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1、高一英语单项填空练习第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. When I told them I was a doctor, their _ changed and I was let in right away. A. spirit B. attitude C. heart D. attention2. Well, I have not made my decision yet. So, _, we have to wait, right? A. in other words B. in my opinion C. by the way D. to tell the tr

2、uth33. When spring _, the snow _ and it will become warm. A. came; will disappear B. came; disappears C. comes; will disappear D. comes; disappears4. James is a famous clothing designer (设计者) whose style is similar to _ of Joan Keatss. A. what B. it C. that D. the one5. Hi, Mark. _ Im fine. Everythi

3、ng is going well. A. So what? B. And what? C. How are things being done? D. How are you?6. I met an old friend in a shop yesterday, and it was amazing that he _ so much. A. changes B. is changing C. was changing D. had changed7. When should we leave for Paris? _. Any time is OK with me. A. You have

4、the choice B. Its up to you C. I dont care D. Never mind8. The program, _ at the meeting yesterday, was about the development of our city. A. discussing B. having discussed C. to be discussed D. discussed9. Although we have been classmates for 3 years, she hasnt _ me much, so I cant remember her aft

5、er graduation.A. attracted B. recognized C. impressed D. imitated10. She is not welcome among her classmates because she _ bad things about others.A. will always say B. is always saying C. always said D. has always said11. Many people know the UN, but not everyone knows that it is _ the United Natio

6、ns.A. short of B. famous for C. short for D. famous as12. We are going to travel in Australia on the famous Ghan train. You are so lucky! _. A. Have a good time B. Of course not C. Sorry, I am not sure D. Its hard to say13. Is their situation getting _? No, its getting worse. A. bad B. better C. wel

7、l D. worse14. We should learn some tips on how to avoid _ injured when an accident happens.A. to get B. getting C. to be got D. being got15. Dont forget to get there before 10:00. _A. Thats settled. B. Its up to you.C. Weve made it. D. Ive got it.l一5 BACCD 6一10 DBDCB 11一15 CABBD II. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分

8、,满分20分)1. The _ on her face showed that she was in low spirits.A. appearance B. impression C. attitude D. expression2. I dont _ the price, as long as its within the walking distance of my sons school.A. care for B. care about C. agree with D. agree on3. The old town has narrow streets and small hous

9、es _ are built close to each other.A. they B. where C. what D. that4. Whats the matter with you? My chest _ when I breathe, doctor.A. injures B. wounds C. harms D. hurts5. After they had finished recording Let It Be, the Beatles _. .A. broke down B. mixed up C. split up D. made up6. When I entered t

10、he step-classroom (阶梯教室), the lecture _ and the audience _ attentively.A. began, listened B. was begun, was listeningC. had begun, listened D. had begun, were listening7. I was greatly impressed _ the speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010.A. to B. over C. with D. on8.

11、 North Europe _ Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.A. is consisted of B. consists of C. is made up D. makes up9. It is a fact that _ differences between countries may cause misunderstandings in communication.A. historical B. cultural C. personal D. financial10. It was along the Mississippi

12、 River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A. how B. which C. that D. where11. _ my grandfather grew older, he lost interest in everything except fishing.A. While B. When C. As D. Since12. - Professor Johnson, Ive won the first place in the Final English Speech Competition. - _. Its really some

13、thing.A. Come on B. Absolutely C. Thats a good point D. Good for you13. Boys and girls, matters _ your study surely need to be dealt with carefully.A. relating to B. relating with C. related to D. related with14. She didnt run off the stage. _, she finished the performance with a smile on her face.A

14、. However B. Instead C. Otherwise D. As a result15. Tom, you left the lights in the classroom on. Oh, sorry, I _ to turn them off. Thanks for your reminding.A. will return B. am going to return C. am returning D. return16. In _ its not shocking to see students in _ on college campus.A. 1990s; sixtie

15、s B. the 1990s; their sixtiesC. the 1990s; the sixties D. 1990s; their sixties17. _ you are old enough to judge things, you should decide your path in life.A. Since B. In order that C. Though D. Unless 18. Here are the first three books of his poem works, with the fourth one to _ next month.A. publi

16、sh B. come out C. turn out D. replace19. The last one _ pays the meal. Deal!A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving20. The exhibition he had been looking forward to _ was _ until next Sunday.A. visit; put off B. visiting; put off C. visit; put on D. visiting; put on21-25 DBDDC 26-30 DCBBC 31-

17、35 CDCBA 36-40 BABCB1. Shall we go to the station on foot? _ A. Thats right. B. Im afraid not. C. Why not? D. I think so.2. I am afraid we cant have coffee; theres left. A. none B. nothing C. no D. no one3. Your decision will affect your future study in college and your future job _. A. as though B.

