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教案book3 lesson04 Wisdom of bear wood.docx

1、教案book3 lesson04 Wisdom of bear wood教 案周 次第 7 周,第 1 次课授课时间2010年10 月25 日授课章节Lesson Four: Wisdom of Bear Wood本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授() 实践课( )教学时数2学时授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1. Explain the pre-class work2Ask students to acquire key words 3. Ask students to acquire relevant background information教 学 重 点 和 难 点1.Word for

2、mation2.Key words3.Background information 思考题或作 业1Preview Text A and analyze the structure.2Underline the difficult points.教学内容与组织安排Word Buildingbinoculars (6) : bi-: double, two, twice每年两次的(议会)两院制的二色的每两年一次的分叉的重婚两种语言的两个月一次的两脚架有两极的两性的隔周的biannualbicameralbicoloredbiennialbifurcatedbigamybilingualbimon

3、thlybipodbipolarbisexualbiweeklybinoculars (6) ocul: eyeOcular 眼睛的,视觉的,像眼睛的Oculist 眼科医生Oculomotor 使眼球动的,动眼的Binocular 双眼并用的, (pl.)双筒望远镜Monocular 单眼的ocular defeat 视力缺陷ocular proof 目证Suffix ify v. a. to make or become b. to fill with to purify (= make or become pure) to clarify (= make or become clear)

4、 to terrify (= fill with terror) Class classify Fortification fortify identification identify Justice justify Purity purify satisfaction satisfy simplicity simplify Signification signify glory glorify quality qualifyBackground Information:Michael Welzenbach (19542001) was an art critic as well as a

5、poet and novelist. He wrote some of the most stimulating criticisms of art and music for the Washington Post.Robin Hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century. He was a rebel, and many of the most striking episodes in the tales about him

6、 show him and his companions robbing and killing representatives of authority and giving the gains to the poor. Their most frequent enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham, a local agent of the central government. Others included wealthy ecclesiastical landowners. Robin treated women, the poor, and peop

7、le of humble status with courtesy. A good deal of the impetus against authority stems from the restriction of hunting rights. The early ballads, especially, reveal the cruelty that was an inescapable part of medieval life. The authentic Robin Hood ballads were the poetic expression of popular aspira

8、tions in the north of England during a turbulent era of baronial rebellions and agrarian discontent, which culminated in the peasants Revolt of 1381. Robin Hood was a peoples hero as King Arthur was a nobles.罗宾汉(Robin Hood)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的英雄人物,相传他 活跃在1160年至1247年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵。从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传说就开始在民间流传

9、。14世纪,有关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世。此后,不断有作家以此为素材,写出了许多脍炙人口的作品。 其中,美国作家霍华德保罗于1883年出版的罗宾汉在诺丁堡的探险故事是我们比较熟悉的。 侠盗罗宾汉是法国文豪亚历山仲马在前人基础上再创作的作品。这部作品与我们以往所熟知的情节和人物不同,向我们展示了一个全新的、更加生动丰满的罗宾汉,为我们提供了一个对比阅读的机会。 目前保留下来的关于罗宾汉的文学作品可以追溯到14世纪,威廉朗兰德的长诗关于农夫皮尔斯的显圣是其中最早的作品。苏格兰历史学家沃尔顿的苏格兰编年史中也提到了他。15世纪以后,罗宾汉逐渐成为了一个家喻户晓的人物。 罗宾汉以夏伍德为大本营

10、,联合小约翰、温里奥等人,劫富济贫,整治暴戾的路德曼贵族、官吏,并把得来的钱财用于救助贫苦百姓,体现了中世纪英国人民反抗封建压迫的精神。 在英国的传说中,罗宾汉的名字是极为响亮的。关于他的故事并非史实,不过英雄通常都是夸张或者虚构出来的。他的传奇有很多种说法,大致是说在1213世纪著名的十字军东征的时候,英格兰的理查王被俘,留在国内的约翰王子趁机篡权,拒绝赎回理查王。而与他狼狈为奸的诺丁汉郡长也趁机强占了忠心于理查王的罗宾汉家的领地,更试图染指他的心上人玛丽安。罗宾汉被迫躲进舍伍德森林,以此为基地,领导一支农民起义军到处劫富济贫,最终成功赎回理查王,粉碎了约翰王子等人的阴谋。罗宾汉最突出的就是

