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unit 10 课件Word格式文档下载.docx

1、English English & British Elnglish“British English” = English written and spoken by educated speakers in England and, with minor differences, in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. English English &On the contrary, “English English”is

2、used to refer to a variety associated only with England - the birthplace of Englishfor the most part. -social accent associated with the BBC-British Received Pronunciation (RP)Read the quotations and tell whether you agree or disagree.Differences in grammarDifferences of AE vs. EE (RP)1.Differences

3、in Pronunciation r-more, tear, tour a-example; fast i-sentimental whwhale, which ercomputer 短音的o(如often),dog / 长音o后面如果有r-儿化了, 没有r的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。 2. Differences in Grammar verb form AE: learned; learned got; gotten EE: learnt; learnt got; got the subjective form They suggeste

4、d that Smith be dropped from the team. If I had known it, I would tell you. They suggested that Smith should be dropped from the team. Had I known it, I would tell you. the tense I just saw your brother. Ive just seen your brother. the modal verbs articles the collective nounsSpelling differences re

5、和-er:部分以re结尾的词在美语中以er结尾,如: metre/meter, centimetre/centimeter, theatre/theater, centre/center等等 our和or:英语部分our在美语中的拼写为or,如: colour/color, favourite/favorite等等。 -ise和ize:英语中的-ise动词在美语中拼写为-ize,如: organise/organize, actualise/actualize, realise/realize 这些词的衍生也因此而异: organisation/organization 3. Vocabula

6、ry Differences Different words, same meaningAE: candy couch fall gas sidewalk EE: sweets sofa autumn petrol pavement Same word, different meaning AE EEbill: a piece of paper money; a list of thingscorn: maize; wheatshop: workshop, factory; store4. Habitual Expressions5.语气: 英国人的语气抑扬顿挫,语调高亢,和法语颇有几分类似(

7、不过他们是不会承认的),并且英国人嘲笑美国人说话有气无力,松散无韵律。 美国人说话相对比较稳重低沉,句势通常呈降调,并且速度慢一些。美国人则爱嘲笑英国人的语气的轻微的歇斯底里,女里女气的说法。Conclusion Function to recognize the varieties of English : enables users to use and interpret English appropriately and correctly in different communicative situations. The purpose for the comparison of

8、EE and AE : to be aware of their differences and use them in a consistent way, not to say which is good, which is bad, which is decent and which is vulgar. The key principle is: Be consistent.A new variety of English -China English 1980年,葛传规先生就提出了“中国英语”的概念。 如科举(imperial examinations)、 翰林院(Han Lin Yu

9、an)、 五四运动(May Fourth Movement)、 白话文 (baihua wen或 baihua)、 人民公社(peoples commune)、 四个现代化(four modernizations) 贾冠杰和向明友 (1997:11) 中国英语: 中国英语是“操汉语的人们使用的,以标准英语为核心,具有无法避免或有益于传播中华文化的中国特色的英语变体 ”。Features of China English 1. 符合英语的一般语法规则并且能为以英语为母语的人所理解和接受 ; 2. 它传达了中国特有的文化和思维方式; 3. 在国际交流交往中,用于表达富有中国特色特征的事物 ; 4.

10、 它具有语音、词汇、句法和语篇等语言特征 。 Tai Chi(太极拳 )、Kungfu(拳术,武术,功夫) mahjong(麻将)、Yangko (秧歌 )、 Shi Ching(诗经)、Taoism(道 教 )、fengshui(风水 )、Confucius(孔子)、Mencius(孟子 ) Maoism(毛泽东思想 )、paper tiger(纸老虎) “菜篮子 工 程 (vegetable basket project)”、 “乡 镇 企 业(township enterprises)” One World One Dream (一个世界 ,一个梦想 ), Section 2 Diffe

