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1、2014年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试试卷一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将读项涂黑。1.The driver wanted_his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not parkD.parking2._do you go to the sports club?At least once a week.A.HowlongB.How oftenC.How muchD.How far3.If we si

2、t bywindow of the train, well havebetter view.A./ ; theB,/ ; aC.the; aD.the; the4.The bag was very good, and she30 percent down for it.A.paidB.costC.boughtD.spent5.The castle stands in a quiet placethe main road at the far end of the river.A.toB.forC.offD.out6.Ill do the washing-up. Jack, would you

3、please do the floors?Why_?Susanis sitting there doing nothing.A.herB.sheC.ID.me7. Do you think grandpa and grandma_late?No, the train is usually on time.A.wereB.will beC.wasD.have been8. May I take this magazine out of the reading room?No, you_. You read it in here.A.mightntB.wontC.needntD.mustnt9.R

4、ead this article,you will understand that not everything can be bought withmoney.A.orB.andC.butD.so10.This work needs close teamwork._will be achieved unless we work well together.A.NothingB.AnythingC.SomethingD.Everything11._role she played in the movie! Thats why she has a lot of fans.A. How inter

5、estingB.How an interestingC. What interestingD.What an interesting12.The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.Why? Its_than thepictures I have ever seen.A. far more beautifulB.much less beautifulC. no more beautifulD.any less beautiful13.The park is far away from here indeed its about_walk

6、 A. Three hour B. a three hours C.a three-hours D.a three-hour14.I dont understand_.Im sorry. But I was doing my homework.A.why you didnt watch the football matchB.why didnt you watch the football matchC.why you dont watch the football matchD.why dont you watch the football match15.Shall we go fishi

7、ng at six oclock tomorrow morning?_.Will seven oclock be OK?A.Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problemC.Sorry, I cant make itD. Sorry, Im not available二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项徐黑。How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electr

8、icity or batteries? These 16 bothered(使烦恼) British inventor Trevor Baylis. So in 1996 he 17 a wind-up(装有发条的)radio. It doesnt need electricity or batteries. You wind it up 18 hand. It plays for about an hour. Then, you wind it up 19.Today its made in South Africa.Then in 1999, Baylis invented a mobil

9、e telephone that is powered by 20 The shoescontain (含有)a small battery that is powered when you 21 . This battery is connected to a mobile phone. These two simple inventions can bring modern 22 to all parts of the world.Baylis doesnt have a university degree in engineering. In 23 ,heleft high school

10、 before graduating(毕业).He just loves 24 things to help people. He never knows 25 ideas will come to him. The idea for the telephone came to him in a dream.16.A. dreams B. problems C. winders D.wishes17. A.invented B. improved C. borrowed D.copied18. B. at C.on D.by19. A.then B. slowly C. again

11、D.finally20. A. sun B. shoes C.caps D.wind21. A. sleep B.walk C. rest D.chat22. A. communications B. exhibitions C.suggestions D.instructions23.A.factB.orderC.needD.time24.A.buyingB.sellingC.makingD.collecting25.A.whileB.becauseC.unlessD.when三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选

12、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AChris Rock was born in the state of South Carolina in the United States. When he was a child, his family moved, and he grew up in a poor area in Brooklyn, New York.As a teenager, Rock left high school and started telling jokes in comedy clubs in New York City, Even at age 18, Chris Ro

13、ck was very funny. He told jokes about his family (his parents were very strict) , and about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Many of his jokes were also about high school, which Rock says was terrible.Famous comedians (喜剧演员)went to see Rocks performances. One comedian (Eddie Murphy) helped him

14、get work on television and in the movies. Chris Rock still acts in movies, but he does not want to be a serious actor. For him, comedy is more important. It makes people laugh, but it can also make people think.Today,Chris Rock still does live comedy shows around the world. He also created a TV show

15、 called Everybody Hates Chris. It is about his teenage years growing up and going to school in Brooklyn. In 2006, it was considered as one of the best comedy shows on American television.26.What is this passage mainly about?A.How to tell a good joke,B.Where the best comedy clubs are.C.One comedians

