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1、齐塔人之声521聊天问答The Zetas have said in the past to pay attention to the earth changes to know when the PS is getting closer. They have also listed the order of 3 events that will happen during the 7 of 10 events. First Japan EQs, then splitting of the New Madrid fault line, followed almost immediately b

2、y tsunami that will basically flood Europe. They have said other events may happen between these events, but these 3 will happen in this order. My first question is - Were the EQs in Japan on 3/10-3/11 and the subsequent aftershocks the Japan EQs referred to above? Second, the mainstream media here

3、in the US is really covering these events up. I have seen nothing regarding the sinking of Indonesia or some of the islands of the Caribbean. The only way to get this info is through alternative means such as the internet. As things get worse, will the US government or our media even let us know if

4、EQs start happening along the New Madrid fault line? With new laws and executive orders allowing the govt to shut down the internet during emergencies and our govts proven desire to keep the population in the dark regarding UFOs, ETs, Planet X, earth changes, etc, Im not sure when the New Madrid fau

5、lt line starts moving, erupting, etc. that we will even know about it unless we live in that area.齐塔人过去说过要注意地球的变化才会知道极移何时会接近。他们同样列举了将在第七阶段发生的三个事件的顺序。首先是日本地震,然后新马德里断层线撕裂,紧接着马上就是主要席卷欧洲的海啸。他们说过在这些事件之间会发生其他事件,但是这三件会是按照上面说的顺序。我第一个问题是-日本3.10-3.11的地震和后来的余震和上面的有关系么?第二,美国的主流媒体确实在掩盖这些事件。我没看到任何关于印尼和加勒比海某些小岛的下沉

6、的报道。得到这些消息唯一的办法就是通过其他手段比如说互联网。随着事件的恶化,美国ZF和我们的媒体会不会甚至不让我们知道地震是否在新马德里断层线发生?由于新的法令和行政命令允许ZF在“紧急情况”下关闭互联网而且我们的ZF被证明想要使平民保持在对UFO,外星人,X星,地球变化等等事件的无知之中,我将无法确定新马德里断层何时开始运动,爆发,等等。除非我们就住在那里,否则无法知道。The 7 of 10 scenarios were describing plate movement, which was the focus of the 7 of 10 stage. Not increasing e

7、arthquakes, or greater magnitude of earthquakes. Not incidental issues, just plate movement. The Japan earthquake was incidental, and did not accompany plate movement per se, as this was slight. Yes, the press will continue to be tightly controlled. Even when GPS in S America no longer works because

8、 the continent is 250 miles further to the west than the GPS units assume. Even when certain islands in the Caribbean are so sunken that life on the beach has disappeared. Even when Gibraltar is 125 miles wider than before. Those who control the press can stillchoose to say nothing, and might do so.

9、 The Internet, as we have stated, is too vital to commerce and government to be shut down, and thus allow the public to share information. Do your part on sharing information, as by this means the cover-up will face a certain death. 第七阶段情节被描述为板块运动,这是第七阶段的焦点。不是越来越多的地震,或是强度更高的地震。不是突附带的问题,就是板块运动。日本地震是附

10、带的,而且本身并未伴随着板块运动,因为这是很轻微的。(b)是的,新闻界将继续被牢牢控制。即使当GPS在南美不再工作因为大陆向西移动了250英里超过的GPS的假定。即使加勒比的某个岛下沉以至于海滩生的生命全部消失。即使直布罗陀海峡比原来加宽了125英里。那些控制媒体的人仍然可以选择什么都不说,并且可能会这样做。互联网,正如我们声明的,对于商业和ZF来说太过重大以至于无法关闭,因此允许公众分享信息。在信息分享上贡献一份力量,因为用这种方法掩盖活动将面临必然的死亡。Last Friday, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International M

11、onetary Fund - an organization of the establishment if there ever was one - was arrested just as his plane was about to leave New York, on charges of attempting to rape a black hotel maid earlier in the day. Police, responding to the alleged crime scene, even claimed that DSK - as hes popularly know