18、 as if C. as well D. as well as4. Miss Shut, their new teacher of English, is European. A. a; an B. the; 不填 C. an; the D. 不填;a5. You may call on me from one to five oclock, during _ I am always in the office. A. the time B. what time C. which D. which time6. Im sorry to _ you, but can you tell me ho

19、w to get to the library? A. bother B. puzzle C. annoy D. worry7. into many languages, Harry Potter is popular with children and adults as well all over the world. ABeing translated. BHaving translated CTo be translated. DHaving been translated8. Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Wh

20、o _ for? A. were you waiting B. did you wait C. are you waiting D. do you wait9. -Mr. Smith must know a lot about Chinese history.- _. He has studied it for years. A. So he does B. So does he C. So he must D. Yes, he must10. This book is said to be the special one, Which _ many events that cannot be

21、 found in other history books. A. covers B. writes C. prints D. reads11. Your information about that film is out _, we have already seen it. A. order B. date C. business D. control12. Mr. Alexander doesnt just write for fun; _, writing is his bread and butter.A. at last B. in fact C. in a word D. as

22、 a result13. Tom told the news to everybody in the classroom. Why didnt you tell him _? A. not to be done B. not do it C. not to D. do not to14. Go for it while you are young. You cant avoid _ your job tomorrow unless you work hard today. A. losing B. to lose C. to be losing D. being lost15. Two men

23、 want to see you, Where _ they wait, here or outside? A. may B would C. shall D. will21-25 CACDD 26-30 ADCAA 31-35 BBCAC1- Would you like something sweet or sour? - _. AI have a toothache BI have a sweet tooth CI make a sweet DYes, thanks2We always keep _ spare bags with which we pack the rubbish. A

24、a great many Bthe number of Ctoo much Da great deal of3The _ on her face told me that she was in a blue mood.Aappearance Bimpression Cattitude Dexpression4At that time they could not produce _computers, let alone high-grade ones .Anormal Bordinary Cpopular Dpublic5There was no electricity last night

25、. _ I couldnt record the concert on Channel 3 on my tape recorder. ASo as to BSince DAs a result DOtherwise6- He is an excellent cook. - _. The fish he cooked makes me mouth-watering. AI couldnt agree more BI dont agree with you CI completely disagree DIm not sure about that7Mr. Brown knows little J

26、apanese, so he cant understand the _ on the bottle of the pills. Aexplanations Bintroductions Cdescriptions Dinstructions8I has meant _ you some help, though that might mean _ my job, but I made it even worse. Ato give; to lose Bto give; losing Cgiving; to lose Dgiving; losing9Statistics show a 20%

27、reduction in burglary _ last year. Acompared with Bto compare Cbeing compared to Dto compare with10 “ Oh, mum, my dress is rather _. Could you buy me a new one in style?” Jenny begged her mother. Aout of date Bup to date Cout of season Dout of balance11After the cake _ 20 equal parts, the host took

28、them before the guests. Adivided into Bhad been divided into Cseparated into Dhad been separated from12The begger couldnt help _ the delicious roast duck hungrily when he passed that store. Alook at Bto see Ceying Denjoying13Edison liked to allow other people to take care of business matters for him

29、, while he _. Awent on to invent Bstopped to invent Ccontinued to invent Dstopped inventing14“ You cant get this football back _ you agree not to kick it on my window again” he said angrily. Abecause Bsince Cwhen Duntil15After waking up, he remembered _ and _ on the head with a stick in his dream. Ato attack; hit Bto be attacked; to be hit Cattacking; be hit Dhaving been attacked; hit2125 BADBC 2630 ADBAA 3135 BCCDD1. IthinkIheardsomebody_nextdoor.Whoc

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