16、life,D.The funniest people in the United States,27.Chris Rock tells a lot of jokes about_.A.South CarolinaB.BrooklynC.Los AngelesD.Texas28.Which sentence about Chris Rock is true?A.As a teenager, he was not funny.B.He started working in clubs after he graduated from college.C.He loved going to high

17、school.D.A famous comedian helped him get work on TV and in the movies.29.Today, what does Chris Rock say is the most important?A.Being a serious actor.B.Making people laugh.C.Helping teenagers.D.Having his own club.BThe Chicago Fire of 1871 was the worst disaster of the 19th century.The fire is sai

18、d to have started one evening in Mrs. OLearys barn (牲口棚)on the West Side of Chicago. Several hours after she milked her cow, it kicked over an oil lamp,and the cow started the fire. We do not know if the story is true, but we do know that the fire began in a barn on the West Side.The fire spread qui

19、ckly because of the wooden buildings, a strong wind, and a dry season. The fire lasted 27 hours and spread to all parts of the city. Other cities sent 25 fire companies to help put out the fire. Federal troops (联邦军队)were also used to help fight the fire and keep order, too. At last rain put out the

20、fire.There was a lot of damage. 90,000 people were left homeless, and 18,000 buildings were destroyed. Property damage (财产损失)was almost 200 million dollars. In addition, about 300 people died.People from all over the world helped Chicago by sending food and clothing. Within a month 4,000 cottages (小

21、屋)with two rooms had been built to house people. In a few years, Chicago was completely rebuilt.30.The best title for this passage is_.A.Mrs. OLearys CowB.A Terrible FireC.An Oil LampD.The Year 187131.Which parts of the city were hurt by the fire?A.The West Side.B.The South Side and the East Side.C.

22、The North Side.D.All sides.32.People who stayed in Chicago after the fire showed.A.courage B.fear C.weakness D.laziness33.What helped to spread and to end the fire?A.A cow. B.Firemen C.The weather. D.Carelessness,CPeople think of ice cream as an American food. Yet, ice cream really came from Asia. I

23、n the late 1200s Marco Polo, the great explorer, is said to have seen rich Asians eating dishes of ice. Camels had brought the ice from distant mountains. Before it was served, the ice had been flavored (调味)with fruits.Marco Polo brought this new dish to Italy, In France cooks changed the ice recipe

24、 (配方)and made ice cream.At first, cooks tried to keep the recipe a secret. They wanted it to be a special dish for rich people. By the late 1700s, though, ice cream was sold throughout Europe and America.Some great Americans loved ice cream. George Washington was the first to buy a special machine f

25、or making it. When Thomas Jefferson returned from France, he brought an ice cream recipe home with him. Dolly Madison, wife of President James Madison, also liked ice cream, and she often served it at the White House. Actually, a famous brand (品牌)of ice cream was even named after her.In the late 180

26、0s, the ice cream industry began to grow. A way of keeping ice cream frozen had been found, so ice cream makers did not have to worry about ice cream melting(融化)anymore.34.When did ice cream become well-known in many countries?A.In the 1200s. B.In the 1500s,C.In the 1600s. D.In the 1900s.35.Who do y

27、ou think was the most important person in the history of ice cream?A.Marco Polo. B.Dolly Madison,C.Thomas Jefferson.D.George Washington.36.Why can ice cream be sold everywhere today?A.Because people can afford to buy it.B.Because there are many recipes for it,C.Because it is easy to keep it frozen.D

28、.Because many people like ice cream.DWhat colour is your name? What colour is Wednesday? These questions might sound strange to most people, but some can answer right away. One person says her name is the colour red. For another person, Wednesday is blue. These people have a condition called synesth

29、esia. This means they experience two senses at the same time. For these people, the senses of smell, sound, sight, touch, and taste are not separate (分开的).They might see and also hear colours, for example, or hear as well as feel sounds.The most common form of synesthesia is to hear sounds as colour

30、s, A person with synesthesia might hear the number three as blue or the letter D as red. Someone might always see green upon hearing the word April. Another person might see different colours while listening to music. Some people also taste colours. To one person, beef might taste blue and to another, yellow. Some people experience feelings in colour. For example, one person with synesthesia reports feeling pain as the colour orange.Another form of synesthesi

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