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1、cover1.Education1.惩罚使用12.很多学校的问题是由学生态度引起的。怎么形成的,如何解决13.过去人们认为学生需要学习,而现在认为学习应该是终生的24.阅读对于孩子很重要,所以家长应该鼓励孩子读他们感兴趣的35.竞争,合作?6.零花钱7.大学应该教理论知识还是实践8.卡通里暴力内容对孩子产生了负面作用,什么卡通适合孩子 9.有人说看电视有利于孩子的发展,有人不同意,你认为呢10.孩子应该尽早的学习第二语言,你同意吗 11.要求学生穿制服,一些人认为不利于学生的个性发展 12.上大学之前应该工作或旅行一年13.先天后天14.男女分校15.竞争,合作16.大学每一学科都接收同样多的


3、11.我们可以相信新闻吗12电视电脑终究会取代书籍?13.电脑的好坏14.广告的利弊15.电脑广泛使用的好坏16.使用电脑对孩子弊大于利,是否同意3.Social& Government1.吸烟应该定为违法2.独生子女政策对家长的影响3.旧建筑是否应该拆除4.老人应该和子女同住还是住在老人院5.纳税的重要性6.政府是否应该控制媒体中的暴力内容7.国家之间相互帮助8.城乡差距越来越大,原因,解决办法9.传统和本土语言的消失的原因10.对于青少年不利的信息是不是应该删去?11.政府投资12.抽烟是否引发社会问题?13.年轻女人犯罪的原因和解决方法14.主流文化对于世界文化多样性的优缺点15.青少年


5、决3.私家车的利弊8.Health& Sport1. 如何减压2.人们的压力越来越大,什么造成的,雇主应该怎么解决3.户外活动还是户内活动4.越来越多的孩子变胖,什么原因,怎么解决5.传统食物和快餐的区别9.Art& Museum1.政府应不应该限制艺术家的创作2.政府是不是应该资助传统艺术3.博物馆4.古迹应该拆除还是保留10.Family1.家长没时间陪孩子,让孩子看电视11.Animals1.应仁慈地进行动物实验2.动物实验的好处3.动物应该关在动物园里吗4.保护野生动物是浪费 5.动物是朋友还是食物1. Education1.惩罚使用In this day and age, it is

6、 universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individuals development. However, in the meanwhile, controversy has arisen over whether adolescents should be educated with punishment. Some individuals assert that punishment can effectively discipline adolescents because they believe

7、 that bitter pills may bring about wholesome outcome. As far as I am concerned, I believe this point of view is somewhat overly simplistic.On the one hand, punishment can exert adverse influence on childrens physical, psychological and emotional development. To start with, adolescents are in the sta

8、ge of development, which are vulnerable to get hurt. There is no doubt that some physical punishments may bring about irreparable and irreversible damages to youngsters, which is on no account what the parents or teachers want. Furthermore, punishment may contribute to childrens psychological illnes

9、ses, which will hurt childrens self-esteem and self-confidence. Several studies showed that most frequent physical punishment maybe lead to depression, juvenile crimes and even suicide. Finally, punishment is detrimental to the bond between parents and children. As a matter of fact, physical punishm

10、ent may cause frustrations, misunderstandings and even tears it will bring, which may even lead to intergenerational hatred.On the other hand, moderate punishment can bring some advantages. An argument that can be made in favor of this is that drawing a clear-cut line between reward and punishment m

11、ay cultivate adolescents self-restraint and foster their sense of responsibilities, which are crucial to childrens development. To illustrate, parents or teachers can give some material or spiritual reward to the adolescents with good performance, which can motivate unruly children to adjust their b

12、ehavior in order to get that reward. In the final analysis, I concede that moderate punishment may cultivate adolescents sense of responsibility and self restraint. On balance, however, I am convinced that the disadvantages of punishment to children outweigh its advantages, especially physical punis

13、hment, because it may undermine childrens physical, psychological and emotional development. 2.很多学校的问题是由学生态度引起的。这些问题是怎么形成的,如何解决In this day and age, the human race is advancing at a staggering rate in a multitude of arenas. However, in the meanwhile, many problems have emerged, a worrying one of whic