11、射箭术高超。直到现在,射箭比赛中仍有一个术语叫做“RobinHood”,意为“射中另一支已射中靶心的箭,并且将箭身一分为二”,这正是对罗宾汉精湛箭术的写照。 也有说是大约公元1190年,英国狮心王理查率领英国军队参加十字军东征,罗宾汉也随军前行。可是当战争结束,罗宾汉从战场返回家乡的时候,发现自己的庄园和财产已经被诺丁汉郡治安官以莫须有的罪名没收。此时,英国正在被借着狮心王东征而趁机弄权的约翰王子所统治,他的横征暴敛让人民苦不堪言。为此,罗宾汉聚集了一帮绿林好汉,凭借着自己的机智和勇敢,带领大家劫富济贫,对抗昏君的暴政。 罗宾汉这位传奇英雄不仅在英国,而且在西方很多国家都广为人知,是西方人家喻

12、户晓的传奇英雄,他的故事也经常出现在电影和电视屏幕上。记得有一首英文歌曲就是加拿大歌手布莱恩亚当斯演唱的一切为了你(EverythingIDo,IDoItForYou)。这首歌是著名影星凯文科斯特纳主演的电影侠盗罗宾汉的主题曲。 罗宾汉的故事就发生在英国诺丁汉市。诺丁汉是一座拥有着传奇色彩的古老城市。诺丁汉也是英国历史最悠久的城市之一,公元6世纪,盎格鲁撒克逊人定居在此,9世纪又受到外族的入侵,11世纪为诺曼人所统治。大约700年前,在诺丁汉以北广阔的舍伍德森林中,有一伙以罗宾汉为首的劫富济贫的绿林好汉,揭竿而起,反抗诺曼人的压迫。诺丁汉好像所有景点都是围绕着罗宾汉这个传奇人物开设的。这里是罗

13、宾汉的山丘啦,那里是罗宾汉的泉水、洞穴啦,罗宾汉的箭曾射中这里啦,等等。最令人信服的说法是罗宾汉生于12世纪60年代,其活动主要集中在理查德一世(11891199年在位)至约翰王 (11991216年在位)期间。当时,有许多触犯了严厉法律的逃犯匿藏在森林中。可以想象,在那里拉起一支勇敢忠义的队伍是不难的。据说罗宾汉死于 1247年11月18日。就在弥留之际他还射出一支箭,人们便在箭所射中的地方埋葬了这位好汉。Berkshire: Situated in the heart of southern England, the County of Berkshire, also known as R

14、oyal Berkshire is home to several well-known towns and cities, such as Windsor, where the famous royal retreat Windsor Castle can be found. Another royal connection is the Town of Ascot, famous for its very popular annual horse racing festival Royal Ascot. Berkshire also boasts many picturesque vill

15、ages with views across the River Thames absolutely stunning. Berkshire, a county of southern England, that occupies the valleys of the middle Thames and its tributary, the Kennet, immediately to the west of London. Its area is 485 sq mi (1,256 sq km), and it is divided into six districts: Bracknell,

16、 Newbury, Reading, Slough, Windsor and Wokingham.Rural life in Britain:Cottages: Picturesque cottages are most peoples idea of the typical country building. Cottages dating from the late 16th century are generally the earliest to survive. All manner of materials were used to build Englands country c