11、rences in medium交际方式的差别 -written English and spoken English Compare the following sentences. 1. Hardly had we reached the airport, when the plane took off. The plane had taken off before we reached the airport.Example of spoken English Don:Cancer is from too many cigarettes. John: John Wayne smoked

12、five packs a day and they took a piece of his lung out. Don: I just take a couple of drags(吸口烟) from each butt(烟头). Tom: I heard a guy who got cirrhosis(肝硬化) of the liver and he never took a drink in his life. Jack: Yeah, but most of its from too much booze(烈性酒) and no food. You get holes in your li

13、ver.Features of spoken English 1. SE is spontaneous(自发的): hesitations, backtracking, changes in the middle of an idea or sentence; omissions, repetitions; 2. SE is unplanned; 3. SEs sentence constructions are often loose or ungrammatical; with incomplete expressions . 4. with short and most common w

14、ords; plenty of colloquialisms and slangs.More examples of SE 1. And, oh, I say! 2. Havent seen you for ages! Afraid I cant come. 3. She learned English or French? 4. I just hate everybody. Oh, no, not you, Kate, but everybody. 5. I read my paper tomorrow morning. 1. Intimate: Electric fan! 2. Casua

15、l: Turn off the fan! Will you turn off the fan please? 3. consultative: May I have the fan turned off? Would you mind turning off the fan? 4. formal: I wonder if you would mind your turning off the fan? Im sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to turning off the fan for me, please.Features of wr

16、itten English 1. WE is planned; 2. WE is formal; 3. WEs grammatical; more carefully structured; 4. WE tends to use longer words of Latin origin, and often relies on rhetorical devices for effectiveness. In the three short decades between now and the twenty-first century, millions of ordinary, psycho

17、logically normal people will face an abrupt collision with the future. Citizens of the worlds richest and most technologically advanced nations, many of them will find it increasingly painful to keep up with the incessant demand for change that characterizes our time. For them, the future will have

18、arrived too soon. Western society for the past 300 years has been caught up in a fire storm of change. This storm, far from abating, now appears to be gathering force. Change sweeps through the highly industrialized countries with waves of ever accelerating speed and unprecedented impact. It spawns

19、in its wake all sorts of curious social florafrom psychedelic churches and free universities to science cities in the Arctic and wife-swap clubs in California. (Toffler, 1970) (从现在起到21世纪的短短30年中,干百万心理正常的普通人将会突然发现,他们与未来格格不入。在世界上最富有、技术最先进的国家的公民当中,许多人会发现,他们跟不上作为当代特征的变革所提出的要求,因而日益感到烦恼。对他们来说,未来到得太快了 300年来

20、,西方社会一直处在变革的风暴中。这场风暴不仅远未减退,而且愈加猛烈。这场变革的浪潮以空前未有的加速度和冲击力,席卷高度工业化的国家,随之产生了各种奇异的社会现象,从“幻觉教堂,和“自由大学”到北极的科学城和加利福尼亚州的换妻俱乐部。)Section 3 语言的社会变体 有些语言变异跟说话人的社会身份(年龄、性别、社会阶层等)有关,这些语言变体可以称为语言的社会变体。社会语言学的研究发现,与语言变异最明显相关的社会因素是性别、年龄、社会阶层、民族和种族。可以分别称为性别变体、年龄变体、阶层变体、民族(或种族)变体等。3.1 种族变体black English语音特征1. 辅音连缀 词首中的辅音连

21、缀thr常被th 代替 str常被skr代替 through-thewstrength-skrength frequent simplification of consonant clusters.词尾的辅音连缀最后一个字母常被略读: grasp-gras; risk-ris desk des; wild wil; old ol2. /r/音的省略 处于音节末尾的r在黑人英语中不卷舌:car-ca more-mo3.词首的/ / 常被/ t/d/ 取代:3 4./l/音的省略 黑人英语常省略掉词中间或词尾的/l/。toll-toehelp-hepwill-wiBlack English的句法特

