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1、常用英语缩略词表常用英语缩略词表缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:1、拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive2、保留前几个字母INFO:informationINS: insuranceEXCH: exchangeIOU: I owe you I/O: In stead of 3、保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK: weekRM: roomPL: people4、根据发音R: areTHO: thoughTHRU: through5、较长单词的处理办法-ism 简写为 m 例如:socialism Sm-tio

2、n 简写为n 例如:standardization stdn-cian 简写为o 例如:techniciantecho-ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing MKTg-ed 简写为d 例如:acceptedacptd-able/ible/ble 简写为bl 例如:available avbl-ment 简写为mt 例如:amendmentamdmt-ize 简写为z 例如:recognize regz-ful 简写为fl 例如:meaningful mnfl-t ity,oty,ety,uty -k ical,acle,icle,cal -g ology,alogy,ulogy -v

3、ive,sive,tive -l ly,ely,ily -n ness -p ple,ply -n sion, tion -st st,est,ist,ost -s us,ous,iousa- accom, accor ag- aggra, aggre, agre c- circu, circum k- cog, col,con,com,cor d- des,dis m- em,im n- en,in x- extra,extri h- hydra,hydro N insta,inste,insti I inter,enter,intro,intre nK incla,incli.inclu

4、L letter,liter mG magna,magni M mis P pr,per,pur,pre,pro,pri R reco,recom,recon.recor rK recla,recli.reclu S suspe,suspi,suscep T trans U ulta,ulte,ulti V. Suffix - B ble,able,ible,ably,ibly g/ age ance,inse,ancy,ensy + and,end,ant,ent r/ ary,ery,ory,ury N antic,entic T atic,etic,itic,otic S asict,i

5、stic,ostic,ustic J cient,cience,sient,tience cial,sual,tual,tial,tially : der,ter,tor,ther v/ ever F ful,fully f/ fication , ing 一、简写数学符号S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a word.pol = politicsdem

6、= democracylib = liberalcap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation.assoc = associatebiol = biologyinfo = inf

7、ormationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro= introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimumrep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostr

8、ophe in place of letters.amt = amountcontd = continuedgovt = governmenteducatl = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductionsUse g to represent ing endings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasi

9、ngexptg = experimentingSpell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the.If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, sub

10、stitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.& = andw/ = withw/o = withoutvs = against = therefore= = is or equalUse technical symbols where app

11、licable.zb = German, for exampleibid = Latin, the same worko = degreesH2O = waterMore reference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:+ plus/ parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology departmentUK United Kin

12、gdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budgetind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an

13、apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:techgy technologygenion generalisationdely deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples:assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough cons

14、onants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s. Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse g to represent ing endings. Examples:decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishin

15、gSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswaswereLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phra

16、se, or name is used again. Example:January Advertising Campaign Budget JACBUse symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples: at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations

17、 for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of resulting in and / also +equal to / same as =following ffmost importantly *less than especially esp/缩略词 原词acc = account, accountantacdg = accordingacpt = acceptad = advertisementadm = administrationads

18、 = addressadv = adviceagr = agricultureagt = agentalt = altitudea.m. = ante meridiem = before noonAMAP = as much as possibleamb = ambassadoramt = amountanal = analysisanc = ancientanon = anonymousans = answerapp = appendixApr = Aprilapt = apartmentarch = architecturearr = arrive; arrivalASAP = as so

19、on as possibleass = assistant; associationat = atmosphere; atomicatt = attorney; attentionAug = Augustaux = auxiliaryav = averagebal = balancebldg = buildingb4 = before(以前)Brb = be right back(即刻回来) Btw = by the way(顺便提及)co. = companyc/o = care of(转交)col = college; colorcom = commentary; common; comm

20、unication; communitycomm = commissioncomp = complete; computer; competition/competitivecon = conclusion; againstcond = conditioncont. = continent; continuedcorp = corporationcust = customer; custom; customscert = certificatecfm = conformcncl = cancelcnf = conferencecmu = communicationconc = concern/

21、concerning/concerneddec = decemberdec = deceased; declarationdef = defender; defensedeg = degreedep = depositdept = departmentdisc = discountdist = distance; distinguishdiv = divide; divorceddo. = ditto (同上)dorm = dormitorydz = dozenDL or D/L下载Downloade = east; earth; engineeringecon = economics; ec

22、onomyed. = education; editore.g. = exempli gratia = for exampleencl. = enclosed; enclosureesp. = especiallyetc. = et cetera = and so onex. = example; exception; extraexp. = exportexpln = explainext = extend; extensionexch = exchangeFAX = facsimileFeb. = Februaryfem = female; feminineff. = followingf

23、ig = figuresfin = finance; financialfl = fluidflt = flightFOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格)for = foreign; forestryfp = freezing pointfr = frequentFri. = Fridayfrt = freight (货物;货运)ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)fut = futureFYR = for your reference (仅供参考)FYI : For Your Informationg = gold; grain; guide; gender;

24、 gravityG.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会)gen. = generallygent = gentleman; gentlemengm = gram; general managergov = governmentgs = general secretary (秘书长)guar = guaranteegz = greeze(惊讶)h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogenhd = head (头部;首脑)hf = halfHon = honorable; honoraryH.Q. = headquartershr = hour

25、ht = heighthypoth = hypothesis; hypotheticalH.O. = Home officei.a. = in absence; absentib. = ibidem = in the same placeID = identity; identity cardi.e. = id est = that isimp = import; imperialimps = impossibleimpt = importantin. = inch; inchesind = industrial; independentindiv = individualinfo = inf

26、ormationins = insuranceinst. = instant; instituteint. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息)I/O = instead ofIOU = I owe you (借据)I.Q. = intelligence quotientIVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)is. = islandincd = includeintst = interestedIVO = In view ofIC = I see了解IMHO = in my humble opinion(以我个人谦逊的看法) J = judge; justice

27、jour = journal; journalistjr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的)kg = kilogram (千克;公斤)km = kilometer (公里)lat. = latitudelb. = pounds (磅;英镑)L/C = letter of credit (信用证)leg = legallib = library; librarianliq = liquidlit = literaturelong. = longitudeM.A. = Master of Artsmach = machinerymag = magazineman. = ma

28、nual; manufactureMar = Marchmath = mathematicsmdl = model (型号;模特)mdm = Madammed. = medicine; medicalmem = member; memoir (回忆录)memo = memorandum (备忘录)mid = middlemin = minute; minimummkt. = marketmod = moderate; modernMon. = Mondaymph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速)Mr. = MisterMrs. = MistressMS = manusc

29、ripts (手稿)msg = messageMt = Mount; mountainmus = music; museumn = north; noon; name; normalnat = national; native; naturaln.d. = no date (无日期)NLT = not later than (不迟于)No. = numberNov. = Novembernr = nearncry = necessaryNLT = No later thanobj = object; objectiveobs = obsolete (过时的); observeobt = obtainOct. = Octoberoff. = office; officialop. = opera; operation; oppositeord = ordinaryorg = organizationorig = originaloz. = ounce (盎司)p. = page; power; pressurepara = paragraphpart = partic

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