12、n - had left his cell phone in the hotel room in his haste to depart. Is this just another incidence in which an arrogant elitist thought he was above the law and could have his way with any subordinate he fancied, or was this a set-up connected to the Coverup? 上星期五,卡恩,国际货币基金组织-权势集团(要是存在的话)的一个组织-的头目

13、,在其飞机将要离开纽约时被捕,被指控几天前企图强J一名黑人旅馆女仆。警察,说明所谓的犯罪现场,甚至声明DSK-卡恩的小名-在匆忙逃跑之中将手机落在了旅馆房间里。这仅仅是另一起事件,自大的精英自以为可以凌驾于法律之上并可以任意摆布其下属,还是与掩盖活动有关的一个阴谋?Such a personage - despite his nickname of le grand sducteur (the Great Seducer) - wouldnt normally act so clumsily in such matters, knowing the ramifications; after a

14、ll, he was widely expected to succeed the current French president, the right-wing Sarkozy, as the champion of the Socialist party that he belonged to and had made a name in. He also had gone on the record last year in a documentary about the financial melt-down to say - according to Wikipedia - he

15、had attended a dinner organised by former Treasury Secretary Paulson in which several CEOs of the biggest banks in the U.S had admitted they (or perhaps bankers in general) were too greedy and bore part of the responsibility for the crisis.像这样的要员-尽管他的小名是“le grand sducteur”(大骗子)-不会犯这种低级错误,他知道后果;毕竟,大家

16、预期他会继承现任的法国总统,右翼的萨科齐,作为他所属并在其中有名誉的社会党的首位。他去年同样在一份关于金融崩溃的文件中公开宣布说-根据维基百科-他出席了一个由前财政部长鲍尔森组织的晚宴,其中几名美国最大的银行的CEO承认他们(或者说一般的银行家们)没有太过贪婪并且承担危机的部分责任。They said the government should regulate more, because we are too greedy, we cant avoid it. Strauss-Kahn said he warned the officials of a number of departmen

17、ts of the U.S. government of an impending crisis. He also said: At the end of the day, the poorest - as always - pay the most. Furthermore, he was encouraging a program to replace the US dollar with SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) as the worlds reserve currency. Was he then considered a threat to the

18、Coverup, despite his position as head of the IMF, and accordingly set-up with this rape charge?他们说ZF“应该加大调节力度,因为我们过于贪婪,我们无法避免。”卡恩说他警告了美国ZF一些部门的官员即将发生的危机。他还说:“到最后,最穷的人来买单,每次都这样。”此外,他正鼓励一项用SDRs(特别提款权)来代替美元作为世界储备货币。尽管作为IMF的头目,他是否因此被认为是掩盖活动的一个威胁,并导致这个QJ的指控?Strauss-Kahn is both guilty of sexual assault a

19、nd the victim of a setup, simultaneously. How is this possible? He has known sexual propensities, and has regularly used this particular elite hotel for sexual romps in the past. His appetite for power and abuse is such that hiring a prostitute does not satisfy. He needs a real victim, so the sense

20、of violating someone over their objections is real. The hotel, in the past, would line up a maid who would be both an innocent but also compliant, not a fighter. This time a maid who would defend herself and seek justice was sent in, with predictable results. Who did this and why? 卡恩既犯了性侵犯的罪,同时又是组织的

21、牺牲品。这怎么可能?他有众所周知的性取向,并在过去定期使用这个特别的精英旅馆进行性玩耍。他对权力的欲望和滥用导致雇佣小姐不能够使他满足。他需要一个真正的受害者,这样在她们的反抗中侵犯某人的感觉是真实的。旅馆在过去,会提供一名既无辜又顺从的女仆,而不是反抗者。这一次一名会反抗并寻求公正的女仆被派了过去,可以想象结果。是谁为了什么安排了这些?The IMF has been used as a vehicle to enslave via debt. A country is offered loans, so they can become developed, and then finds t

22、hemselves burdened and virtually owned by this debt. The trend of late is to throw off this debt, these shackles, to wrest control back from the corporate interests that had taken ownership of the country. In that the globe is in the grip of a second Great Depression, a point of fact if not called t

