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1、2经常参加英语角,尽量多表达自己的观点。3记日记很有益处。4上英语网站,对提高英语很重要。山东写作)as follows;last but not least;of抽象名词等。My English learning skills are as follows:First,regularly take part in the English corner and express myself as much as possible.Second,it is of great benefit to keep diaries.Last but not least,surfing on an Engl

2、ish website is of vital importance to improve my English.Test 31Stewart认为,挑战自我永远为时不晚。21936年他获得医学博士学位。380多岁时他决定学习法律。4他于2006年获得硕士学位。广东基础写作)never等。Stewart thinks it is never too late to challenge oneself.In 1936 he got his doctors degree of medicine.He decided to study law in his eighties and g

3、ot the masters degree in 2006.Test 4日常生活中与别人发生冲突很常见。2为了避免冲突,友善与体谅对享有和谐生活很重要。3在竞争激烈与压力大的社会环境中,谅解别人是一种美德。江苏动名词短语作主语;用it作形式主语等。Conflicts with others are common in everyday life.In order to avoid conflicts,being kind and considerate is essential to enjoy a harmonious life.It is a virtue to forgive and f

4、orget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society.Test 51经过仔细考虑,我决定学理科。2学理科可以实现我儿时成为科学家的梦想。3理科毕业生的需求量较大,我能比较容易地找到工作并会有更好的前途。4这是我最后作决定的原因。安徽强调句等。After careful consideration,I decided on science,because it can help me achieve my childhood dream of becoming a scientist.Besides,science gradua

5、tes are in greater demand and I can easily find a job and have a brighter future.It is for these reasons that I finally made my choice.Test 6.微写作1我们的未来由很多事情决定,例如机遇、贵人相助等。2但是我们自己的态度、决心与勤奋起着更重要的作用。3也就是说,我们的未来由我们自己做主。浙江such as;in other words等。Our future is determined by many things,such as opportunitie

6、s and others help,but our own attitude,determination and hard work play a more important role.In other words,we are the master of our own future.Test 71配有彩图的课文有助于我们理解英语。2过去不喜欢英语的同学也对英语感兴趣了。3然而有些课文的词汇对我们来说太难。辽宁定语从句;turn out to be;however等。The texts with colorful pictures can help us understand Englis

7、h better.The students who used to dislike English turned out to be interested in it.However,some texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us.Test 81在公共场所,我们都应注意我们的行为。2杜绝随地吐痰、乱扔废品、大声喧哗。3只有这样我们才能生活在更加舒适和美丽的环境中。福建only状语位于句首时的倒装句。In public places we all should mind our behavior a

8、nd avoid spitting,littering and talking loudly.Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.Test 9微写作1据我所知,你很喜欢中国的传统文化。2你尤其喜欢中国的戏曲文化。3我期待你的光临。4节目之后,我渴望带你去看一些名胜古迹。5如能立即答复,我将不胜感激。天津as far as I know;I will appreciate it if.等。As far as I know,you are enthusiastic about Chi

9、nese traditional culture,particularly Chinese opera;so Im looking forward to your showing up.After the performance,Im eager to show you around some places of interest.I will appreciate it if you can make an immediate reply to me.Test 101在教师节的那一天,我们举办了一个晚会。2会上班长向班主任敬献了准备好了的鲜花。3我们知道,对于老师的辛勤工作与指导,再怎么感谢

10、她也不为过。陕西非限制性定语从句;过去分词作定语;宾语从句等。On Teachers Day,we held a party,where our monitor presented our headteacher with the prepared flowers.We all know we cant thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.Test 111前几天我从操场回来时发现,朋友送给我的那本作为礼物的书丢了。2幸运的是,我的一位同学发现了它并且得知这本书是我的。3我感激他的好心与细心并决定做一个乐于助人的人。湖南时间状语

11、从句;宾语从句及连接词the other day;fortunately等。The other day,when I came back from the playground,I found the book which my friend sent me as a gift was gone.Fortunately,one of my classmates found it and learned that it belonged to me.I appreciate his kindness and consideration and determine to be a man who

12、is always ready to help others.Test 121今天早上,当我走在街上时,发现两个人很迷茫地看地图。2我走上前去了解了情况并给予了帮助。3我心中有一种满足感。北京情景作文)状语从句;复合宾语;This morning when I was walking in the street,I found two men reading a map,looking puzzled.I went up to ask what was the matter and offered them a help.I felt a kind of satisfaction.Test 1