22、征1. be表示时间关系 在标准美语中,人们常用副词来强调此时此刻发生的动作或连续发生的动作。而美国黑人则用不变化的动词be 来表示。He be studying. He is studying.She be exhausted. She is often exhausted. 2. s词尾变化的消失。 许多生活在社会和经济地位低下的黑人把表示名词复数、名词所有格和第三人称单数动词家-s的词尾变化都省略掉了。My mama talk all the time. My mama talks all the time.He dance well. He dances well. 但有趣的是,许多黑

23、人却在非单数第三人称中加-s。 You walks; I walks; They walks. 这个动词词尾的s不是第三人称单数的标志,而是一般现代时的标志。3. 连系动词的省略。 黑人英语一个非常独特的句法特点是发生词型变化的连系动词或助动词be的省略。如果一个动作或状态具有固定的时间,或者处于静止不变的情况,并不经常发生或重复出现,这时句子中的be常常可以省略。4. 黑人英语中常用Its a.句型代替美国标准英语中的There is .a引导的表示“存在”的句型。 Its four boys and two girls in the family. =There are four boys

24、 and two girls in the family. Its a big dinner tonight. =There is a big dinner tonight. 5. “多重否定” 此外,当句子中有一个否定代词如”nothing. Nobody”时, 黑人有时把句中否定式的系动词或情态动词放在句首构成否定的陈述句。Black English词汇特征 1. 在词汇方面,总的来说黑人英语与标准美语是一致的,不同于标准美语的词汇只占极小的一部分。黑人英语 标准美语goober peanuttote carrymate wifecubs childrenold uns old oness

25、caire scarefore beforetelefoam telephone.2. 拼写特征 1最常见的,就是把er结尾的字母改成单一的“a”, 如最为黑人垢病的字眼nigger(黑鬼)-nigga, Motherfucker-muthafucka, player-playa, 只要字尾是er的,都可照此一语法改成a。 2.ks 或 cks结尾的文字,也以一个x代替,因为ks(cks)和x的发音相同 如thanks-thanx, checks(现金)-chex,此用法也成为定则。 3.o的用法也很特色, 如Love改成了Luv,nothing改成了nuthin, 此外,像字中的s,常改成了

26、z, 如cause-kuz,easy-EZ, 4.而有二文法已成为不只黑人使用,也要成为通行全美的通则了,即如going to-gonna, want to-wanna。此外,如out of-outta,kind of-kinda,sort of-sorta,已成一新英文文法。 5. re或e此种在快语速情况下几乎听不到的字,都被省略了,如more成了mo(如黑人电影more money, 即缩写成mo money),for改成了fo,或用数字4 (音同)取代。 6.ing之中g的省略,也成了全美通用的文法,如nothing改成了nuthin, comming改成了commin等,只要是ing

27、进行式就可以省略g。3.2 性别变体 English gender varieties 语言使用与性别也存在一定的相关性。虽然几乎不存在纯粹的男性语言和女性语言,但是语言的使用会受到性别差异的影响却是一种普遍现象。性别变体-语言特点 在社会背景相同的情况下,女性更喜欢使用声望较高的言语形式。 此外,女性更喜欢使用礼貌用语。相对而言,女性的言语比较婉转,而男性言语与女性言语相比相对直接,相对粗俗,同时也相对缺少一些礼貌。性别变体-词汇特点 女性倾向于使用诸如“lovely”, “sweet”, “divine”, “nice”, ”darling”, ”cute” , “adorable”, “

28、charming”等形容词,使得这些词的使用几乎成了女性言语的标志, Female: Oh darling, youve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again. Male: Shit, youve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again. 女性在交际中更喜欢使用语义具体的,能够体现微弱色彩区别的色彩词,如mauve紫红, aquamarine浅绿, lavender淡紫, beige浅褐色, ecru米色等。 在表示请求时,女性倾向于使用疑问句式,而不是祈使句,因为疑问句式听起来更委婉、婉转,因此

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