14、h is school violence. As a matter of fact, with the soaring incidence of school violence and school crimes, many have become disturbed and alarmed. In this essay, some possible causes of this phenomenon will be explored and then some solutions will also be proposed. It is manifest that a wide range

15、of factors contributes to the problems rooted from students attitudes. To start with, the rapid development of society offers more opportunities for the adolescents to contact the outside world. Some youngsters are not capable of distinguishing between right and wrong, thereby easily falling prey to

16、 social evils, such as alcohol abuse, smoking and drugs. Furthermore, family violence is another major factor causing adolescents psychological problems. To illustrate, physical punishment will hurt childrens self-esteem and self-confidence, which in turn makes some of those children have a tendency

17、 of violence. Finally, the weaknesses of education also contribute to the problems in schools. Students with good academic performance are usually the focus of teachers, whereas so-called “unruly students” are neglected.Considering these causes, the solution of this phenomenon should also be compreh

18、ensive. Firstly, schools should strengthen students moral education, giving them correct directions and cultivating their ability to tell right from wrong. Secondly, parents should spare no effect to communicate with their offspring so they can resolve their childrens problems and troubles timely. O

19、nly school and family take joint efforts can these problems be effectively resolved.To sum up, several causes contribute to school problems. I am convinced that we should take effective measures to urge schools and families to join hands, alleviating this disturbing problem.3.过去人们认为只有学生需要学习,而现在人们认为学

20、习应该是终生的,你怎么认为In this day and age, it is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individuals development. However in the meanwhile, controversy has arisen over whether education is a lifetime study. Some people assert that education should not end up with graduation. As far as

21、 I am concerned, I am in favor of their view. Convincing arguments can be made that lifetime education bring numerous advantages. To start with, study enables people to keep abreast with the improvement of science and technology. Our society is advancing at a staggering rate in a multitude of arenas

22、; as a consequence, people are required to keep upgrading their knowledge and skills so that they will not lag behind others. Furthermore, given limited time, college or university can on no account impart all the required knowledge to its students by the time they graduate. Take the development of

23、IT as an example, the dazzling information technologies come to the fore everyday; therefore, people would not be able to develop new technology and products unless they keep learning the latest knowledge. Finally, education provides people with entertainment and self-fulfillment. To illustrate, for

24、 the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill makes them feel relaxed and brings them happiness and satisfaction. Admittedly, the over-emphasis of education also causes some disadvantages. An argument to be made in favor of this is that people may pursue qualification or certificate blind

25、ly in order to increase their competitiveness in this fiercely competitive society. Obviously, this triggered a vicious circle that employers enhance the employment threshold, which causes a waste of talented persons. In the final analysis, I concede that the emphasis of education is not without its

26、 adverse effects. Despite that, the advantages created by education far outweigh the disadvantages. On balance, I am convinced that graduation is not the terminal of education; on the contrary, education should be seemed as a lifetime study because it is in the best interests of individuals and the

27、society as a whole. 4.阅读对于孩子很重要,所以家长应该鼓励孩子读他们感兴趣的In this day and age, it is universally acknowledged that reading plays a pivotal role in individuals development. But in the meanwhile, controversy has arisen over whether adolescents are entitled to read anything attracts them. Some assert that adole

28、scent should be allowed to read a wide range of books that they find interesting. As far as I am concerned, I agree with their view, but I would qualify it to some extent.On the one hand, reading brings about numerous benefits. To start with, reading is a decent teacher for the adolescents. I am har

29、d-pressed to imagine what our world would be without the companion of books. Specifically, reading can be instructive and inspiring, which provides various knowledge. Furthermore, reading expands adolescents horizons and enriches their experience and knowledge. Take history events as an example, onl

30、y with the help of historical books can we experience the memorable moments in the history, such as French Evolution and American Civil War. Finally, reading provides an ideal method for youngsters to obtain entertainment and relaxation. To illustrate, reading novels or some fashion magazines can ma

31、ke adolescents relax physically and psychologically, thereby easing their stress from study and peer pressures. On the other hand, books can also undermine adolescents psychological development, especially the reading materials with contents of violence, pornography and racism. An argument to be made in favor of this is that some adolescents are incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong; theref

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