23、hat by the compliant media, where does this leave the IMF. Being an administrator or in charge of the IMF used to be a position of great power, but this is no longer the case. IMF(国际货币基金组织)一直被当做通过债务征服的媒介。一个国家被提供贷款,因此他们变得“发展了”,然后发现他们自己被这个债务压垮,并且事实上是被这个债务拥有。最近的趋势是摆脱这份债务,这些脚镣,将控制权从那些已经获得该国所有权的共同利益体手中夺回

24、。由于全球都处在第二次大萧条的控制之中-事实就是这样,虽然可能顺从的媒体不是这么说的-这对IMF来说意味着什么?作为IMF的主管或行政官过去一直占据着巨大的权力,但情况不再是这样了。Those with great power lust thus are branching out, seeking political power elsewhere. With inside knowledge of the deals made in smoke filled rooms, a former IMF official could blackmail others, and it was th

25、is that put Strauss-Kahn into Rikers island prison on a rape charge. Where drug barons and Mafioso conduct business from prison, this is because the other inmates are not that far from the streets where they do business. But an IMF official cannot simply use other prisoners as a conduit for threats

26、or retaliation. The official is taken out of operation, for an extended period of time, and perhaps end up dead on what would be interpreted as an act of suicide. 那些有着对巨大的权力的欲望的人因此扩展业务,在其他地方寻求政治权力。有着对暗箱交易的内部知识,前IMF官员可以敲诈其他人,而这就是将卡恩以强J的控告抓进雷克岛监狱的原因。毒枭和黑手党在监狱里进行贸易,因为其他囚犯离交易的街区不远。但是IMF官员不会直接利用其他囚犯作为管道进

27、行威胁或报复。官员在很长一段时期内无法进行操作,而且可能会以被认为是自杀的死亡作为结局。I understand that Zetas have said we will experience atmospheric events. I am not sure about the following video that appeared on the Ecuadorian news, reporting plasma discharges from the ground in Fort Worth Texas, with a headline of a question is this fo

28、rtelling a seismic event?. .ec/videos-manavision/2578-tormenta-de-bolas-de-fuego-forth-worth-youtube.html Thus, the above news, on face value, poses the question, of whether or not this is the surprise we will see atmospherically. More so the question, because as the Fort Worth is dated May 10, I re

29、call another video dated more recently, and related to the quake 6.0 in Costa Rica. Making note of the unusual and strong lightning or flashes of light and thunder sounds, despite no rain. We have reports of light flashes in Fort Worth (North American plate) and light flashes and thunder during Cari

30、bbean-Cocos plate interaction quake May 13, in Costa Rica. Is the Texas light part of the atmospheric events we will see from now on, in the absence of quake? Are the unusual light (as sounds are expected) during the Costa Rica quake an expected part of pole shift process from now on? 我知道齐塔人说过我们将会经历

31、大气层的事件。我说不准下面这个出现在厄瓜多尔新闻中的视频,报道来自德克萨斯的沃思堡市的等离子体放电,标题为“这是地震的预告么?”。.ec/videos-manavision/2578-tormenta-de-bolas-de-fuego-forth-worth-youtube.html 因此,上述新闻,字面上来说,带来了一个问题,就是 这是否是我们将看到的大气层的意外事件?进一步的问题是,由于沃斯堡事件的日期为5.10,我想起了最近的另一个视频,和哥斯达黎加6.0级地震有关。注意到这不寻常并且强壮的闪电或是闪光和雷声,尽管没有降雨。我们有沃斯堡市(北美板块)的闪光的报道 和 在加勒比-科克斯板

32、块相互作用的哥斯达黎加5月13日地震期间的闪光和雷声的报道 。德克萨斯的没缺乏地震的闪光是我们从现在开始将会看到的大气事件的一部分么?在哥斯达黎加地震期间不寻常的闪光(因为预期会有声音)预期是极移过程的一部分么?and from another 6.0 degrees Earthquake Shakes San Jose Costa Rica 13 May 2011. At least in the Heredia sector is that there is a strong presence of lightning and thunder without rain. This adds nervousness at the event itself has been presented. For this, the strength with which sound of thunder, the lightning with that sound.还有另一个http:/www.

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