13、31读书是我最大的爱好。2我从中受益匪浅,因为书是知识之源。3我最感兴趣的书是文学书。4文学书不仅可以提高写作技能、拓展视野,而且还能丰富人生,带来巨大的乐趣。江西介词which的非限制性定语从句;what引导的主语从句;原因状语从句以及not only.but also.等。Reading is my favorite hobby,from which I benefit a lot,because books are the source of knowledge.What interests me most is literary books,because they can not o

14、nly improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons,but also enrich my life and bring me great fun.Test 141我努力学习,与师生融洽相处,很快成了班上的尖子生。2这大大增强了我的信心并且激发了我的积极性。3我的经历告诉我,决定一个人成就的不是别人给你什么,而是你如何利用别人给你的。湖北短文写作)which引导的非限制性定语从句;宾语从句;强调句以及not.but.的用法。I studied hard and got along well with my classmates and te

15、achers,and soon became one of the top students in my class,which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated.My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are.Test 151在小明生日时,我们想请你一起给他一个惊喜。2我们每人会准备一件礼物,看到他兴奋的样子一定很好玩。3相信你会玩得很开心。大纲全

16、国it作形式主语;Wed like to invite you to join us in giving Xiao Ming a surprise at his birthday.We each will prepare a present.Its nice to see how excited he will be and Im sure youll have a good time.Test 161我在英语学习中的主要问题如下。2记单词难,说英语时紧张。3希望你能给我一些记生词的建议。4在你的帮助下我的英语会取得很大的进步。四川it作形式宾语;状语从句的省略;do用于强调谓语;My mai

17、n problems in my English study are as follows:I feel it difficult to learn words by heart and I often feel nervous when speaking English.I do hope you can give me some advice on how to memorize new words and I believe I can make much progress in English with your help.Test 171两年前我买了一本书。2书的内容是关于如何学英语

18、语法及词汇的,并附有很多有用的方法和技巧。3我想用它换一本汉语词典,这样我可以用来查阅一些常见词汇。重庆whose和介词which引导的非限制性定语从句以及疑问词不定式作宾语等。Two years ago I bought a book,whose content is about how to learn English grammar and vocabulary with many special useful methods and skills.I want to exchange it for a Chinese dictionary,in which I can look up

19、some common words.Test 181这些让我想起了我妈妈,她一直在尽力让我拥有最好的。2我总是认为学习好、工作好是我唯一的报答方式。3这幅图让我坚信了一点:做一个好孩子要比做一个好学生更重要。(素材来源于2011现在完成进行时;以及it作形式主语等。All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best.And I have been thinking that studying well and working well is all that

20、 I can do in return.But now the picture convinces me it is more important to be a good child than a good student.Test 191当今,在校园中,乱扔乱画现象比较普遍。2应该鼓励学生养成良好的习惯,更好地表现自己。3我相信在师生的共同努力下,我们学校在不久的将来会变成一个更加舒适的场所。be encouraged to do;Nowadays it is common to litter and scribble in the school yard.Students should

21、be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.Test 201正如图中所阐明的那样,人多智慧大,团结就是力量。2如果人人都向需要的人们奉献爱心与帮助,人们之间的关系会更和谐,社会会更加美好。as引导的非限制性定语从句;谚语;条件状语从句等。As i

22、s illustrated in the picture,two heads are better than one and union is strength.If each of us offers love and help to those in need,the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.Test 211我喜欢你们的报纸。2它报道国内外新闻,所以我能了解一周的大事。3同样吸引我的是世界名人的成功故事。大纲

23、全国so that;what引导的宾语从句;倒装句等。I like your newspaper for two reasons.First it covers both national and international news so that I can learn what has happened during the week.Equally attractive are the success stories of the worldfamous people.Test 221多年的学校生活教会了我很多东西。2团队协作对我来说最重要。3实际上,让我解除困扰并使工作更有效的是团队

24、工作而不是单打独斗。介词which引导的非限制性定语从句;Years of school life has taught me a lot of things,of which teamwork is the most important for me.Actually it is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made the work more efficient.Test 231如今生态平衡正在遭到破坏。2天气越来越暖和。3更加糟糕的是,人们为了自身的利益捕杀野生动物。4结果野生动物的数量越来越少。连接词whats worse;as a consequence;比较级连用以及进行时的被动语态等。Nowadays,the balance of nature is being destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer.Whats worse,people kill wild animals for their own sake.As a consequence,the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Test 24.微写

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