking, there are passive and active viewers. Passive viewers watch tele

28、vision without thinking about what they are seeing. They just enjoy the fact that they dont have to think. They prefer sitting in front of the TV set, doing nothing but watching TV in order to kill time, which definitely makes communication unlikely. On the other hand, active viewers do not want to

29、waste time on empty programs. They are more selective about what they watch, be it documentaries, dramas with realistic a way, good programming inspires active viewers to change their way of thinking and their life. With original thoughts in their minds, active viewers enjoy communicating with friends a

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