17、ottages: stone, slate, wood, flint, clay, cob, thatch, boulders and pebbles, and turf. Whatever material was used, traditionally this would have reflected what was locally available. Whilst colorful flowers, always important to the cottage dweller, were haphazard in their planting, vegetables were g

18、rown in ordered rows. Edibles were grown, not only for the cottagers own table but also to be sold as a means of supplementing their income. The garden was not solely inhabited by plants, for the keeping of bees, and sometimes pigs, which was once a common sight in the cottage garden. The cottage ga

19、rden provided the opportunity for the annual village show to develop, with every keen gardener hoping his produce would scoop the top prize.教 案周 次第 78 周,第 2-4 次课授课时间2010年10 月26-29 日授课章节Lesson Four: Text A本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授() 实践课( )教学时数6学时授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1. Elicit the students critical thinking on the

20、topic concerned2. Summarize the main points of the authors argument3. Master the use of relevant words and expressions 4. Highlight the language points 教 学 重 点 和 难 点1. Useful expressions2.Understanding of authors argument 思考题或作 业1Exercises on page 17-28教学内容与组织安排Part One: Introduction to the Text1. T

21、he story is about a friendship between two souls who are “seemingly different” in every way: one is an American boy of twelve; and the other is an old English woman.2. The story is not very subtle, nor is it particularly dramatic, but it is nevertheless beautiful. It is beautiful not just because it

22、 contains some beautiful descriptions of the Wood, but because it is about a beautiful friendship.Plot: the cultivation of friendship between a boy and an old lady Setting: Bear wood Protagonists: I and Mrs. Robertson-GlasgowTheme of the Story:True friendship is both rare and precious. It exists dee

23、p in heart and does not change. It is enduring and rewarding.Structure of the Text:Part 1 (paras.14 ):The lonely boy found his pleasure in Bear Wood.Part 2 (paras.523):The boy met Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow in the Bear Wood and they became best friends.Part 3 (paras.2427):Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow became s

24、ick and dead while their friendship flourished more than ever before.Part 4 (paras.2837):The revelation of true love.Detailed Discussion of the text1) The theme of the story is summed up at the very end. It is about “ a wisdom tutored by nature itself, about the seen and the unseen, about things tha

25、t change and things that are changeless, and about the fact that no matter how seemingly different two souls may be, they possess the potential for that most precious, rare thing-an enduring and rewarding friendship.”2) The story is not very subtle, nor is it particularly dramatic, but it is neverth

26、eless beautiful. It is beautiful not just because it contains some beautiful descriptions of the Wood, but because it is about a beautiful friendship.3) What is interesting is the fact that this is a friendship between two souls who are “seemingly different” in every way: one is an American boy of t

27、welve,; and the other is an old English woman.4) Why can they become good friends?A: They are both lonely: the boy is lonely because he is in a foreign country with his father, the woman is lonely because she has just lost her dear husband.B: They have the common interest in nature and knowledge.C:

28、The shortbread the woman keeps supplying for the boy is also one of the reasons.D: The real reason for their friendship is the old womans selfless interest in the boy. It is often said that true love is in the giving and not in the taking. So is friendship. The woman not only gives the boy good food

29、 to eat, she also gives him a new vision of the beautiful nature, the key to the treasury of human knowledge, and above all, her care, concern, love and affection. Does she get anything in return? Yes. Through giving, she cannot help receiving. Although totally unaware, the boy has given the woman g

30、reat consolation too. He is the real good companion of the woman. He brings great happiness and consolation to the woman. That is what she really needs in her deep heart.In this world, there are many things you can see and there are many things you cant see, and friendship is what you cant see, unli

31、ke your worldly belongings, because it exists deep in your heart. In this world there are also things that change and things that do not change, and true friendship does not change. It is rare and precious. It is enduring and rewarding*Friendship between two soulsOld ladyThe boydifferencesOldEnglishWomanLost her husband12AmericanBoySeparated from friendssimilarities1. lonely2. common interestnature and knowledge3. true love- givi

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