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1、 A. survived B. lasted C. lived after D. endured8. Everyone knows that water _ oxygen and hydrogen. A. consists in B. is composed of C. is made from D. is consisted of9. The new discoveries there have _ greatly to our knowledge of the ancient civilization in China. A. contributed B. added C. proceed

2、ed D. attached10. If you have no _ use for this book, Ill give it to someone else. A. further B. latter C. spare D. continual11. Dick has _ his childish habits. A. outgrown B. outlet C. outnumbered D. outdone12. His parents _, the orphan is now taken care of by the government. A. have died B. having

3、 died C. dying D. dead13. He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice as if his thought _.A. was far away B. had been far away C. were far away D. went far away(C)14. The reporter failed to _ the story. A. track down B. track along C. track through D. track back15. A sudden report _ - like the sound of a ca

4、r backfiring. A. rang in B. rang up C. rang out D. rang through16. While he was in his office he preferred _.A.doing something than doing nothing do something rather than to do nothing C.doing something to do nothing D.doing something to doing nothing17. Some rulers have _ no lasting memorial.A

5、. left behind B. left for C. left out D. left alone18. His knowledge of French literature is _ mine.A. far superior than B. far superior to C. more superior to D. more superior thanB19. She preferred that he _ it in the kitchen.A. did B. does C. should do D. had doneC20. I resent _ to wash face when

6、 visitors are present. A. to tell B. telling C. being told D. having been told21. After _ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. being interviewed B. interviewing C. interviewed D. having interviewed22. _ not for gravity, there would be lots of things we could not do. A. If it

7、is B. Were it C. If it being D. It were23. It is here _ I first met her.A. where B. which C. when D. thatD24. She soon _ to do this regularly.A. found it possible B. found possibility C. found it being possible D. found possibleA25. That evening it was George _ left first.A. whom B. who C. which D.

8、he26. _ in London Lenin closely studied the English labor movement.A. As long as B. Although C. While D. As if27. He never went again, _ to apologize.A. nor did he write B. nor he wrote C. so did he write D. or he wrote28. He _ his success to luck more than _ capacity.A. appliedto B. broughtto C. ow

9、edto D. dueto29. Each man performed his _ task.A. appointed B. disappointed C. appointing D. disappointing30. He _ to amuse the children. A. was on his way B. lost his way C. was out of his way D. went out of his way31. The Mermaid Company will _ Hamlet next week. A. offer B. give C. be on show D. p

10、resent32. Nick had _ the fuel gauge _ and spread the bits all over. A. takenaside B. setaside C. scatteraround D. takenapart33. He knew himself to be raw, quite _ mistakes through his inexperience. A. able to make B. capable of making C. apt to making D. capable to make34. His expenses do not _ his

11、income. A. correspond to B. connect with C. link D. similar to35. She looked at me closely, eyes open wide and full of _. A. curious B. strange C. curiosity D. puzzled36. It is _ that John should be prepared for emergency. A. likely B. believed C. possible D. essential37. Hes stopped taking drugs no

12、w, but he may _ them again. A. revert to take B. revert to taking C. return back D. repeat38. It was a large diamond, but it had a _. A. mistake B. flaw C. shortcoming D. fault39. When the mistake was _ to him he hastened to correct it. A. pointed out B. talked C. pointed at D. felt40. It was decide

13、d at that time that the search _. A. was terminated B. had to be terminated C. be terminating D. be terminated41. I shall be glad when the concert _.A. draws to a close B. was brought to an end C. drew to a close D. brings to a close42. I _ the rush hour traffic so much so that I often avoid it by c

14、oming to work late.A. fear B. alarm C. dread D. dread of43. The football team is _ to fail in the competition if it continues to train that way.A. about B. bound C. determined D. approach44. Many politicians find such laws difficult to _. A. live with B. live up to C. deal about D. living with45. He

15、 had little trouble _ mathematics.A. to learn B. at learning C. to learning D. in learning46. It was this spirit that _ the darkest moments of the war. A. pulled them out of B. pulled them into C. pulled them D. pulled them through47. I remember _ for the job, but I forgot the exact amount. A. to be

16、 paid B. being paid C. me to be paid D. to have got paid48. I dont think you need take it too seriously. He _ funny. A. was just B. was just to be C. was just being D. had just been49. Please stay _.A. seating B. seated C. being seated D. to seat50. _ is money to him when he is dying? A. What good B

17、. What the use C. Whats the good of D. Whats the point of51. The military life agreed _ Marcel.A. to B. on C. in D. with52. I am sure youd be the first to be sorry if anything was to _ him. A. happen on B. happen to C. happened to D. happen upon53. The drowning had _ last May. A. occurred B. taken p

18、lace C. happened to D. taken the place54. The students and graduates _ to raise money when the gym burned down. A. put in force B. joined forces C. joined forces with D. come into force55. For five miles _ the road was bordered with apple orchards. A. in end B. to an end C. on end D. end up56. None

19、of his arguments seemed to me to _. A. hold over B. hold on C. hold water D. hold up57. Nothing delighted the small boy more than to _ his mothers handbag. A. turn over B. turned up C. turn on D. turn out58. Although only in his twenties, he was already _ bald. A. going B. turning C. growing D. runn

20、ing59. And _ she could speak again I began to talk.A. since B. before C. when D. until60. I had stuttered since my boyhood and _ talked very little.A. as a result B. in result C. with a result D. for a result61. Many married women manage to go out to work and _ a home as well.A. move B. start C. run

21、 D. keep62. The country is _ known deposits of coal and iron.A. short of B. missing C. lack in D. charging63. It would be months _ he was fit for work. A. although B. unless C. before D. until64. I was _ discouraged by this failure _ try again. A. very muchto B. enoughto C. much as to D. too muchto6

22、5. She had returned, unknown to me, _ the previous afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. by66. He _ his Marxist knowledge _ the events around him. A. repliedwith B. appliedwith C. appliedto D. repliedto67. Sentences today _ 5 or 6 words _ 70, with the majority not far from 20. A. range fromto B. rangeto C

23、. keepfrom D. keepto68. The purple butterflies fluttered about visiting each flower _ turn. A. on B. in C. of D. for69. The idea sounds good, but will it work _? A. practical B. in practice C. out of practice D. by practice70. Dont _ about getting dinner for me today. A. puzzle B. interrupt C. bothe

24、r D. interfere71. His firm _ helps him avoid repeating such a mistake. A. evolution B. solution C. resolve D. revolution72. Its a difficult business _ in time. A. in getting everything ready B. that everything is ready C. to be ready with everything D. getting everything ready73. Johns back home _;

25、he wont go away again. A. once and for all B. once C. once again D. once more74. I never expect you to turn _ at the meeting. I thought you had gone abroad. A. up B. in C. down D. out75. They discussed the matter _ tea and cakes. A. over B. while C. with D. at76. It is not always so easy to tell the

26、 true _ the false. A. as well B. instead of C. from D. than77. The Industrial Revolution displayed a new _. A. period B. era C. time D. page78. You should abide _ your promise as a man of honor. A. to B. for C. by D. with C79. I was _ discouraged by this failure _ try again. A. very muchto B. enoughto C. much as to D. too muchto80. She had returned, unknown to me, _ the previous afternoon.81. He _ his Marxist knowledge _ the events around him. A. repliedwith B. appliedwith C. appliedto D. replie

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